His Favorite Color is Blood - Coffin Nails MC (gay biker dark romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 8) (6 page)

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Grim stalled, turned away from
Misha, and stared at the wall, rocking on the balls of his feet. When he
finally looked back at Misha, his expression was flat. “How long have you been
over there?”

Tiredness settled on Misha’s
shoulders and made him slouch. “Over four years. Fuck. Fucking fuck.” Saying it
out loud made it even more real. He hadn’t even been eighteen when he was first
taken, he’d never had a real boyfriend, and now he was twenty-two, crippled,
and completely wrecked.

Muscles twitched at the sides of
Grim’s jaw, and he slowly rubbed his face with both hands. “You were never
doing this from your home in Russia, were you?”

Misha shook his head, feeling
even more exposed than he was during sex. He hated being seen as a victim. “I
grew to like some of it,” he offered with a shrug. “At least something to pass
the time.”

“Fuck!” Grim kicked the plastic
vase he had earlier pushed off the table and messed up his hair, heaving. His
eyes were moving all around the room, looking everywhere but at Misha. “Are you
even gay?”

Misha nodded, once again realizing
how much worse off he could have been if he were straight and caught Gary’s
eye. “I’m very gay. I just … wish I could have been gay with someone I wanted.”

“So you don’t like me?” muttered
Grim through his teeth. “And you fucked me because you were afraid of me?”

Misha could say “yes” and be done
with it, but that wouldn’t be the truth, and seeing how confused Grim now
seemed, Misha didn’t have the heart to crush his hopes. “I did mean it when I
said you were handsome. I just … I wasn’t ready, and I’ve never been in a
situation like this. No one ever asked me what I wanted.”

Grim slowly walked up to the pile
of clothes on the floor and picked up his underwear, slowly putting it on, as
if he suddenly became self-conscious about his naked dick. “Yeah, okay.” He
brushed his hand against his nose and pulled the black shirt on.

“I’m sorry I tried to stab you,”
Misha offered, but the weight of the atmosphere in the room wasn’t helping him
breathe. He’d often imagined that getting away from the compound would be the
happiest moment of his life, and yet here he was, confused and useless.

Grim slowly walked up to the bed
and sat on the mattress. He turned toward Misha and pushed back his short hair.
“So ... now what?”

How was Misha supposed to know?
The only thing he did not want was a police record, which would lead Zero
straight to him. “I don’t want to be a burden,” he whispered. “If you could
take me to the nearest city … I’d work something out.”

“You’re not gonna be a burden,”
said Grim quickly. “I’m not gonna leave you. You need help.”

Misha couldn’t help the sigh of
relief that escaped his lips. He wasn’t ready to be on his own just yet. “I
will need stuff,” he warned. “I promise to find a way to pay you back, but it
will take time.”

“I have money,” said Grim,
watching Misha with his intense grey eyes. “I promise nothing’s gonna happen to
you while you’re on my watch.”

“Can I hug you, or would that be
weird?” Misha wouldn’t dare blink, consumed by conflicting emotions. No matter
how much he wanted to, he couldn’t fully trust Grim.

Grim immediately moved closer and
pulled Misha against his chest, going as far as cradling his head. The powerful
heart that beat inside Grim’s chest was like a timer counting seconds since
Misha left the compound. He wrapped his arms tightly around Grim’s neck, and it
was the first time he’d ever hugged a man this way with honesty and of his own
will. For once, the embrace of strong arms didn’t feel like a vise around his

“It’s gonna be fine. We will get
you documents and a wheelchair. You’ll like it with me,” promised Grim, petting
Misha’s arms. He sounded very eager to win Misha over, but it was clear he
didn’t intend any harm. As aggressive and deadly as Grim was, his cruelty
didn’t seem to extend to amputees. It was so odd to suddenly see the mutilation
Misha had suffered as an advantage.

Misha wanted to say something
like, “you shouldn’t feel obliged to help me,” but he couldn’t force himself to
do that. He needed all the help he could get, and if Grim claimed to really
like him, Misha wasn’t about to reject it. “Thank you,” he whispered. “I’m
sorry for what I said. I know there are good people out there who are into me,
but it’s hard to weed them out. I never met anyone through the website.”

Grim smirked and slowly pushed
Misha away. “What do you think? Am I a good person?”

