His Indecent Training 4 (6 page)

BOOK: His Indecent Training 4
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“Now, I'm not trying to break you guys up or anything, but
Colton obviously likes you. I mean, he keeps looking at you.

“Vinny says he's a real good guy. He studies hard, has good
grades, played lots of sports in high school. Not to mention he's
cute and around your age. I mean, if I wasn't with Vinny, I'd tap

“I think the two of you look good together. If things aren't
going well with Damien, then maybe you should part ways. It's not
like it would be a dramatic breakup or anything. Now that he doesn't
teach at our school, you never see the guy.

“Besides, don't you want a normal love life? I know Damien is
ridiculously good-looking, and maybe Colton isn't as good of a catch,
but doesn't it make more sense to be with the guy you have more in
common with, who is around your age, and who is already integrated
with your group of friends. Just saying.”

Before I had time to reply, she was opening the door and stepping
back into the dining room, forcing me to follow behind, dumbfounded.
Had she said all that because I seemed miserable with Damien? Did she
really think Colton was a better choice for me? Was he a better
choice for me?

I did find him attractive, though not as attractive as Damien. Their
looks were completely different. Damien was the rugged type. He oozed
confidence and looked like a rock star on most days, even when he was
being lazy. Colton had boy next door looks. His smile was charming;
his features were warm. He seemed like the type of guy who would
cuddle you on cold nights and bring you flowers. Damien looked like
he would fuck you bow-legged and leave your bed empty the next

For the rest of the meal, my thoughts were consumed with who was the
better choice. I hated this emotional tug and pull on my heart. While
I loved Damien, I did want all the things Tanya had spoken of. It
would be nice to date someone with the same interests, someone who
enjoyed going out with me, someone who wasn't so uptight all the
time, someone who didn't have issues expressing how he felt.

By the time we had split the bill and were parting ways, I felt
stressed and emotionally frazzled. I was so out of my mind that I
even hugged Vinny before I took off to my own vehicle. When Colton
pulled me aside to ask if I wanted to go to the movies the following
day, all I could think about were the things Tanya had told me, and
my lips almost involuntarily said yes. Then he was gone, and I was
sitting in the parking lot, realizing I had screwed things up even
further with Damien by agreeing to go on, what was pretty much a date
with Colton.

With a sigh, I started the engine and drove home, my mind a swamp of
unpleasantries. As soon as I got there, I sent Damien a text to let
him know I had gone out with Tanya and was going to bed early, then I
took some sleeping pills just to get away from having to think about
everything. Hopefully, I'd wake up refreshed the next day and better
able to sort my feelings.

Saturday came, and my mind was only the slightest bit clearer. I knew
I still wanted to go out with Colton. Maybe if we had a date
together, it would help me decide how important that aspect of a
relationship was to me.

The only problem was that I was going to have to tell Damien about
it, and I knew he wouldn't like it. Surely, disobedience at this
level would earn me one of his harsher punishments. My ass tingled at
the memory of the spanking I had received last time I pissed him off.
He managed to turn my greatest kink into the worst pain. Would he do
the same thing this time? Not likely. Damien was creative. He rarely
used the same punishment twice.

A little before noon, Colton called to ask what time I wanted to go
to the movie. I decided to leave it up to him. The night would be
more enjoyable if I didn't put restrictions on my time, even if that
meant missing out on seeing Damien. While I did want to see Damien, I
felt like this was more important at the moment. Besides, there was
always Sunday. It wasn't like I'd have to go the entire weekend
without him. And all I really had to look forward to for my
disobedience was punishment.

While a small part of me hoped that Colton would want to catch an
early showing, I knew I shouldn't be surprised when the three o'clock
showing he picked overlapped my time with Damien. I said yes, and it
was done. Now all I had to do was make the phone call.

For something like this, I didn't think a text was sufficient enough.
Plus, I was kind of curious about how Damien would react. An hour
before it was time for me to leave to meet Colton, I called Damien.
He picked up on the second ring, his voice full of concern as he
asked what was wrong.

