His Mistress’s Voice (4 page)

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Authors: G. C. Scott

BOOK: His Mistress’s Voice
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As soon as she had recovered a little she opened her eyes and gazed down into his face. He found her glance hypnotic and couldn’t look away. Gradually her breathing slowed and she resumed playing with his balls, reaching behind her to rub them gently with her fingers. Abruptly she caught the tender skin with one of her long fingernails and gave a pinch that made him jerk in surprise. At the same time Beth clenched her vaginal muscles and he felt himself enveloped by the heat of her body.
‘Again, Tom? Can you do me again?’ she asked. In reply he shifted his hands from her breasts to the folds where her legs joined her body. With his thumbs he alternately spread her labia and pressed the lips together, slowly kneading the tiny button of her clitoris as he did so. He fancied he could feel it swell beneath his fingers. Beth certainly felt the effects. Once more her breath became rapid and shallow and her body grew taut with the onset of her next climax. Teasingly he removed his hands. Beth groaned, ‘Don’t stop now, please don’t stop!’ She shuddered and began to thrust herself up and down on his cock. Once again he watched the play of her thigh muscles as she rose and sank. Beth reached for his hands and placed them between her legs, pressing them there to urge him to resume the massage of her clitoris. When he did she gave a muffled shriek and slumped as she came. But this time he continued. He didn’t intend to let her relax and recover. When she realised that he. was going to drive her over the top once again Beth began to cooperate. She sat up straighter to allow him to reach her and at the same time resumed her own thrusting. ‘Aaahhh! Ahhhhh! Ah God, ohhhh Tom, Tom, Tom,’ rising to a scream as she came. He couldn’t hold back any longer and in seconds he felt himself spurting inside her. When it was over she slid down until she was lying atop him. Their sweat mingled as their breathing slowed and their bodies cooled. Still locked together, they fell into a doze.
It was dark when they woke up, ravenous. Tom went to the kitchen to make supper. Beth headed for the loo and he could hear splashing sounds as she cleaned herself up. He thought he heard the shower running and some time later, as Tom was peeling the potatoes, Beth came into the kitchen. She was drying her hair and there were glistening drops of water on her back, but she was wearing her stockings and suspenders once more. She had taken the time to slip her shoes on as well. Once more Tom was struck by the small touch of eroticism implied by her choice of clothing. She could have used one of his bathrobes but instead had chosen the more provocative outfit in which she had arrived. It was almost as if she had read his mind and had known that this would please and excite him.
‘Will you dry my back, please,’ she asked. Tom took the towel and she turned away from him to present her wet back. Tom rubbed her down and draped the towel over one of the chairs. When his hands were free, Beth leaned back against him and rested her head on his shoulder. Tom put his arms around her from the back and held her breasts in his hands. Beth brought her own arms up over his, hugging him to her tightly. Her damp hair was cool on his chest.
‘You really don’t have to cook an elaborate meal. A sandwich would be fine and takes less time anyway.’
‘I wanted to do something elaborate. And anyway, I’m getting tired of sandwiches. We always eat something fast. This time I’ll take the time to make a proper meal for you, and I can put in the time admiring your bod. You go sit there,’ he said, indicating a chair across the table, ‘where I can see you. I’ll get on with the food.’ He released her and gave her a gentle shove.
‘Do you really want to just look?’ Beth asked with a grin. ‘I can think of other things I’d enjoy more.’ That was the kind of remark which he’d remember at odd moments during their time apart, when he was supposed to be doing the things that made up the other part of his life, and he’d lose himself in reveries of their last encounter – to the dismay of the other people he had to deal with. His absences and vacancies were becoming more marked. His work was beginning to suffer. He was close to believing that Beth was the most important thing in the world, and their weekend trysts the only reason for getting through the rest of the time. Understandable in a teenager; not so in a man of thirty-four who had to earn his own living.
‘If you’re absolutely committed to the idea of cooking, I have an idea that may liven up the process for both of us. Do you have any rope in the flat? Grocery string or clothes line, for example?’
