HIGHLANDER: The Highlander’s Surrender Bride (Scottish Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (60 page)

BOOK: HIGHLANDER: The Highlander’s Surrender Bride (Scottish Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance)
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“Though our two species have much in common chemically, genetically there was very little that was similar.  As it happens, a reduction was in order.”

“A reduction?” she asked, only half curious as she was more enthralled by the sight of so much perfect flesh that her scientific curiosity was giving way to her more animalistic urges.  But she was able to retain her control.

“Yes… a change of significant proportions was required.  Your physiology would not tolerate such a transformation.  That is to say, we could not make a human into an Ursan.  But, the opposite was possible… with a few alterations.”

“You made yourself human for me,” she said, feeling flattered yet again.  But that still did not answer the obvious question, “But…?”

“My mind and certain genetic traits could not be reverted.  There are some parts of my physiology – the genetic makeup of my people – that is so complex that it cannot simply be undone.  But…”

She walked to look him in the eye.  “But…?” she asked.

“I was not willing to allow progress to be slowed by something as simple as genetics.”

She smiled at him.  “That’s good to know.”  She withdrew her hand from his body and both of her hands went slowly to the string-thin straps of her white dress.  Gingerly she pulled them aside and bared her shoulders. 

Chapter 5

Slowly her dress began to succumb to gravity and it pooled around her ankles.  She stood before him; only a small set of panties separated her from being as nude as he.  His eyes combed over the sight of her full breasts, looking up and down her chocolate colored skin as if he too had never seen a naked woman in his lifetime. 

He hasn’t
, she mused silently.

She slipped her thumbs inside the hem line of her panties and slowly began to pull them down.  The elastic of the garment stretched until at last those too were overcome by gravity and fell to the ground at her feet.  She wiggled her toes and got her feet out of the simple slippers that she had worn.

Her transformation was complete. 

The sensation of it all was unlike anything she had ever experienced in her life.  She was standing before a man that had called to her across the galaxy intellectually, and now she found that she was drawn to him physically.  That underneath his skin he had been a member of another race did not disturb her in the least.  Other humans had paired with alien races before now, what they were doing now was not yet unheard of.  But what would result from their pairing…
was would be the true fruits of their labor.  No one had ever thought littler of those that had transcended the species barrier.  Love, most philosophers said, transcended physiology.  Until now, it was a concept that she had not really been able to believe.

That she loved this man was a matter of some debate within her.  But that she had more in common with him than she ever had with any other man wasn’t.  No man born on her world had ever held this kind of appeal to her.  And it was appeal that she was no longer willing to deny.

Wordlessly, he approached her.  In the dimness of the room she imagined that her world was about to become a little bit brighter.  She was not disappointed. 

Slowly, Riju reached out and his fingers gently brushed over her skin.  She felt the reaction almost instantly.  She saw the places where his fingers touched her begin to slowly glow.  The gelatinous substance on his body reacting as well and to the same areas where Mava had massaged her and Nava had bathed her. 

In all of a moment she understood why her two attendees had needed to do as they had.  She no longer cared about the
, all the mattered was the
.  And the
was filling her up with sensations that she had thought were nothing short of unique to her gender and her race.

She felt a new tingling sensation wash over her… literally.  She watched as the strange luminescence covered the whole of her body, even where Nava had bathed her.  The sensations traveled all the way from the tips of her neck to the bottom of her feet and a similar effect coursed over Riju’s appearance.  His body looked to have become positively radiant.

Slowly, he encircled her with his arms and the experience of it all changed.  The light began to shimmer, like rays of light cast into water.  The light itself rippled up and down their bodies as more and more of their flesh began to touch. 

She felt him press his pelvis against hers, though he was at least a few centimeters taller than she.  She could feel a pulsing within her own body that was echoed within his.  It was unlike anything that she had ever experienced before in her life and she marveled at how even if he was from another world he knew the steps to take for this dance. 

As if drawn together by magnets he pressed his mouth on hers.


