Highland Knight of Rapture (Highland Dynasty Book 4) (23 page)

BOOK: Highland Knight of Rapture (Highland Dynasty Book 4)
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Rocking back on his haunches, he ran the pad of his thumb down her sex and swirled it through her moisture. “You’re so wet for me.”

“’Tis a good thing?” she asked with a tremor in her voice.

His deep chuckle rolled through her chest. “Aye, a very good thing.”

Helen closed her eyes and moved her hips in tandem with his caresses. Gently, he slipped a finger inside her. In and out—oh, how unbearably tantalizing his touch. Helen’s breathing sped. Never would she have believed she could feel this completely aroused. Only her deep love for Eoin could allow such unabashed intimacy. She opened her eyes and drank in his manhood while Eoin tempted her with his feather-light strokes.

Gasping, she could manage one syllable. “Now.”

Eoin grinned and shifted his hips forward while guiding his erection to her entrance. Helen spread her legs wider. His tip filled her, stretched her taut, yet it felt amazing. She braced herself for the pain.

He took his weight onto his elbows and lay atop her without crushing. Rocking his hips forward, he slid deeper inside while covering her mouth and entwining her tongue with his. Completely and utterly alive, Helen gave in to the most thrilling experience of her life. Devoid of pain, her insides were slick with moisture, and welcomed him, as if telling her this had always been the man with whom she should be joined.

Together their breathing sped as they united in a glorious dance between a man and a woman who’d spent most of their lives suppressing their affection for one another.

Helen closed her eyes and gave in to the amazing merging her body and soul with the only man she had ever loved. The years apart only made their lovemaking all the more enjoyable. Just when she thought the pleasure could not grow better, her body shuddered on a pinnacle of pure ecstasy. Losing complete control, she cried out, bursting into magnificent spasms around him.

Eoin pressed up with his palms and thrust deep and fast. With a basal, shuddering moan, he pulled away and found his release.

Helen smoothed her fingers up and down his back, soothing him while his entire body tremored above her.

Gradually his breathing stilled and he kissed her with a passion more fervent than their first kiss in the shed on that rainy day.

Helen’s heart squeezed tight while a tear moistened the corner of her eye. “I had no idea it could be like this.”

Chapter Twenty-Three



Helen’s eyes flew open at the sound of Maggie’s cries. Beside her, Eoin’s body was so warm, she hated to slip out of bed into the chilly morning air. But her daughter needed tending, and through God’s grace, she was now the only person to provide that care. She found her shift in the mussed pile of garments on the floor, and pulled it over her head, then wrapped a woolen blanket around her shoulders. Shuffling to the makeshift cradle, Maggie stopped crying as soon as Helen peered over the edge.

“Are you hungry, lassie?”

Secured by her swaddling clothes, Maggie wiggled and grinned.

“Let us change out these linens first.” Though it was common practice to remove the swaddling linens and dry them by the hearth, Helen found the odor too strong, and she washed them after each use. The bairn seemed to think Helen’s idea was splendid as well, because as soon as the swaddling bands were released, she kicked her legs and gurgled.

“I rather think she likes it when she’s not bound so tight,” Eoin said, leaning against the doorjamb to the bedchamber with a plaid tucked low around his hips. His dark hair mussed and a shadow peppered his face. He stared at Helen with a halfcocked grin, his heavy-lidded eyes reminding her of the unbelievable night they’d shared.

I know I’ll burn in hell for thinking it, but I could stare at that well-muscled chest all day

She smiled, then returned her attention to tying the coif atop Maggie’s head. “I’ve some oats for porridge. I’ll set a kettle to boil as soon as I’ve finished here.”

“Not to worry, I’ll set to rekindling the fire and making the porridge. A man’s got to fend for himself when on the trail—I’m no stranger to mixing up a kettle of oats.”

“My heavens, that’s even more surprising than my ability to cook.” Helen wound the long length of linen fabric around Maggie and refastened the swaddling bands. The babe wriggled and fussed.

“How much longer will you swaddle her?” Eoin asked.

“They say four to nine months. Though, Maggie is clearly preferring it when she has free movement.”

“You could swaddle her from the waist down to catch the drippings. If it were up to me, I’d use oiled doeskin over the linen to keep her bedclothes dry. But who would ever listen to a bachelor?”

“What a good idea.” Helen glanced around the sparsely appointed chamber. “Have you a length of soft leather?”

The fire crackled to life. “Nay. I must remember to bring some on my next visit.”

