His Discarded Bride: Lied to from birth. Manipulated into marriage. Does love stand a chance? (4 page)

BOOK: His Discarded Bride: Lied to from birth. Manipulated into marriage. Does love stand a chance?
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Leilani was somewhat appeased. It was indeed turning out to be an adventure. Agreeing to stay at his apartment when she still knew next to nothing about him was risqué. “Yes, thank you for the offer I’d like to stay. I insist on giving you some money for rent. How much do you think would be reasonable?”

She watched him open and shut his mouth. He didn’t seem the sort to be lost for words, but somehow she’d managed to stump him.

“I don’t need any rent money. I’ll probably be out most of the time at work while you are here so it will be good to have the place utilised.”

“You most likely believe I’m in need of your charity, but I can assure you that I’m independent, and I must repeat that I insist on paying my way.”

He relented and agreed for her to pay a ridiculously small amount and when she asked how he’d like to receive payment he shushed, “that’s enough business talk. We’ll work it out later,” and he picked up his paper, resumed reading and effectively blocked out any further questions. 










Finally, they landed in Rome. The second leg of the journey much more pleasant as Renato organised an upgrade to business class. First class was completely booked however the attendant was falling all over herself to get him into better seating. One thing was for sure women fawned all over him, and he didn’t even have to be particularly nice or deserve it.

She felt a twinge of jealousy. It was more an annoyance at the comfortable life he led and the lack of appreciation he seemed to have for it. She wanted to kiss the hostesses feet for this miracle that indeed to her it was. Renato, on the other hand, didn’t even look mildly impressed. He quietly took his seat and continued to read his paper.

Exiting the airport Leilani felt a surge of excitement; she was after all in Italy. She forgot about the fright she must look, the intimidating but gorgeous celebrity by her side and the fact that she was going back to his apartment and just took in her new surroundings. So far it was just an airport. However, she was still enthused. Outside the sun was shining, and the temperature was high and once again she wished to take off her ridiculous knit jumper.

Luckily they were soon in a chauffeur driven shiny black Mercedez Benz. The interior had that wonderful leather smell. She felt nervous about placing her tush on the seat for fear of leaving a mark. Her luggage was in the boot, and they were on their way. She thought about asking what part of Rome they were going to but realised that one part would only sound as unfamiliar as another. She also didn’t want to give him any more reason to believe in her incompetent or foolish. Instead, she stayed rather quiet and just took in the view.

They were driving on the opposite side of the road to Australia, and that felt strange not to mention the car was going a lot faster than what she was used to. She doubted she would ever be brave enough to drive on the roads in Italy. Leilani stopped looking at the chaotic traffic as it did nothing for her nerves. Street signs were in Italian something she should have expected, and she noticed the word uscita on the last couple of signs and figured that they were heading in the direction of uscita.

“What are your first thoughts of Italy?”

Leilani jumped a little. She wasn’t sure how he always managed to feel so unexpectedly close. They were seated side by side in the back of the Merc. However, the seat was very spacious. “It’s fascinating. I didn’t know what to expect. Can I hazard a guess that your apartment is in Uscita?”

Renato laughed and said something to the chauffeur in rapid Italian that had him also bursting out in laughter.

“I’ve apparently gotten it wrong,” she said sheepishly feeling embarrassed.

“You shouldn’t feel embarrassed. It was a good guess, and you are observant. Uscita means exit so if we were to continue driving you would see the word many more times and probably have figured it out for yourself,” he chuckled. “Do not worry. I have been laughed at many times over the years for my inadequacies with English,” he self-deprecated.

“Your English is flawless though and I hardly think many would dare to laugh at you.”


Renato enjoyed the rosy colour that so quickly appeared in her cheeks. He didn’t have to work hard to fluster her, and he felt more confident than ever at his ability to reel her into his plan. “My English has improved over the years, but that is not to say that I don’t get the odd saying mixed up. What makes you think that others wouldn’t dare to laugh at me?” he couldn’t resist putting her on the spot.

Her cheeks bloomed brightly once again, and she stumbled over an answer. “I don’t know. You just seem a bit serious I guess.”

