Read His Captive Mate Online

Authors: Samantha Madisen

His Captive Mate (6 page)

BOOK: His Captive Mate
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“Come,” the doctor said, spinning around and waving his hand for them to follow. Hawk took Daz by the arm and began to follow the man, but Daz resisted and tried to pull herself from his grip. When Hawk turned to see what was wrong, he was greeted by her look of complete fear.

“What is wrong?” Hawk asked.

“I… please, I don’t—I don’t want to be bred…” she whimpered.

“It’s not what you think,” he said gently, holding Daz’s warm, trembling body close. “Trust me. I will not let any harm come to you.”

And even though she’d just met him on this strange new world, she did trust him, at least a little.

The doctor’s examination table was very similar to the ones that Daz had climbed onto so many times on Golan. Still somewhat shy, but a lot less petrified, Daz climbed onto it and sat with her feet dangling down, almost touching the floor.

“Feet up,” the doctor ordered.

Daz glanced at Hawk, who nodded back at her. Reluctantly, she lifted her feet until they were on the edge of the table and she was curled into a sort of ball.

“That’s it, now spread them for me,” the doctor said, pushing on the inside of one of her knees with a finger.

Daz balked at his touch. It was still very foreign to her that anyone should touch her without permission. Having a man do so was almost inconceivable. But Hawk’s stern look made her understand what she had to do. Slowly, painfully shy and blushing a crimson red, Daz began to move her feet apart. Both men’s eyes lowered. Daz, unable to control her curiosity, followed their gazes.

Raised as any proper Sister of Tranquility, Daz had not been allowed to touch, or even inspect herself. Handmaidens assigned to her took care of bathing her and were always very delicate around those areas the men were now looking at. There had been times when she’d felt a faint tinge of pleasure as their soft sponges brushed those regions, but she had quickly dismissed the feeling as being something she shouldn’t entertain.

Now, with two men looking at her, one of them a doctor, Daz could finally look at herself for the first time. As her round thighs opened, she looked down and was surprised to see the soft patch of hair just above the folds of her skin. She opened her legs slightly wider, her heels sliding along the edge of the table, and craned her neck to be able to see herself better.

Daz shuddered as she peered down the length of her body and tried to see between her legs. Though she felt a great amount of shame about it, she wanted nothing more than to reach down and touch herself there, to feel what it was like to put a finger on those soft folds of flesh. The doctor’s voice interrupted her fantasy.

“The Golanite Sisters of Tranquility are quite repressed,” the doctor said, explaining to Hawk. “It is likely that this one hasn’t ever seen this part of her body.”

Hawk looked up at Daz, one eyebrow raised. Daz bit her lip and looked away from his gaze. The doctor went on. “Would you permit her? To touch herself that is? It will make her humiliation less when I have to do it.” Hawk looked at the doctor, then back at Daz and nodded. “Oh, she won’t be able to herself, there’s far too much shame attached to it. You’ll have to help her,” the doctor added, by way of explanation.

Shocks of fear laced with a confusing eagerness shot through Daz at the suggestion. The doctor had just told the man she’d been captured by in the forest to help her touch herself. Everything in her mind told her she should be running, she should be screaming, or at the very least admonishing these men for what they were doing to her. But everything in her body was begging for Hawk to reach out his hand to hers and place them both on the soft, pink folds of skin between her thighs. Her body’s wish was granted.

Hawk reacted to the doctor’s suggestion without any hesitation. He picked up Daz’s hand. She gasped, causing him to look up.

“Remember,” he said softly, “trust me.”

She looked down as he moved their hands toward her softness. She felt his breath on her neck as he put his fingers on hers. Her mouth opened in anticipation of that first, soft touch of her own skin. When it came, a pleasure she’d never felt coursed through her, a gentle hum flowing from the tips of her fingers, through that softest flesh and into the rest of her body. Hawk let go of her hand but she kept it there, reveling in the sensation. After some time, she couldn’t help but move her fingers slightly. That feeling was even better, disrupting the quiet hum into soft waves of pleasure.