“Nothing,” I replied, trying to keep my composure.
Telling Damien that I wouldn't see him made me nervous. He wasn't
prone to yelling, but for some reason, that was all I could picture
in my mind. “I won't be able to come see you this afternoon,”
I told him.

“Why not? Are you sick?”

“No. I'm going out tonight.”

“This is kind of short notice. You know that weekends are our
only time together.”

That's your fault. I would come see you during the middle of the
week if you just asked. But you don't want that, for some unexplained

“I'm going out with Colton tonight.”

For several moments, he was silent, as if he didn't know what to say.
Finally, he spoke, “Am I going to see you this weekend at all?”

“I'll be there on Sunday, as usual.”

He let out a sigh. “Chey, I thought I told you I don't want you
seeing that boy.”

“You did. And I'm blatantly disobeying you.”


I took a deep breath. “Because I want to. Because I need to.”

“Know that doing this makes me

“I do know. And I also know you'll punish me for it.”

“I will,” he paused. “Before I let you go, I need
to know if there's anything going on between you and this boy.”
His voice was disturbingly calm, which bothered me.

“No. There's nothing going on between Colton and I.”
yet, at least. Who knows after this evening? I don't even know what
to expect, or what I'll do if he does make a move on me. I just don't

Alright then. Have fun.”

It wasn't until I heard the dial tone on the other line that I
realized how fast my heart was racing. For as short as it was, the
conversation had been intense. There was tension in both of our
voices, but yet we had both retained our composure, showing no signs
of emotion toward one another.

I decided to try not to think about it. The night belonged to me, and
I needed to make the most out of it if it was going to be worth the
punishment that would follow. Meticulously, I tried on four different
outfits before I settled on a black paneled skirt with a gray button
down blouse and a pair of black ballerina flats. I straightened my
long red hair and did my makeup, primping and adjusting until
everything looked perfect. By the time I was done getting ready, I
felt like a princess.

My effort didn't go unnoticed. When Colton and I met up at the movie
theater, he immediately complimented me. It felt good to be told I
was beautiful. Of course, what girl doesn't like being told she's

He paid for the movie, a fantasy flick with an entwined love story.
Then we stood in line for popcorn and talked about the stuff we had
done during the day, or rather, lack thereof. Colton seemed nervous,
which I found absolutely adorable. He had dressed up for the occasion
too, or at least looked like he had. Instead of his normal jeans and
T-shirt, he was wearing a blue and white stripped polo shirt with
khaki slacks. The smell of his cologne was a bit overwhelming, but
the fact that he had gone all out just added to his charm.

As soon as we sat down in the theater, Colton raised the arm rest and
set the popcorn between our laps. I was happy he did. The thought of
having to stick my hand in his lap for popcorn brought perverted
thoughts to mind. Not that I would mind giving him an imaginary hand
job, but it probably wasn't the kind of distraction I needed when I
was trying to sort my feelings out.

About halfway through the movie, Colton sneaked his arm around my
shoulder, though he made no move to scoot closer to me. My entire
body tensed from the contact, but I didn't push his arm away. Just
the feel of a part of him touching a part of me made me a bit uneasy.
Was that right? It was normal to be nervous when you were on a date
with a boy for the first time.

When the movie was over, Colton asked if I wanted to go to out for
ice cream. I agreed, since the night was still young, and I didn't
want to go home. Eating ice cream would be quick and fun. Besides, it
had been forever since I'd gone to an ice cream parlor.

He offered to carpool, but I insisted we take our own vehicles.

At the ice cream shop, I made a real pig of myself, ordering double
fudge ice cream with brownies mixed in, whipped cream, sprinkles,
chocolate syrup, and a cherry on top. Colton laughed at me as I dug
in with fervor, moaning from the rich taste.

“Wow, you really like ice cream.” He grinned.

“It's good,” I said with my mouth still full.