A welcomed warmth spread through Helen’s chest. She liked that he was planning to return. She poured some milk into a bowl and sat at the table with Maggie in her lap. “When will that be? Your return, that is,” she asked, spooning a bit of milk into the bairn’s mouth. The distraction of her task kept the anxiety from building up too much.

“I wish I knew.” Pots clanged. “MacDonald surveillance up and down the coast has been keeping us running. I’m certain things will come to a head soon, but only God knows how long the fighting will last.”

Helen’s stomach tensed. If only he could stay with her. “I hate to think of you being embroiled in the midst of harm.”

“’Tis not me I’m worried about.”


“I do not like the thought of leaving you here alone.”

“You’re worried about me when you’re the one riding into battle?” She offered a reassuring smile. “I’ll be fine. Besides, Gyllis and Mr. Keith will be watching out for me.”

Eoin picked up a cast iron kettle and headed toward the door. “I ken. But ’tis dangerous and will be more so when Aleck discovers you’re missing. We cannot risk anyone finding you until the annulment is granted. I’d prefer to remain here with you.”

After Eoin opened the door, a cold wind chilled Helen to the bone. When would Aleck discover she had escaped? If the men were running sorties, he could learn of it any day. The chill made her shudder as she remembered his threat…
If you attempt to take my daughter from Mingary, I will hunt you down and kill you…It won’t be an easy death. I’ll make sure you suffer for a very long time.

She must have had a terrified look on her face, because when Eoin returned with the kettle filled with water, he hastened to set it down and dashed to her side. “What is it?”

“Please, do not let him find us.”

He gathered her in his arms. “I’ll never let that man harm you again.” He cradled her face in his palms. “Duncan never should have arranged your marriage to MacIain and, further, I should have stopped it at the time. I will spend the rest of my life making up for your past five years of suffering.”

“No, you mustn’t carry the burden of my past upon your shoulders.” Helen slid her arms around him and clung tight. “I only wish you could stay.”


Nearly a month passed before Eoin could slip away to see Helen again. Even now, he should be patrolling with MacIain, but when Aleck’s galley was forced into dry dock for repairs at Tabert, Eoin took advantage of his window of time.
I told the braggart to clear those damn mussels from his hull ages ago
. Eoin chuckled.
Lucky for me he didn’t listen

Before he sailed off with a small crew, Eoin had given Duncan the excuse he needed to take care of Clan Gregor business and would return within a sennight. Duncan didn’t like it, but the baron had no grounds on which to argue. The Lord of Glenorchy had made two visits to Kilchurn Castle during the past month.

As the boat tacked into the pier at Taynuilt, Fergus grinned like a wet-eared lad. “Me missus will be happy to see us.”

Eoin winked. “You’ll make her a happy woman, I’ve no doubt. Go on ahead with the men and I’ll meet you back here in a sennight.”

Fergus snorted. “You’re not going with us?”

“Nay, I’ve business to the south.”

“Bloody hell, m’laird. Every time we cast ashore for a moment’s rest, you ride off on some clandestine mission.”

Sometimes Eoin’s membership in the Highland Enforcers came in handy. “You ken how it is when carrying a message for the king. The more who ken my whereabouts, the more dangerous it is.”

Fergus gave a knowing nod. “Well, do not count on seeing me for a sennight, then. I aim to keep my woman warm and make up for all the time we’ve been away.”

“Good to hear.” Eoin slapped the henchman’s shoulder then turned his attention to the mooring. Sailing into the small fishing village of Taynuilt, no one at Dunollie Castle would be aware of Eoin’s visit this time, and since his men had no idea what he was up to, Helen’s hiding place was safe from discovery.

After procuring a horse from the local stable, he made his way south into Fearnoch Forest, ever so anxious to see her again.

Approaching the cottage, he slowed his horse to a walk. A gentle hum sailed through the air—Helen’s voice. Gooseflesh rose across Eoin’s skin. Oh how he adored the melodic sound of her singing. He drew near enough to glimpse his lady through the trees.

Her honeyed locks swung forward while she raised her skirts and stepped into the wooden washbasin. “Oh my, the water is cold,” she squealed.

Maggie’s infant voice giggled on the breeze. The bairn rested against pillows atop on a plaid, watching her mother as Lady Helen stomped on the washing like Eoin had seen washerwomen do countless times.

He marveled at the industriousness of a woman used to being catered to by servants.
She’s so willing to do anything necessary to keep her house in order

He tapped his heels into the horse’s barrel and started forward.

A twig snapped with a crack.

Helen’s head jerked up. Hopping out of the basin, she dropped her skirts while her fists flew under her chin. “Who’s there?”

“’Tis only me,” Eoin said, riding into the clearing.