A moan escaped her lips as she explored herself in front of the two men. She knew she should stop, that she shouldn’t be doing this, that she should be ashamed of being watched in this way, but the pleasure her body felt was just too good for Daz to listen to her mind. Pushing the annoying voice out of her thoughts, she stared at the soft folds intently as they moved and let her fingers find the spot that felt the best.

When they did, it was as if every joy she had ever felt had been condensed into one quiet moment of absolute bliss. She ran another circle around the gentle nub she’d found atop her soft opening and the same feeling returned, only stronger. After making another circle around it, she knew she wasn’t going to be able to stop until she found much more of this pleasure. Her hips began to move, back and forth with the rhythm of her hand. Her fingers picked up speed.

Wave after wave of soft, electric heat coursed through her and she closed her eyes, trying to put her mind closer to the source of it inside her body. Her memory of the fear at the doctor’s words flashed through her mind.
She’ll breed excellent offspring
. Daz flooded it with a wave of pleasure by quickening the pace of her fingers even more. Now the quiet hum inside her was more of a roar. She could hear it in her ears and feel it in her feet as it began to take over every inch of her body. Now the pleasure that was coming from between her legs began to radiate back to the tips of her fingers and deep into her center. She felt muscles that she’d never felt before begin to squeeze. A certain wetness began to seep from her but she didn’t care. She didn’t care that the men were watching. She didn’t care that she was being so shameful and touching herself. She only cared about one thing: finding more of this feeling inside her.

Her rocking on the table grew more furious. Back and forth her hips swayed as she chased the sensation through her body. She opened her eyes to see the two men studying her intently; that same bulge she’d seen before had grown at Hawk’s center. An ache began at the sight of it. She wanted to find out what it was. What was it that grew so much on a man? The question left just as quickly as it had come, caught in the whirl of sensations racing through her body. She looked down at herself. The wetness she’d felt before, she could now see. It was dripping out of her, onto the examination table. She didn’t care. She didn’t care that she was being a naughty girl who was making a mess everywhere, she just wanted to find the end of that feeling…

When it came, it swallowed her completely. Her mind stopped racing, though her hand did not. For a second there was a complete stillness as if time itself had stopped and she was the only one in the universe. Her with that feeling, suspended forever. Then it crashed through her, from her mind down through her chest, stiffening her nipples even more. To her core that tightened and released and tightened and released, to her thighs that shook, to the very tips of her toes that curled and uncurled. And she screamed. A terrible, undignified scream that no proper woman would ever emit but she didn’t care because now her body was falling, falling through the thick and jagged pleasure that in turn ripped through her like soft velvet on a speeder.

When her body, mind, and self finally came back together in the room, she found herself in the very embarrassing position of being completely naked and wide-legged in front of the two men staring at her. The blush returned to her face and the shame to her body and she looked away, hardly able to believe what she’d done to herself in front of the two strangers.

“It’s always quite an awakening,” the doctor said quietly.

Daz looked at Hawk, who was nodding. Something had changed in his eyes. They were… hungry now. She looked away, unable to bear the heat of his gaze. Somehow she knew what he wanted. Hawk was hungry for his bride.

Chapter Nine



Zaer stood in the silence of the lift as it whizzed by the floors. The day had been a long one and she had only one more errand before she could tend to herself. A pulse of guilty pleasure flooded through her. The woman she’d inspected and found broken, Daiea, had already been sent down below decks to begin her service. She’d gone quite willingly, as most of the women did once they were introduced to the baser pleasures of the flesh. Few of them had the wits to realize they would never enjoy any of the benefits of sisterhood again. But that was probably for the best.

Zaer felt the lift slowing and closed her eyes briefly in preparation for this last task. Inevitably someone would come to her with some small trifle asking to have it solved. She would have to work hard to keep her temper in check. As the lift slowed to a stop, the doors slid open with the quietest whoosh of sound. Zaer breathed in just a little deeper, savoring the wet female scent she so enjoyed.

“Sister Zaer.” The attendant at the desk got up immediately and bowed down on one knee.

“Yes. I’m here to see the latest one. Daiea, I think her name is.”