“I don’t know yet.” Misha pouted
but kept his hand on Grim’s forearm. He made it seem as if his hand slipped
there after the hug, but truth be told, he enjoyed the firmness of Grim’s
muscles as long as their strength wasn’t turned against him.

“I’m not,” said Grim coolly, “but
that’s why I can keep you safe. I’m afraid of no one.”

Misha bit his lip and finally
took his hand off Grim. A tremble went down his spine. That was exactly what he
wanted to hear. “Confident. I like that. Beats ‘nice’ any day.”

Grim laughed. “Nice guys are
overrated. That word means nothing.” He squeezed Misha’s palms and massaged
them gently, then exhaled, and slowly rolled to his back.

Misha could only agree with that.
Gary would often use that adjective when he expected gratitude for bringing
Misha food, a new T-shirt, or making sure he used enough lube when they fucked.

When Misha lay down and closed
his eyes, the gruesome image of Gary’s dying body appeared under his eyelids,
and relief flooded his heart once again. “Goodnight,” he whispered to Grim.


Chapter 5 - Grim


Heat was pulsing along Grim’s
muscles, a steady stream from between a pair of the most perfect thighs. The
water was moving along his skin as he moved the sponge deeper, so close to
Andrey’s lovely cock he could practically sense its touch already.

Grim was hypnotized by that pale
body spread out in the tub. No matter how many videos he’d watched of Andrey,
there were places on him he’d never seen, elements the camera failed to pick
up, like the twin birthmarks right next to Andrey’s navel, right above the
milky surface of the water.

It was still a shock to find out
that he and the other viewers of Andrey’s channel had been lied to all along.
They all thought they were following a sweet guy who enjoyed music, movies, and
computer games, who liked to show off his healthy body and was excited by the
messages he was getting and by having other men see him. But Andrey had been a
victim. Kidnapped years ago and forced to perform like a circus monkey.

The sour taste in Grim’s mouth
kept him awake deep into the night as he held on to Andrey’s body, trying to
put together all the scraps of information. His chest ached. He felt as if he’d
stop breathing if he fell asleep or that Andrey would crawl out of his arms and
become prey again, have some sick fuck take him where Grim couldn’t track them

He couldn’t fathom how vile a man
had to be to hurt someone so much weaker than him, to keep them underground for
years, like a canary that had never been let out of its cage to stretch its
wings. He regretted not taking his time with “Gary” before blowing his brains
out. That shithead didn’t deserve a quick shot in the forehead after repeatedly
raping and imprisoning a beautiful bird like Andrey.

But at the same time, all the
lies Andrey himself had told Grim the night before still stung like daggers
stuck between Grim’s ribs. Andrey had kissed him, he’d let Grim buy him dinner,
and had sex with him, and all that only to try to stab Grim in his sleep.
Grim’s attention hadn’t been as welcome as he’d been led to think. But as rude
as Andrey had been to try to push Grim away after all Grim had been through to
get to him, Grim accepted that the boy had been traumatized and needed some
more time to adjust. True affection was probably overwhelming after all the bad
things that had happened to him at the hands of that sick fuck Gary.

But at least the bird really was
gay. Grim still had a chance to show him what a good man he could be at
Andrey’s side. He was gentle, caring, and ready to go out of his way for
Andrey’s comfort.

When Andrey looked up from the
tub, the depth of his brown eyes made Grim freeze. “I’m not an old man who
needs to be washed. I lost my legs, not my arms.”

The morning hadn’t been much
easier than last night had been with Andrey quiet and avoiding Grim’s touch yet
unable to when he needed to reach the bathroom. And Grim was impatient. With
Andrey being like a glorious piece of cake on a plate he wasn’t yet allowed to
touch, he couldn’t wait to win him over already. He was sure that with time,
Andrey would see he’d been blind and unreasonable by trying to push Grim away
when their mutual attraction was already so obvious.

handsome. He
never had any trouble attracting men, if not with charm, then with the outline
of his dick visible through the leather pants. And those who didn’t want to
have anything to do with a dick that was far above average size knew they
shouldn’t bother, as soon as they looked below Grim’s belt buckle. Andrey
certainly wasn’t shying away from looking at Grim’s bulge. The interest

Grim smiled and brushed the backs
of his fingers against the bird’s warm thigh. “I know. But who doesn’t want a
nice sponge bath once in a while?”

