His Favorite Color is Blood - Coffin Nails MC (gay biker dark romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 8) (8 page)

BOOK: His Favorite Color is Blood - Coffin Nails MC (gay biker dark romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 8)
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Grim stretched and slowly walked
up to the man and his partner. He was breathing in and out as he approached,
looking straight into the man’s narrow pig-like eyes. “Your girlfriend must be
proud of you making fun of a disabled guy.”

The man’s eyes strayed to his
companion’s flushed face, and it was the distraction Grim needed. He stood
between the man and the camera and discreetly pinched his fingers on the wallet
that stuck out of the man’s front pocket. Grim hadn’t started his career in
crime with assassinations, and while his pickpocketing skills were a bit rusty,
they still got the job done.

“You mean Stumpy over there? I
think he’s doing fine,” the man said and laughed, crossing his arms on his
chest, but his friend pulled on his elbow, taking him a step away from Grim.

“Let’s go, Pat, it’s not worth
it,” the woman started, pulling on her man’s shoulder.

Grim smirked and gave the bastard
a push once the wallet was safely stored in the inner pocket of his cut. “Enjoy
your day,” said Grim, knowing there were only so many hours before he would
claim his blood bounty. He couldn’t do it here without complicating his life,
but the fucking homophobe would eventually pay up.

Andrey backed away from the
mall’s entrance. “I’m sorry I kissed you. I’m confused, because I watched a lot
of TV, and on most shows, everyone’s okay with being gay, I didn’t think it
would be a big deal.”

Grim laughed, following the
wheelchair. “Most movies aren’t set in rural Mississippi. Besides, don’t trust
the movies. They’re full of bullshit.”

“Are there many more people like

“People everywhere are the same.
Some happen to be entitled pieces of shit like this one,” said Grim, petting
the wallet through the leather.

Andrey looked down to his stumps,
so Grim felt like he had the right to stare as well. “I need to get a blanket
to cover those up.”

Grim nodded, stepping closer to
look at the beautifully odd legs from above. “I’m sure they have some inside.”

“I … Can we go somewhere else?”
Andrey said in a deflated tone, slouching in the wheelchair.

Anger rose in Grim’s chest as he
looked at the curled-up shoulders of his bird. He’d been tossed around by the
wind for so long, and now he had to endure abuse on top of that? Grim’s inner
beast was shuddering with rage.

“Sure, there are plenty other
places where we can find something for you.”

“I’d rather do that.” Andrey
pulled his shorts slightly lower to hide more of his legs, and Grim’s heart
ached at the sight.

They went back to the truck, and
Grim helped Andrey inside before storing the chair in the back, along with his
bike. He slid into the driver’s seat and exhaled, watching Andrey, who seemed
withdrawn again, nothing like the tweeting canary he’d been for a few moments.
If they hadn’t been in a public place, the homophobic shithead would have lost
much more than his wallet.

“I’m sorry you had to listen to
him,” said Grim in the end, pulling out the wallet. He opened it to stare into
the man’s dumb face in a photo on his driver’s licence.

“Maybe it would be better to just
avoid people. At all,” Andrey said, not even looking Grim’s way.

Grim pulled the money out of the
wallet and passed it to Andrey. “He’ll be embarrassed when he can’t pay for his
woman’s dinner tonight.”

Andrey looked like he’d only just
woken up as he stared at the money in his hand. “This belongs to him?”

Grim smirked. “Yes. I didn’t want
to be arrested for assaulting him, but I enjoyed doing this much.”

Andrey’s face brightened
slightly, and he put the money in his pocket. “Did you ever get in trouble
because of being gay?”

Grim noticed Andrey hadn’t
buckled up his seatbelt, and he leaned over, propping himself on one of those
delicious thighs as he pulled on the belt. He fastened it and then took his
time adjusting the fit. “Of course. But I was ready to go far to defend
far. Once Grim had killed a man over the issue, there
was no going back.

“Would you get me a gun?”
Andrey’s gaze swept over Grim’s body in a way that gave him goose bumps. He
swallowed hard, squeezing the steering wheel as he drove toward the exit from
the parking lot.

“Just one question, but I want a
sincere answer. You considering turning that gun on me?”

“No.” The answer was quick,
confident, but not too hasty.

Grim nodded. “Will I get a kiss

Andrey smirked. “Will I get that

Grim chuckled and grabbed
Andrey’s hand over the transmission, his heart trembling. “Yes, you will.”

