Read High Stakes (The Kingdom Book 2) Online

Authors: Nikki Groom

Tags: #Fiction

High Stakes (The Kingdom Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: High Stakes (The Kingdom Book 2)
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“You were fabulous, darling,” Beth praises. “Go, call your man. Then I’m taking you to lunch before we need to turn on the charm for round two.”

“Okay, thanks.”

I delve into my purse, and check my cell before calling Denham. Beth exits the room to give us some privacy, although I don’t expect her to as this is her office also, I’m grateful that I don’t have to speak in code.

“King,” he answers abruptly.

“Hi, it’s me,” I say, my voice is small as I’m a little taken aback by his tone, especially as my name should have come up on the screen.

“Ari, I’m sorry. My cell has been ringing off the hook and I didn’t even check who it was. Are you okay?” he asks concerned.

“I’m fine. How’s Tara? Has she woken up yet?”

“No, she’s out for the count. I’ve had a doctor out to her, and her vitals are fine, she just needs to sleep it off. I don’t know what she’s taken this time, but it’s knocked her out, much like I will when she’s back ’n’ bouncin’.”


“No,” he answers quietly “No, I’m not.”

My heart breaks at his admission. He didn’t even try to hide it. He’s not alright. I feel guilty. I should be there with him. I
to be there with him. For him.

“Do you want me to come back? I could tell Beth I’m not feeling well or something …”

“No. No, I don’t want that. I want you to tell me what you’ve been doing today. Tell me something normal.”

“Um … I had a meeting this morning with a potential supplier,” I say, picking up the enthusiasm in my voice.

“That’s great, Stunner. And how was it?” I hear the smile in his voice, and it makes me happy that I can do that.

“It was great. We talked autumn lines, colors, fabrics. Oh, Denham, you should see some of their garments, they’re to die for.” I know I’m rambling, but I can’t stop it. I’m pretty sure I could talk for hours like this.

“You’re a pro. I’m proud of you, Ari.”

He’s proud of me. He’s proud of

“Thanks.” I blush. My mom always told me how proud she was of me, but she’s my mom. That’s what moms are supposed to do. So, such a compliment coming from someone who pays it just because they feel it is amazing.

“I’m sorry, Stunner. I have a call coming on the other line, and they won’t seem to go away. And I need to check on T. Call me if you need me, okay?”

“Okay. Same goes for you …”

“Okay. I … I hope your afternoon is good.”

“Thanks,” I say before swallowing the large lump in my throat. Not only was it hard to cut him off when I know he would rather me be with him but, I think he was going to say those words again.

Beth breezes back into the room with her cell pressed to her ear talking loudly to the person on the other end. She grabs her purse from her bottom drawer, while still talking, and drops it on the desk to rummage around inside it before pulling out a lipstick and applying it with expert precision,
while talking.

“Stop it,” she laughs down the phone, and the blush that creeps up her cheeks is so subtle if you blinked, you would miss it. “Not while I’m at work … I gotta go. Okay. You too. Bye, babes. Bye.”

She tosses her cell into the depths of her purse and slings it over her shoulder.

“Ready?” she asks.

“Yeah,” I answer, perplexed. I don’t know why, but I never thought she had a husband or partner. It surprised me to see her soft side. Not that I didn’t know she has one. It just surprised me that it was shown like that. I do know that under that tough exterior, she’s a sweetheart, and I’m so happy that she has someone.

“Does the guy that thinks he looks like Van Damme, have to come with?” She screws her nose up, and it makes me laugh.

“Yes, I’m afraid so. You know Denham. He’s just trying to keep me safe.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. I was just kidding.” She waves a dismissive hand in my direction but keeps walking.

“The shaved head, vest and combats don’t do it for you, Beth?” I joke.

“Not my type, honey,” she replies, and winks, and I get the feeling there’s more to that comment but I don’t feel like I know her well enough yet on a personal level to ask.

Lunch goes by quickly as we talk a lot, and eat just as fast. And, I didn’t even notice that commando was there the whole time. Maybe I was making a fuss about nothing. I just have to be normal and let him do his job. He knows what he’s doing, and so far he’s doing it well.

The second meeting comes around quickly, too. The suppliers are very formal this time, and they seem hard to please, but Beth insists that I shouldn’t make up my mind before we know for sure if we have their approval. A poker face seems imperative in this industry, and it’s something I really need to work on.

Beth on the other hand, has it perfected.

The shop floor is busy when we return, and it’s all hands on deck to help the customers. I love that I’m not stuck in the office doing the behind the scenes stuff, and I love that Beth is the kind of boss that wants to be involved in every aspect of her business.

Although she’d be happy to assist anyone in the boutique, it’s clear that there are certain clients that come in for Beth’s attention only. There’s something prestigious about being served by the boss. Only the best. And, she treats them like long lost friends, too. They put their trust in her knowledge of what will suit them best, and from what I’ve seen, she never steers them wrong.

“James. Darling …” I hear her call across the shop floor. Another special customer. Probably with another ridiculously high budget. Not that I’m complaining, it’s what pays my very reasonable wages. But, I’m always amazed at the amount of money people will pay for designer clothing. I glance over quickly at the person Beth has just greeted. I can only see from behind, but no doubt Beth will introduce us as she has done with every one of her ‘special’ customers so far. He’s tall, broad and with very dark hair, almost black, styled in a neat short back and sides, with the top slightly longer, and even from behind there’s something intriguing about him.

I fold a dress for the person Layla has just served, wrapping it in silver embossed tissue paper and place it in the ‘Chique’ signature crisp, glossy, white bag.

“Arianna …” Beth calls from across the room. “Come, there’s someone I want you to meet.”