Andrey groaned and slouched his
toned shoulders. He put his arms between his legs to hide his cock from view,
and Grim couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

“I can see you getting hard over
this. Perv,” said Andrey.

Grim bit the inside of his cheek,
rejected yet again. But since he wanted Andrey as much more than a one-night
stand, he would keep his cool and wait. As he slowly soaped up Andrey’s smooth
skin, he let his gaze roam over the body that was the embodiment of Grim’s
needs. His legs were lightly muscled with shapely knees and stumps that
twitched whenever Andrey moved. Grim could already imagine that squishy flesh
massaging his thighs and chest. He wanted to push his cock between those warm
legs and leave his cum on the scars. He should have done that last night before
he was banned from touching Andrey’s private parts.

That was another thing he
couldn’t understand. Andrey was gay, so why would he reject the offer of a
blowjob or touching? It wasn’t as if Grim was about to demand much in return if
Andrey wasn’t yet ready to face his dick. The night before, Grim had even
finished himself off, and he could continue to do so for as long as Andrey
needed, but clearly, the bird didn’t give him that much credit.

“I’m not a perv.”

Andrey untangled his
Rapunzel-long hair from a knot, and it dipped into the water in a cascade of
ebony strands. Grim couldn’t help thinking that he had been a bit like the
prince saving the princess from the tower. The hair was ridiculously long, and
Grim wasn’t entirely sure he liked it that way, but with Andrey so critical
about the shape of his legs, it wasn’t unreasonable to think that hair might be
something he was vain about. And it
nice in its own way: soft and
smooth with a bit of a wave to it. It was lovely, like everything about Andrey.

“Do you watch a lot of other guys
on webcam?” Andrey reached out to take the sponge out of Grim’s hand.

Grim couldn’t help but smile.
“Are you jealous?”

Andrey shook his head and started
scrubbing himself quickly. “I don’t know you, so no. I’m just trying to work
out what else you like. Maybe I could help you hook up with a cute wheelchair
boy, and you wouldn’t insist on bathing me anymore.”

Grim pressed his lips together,
but he wouldn’t take his hand from between Andrey’s legs. They twitched so seductively.
“I’m not desperate. There’s plenty of fish nipping at my feet.”

“I can imagine. With a dick like
yours.” Andrey sighed. “Can we get a cheap wheelchair today? I don’t like being
carried around.”

Grim silently accepted the
compliment. “Not even a bit?” he asked, slowly moving his hand to the upper
part of Andrey’s thigh, but Andrey grabbed his wrist.

“No. It makes me feel useless.”
Andrey’s pale skin got a red tone on his cheeks, and it made Grim wonder how
Andrey would react to sun if he’d been locked up underground for so long.

Grim would get him the best
wheelchair Andrey could possibly want. Much better than the one he’d seen back
in the compound. “Why don’t you use prosthetics? You prefer the wheelchair?” he
asked and put his hand on Andrey’s shoulder. He couldn’t keep himself from
touching all that beautiful skin. Even if he didn’t get to tease and lick the
scars on Andrey’s legs for a while, at least he could have this.

“Gary didn’t want me to have
them.” Andrey squeezed the sponge in his hand, spilling foam all over his
chest. “I had to earn even that wheelchair. Never mind. I don’t want to talk
about it. I think you have to get prosthetics made to measure anyway.”

Grim swallowed hard, dropping his
hand off Andrey’s shoulder. He watched him clean himself in uneasy, nervous
movements and sighed, propping his cheek on the edge of the tub. His fingers
lazily trailed Andrey’s knee, and he got hot in the face just because he knew
the stump was inches lower. “I knew this guy when I was a kid. He’d had an
accident and lost his legs, but his family couldn’t afford the prosthetics. He
was as young as me and had to stay in the house all the time.”

Andrey reached out for a towel.
“Maybe that was for the better. At least he didn’t get to meet the people I
did. How far away from that base are we now?” He finally looked back at Grim once
he got his hair back into a knot. “We need to go far away.”

Grim slid his hand to the back of
Andrey’s neck, squeezing gently. “I will take you far away. No one’s gonna hurt
you again. Do you believe me?” he whispered, petting the wet hair sticking to
Andrey’s neck. He wouldn’t mind that long hair touching his cock.

Andrey nodded and held out his
arms to Grim in a silent request to be picked up. Grim couldn’t wait to comply.

