Read High Stakes (The Kingdom Book 2) Online

Authors: Nikki Groom

Tags: #Fiction

High Stakes (The Kingdom Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: High Stakes (The Kingdom Book 2)
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“Yes, I want it to last forever.”

“Forever wouldn’t be long enough with you,” he whispers before his lips leave a blazing trail down my neck, making me groan when he sucks the sensitive curve of my shoulder. His hands roam my body and he pushes my robe off my shoulders ridding me of it completely. He takes his time, letting his eyes wander and take in my naked form. I’ve been doing the same all evening and if he feels remotely like I do then he’ll never be able to get enough.

He tangles one hand in the hair at the nape of my neck, and tugs me back gently so my back arches, pushing my chest up and into him. He takes the opportunity to kiss my neck, and down my sternum, between my breasts. My body isn’t able to find the strength to stay upright so I fall back gently as Denham kisses a path down my flat belly and stops momentarily just below, letting his warm breath brush across my skin before lifting his lust filled eyes in my direction, flashing me a sexy smile and that dimple. His hands trail down my legs, stopping at my knees and pushing gently until they fall open.

This is by far the most exposed I’ve ever been. On a rooftop, in the open air, and although it’s just me and my man, I can’t help but feel like we are more exposed than we actually are. No walls to make us secluded from the rest of Las Vegas, no boundaries to keep us from the night, but there is no risk of being discovered.

Denham’s tongue licking up my inner thigh brings me back from my musings, and when he reaches the apex of my thighs, I hold my breath until he licks down the other side and I let out a sigh.

“Slow, Ari. This is going to be real slow,” he says huskily.

He dips his finger in the melted chocolate that’s still on the table and grins at me mischievously. With the liquid still dripping, he twirls his finger in circles over the top of my stomach, and then drags his finger through my folds.

I gasp, and then groan when his mouth replaces his finger and he sucks gently.

“Oh, god,” I moan.

He sucks harder, and my hips involuntarily buck up off the cushion. It’s a reaction I can’t control, and I only let them back down again when Denham removes his mouth.

“I know he’s a pretty big figure, Stunner, but I don’t want any other man’s name on your lips. Mine only. Just mine. Especially when it’s my tongue between your legs.”

He makes a slow crawl back up my body, and pushes his tongue between my parted lips. His movements are slow and deliberate. He tastes of chocolate and … me.

With every sweep of his tongue he makes a slow circle with his hips, his erection pushes against me through the material of his shorts. I’m now desperate to have him inside of me. Every muscle below my waist aches in anticipation of what those hips can do to me.

I push at his waistband, hoping I can rid him of his shorts quickly.

“I want there to be nothing between us,” I state, and I’m not even embarrassed to say it.

“Patience, Stunner,” he says with a smirk, knowing exactly what he’s doing to me. “I told you, we’re taking it slow tonight.”

Well, we will soon see about that. I place my hands flat on his chest, and push him off me gently. He tilts his head in question, but the smirk stays firmly in place. It’s my turn to see how slow he can take it, and I plan on having him begging me for more.

When I straddle his hips, and gently push him backwards, his chest rises and falls faster, and I know I’m going to win this one easily.

“You want slow, Mr. King?” I ask sweetly.

He shakes his head and laughs, “Yeah, stunner. Real slow.”

I rise up so I’m still straddling his legs with my knees, but I’m able to pull on the tie holding his shorts up. The waistband loosens enough for me pull them down, and his erection springs free.

I resist the urge to take him in my mouth straight away, instead I treat him to the same melted chocolate action as he did me, scooping out some with two fingers and drizzling it over his body. I take my time, lapping up the trails, licking and sucking everywhere but where he wants me to. His breaths are coming notably faster, and I know it’s driving him crazy.

So, when I do finally seal my mouth over him, I take his length deep into my throat in one move.

“Fuck,” he barks. His hands are grabbing the cushion underneath him, so hard his knuckles are white.

I start to move up and down his shaft, licking and sucking and flicking my tongue over the tip as I come back up. His hips start to gyrate with the rhythm of my mouth and I know he’s past taking it slow.

“Come here,” he orders on a breathy groan.

“We’re still taking it slow, right?” I say as I make my way up his body to find his waiting lips.

“We’re taking it however you want it, Stunner. Fast. Slow. However you like. As long as it involves my cock being deep inside you, that’s all I want.”

There’s no smirks or smiles coming from him now. His face is a picture of lust. His eyes are flicking over my body, not knowing where to look next but wanting to see everywhere and everything we’re doing.

We’re both sticky, and covered in chocolate, but it doesn’t matter one bit.

Denham hands me a condom, and I tear it open with my teeth, after showing me how to do this, I’m not worried about it at all, in fact, I make a show of it. Rolling it ever so slowly, watching his head drop back and snap back up to watch. I stroke him a couple of times for good measure then hover over his hips, letting just the tip touch me but not lowering just yet.

I want his mouth on mine when he enters me.

I move up and down, just an inch at a time, getting fractionally lower with each move.

