His Favorite Color is Blood - Coffin Nails MC (gay biker dark romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 8) (19 page)

BOOK: His Favorite Color is Blood - Coffin Nails MC (gay biker dark romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 8)
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Misha inhaled and squeezed his
cock through his shorts. The way Grim lapped at him sent arousal all the way up
his legs. “You can. Just be gentle with the patched-up one.”

“I won’t touch it yet. Don’t
wanna hurt you, birdie,” whispered Grim as he rained sweet open-mouthed kisses
all over Misha’s stump. His hair was getting slightly messy from all the
rubbing, but he didn’t seem to care, overcome by the need to worship Misha.

Seeing him so excited, in this
secluded place by the campfire, made Misha experience intimacy on a whole new
level. Grim could be so vicious, so cruel and unrelenting, yet with him, he was
gentle. Like a pet puma, ready to maul anyone but its master.

The teasing kisses and the brief
touch running up Misha’s thigh were slowly transforming into a buzz that
trailed all over his body, making his ass tingle and curling around his cock.
Grim’s face was flushed as he skirted his mouth all over the stump, pressing
his nose underneath Misha’s knee, and gently nipping on the edges of the healed
flesh. It seemed as if he wanted to follow every scar with his tongue, and
seeing him grind his hips against air showed just how turned on he was by this.

Misha’s breath was becoming
heavy, and he slid his hand into his pants, stroking his dick with his open
palm. “I want to see more of you …”

Grim flattened his tongue against
Misha’s stump and trailed it all the way to his knee. “You want me to pull off
my shirt?” he asked, stretching in front of Misha as he sat back on his heels.
His dick seemed so huge inside his jeans that Misha felt sorry for it being so

Misha looked up at Grim’s
powerful chest and then up at his handsome face. “Yes.” He squeezed the cock in
his pants, still feeling the phantom kisses on his leg.

Grim showed his white teeth and
pulled off his top. He unzipped his pants as well with an audible groan. “You
like it? What do you want me to do?” he asked, petting the stump again, so
interested, so eager to please.

Without the heavy mass of hair,
Misha was feeling more like himself again, even if he still needed to establish
who that new old self really was. He wasn’t sure what to do with the freedom of
being asked about his preference, so he took a few seconds ogling Grim’s hard
stomach and shapely pecs. “I …” He stalled, his mind flooded by all the
possibilities, and he took his time trailing his fingers over Grim’s chest.

The warm hand was back on his
stump, holding it gently and massaging the muscles that had softened with
pleasure. Grim leaned in and pulled some of Misha’s hair with his teeth, and
his breathing echoed in Misha’s ears.

It was so quiet here with just
the sounds of the forest and the crackling of the fire that each noise Grim
made seemed like a loud moan.

“I’m guessing you’re hard?” Misha
looked to the open zipper at the front of Grim’s pants. Lust was clouding his
brain so much it was pushing words out of his mouth before he could think about
them. “I want to see it.”

Grim laughed and pulled Misha’s
hand to his dick, which pulsed through the denim, as if it were calling out for
Misha’s help. “Go on,” said Grim.

Misha’s ears were hot like
hellfire, and he could hardly believe he was this nervous after all the sex
he’d had. It felt good. “I guess talking dirty to a webcam isn’t the same as
actually being with someone I like.” He leaned closer to kiss Grim’s pec and
pushed his thumb under the waistband of Grim’s underwear. He shuddered, feeling
the hot skin, and couldn’t wait to see more once he pulled the fabric down and
revealed more of the chiseled muscles of Grim’s abs.

“I make you tongue-tied? Thank
you, birdie,” said Grim with a wide smile, leading Misha’s hand up and down
over his rock-hard stomach. The dark hair on Grim’s body tickled Misha’s palm
and beckoned him much lower.

“I didn’t think someone as
handsome as you would ever truly want me.” And for a moment, Misha even lost
his breath when he pushed the jeans and underwear lower, revealing Grim’s
massive cock, already stiff and dark, with a heavy cockhead that urged Misha to
lick, kiss, and idolize.