He placed his arm underneath the
cute, bruised knees and exhaled when he sensed the short stumps beyond the
joints. Andrey was heavy enough for Grim to feel his weight as he stretched his
back and hugged his wet body closer. “We’re gonna have fun today. You need to
see some of the world now that I freed you,” he said enthusiastically, carrying
Andrey back into the room.

“I don’t want fun. I just want to
be safe. I want to be away. The world has nothing to offer me now. I don’t even
have an extra pair of underpants.” Andrey frowned once Grim put him down on the

It was disappointing to see the
smiley, sexy Andrey Grim knew from the webcam movies being so gloomy, but he
understood that some things needed to be mended before the two of them could
start a relationship. “We’ll get you some. And as long as you’re with me, you
are safe. I know my way around weapons,” said Grim and pulled out his Beretta
from the holster underneath his arm.

Andrey touched the barrel with
his fingertips, and Grim’s breath caught when he imagined those digits curling
around his cock. “That’s actually reassuring. Sooo … You’ve seen every part of
me in closeup. I want to know more about you. You’re in a motorcycle club. It
says so on your vest. But why were you there? At the base. You didn’t know I
would be there.”

It dawned on Grim that Andrey
could have died in there if Grim hadn’t found him by accident. Just thinking
about such a tragic end to this perfect boy’s life made him choke up slightly.
This was fate.

He stroked Andrey’s hair gently,
wanting to reassure him of his good intentions. “They took one of our girls. I
was called in to participate in the raid ... I just ... if I hadn’t been there,
you could have stayed there forever. That’s fucking horrible.”

“Is it though?” Andrey looked
straight into his eyes, and despite his features and long hair making him look
young, there was a cool awareness in that gaze. “No more material for your
spank bank.”

Grim’s windpipe tightened, and he
got up, squeezing his hand on the gun. Heat exploded in his head, and he
snarled at Andrey before pushing him back on the mattress. “You have a

And to his surprise, Andrey
didn’t cower. “Sometimes.” At times like this, Grim wasn’t sure what to think.
Had the vulnerability Andrey showed him yesterday been just an act? Or was
just an act of Andrey trying to test the boundaries of Grim’s patience.

Grim put the gun back in the
holster and pulled on Andrey’s hips, dragging him to the edge of the bed. His
temples were pulsing as he leaned down and stroked his thumbs over the sides of
Andrey’s cheeks, watching his handsome features. The wounded bird had such a
scarred mind.

“Poor thing. They hurt you really
bad, didn’t they?” he whispered, choking up for a moment. He couldn’t stand men
who’d use someone else’s disability to their advantage.

And just like that, Grim managed
to break past Andrey’s defenses. He could see it in the softening expression on
Andrey’s face, even though the boy was shying away from looking straight into
Grim’s eyes.

“No one can turn back time,”
Andrey whispered.

Grim swallowed hard, fighting the
sudden urge to kiss Andrey’s lips as those perfect stumps brushed against the
sides of his thighs. “I can make you happy,” he said, looking into Andrey’s
eyes as his heart thumped deep in his chest. Many times, he had imagined
himself on a trip to Moscow and accidentally bumping into Andrey somewhere.
He’d need help because some thugs would have attacked him, and Grim would be
there to save the day. Andrey would invite Grim to his apartment to thank him
with food, but very soon, things would get heated...

Andrey laughed bitterly,
shattering Grim’s fantasy. “Nothing can make me happy again, because nothing
can make me whole. Can we please go?” He pushed on Grim’s shoulder without much

Grim stayed where he was and
lowered his face, brushing his lips against Andrey’s forehead. It was so hot he
half-expected it to burn him. “You can be whole without your legs. You can’t
let them break you like that. You’re what? Twenty-two? There’s a life ahead of

“I used to do things. And I was
good at them, too. Down there, in that room, every day became about survival,
and now … I don’t even recognize myself anymore.” Andrey took a deep gulp of
air, as if he were drowning.

Grim lay on the bed next to
Andrey, pulling him over to his chest for a tight hug. His fingers kept
stroking the soft skin of Andrey’s face and neck as he stared into the depths
of his sad, intense eyes. They made him feel so many things he’d long buried.
Grim knew he could mend the sweet bird and make it sing again with a lot of
patience and effort, but only as long as Andrey
to be pieced
together. “It’s a big change, but you’re not alone.”

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