I capture every moan of his with my mouth, and finally when I can’t take it any longer, I drop fast. It seats him deep inside me, and we both cry out.

My mouth leaves his and I sit upright on him, circling my hips against his as he encircles my waist with his big hands.

I forget where we are. I forget that our sounds are carried through the Las Vegas night air, and are probably being heard by someone somewhere on the strip. All of it pales into oblivion when Denham drops his hips from under me, and thrusts upwards, holding my waist and pulling me into him. The sensations send me crazy as he does this over and over again, grinding his pelvis against mine when we make contact and dropping away again.

“Ari, are you gonna come? Fuck … I can’t hold on.”

Tension builds. The guttural sounds coming from both of us get louder, and when Denham’s movements get faster with no let up, and his jaw clenches tight, I know he’s on the edge of his orgasm.

“Yes, fuck yes,” I pant.

The coil that’s wound so tight inside me reaches its peak, and with the next thrust, he pushes me past the point of oblivion. My hair flails wildly around me, as I drop my head back and Denham pushes into me hard, riding out my orgasm before his follows just after. He growls through gritted teeth, and it’s one of the sexiest noises I’ve ever heard.

My body starts to go limp, as I come down from the orgasm induced high, and I flop forward to lie on Denham’s chest. His heart beats wildly under my ear, and his chest inflates and deflates at a rapid rate.

He rolls us until we both lay on our sides, and runs his fingers through my hair, while kissing my face all over.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers. “Stunning when you come for me.”

I smile at him, and he kisses me tenderly on the lips, but even that feels like it uses more energy than I have.

“I think you broke me,” I groan as my eyes start to feel heavy.

“Stunner, you’re not broken, you just need to sleep.” He laughs, wrapping one of his legs over mine and pulling me in closer to his chest.

“I’m sticking to the chocolate on your chest,” I giggle, trying to peel myself from him.

“I like you being stuck to me. In fact, we could stay here and let the chocolate set and be stuck together, that way I wouldn’t have to worry about you.”

“You hired a fleet of commandos, I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” I joke. But, it just brings us back to reality a little and I sigh.

“It won’t always be like this, Ari. I promise.”

“I know,” I whisper, nuzzling into him and drifting off to sleep.

I curse as I fling the covers off, and fly out of bed.

I’m late.

Well, not officially late, yet. I have to get to the boutique in half an hour, and I’m still half covered in chocolate from last night. I fell asleep snuggled with Denham on the rooftop, and sometime during the night Denham carried me back downstairs, and into bed. I haven’t slept so deeply in such a long time. No dreams. No nightmares. Just real life tiredness, brought on from working, and sexy time with my man.

Denham turns over in bed, and some of the sheet falls away from his legs. The stark whiteness of the bed linen is a delicious contrast to his tan skin, and I admire him momentarily before I remember, I’m late, and the longer I stand here gawking at him, the later I’m going to be.

I half run into the bathroom, turning on the shower, and jumping in with a squeal as it hasn’t had time to warm up. I wash in record time, but my hair takes a little longer as there are strands that have dried chocolate in them.

No time for any preening today, once I’m out and dried, I run through the bedroom with my hair wrapped in a towel, flinging open wardrobe doors, and throwing the first skirt and blouse that I come to, on the bed.

“What’s the hurry, Stunner?” Denham groans in a husky, half asleep, deliciously sexy voice. It does things to me. My insides involuntarily clench, and a pink flush spreads across my chest. Judging by the tent effect when Denham shifts in bed, I’d say his train of thought is on the same track as mine.

No! No time for this!

“I’m late. Late, late, late,” I mumble, ruffling the towel through my long hair, and deciding it’s going to have to be tied up in a tight, neat bun, without even being dried.

I pull some underwear out of the drawer, and drop the towel on the floor before stepping into my panties, and fumbling with the bra that is struggling to fit properly on my damp skin.

“Call, Beth.”

“Why?” I question.

“Because, Stunner. I want you to peel those scant little strips of lace off your body, and I want you to do it real slow.” He props himself up on one elbow and smirks. “There’s no way you’re going to make it to work in the next hour or so.” His voice takes on an even huskier edge, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt so torn in my life. I so badly want to strip for him. I want to take my time with him. But, this is only the second day at my new job, and whether Denham can wrap Beth around his little finger, is not the point. Arriving late or calling in, due to an inability to control my lust, is very unprofessional.

So, I pretend he didn’t just say that.

I whip my clothes off the bed, turn my back, and dress fully. But, I do it fast, and just as I fasten the zip up the back of my pencil skirt, Denham clasps both my hands in his, and holds them securely in the small of my back.

“You didn’t think that was a good idea, Ari?” he whispers into the nape of my neck, right before he places light kisses down as far as my clothing will allow.

I almost fail to produce words as he pushes his hips into me, showing me just how much he wants me out of my underwear.

“I … I think it’s a really good idea. But, I have to work. Please don’t make me choose, it would be impossible,” I groan dramatically, rolling my head back and resting it on his shoulder.

BOOK: High Stakes (The Kingdom Book 2)
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