Andrey squeezed Grim’s hand in
return. “There’s something I really want to try, but I’ve never had the chance
to. I’ve read about it online so many times.”

Grim’s chest sank as he exhaled,
and his hand started sweating as he held on to Andrey.
Oh, fuck
. Did
Andrey want to try dogging or something? Grim wasn’t sure how he felt about
strangers watching them fuck at some parking lot in the woods. Or was it
something else? Grim didn’t care as long as it involved his dick and Andrey’s

“Will you take me to McDonald’s?
I want to know what the fuss is about.”

It wasn’t the answer Grim was
hoping for, but seeing Andrey smile again soothed all the pent-up sexual

“You never had McDonald’s?
They’re like ... everywhere.”

“Not in Vladivostok.”

Grim frowned. “So you’re not from
Moscow?” Yet another lie about Andrey.

Andrey shook his head. “Are you
gonna take me or not?”

Grim smirked and shifted his
weight, leaning his head toward Andrey.

“Sure, why not, I’ll whore myself
out for a Big Mac.” Andrey turned to Grim and gave him a quick peck on the
lips. “You’ll get a better kiss if I get fries too.”


Chapter 7 – Grim


Grim was over the moon. They
shared a meal, and as Andrey allowed more physical contact by the minute,
Grim’s libido was doing flip-flops all over his body. It turned his blood into
searing heat and made even the simple act of driving somewhat difficult, but
the conversation was flowing, and with Andrey smiling so beautifully, Grim’s
attention was split between his face and the forbidden place below Andrey’s

They found somewhere else to
shop, and Andrey left the store with a whole bag of necessities Grim gladly
paid for. He couldn’t have just anyone looking at the gorgeous stumps, judging
and pitying Andrey without the tenderness and care that Grim had for him. Grim
knew people’s stares made Andrey feel naked, Coy had told him the same thing
more than once.

By the time it started getting
dark, Grim was intent on finding them a better place to sleep than a regular
motel. Andrey deserved a bit of pampering after what he’d been through, and it
had been already established that Grim’s attentions were painting a smile on
his face, so they ended up renting a suite in a fancy place.

Andrey wheeled into the room and
only then pulled back the hood of his new grey sweatshirt. Grim somewhat
regretted that Andrey wouldn’t be wearing his clothes anymore, but the new
hoodie fit Andrey better.

Their suite consisted of a
bedroom and an adjoining living room furnished with a coffee table, sofa, and
other trimmings. It had more than enough space for Andrey to move around in his
new wheelchair, so Grim was sure his bird would appreciate the gesture.

“Wow, this place is nice.” Andrey
started looking around the elegant brown and beige room, and Grim couldn’t wait
to see Andrey’s hair, now pulled into a tight knot, all over the pillows,
creating the perfect frame for Andrey’s flushed face. Judging by how well this
day went, more than a kiss would be happening tonight.

“Only the best for you,” said
Grim, locking the door behind them. He put the bag containing a baseball bat he
purchased at the sports store on the table. Andrey looked so good on the new
wheelchair. Grim didn’t want to say that out loud, but this particular model
seemed really harmonious with Andrey’s overall body shape. Not too chunky, but
not too lithe either. Perfect. So fucking perfect Grim could kneel in front of
it and suck Andrey off right here and now.

“Oh, my God …” Andrey whispered
and slowly rolled toward the floor-length window by the king-sized bed. A blood
orange sunset was framed by brown curtains, and the light warmed up Grim’s face
as he looked at it.

“What?” Grim walked up to him and
slowly sank down on one knee, sliding his arm over the firm shoulders. It felt
so right to be close like that. If it weren’t so painful for Andrey, Grim would
lock his little bird away from the world so no one would ever hurt him again.

“I haven’t seen a sunset in
forever.” Andrey reached up and squeezed Grim’s fingers on his shoulder, never
looking away from the window.

Grim exhaled. “What? Weren’t you
allowed to go on walks around the compound?”

Andrey shook his head. “Gary only
let me go as far as his underground apartment. They probably didn’t want me to
see all the shit that went on there. From what I did see … I didn’t want to be
anywhere outside, unless it would mean leaving altogether.”

Grim swallowed hard, his mind
wandering to the horror he too had seen during the raid. Andrey’s only hope had
been playing by his sick “boyfriend’s” rules if he didn’t want to end up like
some of the other prisoners. What if Andrey got too old for the taste of his
viewers? What if no one wanted him after Gary found a new boy toy? Grim was
sick even thinking about the possible outcomes.

