His Price (15 page)

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Authors: Leah Holt

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“Hey! I didn't say geek, I said nerd. Those are two totally different types of people.”

“Sure, if it makes you feel better.” My eyes opened wide, brows lifting to the ceiling.

Her hand came up and swatted my back. “It is.” She sternly said as she pushed her chin up higher.

We walked up to two large double doors, meticulously etched with old Mayan details. A large Mayan calendar and astronomical signs were deeply carved into the mahogany wood.

“Wow,” Noella said, as her fingertips traced the pictures.

“My dad's been big into that shit for years. He's all about their prophecies and the stars.” Yanking on the large metal pull, the door swung open with a soft creak.

I watched her jaw drop, hitting her neck. Noella spun in a circle as we entered the massive room. Her eyes shifted between all the shelves stacked with books, making their way over to the telescope resting in the window.

“This is incredible. Why didn't you show me this before?” she asked, bringing her face inches from the array of books at eye level.

“I didn't know you'd be interested.”

“I told you, there's a lot you don't know about me, Hegan.” Her lids slit tight, narrowing to look at me down her nose. “But you didn't exactly care to find out either.” She tugged a book off the shelf and flipped through the pages.

That statement stung, and at the time I didn't understand why. She was right, I found out the bare minimum. I only knew about her mom because of Gloria and her runaway mouth. If Gloria hadn't let that slip during our conversation, I wouldn't have this leverage.

“Excuse me, Sir, can I be of any assistance?” For that brief moment I'd forgotten that Stefan was even there. He'd been tucked away in the corner, blending in with the statues my dad acquired over the years.

“No. We're fine, Stefan. Noella wants to check out the books.” Turning to look at her I asked, “Do you see anything? I need to go get a few things done—”

“Go ahead, I can find my way back,” she said, cutting me off. “I'd like to look around if you don't mind.”

I was hesitant, I didn't want to leave her alone with him. What if Stefan got nosy? Started asking her questions?

The last thing I needed was my dad finding out what the hell I was doing. He needed to think this was the real deal; a real woman hanging over my arm.

Not a stripper I'd bought for myself only to have a baby; the baby he demanded I gave him.

My stomach started to churn; fear of what my dad might do or take away from me; began boiling inside my gut.

“Don't worry, Hegan. I'll make sure she gets back to her room just fine.” Stefan stepped forward, nodding his head.

What the fuck should I do? Do I let her roam around in here with him?

Leaning into her ear I whispered. “Don't tell this man too much, he can't be trusted.”

Glaring up at me under hooded lids, she dropped her eyes back to the book. Gripping her shoulder I shot a glance back at Stefan and walked out of the room.

I wasn't going to be gone long, that I was sure of.

I only needed to make one call.

To my father.

Chapter Fourteen


could feel him watching me, his piercing eyes burrowed into my back. Steadily, I shoved the book back onto the shelf, peeking over my shoulder. Stefan was standing motionless, arms tugged back behind him. He didn't look like he could be much older than Hegan, maybe thirty-five.

Flashing a light smile, I ran my fingers over the wave of books. He looked harmless, a man sent here to do a job. Stefan was a butler, a servant to the family. What was Hegan so worried about?

The man had stood behind me, voiceless and stone still; just watching. Which was a little creepy in its own right, but maybe that's how this goes. I didn't know, I never had a butler or maids, everything in my house was kept up by us.

I had grown up doing chores, running errands, typical stuff any normal person does. Having someone around to do all that for me seemed so bizarre.

Stefan wasn't eyeing anything else in the room, just me. And that was more uncomfortable to me than standing on a stage, removing my clothes. At least at Tigress I had a little control.

A choice in who got close. There was no option with this one, he was just there, staring blanking.

Clearing my throat, I asked, “So, have you worked for Hegan's family for a long time?”

Nodding his head, Stefan adjusted his jacket. “A couple years, Miss.”

“Please, call me Noella.” Spotting a bright blue binding, I gripped the edge and pulled it out.

“Noella what?” His eyes drifted from me to the book. “Good choice, The Mayor of Casterbridge.”

“Rawlinson. Noella Rawlinson.” Thumbing through the pages, I pushed it back into its place between the others. “Do you like books, Stefan?”

“Very much, Miss...” Tripping over his tongue, he said, “Noella.” Bringing his palms up to smooth his hair, he asked, “How long have you been with Hegan?”

Shooting him a glance, my lips pursed tight. “That question has nothing to do with books. I ask you about books and you ask me about him?”

I felt like I was making him nervous. Stefan's gaze began to dart around the room, mouth making noises to speak but unable to muster up the sound. “Well, it's... it's just...” A soft cough gurgled in his throat. “He hasn't mentioned you, and I'm around him a lot. I just thought he would have said something.”