Tom thought for a moment, mentally taking an inventory of his closets. ‘Have a look in the airing cupboard. There should be something left over from my linen line.’ He knew that she intended some sort of bondage, but couldn’t guess exactly what she had in mind. It was characteristic of Beth’s approach to sex that she was always full of ideas which he would have called bizarre in someone else. Indeed he had found them so when he first met them in Beth, but the bizarrerie had become commonplace, helped by Beth’s matter-of-fact approach to whatever she had in mind, and by his increasing reliance on her judgement in matters sexual. He was much readier to suspend his own judgement and bow to Beth’s whims than he had ever been with any other woman. She was very close to becoming the arbiter of his taste and the major influence in his life.
Beth went to search the cupboard and Tom continued with his preparations. He heard the sound of doors opening and the sound of her high heels rat-tat-tatting on the floors as she searched the flat. Eventually she came back with a little grin of triumph. In her hand she carried a coil of clothes line. She uncoiled it and measured it by eye. ‘About 30 feet,’ she said. ‘That should do. Tom, I want you to take enough time out from your cooking to tie me to one of these chairs. Then you can use your imagination about where to go from there.’ There was an impish grin as she looked at him. ‘You’ll probably need to cut off some convenient lengths, but I’ll leave the details to you.’ She handed the rope to him and sat down on the chair nearest the stove.
She crossed her legs with a whisper of nylon and he felt his stomach lurch with the glory of her. And she’s here with me, he thought. The ball was in his court. Tom picked up the rope and ran it through his hands, taking the kinks out of it. There was a carving knife on the draining board. He picked it up and cut a length of rope, then put the knife down on the table and went around behind her.
With a dry mouth and a constriction in his throat Tom said, ‘Bring your hands around behind your back.’ Wordlessly, she did as he asked. Tom crossed her wrists and tied them tightly together. Beth gave a low grunt as the rope bit into her flesh but made no other comment. With another length of rope he lashed her elbows together, drawing her shoulders back and causing her to thrust out her breasts.
‘Where did you learn that trick?’ she asked, smiling up at him over her shoulder. She wriggled about on the chair and her breasts jiggled with the movement.
‘Oh, sudden inspiration,’ he replied. ‘I’m glad you like it. On you it looks good. Now hold still before I do something rude to your tits.’
‘Oh, would you, please. I’d really like that.’
‘Yes, I imagine you would, but I have to make something for us to eat. Got to keep up the strength for the weekend.’
He tied a length of rope around her narrow waist and pulled it tight around the chair. Beth was pulled against the chair back, and sat up straight, waist nipped in and breasts jutting out invitingly. He stepped back to admire the effect and then returned to peeling the potatoes and seasoning the steaks he had bought earlier, intending to take them to her place. On the whole, he was pleased that she had come to him. It made a change in their usual routine (if that was the proper word) and seemed to indicate to him another stage in their relationship. Having her in his kitchen while he prepared a meal for them made him feel closer to her. He was perilously close to falling in love with her, but he didn’t want to use the L-word because she had never even raised the subject. He set the steaks aside to marinate and turned to admire Beth.
She sat up straighter when she saw him looking in her direction. Her breasts jutted out aggressively as she drew her shoulders even further back. ‘What are you going to do to me?’ Beth asked, giving a good imitation of a romantic heroine in the hands of the villain. ‘Please, please, just let me go,’ she continued in the same vein. ‘I promise I’ll tell no one about this abduction.’
Stepping around behind the chair, Tom knelt on the floor and whispered roughly in her ear, ‘Let you go? What makes you think I plan to let you go? I’ve only just got you here.’
He reached around her and cupped her breasts, squeezing hard so that she gasped in surprise. ‘Nice ones, nice titties,’ he whispered. His fingers slid down to tweak her nipples, which grew hard beneath his touch. Beth inhaled deeply, gasping in pleasure as his hands continued to tease her flesh. Her breath began to come hard as she became aroused. She twisted in her bonds and the rope bit into her waist. Abruptly he let her go and went back to put the steak under the grill. Beth sat red-faced and breathless in the chair.
‘Don’t bother with food now! Come back and finish me off!’ she urged in a strangled whisper when she recovered her breath. She was tugging at the ropes on her wrists and was bent forward in her eagerness to offer herself to him.
‘Be patient. Neither of us going anywhere. You’ll feel much better after you’ve had something to eat. And I don’t intend to neglect you totally while I cook for us. Sex with you always gives me an appetite. As William once said, “Where others satiate, she but makes more hungry.” You can spend the intervals anticipating the next grope.’