Grim hummed and pushed his hips
forward while petting the stump in a motion similar to the one he sometimes
used when he was jerking off Misha. There was a drop of clear fluid at the top
of the purple head of Grim’s cock, and when Misha looked at it, he knew he’d
never been with anyone so massive before Grim. He could see how it could be
both catnip and a deterrent for guys.

“You make me feel safe.” Misha
leaned up and kissed Grim’s lips as his fingers found their own way around
Grim’s thick cock.

Grim’s nostrils flared, and his
eyes twinkled in the warm light from the fire as he crooked his neck, touching
his nose against Misha’s. “That’s the sweetest thing you could say to me,” he
whispered, trailing the fingers of his other hand down Misha’s back.

Misha looked down at Grim’s dick
and slowly stroked it up and down. “It’s because I’ve never felt like that with
a man. I was Andrey, I had to play the part, and it became second nature. With
you, I can be myself, even if it means I’m a little more awkward.”

Grim smirked and caught Misha’s
lips in the briefest of kisses. “I like you all awkward and flustered. Gives me
space to save you.”

Misha smiled, becoming molten goo
as his fingers trailed all the way to Grim’s neck. “And guide me?” For him,
Grim’s sole presence was enough of a turn-on to create a giant void within his
body, one he needed to fill with hot flesh, cum, and the spicy aroma of Grim’s

“Better yet, I could carry you
wherever I want,” teased Grim, gently grinding against Misha’s hand before
reaching to the basket, which he used to transport the food. Clearly, he’d
counted on more than a meal, because he pulled out a tube of lube.

Misha hummed and put his cheek
against Grim’s neck, nuzzling his Adam’s apple. His muscles were relaxed, and
when he thought about the burned hair and flash drive and the chip that was
finally gone from his body, he couldn’t have felt freer. Free to live and
explore with a man who was ready to give him support despite his disability.

Grim pulled Misha’s hand away
from his cock and gave him the lube with a wide grin. “You have to return the
favor now, or I’ll have you sleep here,” he said good-naturedly and petted
Misha’s stump again.

Misha bit his lip and looked up.
“Can I suck you?” he asked, even though he knew it was a stupid question the
moment he’d said it. Of course, Grim would want that. Who wouldn’t?

Grim’s pupils went wide,
swallowing the grey rings around them. “Yes,” he uttered breathlessly, and he
squeezed Misha’s stump and arm, shifting in place as he stared straight into
Misha’s face.

Misha put the lube to the side
for now, but with Grim’s size, he was sure it would come in handy later. He
scrambled to his knees and pushed Grim back to the blanket. Grim presented such
a handsome picture with the orange glow on his skin that Misha took a second to
lick him up with his gaze, all the way to the massive, stiff cock that left a
trail of precum on Grim’s stomach. Misha straddled Grim’s thighs and leaned
down to slide his tongue all along the dick, from base to tip, where he got a
taste of salty stickiness. A shudder of excitement went down to his cock and
tugged at his balls.

Grim’s abs tensed underneath
Misha, and a long exhale made its way from his throat. He was such a big,
strong man that Misha couldn’t help but stare at his masculine body, wishing to
drink up all of his cum and rest in his arms afterward. He wasn’t bothered by
the touch on his stump anymore, because whenever their lips touched, Grim
seemed completely
with Misha, not just focused on the body parts
that Misha unwillingly had.

He was looking down now,
beautiful like a tiger waiting to be serviced and petted.

“That is so damn hot,” Grim

“I don’t think I’ve even seen a
porn star with a dick this big.” Misha’s voice became raspy, and he couldn’t
fight his own excitement when he sucked in Grim’s cockhead. Smooth, hot, and
throbbing just for him. Because of how his body was not despite it.

Grim whimpered and grabbed
Misha’s hand. He moved it between his slightly spread thighs and touched it
against his heavy balls. “I wouldn’t mind if it was a bit smaller,” he said
with a smile, already rosy around his chest.

Misha gently squeezed his balls
and licked down Grim’s cock, wrapping his mouth around the base from the
underside. “I wish I still had legs. We don’t always get what we want. Though I
think you got the better deal here.” He pressed the tip of his tongue against
one of the veins and groaned at how it throbbed.