She planted those fists on her hips, her initial expression of fear turning angry. “Eoin MacGregor, you said you would visit me as soon as you could get away. Do you realize I’ve been beside myself for the past fortnight because I have received no word from you?”

“Forgive me, m’lady.” Eoin hastened to dismount and bowed deeply. “There have been continuous skirmishes up and down the seaboard. My men and I haven’t had a moment’s rest.”

“Not even to send a missive to Lady Gyllis? How much time does it take to dispatch a letter to Dunollie?”

Eoin smacked his forehead with the heel of his hand. “I was hesitant to write because of the importance of keeping your whereabouts hidden. But I should have penned a missive to Gyllis.”

She shook her finger. “Yes, you should have.”

He tossed the reins around the post outside the door. “Please accept my deepest apology. The thought didn’t cross my feeble mind.”

“Did I say how worried I have been?”

He nodded. “Aye.” Then he tried to reach for her. “It was wrong of me to allow so much time to pass without sending word.”

She clasped her hands behind her back as if not yet ready to make amends. Then she looked away, her bottom lip trembling. “The last time you were here, everything was so heavenly, so perfect…a-and I knew you had to go away, but anxiously awaited your return. And then when you didn’t come for
, I began to think of awful things.” She gasped “Anything could have happened. Your galley could have sunk, you could have been severely injured in the fighting—or killed.” Helen wrung her hands. “I do not think I could have survived if something horrible had happened to you.”

A tear dribbled from her eye and streamed down her lovely cheek.

Eoin’s heart twisted. The lass was so fragile. He pulled her into his arms. “My God, Helen, I’m so sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing by not sending a missive, but seeing you so distraught, I realize how mistaken I was.”

She squeezed her eyes shut. “Do not ever do that to me again.”

“I promise I will not.” He held her at arm’s length and wiped away her tears with the pad of his thumb. “But you are aware I am oft required on the king’s business. At times, such work can take me away for a month or more.”

She nodded. “I hate to think of ever being without you.”

He pulled her into his chest and cradled her head to his heart. “I know my love. I feel the same.”

Taking in a staccato inhale, Helen leaned into him. “Once I am out of hiding, I must tell Duncan he cannot require you to spend so much time away from your home and your family.”

Eoin liked the sound of that. At long last, he would have a family of his own—sharing his life with the woman of his dreams. “I daresay if anyone can persuade Duncan to her will, it is you.”

Maggie blubbered behind them, like she was trying to talk.

He glanced over his shoulder. “She’s awfully chatty.”

“Aye, making new noises every day.” Helen started to pull away.

Moving quickly, Eoin captured her face between his palms. “I’d feel so much better if you’d kiss me first.”

Her eyes glistened with her smile. Yes, she might have been worried and angry, but sliding her hands around his waist and tugging him into her supple body, Eoin knew she loved him. Dipping his head, his lips met hers as her soft, sweet breath whooshed. When he held Helen Campbell in his arms, nothing in this world could deter him.

As the kiss ended, she emitted a long sigh. “I need to finish the washing.”

He inclined his head toward the bairn. “Let me say hello to Miss Maggie, then I’ll help you.”

“I’m nearly done.”

“’Tis good to hear, because I have other plans about what I want to do with you.” Eoin scooped Maggie into his arms and gave her a kiss on her chubby cheek. “And how are you, miss? Giving your mother strife?”

The bairn threw her head back and laughed from her belly.

Eoin couldn’t help but chuckle. “And you seem awfully happy about it, too.”

“I think she’s missed you,” Helen said while raising her hem and resuming her stomping.

He regarded the child now tugging at his shirt laces. “I missed you too.” Then he stared at Helen, her bare calves glistening with streaks of water. “Not a moment passed when you weren’t on my mind.”

She looked up and smiled, her cheeks taking on a blush. “Will you be able to stay long?”

“A sennight. If I remain away much longer, your brother will pronounce me dead and assume my lands due to my lack of an heir.”

“He wouldn’t dream of pushing out Clan Gregor.”


“Absolutely not.” Helen stepped out of the basin and rung out the linens.

Eoin set Maggie on her blanket and stepped beside Helen. “I’ll dump the water.”

She straightened and brushed off her hands. “I’d almost forgotten how nice it was to have a brawny knight in attendance.” Looking at her palms, she blew over them. “Though I’m rather proud of these new calluses.”

Returning with the empty basin, he examined Helen’s hands. “Your palms look like they’ve been shredded.”

She closed her fists. “’Tis not that bad.”

“What have you been doing?”

“Nothing more than fetching water…and cooking…and chopping wood. You ken, things a woman must do when fending for herself in the wild.”

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