Tom slid the steaks onto the grill and put the potatoes into the microwave to begin baking. Meanwhile he set to work on the salad, chopping the onions finely and making an elaborate show of wiping the tears from his eyes. He sliced the tomatoes, washed the lettuce and put everything into a bowl. After he had added oil and vinegar, he set it aside and returned to Beth bearing a small bowl of olive oil. He dipped his fingers into it and oiled her nipples gently. The effect on Beth was instantaneous. She drew in her breath sharply and thrust forward as far as her bonds allowed. Teasingly he drew back out of range.
‘Damn you!’ she hissed. ‘Get on with it!’
Tom bent to kiss her taut nipples and suck the oil off.
‘Ahhh,’ Beth sighed contentedly. ‘Ohhhh, ohhhh,’ she added as he continued alternately licking her breasts and applying more oil.
When he was free to speak he informed Beth that olive oil was supposed to be good for the complexion: ‘A zillion Italians can’t be wrong. Though I don’t know how many people will be able to notice the improvement in yours. Have you ever thought of joining a nudist colony?’
Beth didn’t answer.
When he was satisfied that he had her undivided attention, Tom took a quick look at the steaks, turning them over and replacing the grill before he turned back to Beth. She was heaving in the chair and her eyes were closed. This time he applied the oil to other regions. Not to put too fine a point on it, the new target was her labia and clitoris. Beth was duly appreciative – not to say frantic. She spread her legs to allow his hands free access to her centre. Nothing loth, Tom slipped his finger into her crack and massaged her clitoris gently. If she had been frantic earlier on, Beth was now beside herself, writhing and struggling against the ropes that held her to the chair.
When he bent forward to lick and suck at her slippery flesh, she thrust her hips against his face and closed her thighs about his head, holding him against her. If her hands had been free, she would have used them as well. Judging by the sound effects, Tom knew that she was close to climax. He reached up to tease her breasts, and the combination of his mouth on her clitoris and the manipulation of her engorged tits brought on a shattering orgasm. Small whimpers escaped her, and she clasped his head tightly with her straining thighs. The chair creaked as she flung herself against the ropes that bound her.
When she went limp, Tom gently extricated himself from her legs and stood up to regard her fondly. Beth was breathing heavily, occasional shudders passing through her body. Her head lolled and she was bent forward as far as the ropes allowed. He went behind her and gently pulled her upright against the back of the chair. Her head fell back and he bent down to kiss her on the mouth. He didn’t linger because she needed all the air she could get. The smell from the grill told him that the steaks were about ready, and he left her to recover her breath and her composure while he set dishes on the table and served the food.
By the time he was done, Beth had recovered some of her breath and most of her composure. She sat erect on the chair and the flush was fading from her throat and face as her breathing slowed, although she still shuddered occasionally. She gave him a tentative smile when she caught his eye. ‘If the meal is as good as the sex, I’ll make sure you get into the
Good Food Guide
. Untie me now?’
Tom opened a bottle of white wine and poured a glass for each of them. He held one to her lips and Beth took a small sip, and then a larger one as the cool wine slid down her throat. As she was drinking, Tom said to her, ‘You have the best seat in the house. No point in giving it up just yet. I’m going to feed you. All you have to do is relax and enjoy the service.’ He set the glass on the table and got a pair of candlesticks from the cupboard. He set them on the table and lit the candles, then went to turn out the light.
The candlelight gave the small room a cosy and intimate air. The soft ruddy glow and the velvet shadows on Beth’s naked body made him catch his breath in wonder. Tom let his hand trail gently across her cheek, feeling the softness of her with an unexpected tenderness after the earlier passion. The traffic noises from the street that filtered to the back of the house sounded far away. A background, like the noise of surf breaking on a distant beach. The sense of fulfilment he felt when he was with Beth came back to him again as he savoured the sight of her seated at the table. He drew up another chair facing her and began to feed her, taking a bite of his own food between times. From time to time he paused to wipe her mouth with a napkin, or to offer her a swallow of wine. Tom felt intensely proprietary as she literally ate the food from his hand. Also excited. He had enjoyed giving her pleasure and at the same time holding himself back for later. He had been almost painfully erect while Beth was having her orgasm. He had enjoyed the sight of this beautiful woman in the throes of passion as she strained in her bonds.

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