He ordered boring old butter pecan. A small. Making me look like a
whale with my heaping seven servings of ass-expanding chocolatey

Are you having fun?” he

Yeah. I'm having a great

I was having a great time, wasn't I? If it was true though, then why
was I thinking about Damien. Perhaps it was just remorse for blowing
him off. It was so rare we got to see each other. Couldn't I have
picked a school night to disobey?

You seem kind of out of it,”
Colton commented.

Sorry. I was just thinking.”

About what?”

About Damien,” I
replied guiltily.

You're not going to see him
tonight? I thought you spent time with him on the weekends.”

I blew him off to come hang
out with you.”

Oh.” He seemed
genuinely surprised, and pleased. “Well, that makes me feel

I didn't know how to respond, so I said nothing. Colton was special,
in a way. There was no way I'd take a punishment for just anyone. How
special was he to me though?

We spent the rest of our time at the ice cream shop in almost
complete silence. I was too busy stuffing my face to say anything,
feeling bad I had ordered a mountain of ice cream while he had only
ordered a little. Unfortunately, ice cream doesn't keep well, so I
felt like I had to eat as much as possible so it wouldn't go to

By the time we were done eating and started out to the parking lot,
my stomach was beginning to ache. I had eaten too much too fast, and
I was certain I'd be paying for it later—was already starting
to pay for it.

Do you want to do something
else?” Colton asked.

No. I think I best get home.”

He looked at his watch. “But it's only seven. We still have the
whole night ahead of us.”

I know, but that ice cream
really did me in.”

Maybe we should go do
something to work it off.” Colton gave me a devious look, and
my mind instantly filled in the gaps. “I mean, like playing
pool or bowling or something,” he continued, trying to play
innocent. That was so totally not what he had meant.

No. I'm too full. I should
really go.”

Well, you're no fun.”
Colton frowned. “Tomorrow then? We should hang out tomorrow.”

No. Tomorrow I have to see

He sighed, “Well, I suppose I can't horde you to myself all the
time, though I'd really like to.” A smile spread across his
lips, that same charming smile I was growing to love, though there
was something different behind his eyes. “I had a really good

Me too.”

That's when he stepped up to hug me. His embrace was tight, and it
lasted for far too long. It reminded me of the way Danica hugged
Damien, and I didn't like it.

When he pulled away, his face was close to mine. Dangerously close. I
could feel his breath on my skin, and then I realized what was
happening. His actions were fast, but everything seemed to be going
in slow motion. It was the moment of truth. What did I want? What
would I do? I only had a fraction of a second to decide.

Before his lips could reach mine, I turned my head. The kiss he
placed on my cheek was lingering, but when he pulled away, I could
see the hurt in his eyes.

I'm sorry. I thought . . .”
he stuttered.

I should go.” And with
that, I rushed to my car.

While I wasn't mad at Colton, I really didn't know how to handle the
situation. Me leaving was the best course of action. We could discuss
what had happened later, when we were both more level-headed, if he
even wanted to discuss it at all.

For the rest of the night, I worried over whether I had done the
right thing. Should I have let him kiss me? Maybe it would have
helped me to sort out my feelings. I think I knew deep down what my
feelings were though. Colton was cute and sweet, and maybe he was the
better choice for me, a better fit for my college lifestyle, but I
loved Damien, and as strange as our relationship was, I wouldn't
trade him for the world.

Still, it didn't hurt to think about what might have been. The night
could have progressed in a totally different direction if I had
allowed him to kiss me. We might have even ended up sleeping

Thoughts of sex filled my brain, causing that annoying itch between
my legs that I wasn't allowed to scratch. When I got really sexually
frustrated, I rolled around my bed and rubbed my thighs together,
hoping for any small amount of stimulation. Was it still masturbating
if I didn't use my hands? Damien would think so. All I could do was
groan and wait for Sunday. Even though I would be punished, the night
would still end with me getting off, and that's all that mattered.

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