Maybe this is the person she was talking to earlier. Her lover? No. Doesn’t seem like it somehow. I cross the marble floor with a few easy strides and her friend/customer/lover turns to greet me.


It’s like something explodes in my chest.

I can’t breathe.

It’s him.

The room spins as I try to focus on his face. It’s been such a long time, and I never thought I would see him again, but that didn’t stop his face from haunting my dreams.

He’s changed in the eighteen months I haven’t seen him. His hair is shorter. Sharper. He has facial hair, too. It’s trimmed neatly in sharp lines and angles; accentuating his cheekbones and making his face look more dangerous somehow.

He regards me intently, with a professional, inquisitive smile spread across his face.

“Arianna. This is my good friend, and most regular customer, James,” she gushes.

Good friend?


She smiles in his direction playing her part well, giving it all the bravado she needs to keep her most prestigious client sweet. But I’m sure he’s charmed her, even just a small part.

I know how smooth he can be when he wants people to believe his façade. I know he’s wrapped her around his little finger. Probably brought a lot of customers her way.

“James, this is my number one employee, Arianna Fraser.”

His eyes darken as his pupils pulse and dilate. A hint of a smirk makes the corners of his lips twitch. This is the first time in eighteen months that we have come face to face. Time seems to slow, and what is probably just a couple of seconds, plays out in slow motion. Every nanosecond brings the fear higher up my body. Blood whooshes through my veins, saturated with adrenaline making my legs shake underneath me.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Arianna,” he says smoothly. He takes my hand, which is dangling limply by my side, and pulls it to his lips, forcing me to take a small step forward to regain my balance. His eyes study mine intently, and I want to rip my hand away from his grasp. I want to run through the building and never come back. But, I can’t do that. He’s clearly one of Beth’s best customers, and I don’t want her to be pissed at me. My mind isn’t working fast enough to figure a way out of this situation without making a scene. So I stay silent. He has me trapped in plain sight. Cornered so tight there’s nowhere to run.

I nod in acknowledgement to his words, but I can’t trust myself to speak right now. I’m using every ounce of my control to stop the world around me from spinning, and my head gets lighter and lighter the longer he’s touching my hand. One big spin makes me stumble to try and catch my balance, I feel as though I’m going to pass out. Maybe that’s the best solution in this situation.

“Steady,” he reassures, taking me at the elbow and trying to steady me. When I don’t quite stand straight, he takes it upon himself to wrap the other arm around my shoulder. He looks down at me with fake concern, but holds my shoulder too tight with his grasp.

“Arianna, darling … Are you okay?” Beth asks, her voice filled with concern.

“Maybe she needs some water. Here, I’ll help her sit.”

“Yes, water. I’ll be right back,” Beth answers.

Jonny guides me to a nearby leather couch, and helps me to sit. His hands don’t touch me inappropriately to the naked eye. But any touch coming from him is inappropriate as far as I’m concerned. Just the mere thought of him touching me makes me feel faint, and now we are momentarily alone. He guides me so my back is resting against the back of the couch, and I let him, not knowing how much more of this I can put up with for the sake of Beth, but trying my hardest to retain a modicum of composure.

He glances around us quickly, then leans in to whisper in my ear “I’ve missed you, Arianna, baby.” He buries his nose in my neck and inhales. “My beautiful girl.”

No. Composure goes out of the window the second his nose touches me. “I can’t. I can’t do this,” I mumble with a shaky voice, scrambling to get up. I muster up every bit of energy to leap up off the couch and make for the office.

“Arianna,” he calls calmly when I’m a couple of footsteps away.

“Just leave,” I say through gritted teeth, trying to keep my voice low and my temper even, at least until I have gotten out of here.

“No,” he says calmly, leaning back with one elbow propped casually on the arm of the couch, and his legs crossed. “That would be far too easy for you. How is lover boy, and his sister? Tara … isn’t it?”

I breathe but I can’t take in enough air.

I can hear his words, but my mind struggles to process what he means.

“What did you do to her?” I hiss. “Was that you? This morning …”

“Hey,” he says holding his hands up. “I was merely asking how she is … King also has a brother, am I right? … Spike, or Preston as he’s formally known, isn’t it?”

Is he making veiled threats? Or is it more of a covered promise?

I need to be away from here. Away from him. But I’m arguing with myself, and with the fact that it doesn’t matter how fast I run, or how far.

I can’t escape.

Then what’s the use in trying?

I’m going to face it. Face him.

I straighten my back, pull my shoulders up, and force the oxygen through my lungs.

I’m not the person he left battered and broken nearly two years ago. I’m not the person he beat down until there was nothing left but a shell. I’m not that girl.

“Get out,” I grate, through my clenched jaw.

“That’s not a very nice way to speak, Arianna. Did I teach you nothing?”

“Fine,” I answer, tilting my chin up “I have things to do. If you’ll excuse me …” I turn and make it two steps before his fingers grasp my elbow.

“I have something for you ...”

I turn in his direction and jab a finger in his chest. “You have nothing I could possibly want,” I spit out “Nothing, do you hear me?” What have I got to lose? Is he going to drag me through the building kicking and screaming? Because that’s exactly what I’d do. Kick, and scream. Until everyone knew who he was. Besides, I have the commando at the door. Denham would be here within minutes. Jonny wouldn’t stand a chance.

He pulls open one side of his blazer, and takes a red rose from his inside pocket, offering it in my direction. “Your security wouldn’t let my guy deliver this to you earlier, so I thought I had better deliver it myself.” He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes and I know that he could never smile a true smile borne from happiness. Every tilt of his lips is tainted with evil, always with a calculated agenda.

“I knew it,” I whisper.

Deep down, I knew it. I just didn’t want to admit it. I wanted to believe it was Denham.

BOOK: High Stakes (The Kingdom Book 2)
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