She looked so uncomfortable he changed the topic and instead advised her that they were nearly there. 

Leilani was eagerly glancing out the window taking in the city sites, and he was glad to see that she was taking an interest in what would be her new home. Pulling up to the building Renato stepped out of the car and headed straight to the main entrance. He turned back to ensure Leilani was keeping up and found her gawking up at the building with her mouth agape. His personal household attendant was looking on in amusement. She was certainly not the sort of date that he usually brought to the apartment.

None of his classy escorts would ever show that kind of open gaucheness. They all looked born to the finer life and were always bored with their surroundings. In fact, he rarely saw genuine emotion from any of them unless of course he was presenting them with beautiful jewels to adorn their lovely little necks or lobes. He never made the mistake of offering rings, not even in a sign of friendship in case they mistakenly took it as a sign of initial commitment. He preferred this variety of women, they knew the rules and on the first sign of them stepping into matrimonial bliss he would farewell them with an expensive final trinket.

However, here he was with a woman who was clearly and openly impressed with her surroundings, and he hadn’t even opened the front door yet. If she were the woman he’d imagined he’d have been more than happy to take her on a tour of the apartment followed by his generously sized bedroom. She was unfortunately nowhere near what he’d expected, and it appeared that he was going to be in for a torturously slow tour. He palmed her off to Aldo, who seemed happy enough with her reaction, and the older man would, of course, love to have someone new to boast about the apartment.

“Leilani, I’d like you to meet Aldo. He is my personal assistant and has been with our family for over thirty years. He will show you around and take you to your room,” and with those final words he turned on his heel and headed for the study. There would be time enough to charm her into submission after he did some work and showered.

She stood there gaping at his immaculately suited back. After twenty-four hours of travel, he still looked morning fresh. It appeared that he’d had enough of her company. Well, they had been forced together for over twenty-four hours, so it was only reasonable to expect him to have things of his own to do.

Aldo started the tour, “You will love it here Miss,” he told her with his beautiful accent. “This building is hundreds of years old and has many wonders,” he winked at her.

“Renato said it was an apartment, but it looks nothing like where I live. Mine is quite small with just one bedroom and an open living area.”

“This is an ancient historic building that was remodelled into residential apartments just a few years ago.”

“Are there many people living in the building?”

“Renato owns this floor and the floor below,” he stated. “Many people wish they could live in this area, but it is very exclusive with mostly politicians or very wealthy business people residing in this part of town. Even though we are in the main city, it is an area that feels a bit more peaceful. When you have settled in you should ask Renato to take you to the famous Villa Borghese Park, you will love it.”

“Oh, I am sure Renato will have plenty to do without playing tour guide to me. If you give me directions, I’ll take a wander there myself.”

He shook his head at her and started to have his say, so politely she cut him off with a change of topic. The last thing she needed was a matchmaker on her trip; things were more than complicated as they stood. “It’s lovely and cool in here.”

“We have no need for air conditioning,” he stated proudly. It seemed the topic dearest to his heart was this building. “The marble and stone of this building keep the temperature just perfect on a summer’s day and look at the detail in this place. It is magnificent. I hear no other country in the world has homes that rival ours.”

“I agree that I’ve never been in a home as grand as this,” Leilani ran her hand across the marble mosaics on the wall. The room was exquisite, a formal entrance with minimal furnishings yet heavily ornate compared to what she was used to. The floor was sandstone coloured marble and the walls were marbled white with a mosaic trim. Highly polished, intricately carved door frames and the sheerest of white silk curtains adorned the windows with gold drapes pinned opened.

“Come, let me show you some of the rooms and take you to your suite.”

Leilani followed him through a vast hall lined with bookshelves magnificently crafted and intricately carved decorated in finely embossed in gold. Separating the shelves were the doors to many rooms. A formal reception room preceded a dining room that could comfortably seat twenty people, a far cry from her rickety table for two in her apartment. There was an informal living room with comfortable plush sofas that looked very appealing particularly as she felt her jet lag starting to take control. On with the tour, they went with Aldo pointing out everything that he was proud of, which was pretty much everything.