“I know, but you won’t be able to
take it deep,” whispered Grim, tracing Misha’s face with his thumb. His flesh
was so hot from the fire and the internal warmth of his body that sucking on
Grim’s cock felt like tasting hellfire, and Misha was happy to dance with the
devil if it meant he could keep going.

“I’ll do my best.” He slid his
knee closer to Grim’s thigh and brushed the stump against it, playing on Grim’s
most intense needs. Misha’s gag reflex was just a memory at this point, and he
was usually good at deepthroating, but he was sure the girth of this cock would
prove to be problematic. He tried to take more than the cockhead this time,
coating Grim’s dick in his warm saliva as he suckled on the salty skin.

Grim’s eyes rolled into his head,
and he moaned into the night, petting Misha’s ear. He tried to still look down
at Misha, but he was having too good of a time to keep it up at all times.

The hard tip slid over Misha’s
palate, and he opened his mouth as wide as he could, breathing around Grim’s
cock and tickling the ridge of the head with his tongue. It had such a fleshy,
fresh taste.

Misha was careful when he lowered
himself on Grim’s cock. It took time as he breathed slowly through his nose and
relaxed his muscles as much as he could before pushing on. Never before had a
blowjob been so visceral, with the cockhead forcing Misha’s jaw wider until the
joints ached and he couldn’t breathe anymore. He coughed around it, coating it
in even more spit as he withdrew, coaxing the huge dick with teasing licks of
his tongue. Grim wasn’t joking when he said his girth would prove to be an
obstacle, and Misha had survived too much in his life to die choking on a cock.

He lapped over the head and
pushed against it with the back of his tongue, as he patted the blanket until
he found lube. He would not be letting go of this hot monster until he swallowed
Grim’s cum. He was frantic with excitement, as if he were a succubus, unable to
survive without a cock inside one of his holes. His shoulders trembled, and as
soon as he squirted some lube into his palm, he grabbed the base of Grim’s cock
and started to stroke the shaft in rapid movements coinciding with the rhythm
of his bobbing head. Each time the cockhead slid closer to the tip of his
tongue, he’d toy around with its sensitive underside.

Grim’s hips were making tiny,
jerky thrusts, and his strong thighs twitched as Grim fought for control. Misha
could now understand why his man regretted having a dick this massive. It
seemed that too often Grim couldn’t just let loose, always needing to control
himself for the sake of his partner, because during the jerking-off sessions
when he could let loose, Grim was always partial to quicker, rougher

In the light of the fire, Misha
could see Grim’s dark body hair clearly against his skin as he sucked on the
hard flesh, not forgetting about Grim’s balls either. He could worship Grim’s
cock all day and sleep with it on his face. It was the one dick in his life
that didn’t seem like an assault weapon despite being bigger than any other.

Misha started humping the air,
and each one of Grim’s groans had him elated. He bobbed his head quicker,
carelessly fucking himself on Grim’s cock and imagining what it would be like
to actually have it fully penetrate him, push into his body as Grim held him
tight, or ride it with Grim stroking his thighs and leaning up for those
breathtaking kisses.

Grim moaned and pushed his hips
up, gliding one hand up Misha’s thigh, so close to Misha’s cock it made his
whole body tingle. His head rolled over the blanket as he watched Misha through
fluttering lashes. “Harder,” he muttered.

Misha instantly followed the
request, sucking on the head more intensely as he squeezed his fist harder
around the lower part of Grim’s cock. He fantasized that he was milking Grim to
come inside him, and his throat already ached for the warm seed. He’d never
wanted anyone this way. Sure, he’d been lusting after some guys before he made
the mistake of walking into Zero’s clutches, but never in this fleshy, visceral
way that he only now could, when he had some experience to fuel fantasies.
Grim’s pecs tensed as he reached his hands to Misha’s face and alternated
between petting and holding, as if Grim weren’t even sure what he wanted

But Misha wasn’t backing away,
sucking greedily and breathing hard through his nose. He twisted his slippery
hand around the base of Grim’s cock, and when cum started filling his mouth, he
wouldn’t part with Grim’s dick, eager to swallow every single drop. He dared to
look up into Grim’s face, and the pure ecstasy written all over the handsome
features made him all giddy inside. The cum wasn’t even nearly as bitter as
Gary’s, and he swallowed it all like the greedy boy he was.

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