“That’s why you’re so pale,”
sighed Grim, hugging Andrey gently. “You need to use your sunscreen.”

Andrey reached out and petted
Grim’s nape, awakening the predatory instincts hidden under Grim’s skin. The
touch of those warm fingers made his balls tighten. He’d almost purred.

“No. I want to be tan. I want to
feel alive.”

“Yeah, but we don’t want sunburn
either. You probably forgot how much that hurts,” said Grim, brushing his lips
against Andrey’s ear as his eyes strayed to the stumps, barely visible from
where he was. His mind kept going back and forth between being with Andrey and fantasizing
about those lovely legs touching him.

Andrey shrugged. “Can’t be that
bad. When’s the last time you got sunburnt?”

Grim laughed and kissed Andrey’s
cheekbone, inhaling his scent. There was something almost milky about it, so
intoxicating Grim barely stopped himself from reaching into Andrey’s lap. “Last
summer. I had skin falling off my forearms.”

“When I was a kid and got
sunburn, I used to eat the dry flaky skin. Do you think that’s disgusting?”
Andrey tore his eyes away from the sun and looked at Grim.

Grim smirked. His attention was
now completely focused on Andrey’s eyes and what they were telling him. “No.
When I was a kid, I would eat earthworms.”

Andrey laughed loudly, and the
relaxed expression gave a whole new dimension to his face. “That’s horrible.
Why would you do that?”

Grim sucked in his cheeks and
massaged Andrey’s shoulder. It relieved some of the tension that sank its teeth
into his muscles from being constantly on the edge of arousal. “This kid living
next to me I told you about, Coy. I wanted to make him laugh because he was

“That’s pretty sweet. For a
murderer. Guess you were predisposed for this already.”

Grim was surprised and turned on
by Andrey’s directness at the same time. “I’m not a murderer. Never hurt a soul
that didn’t deserve what was coming.”

Andrey nodded and shifted in the
chair, giving Grim goose bumps when he saw the stumps move below the knees.
“Some people just don’t deserve to live. I wouldn’t usually say that, but I
know you understand, right?”

Grim nodded, pressing his nose
into the crevice between Andrey’s eye and nose. He’d wear Andrey’s hide on his
body if it didn’t mean that Andrey would suffer and die because of it. He’d
glove his hands with Andrey’s and experience every fragment of that soft skin
from the inside. “Yeah. There are bad people out there. Some have no remorse.
Others ... don’t care. Both are equally guilty and deserve to die.”

Grim was hard already when Andrey
cupped his face with those smooth fingers, and their lips met in a gentle kiss.
He exhaled and slid his arms around Andrey. The milky scent of his skin
penetrated Grim’s nose, and his thoughts immediately wandered lower, to the
stumps that could wrap around his waist at any moment, warm from the orange
glow that was caressing their skin.

But Andrey pulled away with a
flush on his pretty, pale face. “I’m sorry. I’m giving you mixed signals again.
I never had anyone back in Russia, and then I was locked up, and you feel so

Grim chewed on his lip, breathing
hard as his cock strained against his leathers, trapped and unwanted. “I—”

Andrey wheeled back and out of
Grim’s embrace. “And it’s gone.”

“What?” asked Grim, confused as
he followed Andrey. But the moment he got a glimpse of the stumps, Andrey
turned away.

“The sun. It’s gone.” Andrey
wheeled toward the coffee table, where he unpacked some of his shopping.

“You can see it again tomorrow.”
Grim followed Andrey with a slight sway that made the leather cling to his dick
and tease it as he approached the table. Would Andrey see it? Would he take the
hint? It wasn’t like letting Grim touch his stumps would hurt Andrey or be
invasive. Andrey could even close his eyes if he didn’t want to see Grim jerk
off. Though he was sure Andrey would enjoy the view.

“I know, but it’s a shame. So
pretty and gone so fast. Maybe we could see the sunrise tomorrow?” Andrey
persistently looked through an empty notebook, as his nape slowly got red. He
could see Grim’s erection. It was so big for Andrey, so hard without any meds
to support it.

Sometimes, Grim’s cock size
worked against him, made it hard to be fully erect. But not around Andrey. For
Andrey, his cock was ready to drain all the blood from Grim’s brain.