He was such a dear man that she pushed herself to continue and not show any signs of fatigue. Finally after passing four bedrooms, a bathroom, an office and possibly her favourite room, a library, they came to her room. There was a young lady already in her room unpacking her bags. “Oh, it’s okay you don’t have to do that,” she protested.

The lady looked up confused and shrugged, “No inglese.”

“She doesn’t speak any English,” Aldo clarified.

“Oh, that’s okay. I um, don’t know any Italian either. Would you mind telling her that I don’t require her to unpack my bags?”

“Let her do her job. She will be worried otherwise that you don’t think her capable. You are here on holidays, so relax and enjoy. Follow me, in here you have your bathroom, and this is the wardrobe,” he briefly took her into a room that was nearly the size of her bedroom back home. “If you feel like some fresh air you may open the doors here and it also goes out onto a balcony. If you need anything, there is a phone next to your bed. You can press button one for the kitchen, button two for your maid or button three for Renato,” he winked and turned to leave the room. “Do you remember where the dining room is?”


“Good, have a rest and meet Renato in there for dinner. Try not to be late. He is not a very patient man.”

Finally left on her own she ran a bath and slipped into the soothing water. There were fragrances, salts and oils on a ledge, and she poured in generous doses. The aromatherapy was incredibly relaxing, and she nearly fell asleep in the tub. She let out the water, rinsed and dried herself with an oversized plush towel. The enormous bed was too tempting, and she quickly dozed off into a deep sleep.


Renato was sitting at the table waiting for Leilani. “Aldo, did you tell her to be punctual?”

“Of course and I gave her the full tour, so she knows to come here. Would you like me to go see what is holding her up?”

He was already getting up out of his chair. “No need. I’ll go and see. Why don’t you serve dinner and then finish up? We will be okay for the night.”

“Grazie,” Aldo nodded his head and went about his duties.

Knocking, he waited for a response, nothing, so he knocked louder, still no answer. He pushed down on the door handle; opened the door and found her sound asleep on the bed. For a moment, he was tempted to let her sleep through the night. However, if she had already been asleep for a few hours, then she would end up waking up soon hungry and not adjusting to the time difference.

He decided on waking her and gave her a gentle shake. She sat up almost immediately with a disorientated look on her face followed by a more panicked look backing away on the bed. “Relax Leilani, I only came to tell you that you should get up for dinner.”

She blushed and apologised, “Ah, what time is it?”

“It’s past seven.”

“Oh, sorry, give me a minute and I’ll be right out. Please don’t feel you have to wait for me.”

“Of course I’ll wait. Just be quick. We don’t want the meal to spoil.”

He walked back to the dining room thinking whether there was any other option other than the path he was set on. Laying on the bed wrapped in a bulky robe he had no further clue to her body shape. Her hair looked slightly damp probably from a shower she must have had and did nothing to flatter her as it clung to her head. However, her face had cleared up somewhat, and she wasn’t as unattractive as he had first thought. Those eyes were her saving grace, beautiful blue eyes that he could lose himself in if only she were more appealing on the whole.

He sat with his back to the door and flicked through some emails on his phone while he waited. Finally, he heard her scurrying down the hall. “Good you’ve made it, take a seat and enjoy the food that my staff have pre…” he nearly choked on the final word. A floor length baggy dress covered her body, and a tea cosy was on her head. Well, that’s the only way he could describe it.

“Are you feeling cold?”

 “No, I’m fine thanks.”

“You have a winter hat on?” he questioned.

“Oh that, I hope you don’t mind. My hair was still damp, and I didn’t want to keep you waiting, so I just put this on top. Otherwise, it would dry frizzy and be even more of a mess.”

“Hmm. Let’s eat,” he ended the topic. Renato watched her eat with enthusiasm, another novel experience. Most women he knew had the appetite of a bird, at least in front of him. He tried to determine her body shape, difficult under the shapeless garments that she insisted on wearing. Her arms were out, and they were not chubby at all. In fact, they were quite lean which made little sense to him. If she wasn’t overweight why would she dress the way that she did.

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