She felt warmth in him.  It wasn’t like the warmth that she felt through the touch of his hands… it was better.  There was something positively attractive about it… like watching two pieces of metal being hammered together.  Her body felt like molten steel and he was the hammer that would reshape her into something new… something better.

His tongue slipped between her lips and she tasted something sweet there.  It reminded her of honey, but it was as intoxicating as wine.  Her knees instantly felt weaker and threatened to give out from under her.  But she managed to keep her legs firm, suddenly reinforced as his hands – filled with more muscle than she had predicted – snaked their way down and grasped firmly at her ass, lending strength to her legs.

She giggled delightedly in their kiss as his hands began to massage her buttocks. 
God, he’s strong!
  She felt her slightly weakened leg hook up over his right.  The simple gesture encouraged more passion from him and his tongue probed deeper inside of her. 

She arched her back and his lips and tongue both began to explore her skin, starting at the underside of her chin… her neck… her breasts.  He took one of her nipples into his mouth, lightly biting at it with his new teeth.  The experience was both painful and wonderful.  But not nearly as wonderful as his strength as he hoisted her from off the ground as if she were no heavier than a stuffed teddy bear.

The ease of which he did so was amazing, but more amazing still was his control as he gently spread her legs and hooked them over his shoulders.  Standing there with her connected to him in just such a way it felt as if gravity had entirely lost its grip on her.

His tongue delved deeply inside of her pussy and her mind began to reel as if suddenly stirred with a spoon.  Like any man he knew the spots within her to coax and he did so with the grace of an expert.  She had just enough brain power to wonder how he had learned such things when reading books or watching tapes simply didn’t hack it.  But after only a few heartbeats she learned that she didn’t care… as long as he didn’t stop.

She wrapped her arms around his head to steady herself and felt his tongue swirling within her.  The tip of his tongue teased her clit, explored her labia… tantalized her mons… and she felt herself growing wetter and wetter with every passing moment until her legs began to shake.  No man on Earth had ever done this sort of thing for her.

“Oh my God… oh my God… Oh God!” she whispered, feeling as though her legs were about to fail her and that she would fall from off her wonderful perch. 

He saved her the embarrassment.  He knelt down, allowing her shoulders to rest on the soft floor… but his mouth did not relinquish its grip.  He circled his arms over her waist, keeping her half-pinned to the floor.  Her legs dropped lazily over his shoulders, her toes suddenly going numb as his tongue and lips continued to lick at her, as though attempting to uncover buried treasure.

She felt her legs shudder… once… twice… three more times before his mouth finally parted from her.  It felt as if her body was a machine that had suddenly lost power as he gently settled her upon the ground.  Her legs felt useless, like bones and muscle had both been torn from her and she was unable to use them.

Lyssa looked down the length of her body and watched as Riju kissed and licked his way up her body.  His hands cupped her massive breasts and gently kneaded at them, sending small aftershocks through her body that she could not feel below her waist.  He kissed his way up over her belly, through the narrow valley of her breasts, up the slopes of her neck and finally his mouth reclaimed hers.

His tongue slipped inside of her at the same instance that his cock did.  New sensations coursed through her below the equator of body.  She wasn’t sure which was more delightful, the activity at the North or the South Pole, but both were equally delightful.  And both sent shivers down her spine.

His hands sought out hers and their fingers linked together as he began to thrust inside of her.  She could feel his power and it wasn’t just in his arms, it was in all three of his legs as well.  She could feel him stiffening inside of her, the veins of his cock seemed to be firming to the point where she could feel the beating of his heart.   Or maybe it was just her own.

The men that she had had before now had been similar in this fashion.  They had been able to make her tremble… make her body feel weak… but never like this.  It wasn’t just the expending of her sexual energies that left her drained… it felt as if she were truly giving herself over to this man.  That was a sensation that she had never experienced in her lifetime.  And she was glad for the opportunity to feel it now.

“Tell me you want to give me a son,” Riju whispered into her ear.

She barely heard him, being so wrapped up in her own thoughts and feelings but managed to hold on to his words.  “I… I want… to… I want to…” she tried, her words becoming lost with every thrust that he gave her. 

“Tell me you want to give me a son,” he repeated.