“Sure. We could check when the
day starts,” whispered Grim, picking up Andrey’s hand. He lost focus, melting
at the sight of the smooth flesh below Andrey’s knees. The bird was too shy for
his own good, so maybe he needed some encouragement.

“Don’t,” Andrey muttered when
Grim pulled his hand toward the leather-encased bulge. To make matters worse,
he pulled on his shorts with his other hand and hid the stumps from view, as if
to spite Grim.

Grim let go of his hand and
gritted his teeth. He couldn’t help the frustration building up inside. He
hated the constant rejections he kept receiving from the people he really
wanted. Like that boy in Detroit, who first went off alone with Grim and then
slapped him when all Grim had wanted to do was to kiss his hand where it was
missing two fingers. Who on earth would think that an invitation to “look at a
bike” in a dark place was actually about the bike?

There were those who lusted after
Grim and what he could offer them, but as he fucked them, giving them all the
cock they needed, his thoughts always strayed to Andrey’s pretty face and his
stumps dragging over the comforter for the camera.


“You want to shower first?”
Andrey turned on the TV, filling the room with the useless chattering of a
reality TV star.

Grim rasped and stood in front of
the television to force Andrey to look at him. “I’m not gonna rape you.”

“So stop pulling me into these
situations. We don’t need to touch at all if it’s confusing for you. Or was
this whole day just a stunt to get into my pants?” Andrey frowned at him.

Grim bit the inside of his cheek,
and it was hard to come up with an answer when all his brain could focus on was
the forbidden flesh so close. “No, but it’s fucking hard. You don’t have to
touch me, but maybe I could pet them? At least for a bit? It’s not like you’re
gonna lose anything because of that.”

Andrey clenched his lips so hard
they went white. “You’re just like all of them. You wouldn’t give a flying fuck
about me if I wasn’t attached to those stumps.”

Grim swallowed hard, and for a
moment, he didn’t know what to say. It was partially true, because he’d been
drawn to Andrey because of the stumps in the first place. “And what, you think
that makes you so special? That everyone else attracts people with their
brilliant fucking personality?”

“I told you yesterday that I’m
not ready to fuck anyone! Why can’t I just
?” Andrey wheeled back,
keeping his eyes on Grim. “I’m not a sack of meat.”

“Yeah, and I’m not my cock, but
that’s why people want me. Can’t see why it’s so different in your brain. All I
want is to touch you and jerk off. I’m not gonna hurt you.”

Andrey gasped. “And all I want
right now is to leave. Am I still not your prisoner?”

Grim stared at him with an
invisible noose closing around his throat. “You know what? All of
people are the same! You never give me a chance, and you fucking threaten me
with police or are just up for a hookup. And even the women won’t let me touch
them, even after I tell them I’m gay and their virtue’s safe with me!”

Andrey grabbed the sides of his
head and muttered something in Russian. “Would you like it if someone came up
to you and said,
‘Hey man, your dick is massive, can I fondle it and jerk

Grim scowled. “You think that
doesn’t happen? I’m tired of this kind of one-sided shit!”

Andrey crossed his arms on his
chest. “You don’t want to be just friends, do you?”

“I think that’s obvious. I’ve
been watching you for years!”

“Then you’ve seen everything I
had to offer. Including deepthroating and cum oozing out of my ass. I’m
leaving.” Andrey wheeled to the table and stuffed the newly bought items into
the bag at the back of his wheelchair.

Grim’s brain boiled, sending
pressure out through his ears, which drummed with a furious pulsing. He tossed
one of the chairs to the floor and started pacing with fury burning his veins.
Why was this happening to him again and again? “Fine. No one’s stopping you.”
He pulled out the remainders of the wad of cash and tossed it into Andrey’s
lap. “Go on, leave me.”

For a second, he thought Andrey
would throw the money back at him, but the calculating brat was too smart for
that and pocketed the cash. He wheeled over to the door. “Soo … Thank you for
everything anyway. Even if you’re a creep. I hope you can one day find someone
who … fits your needs.”

Grim held on to the table, hardly
keeping himself in place. Stab after stab, Andrey was leaving him bloodied and
hurting. “I’m
a creep.”

“And I’m not a fetish,” Andrey
hissed at him and opened the door into the corridor, not even looking back

Grim gritted his teeth and
squeezed his hands into fists. Andrey was being so unreasonable again. Maybe he
needed to have a taste of a future without Grim and see how good the world
would be to him?

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