“Yes, sister. Of course,” the woman said, rising and picking up her light tablet. She scrolled down a list until she came to the name she was looking for. Once she’d found it, she motioned for Zaer to follow her and took the lead down one of the narrow, bright corridors with doors on either side.

Rough grunts and faint screams drifted through the halls. Not from the corridor they were in but from some other one much farther away. Zaer had given the order to place Daiea as far away from the others as possible. The sounds and smells could often be scary for a newcomer. The attendant stopped at the last door at the end of the corridor.

“She is in here. Far away from the others, as you asked.”

“Good,” Zaer said, passing a hand over the lock until she heard the faint click of it opening. “Bring me one that is mostly tame. One of the older ones maybe but with a good thickness. Best to stretch her well right away.”

“Yes, sister,” the attendant said and bowed slightly before scurrying off.

Zaer looked through the small window in the door to see Daiea seated on the edge of her bed. She stepped inside.

“Hello, ma’am,” Daiea said, standing up and dropping to a knee as the attendant had done.

“Good evening, Daiea,” Zaer said, forcing another smile. “Have you been comfortable?”

Daiea stood back up and nodded, though she was cowering somewhat, trying to hide her nudity with her arms.

“Don’t be ashamed, dear,” Zaer said to her. “We’re below decks now. You are in your natural state.”

The girl’s lip began to quiver at mention of the fact that they were below decks.

“What’s wrong, dear?” Zaer asked, feigning interest. She’d settled enough women down here to know exactly what was wrong. Though they might not have always been the brightest, they weren’t completely stupid. No one had any friends who had once lived below decks. There were no shopkeepers or business women who had come from there. It was quite apparent that once you had come down, there was no way back up.

“Nothing, ma’am, I mean… I want to do my service but…” The young woman’s quick sniffles were in danger of bursting into sobs and Zaer realized that she had to intervene immediately or she’d have to spend another hour at least comforting the girl. She stepped forward, took the girl by the shoulders, and returned her to where she’d been sitting on the bed.

“Daiea,” Zaer said sweetly, “do you remember what your body felt like at the examination? Do you remember that pleasure?”

Daiea nodded, though her mouth was still turned down as if she were going to cry. “That is something no one but those of you below decks are allowed to feel. From now on, your service to Golan will be to have that feeling. Over and over and over again.” Daiea’s expression changed somewhat at the reassuring words.

The door opened quietly. Daiea looked up, gasped, and began scrambling toward the far edge of the bed.

Standing in the frame of the door was a very large, very rough-looking

Zaer glanced at Daiea and watched her eyes sweep up and down the man’s body before she turned to look at him herself. His chest was taut and muscled. His arms were easily twice the size of her own in thickness, muscular, with hair on the forearms. His trunk-like legs were just as muscular and just as hairy and in between them…

“Bring him in,” Zaer ordered.


* * *


Daiea stared at Zaer now, her fear making her eyes wide and her mouth open.

The attendant pushed on the pole that was attached to a strap on the man’s neck. The man bucked slightly, but began walking forward. Daiea stared as the man came toward her. Despite the fear brewing in her stomach, there was another feeling, one she wasn’t sure she’d felt before. Somewhere in her middle, a faint ache began, one that pushed the fear and apprehension back somewhat.

She couldn’t help but look down again at the long, thick organ that hung between the man’s legs. She breathed in deeply at the sight, wondering how a creature so similar to herself could be so different.

“How does it feel, Daiea?” Zaer asked, sidling up to the young woman on the bed. “Do you like what you see?”

Lying was not something that was necessary for the Sisters of Tranquility. The elders raised the young women in such a way that it was simply not done. Daiea turned to Zaer, swallowed, and nodded her head. The truth was that she did like what she saw. Something about the burliness of the man’s body, his strong muscles, his imposing frame made the ache inside her grow even more.

“Good,” Zaer said softly. Daiea gasped as she saw the flesh between the man’s legs move. “Don’t worry,” Zaer soothed, “that is perfectly natural. He’s reacting to you. His body is reacting to your flesh, your scent.”

BOOK: His Captive Mate
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