She licked her lips and tried to swallow the lump that had formed there, but the warmth of his body as it translated to hers befuddled her thoughts and clouded her mind.  She tried to focus.

“I… want… to… give… you… a… son…” she managed, one word for every thrust he gave her.

As if her words were benediction to some holy endeavor, he encircled her shoulders with his arms and tensed his legs, giving himself more leverage.  His thrusting became ravenous and all she could do was clutch at his back with her hands and do her best to wrap her legs around his hips to keep herself anchored. 

He began to grunt with every thrust of his pelvis and her mouth opened in silent screams as he worked.  Her body began to drip with sweat and the strange substance that he had been covered in began to radiate with new light. 

The gelatinous film began to turn a piercing blue, as if suddenly the pair of them would be consumed by some magic spell meant to turn them both to ice.   She knew it was impossible… their bodies were both too hot to allow even the deep freeze of Antarctica to touch them.  Much as her body was begging her to retreat back inside of her senses and shut her eyes she could not tear her gaze away from the dancing lights that had enveloped both of their bodies.

The dazzling light show shifted yet again. 

The rippling of water-like lights upon their skin changed, becoming an eerie kind of green as if some emerald mold had just exploded into life across their bodies.  To watch the rippling light move over their joined forms was mesmerizing.  She had never seen anything like it, not in science or in nature.  It was as if it were a marvel reserved strictly for her eyes alone.

All at once, the light show came to a blinding halt.

The green light vanished.  It was replaced by a shining explosion of pure white light that seemed to emanate more from her than from him.  More heat penetrated her body than she would have ever thought possible.  It was as if she were a nuclear reactor in the throes of a meltdown.  And for the first time, albeit briefly, she got a good look at the room around her and she realized that the light that emanated from her body was not in her mind… it was real.

All around her, she saw things that looked familiar.  She saw test tubes… microscopes… tables laden with bubbling and frothing chemicals… lab equipment that she could not imagine the function of.  And suddenly she became aware of why she had felt so at home in such a place.

Because I am home
, she thought as the light disappeared as quickly as it had come, closing her and Riju once more in total darkness.  But the darkness was not crushing or lonely in any way.  At least not to her.  She felt the sweat as it ran down the length of her body, washing away what Nava and Mava had both applied to her skin. 

It doesn’t matter,
she thought with satisfaction,
it’s served its purpose.

There was something else contained in the darkness as well, she felt.  Something that had been absent from every other time she had shared her bed and body with a man.  There was a sense of… fulfillment.


They remained together in silence in the ensuing darkness of the lab.  Riju sat cross legged, looking down at her and rubbing one hand over her belly as if communicating with the new life within her.  She knew that he was not wrong to assume that it had worked.  It had… she could feel it inside of her even now.  Something was
about her.  It was wonderful, but no less a strange sensation.

“Are you sure it worked?” she asked, watching his nakedness and savoring it.

He nodded.  “I’m sure… I can feel it within you,” he said, his fingers gliding so smoothly over her belly that it almost tickled her.

“But how?” she asked curiously.  “I mean, on Earth, no one knows right way if…”

“It worked,” he assured her.  “That is another of the things that could not be changed from my original form.  There is a new life within you, I promise.”

She smiled at him, relishing the feeling of having such a bold statement made to her and not feeling upset about it.  She was, to a point, an import to this new world, brought here for the sole purpose of – laughable as it was to think of it this way – research and development.  But the smile she wore faded as soon as it had come as darker thoughts went through her.  “So… what happens now?”

He shrugged.  “Well, we are married now.”

She frowned.  “We are?”

“Isn’t that what you wished for?  You did sign the waiver of agreement to live under Ursan law and citizenship status.”

“Well… yes… but… I had thought that there would be a ceremony… don’t we need a priest… wedding cake… dancing?”

“We have no need of such things here,” Riju said plainly.  “You shared your body with me and I shared mine with you.  Among my race, that is all the marriage ceremony that is required.  And now…” he said, putting his hand flatly upon her belly, “we are bonded to each other.  Just you and I.”

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