“Well, you're his butler, does he normally tell you everything?” I asked, slitting my lids.

I didn't mind the question so much, except it came out of nowhere. A question about if he liked books wasn't one that should be followed with that.

What a strange man.
I thought as my eyes furrowed against the bindings.

“I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry.” He stared at the floor, fingers wildly curling around each other.

Shaking my head, I grabbed the first book my hand touched. “We've known each other for a little while.” Maybe I was just reading too much into that. It could just be innocent wonder.

Stefan jerked his head up. I had given him an answer, small insight to his curiosities. What harm was there answering a question? Hegan had said he couldn't be trusted, but I wasn't going to say the things I knew Hegan was afraid of.

I'm not stupid. And even if I was going to run off and tell someone, it wouldn't be to the family butler.

“Mr. Alexander has some reserve about you, Noella. Please don't be offended by my questions.”

“Did he send you here to grill me? What's he afraid of? His son leaving him?” Chuckling, I turned to face him, hand falling to my hip.

“No, not that. Honestly, the sooner Hegan grows up, the better.” Stefan huffed under his breath.

“So you mean the immature man, who tackled me outside earlier, hasn't grown up yet?” My jaw cocked out to the side, a large grin rested on my face.

“Ah, so you've seen it too?” I watched his shoulders relax, slumping forward.

He was finally getting comfortable, settled, Stefan was letting his guard down. He didn't need to be so wound up around me. I never had this type of life growing up, and even though he didn't know it, I couldn't stand the sight of someone just being there to wait on me.

“Well he certainly doesn't scream adult, you know? Especially being...” Realizing I didn't know how old Hegan actually was, my words trailed off.

“Twenty-five, he's twenty-five.” Stepping closer, he began to rummage through the array of books. “And you're?”

“Twenty- three.” Pushing a strand of hair behind my ear, I felt embarrassed. I was supposed to be 'dating' this guy and I didn't really know anything about him.

How am I going to play pretend if I don't even know the basics? His age, where he went to school, what his friggin family did for a living. Shit, I only found that out earlier in the day.

I was going to have to sit down and start asking him some questions. In order for me to play the role Hegan wanted, he was going to have to give me something to work with.

And sooner than later, I was going to have to really decide what I wanted to do.

Have his baby, or get the fuck out of here.

“And what does your family do? Rawlinson doesn't ring a bell. I don't believe I've heard that name before.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck. My last name, it's not one of the fancy socialites names that get thrown around. What the hell do I do?

I needed to think quick, come up something to move him away from my family. “Do you know every family in the state?”

“Well, no. But—”

“But, nothing,” I said, cutting him off. I didn't have to answer his questions. Reminding myself,
I don't have to answer anything or do anything I don't want to.
Stefan was the butler, even if Brandon had sent him to question me, I didn't need to give him any details I didn't want to.

Pushing his hand over his neck, he said, “I'm just trying to make sure that you're here for the right reasons. The Alexander family has a lot to give and a lot to lose.”

“Yeah, so I've heard. And Hegan has fallen right on the edge of losing, right?”

“Did he tell you that? What did he say? His father has to do something before his entire life's work is blown by Hegan and his one track mind.” Narrowing his brows, his pupils dilated as he set them on my face. “Hegan, he's trouble. Always has been. When he's gone, it will be a brighter day.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, tilting my head. He said it with such distaste, such disgust. As if Hegan was the source of a problem, an issue that needed rectifying. Was I being led on? Lied to?

Is Hegan using me for something else? I thought he had been pretty straight forward. The fact he just laid the baby card on me, that was fuel enough to think Hegan was desperate.

Maybe this butler, this paid helping hand, had no idea himself what was going on.

Stefan's eyes glazed over, as they opened wide. A realization of what he said taking over his expression. “I'm sorry, let me stop here. Are you all set? Did you find a book?”

Tapping my jaw, I turned back to the bright blue book that he had suggested. Tugging it out, I clutched it against my chest. “Yeah, I think I'm ready now.”

His mouth turned up, cheeks flushing a pale pink. “I'll lead you back. Please, after you,” he said, extending his arm towards the door.

Walking back to my room in silence, Stefan walked one step behind me. And his gaze still burned into my core. I didn't want to make eye contact with him, didn't want him to see how uncomfortable I was.

He had just let out a small piece of the hatred he had for Hegan to me. A mistake he knew he made, I could tell by the look on his face. His pale skin was white, mouth taut against his jaw. He was kicking himself in the ass, sorry he had opened his lips at all.

I had the feeling when he started questioning me that it was Brandon who was curious, he basically said it. But now a piece of me felt different. His motives weren't clear for where he was trying to go with anything, and I hoped I hadn't said too much.

Things were already fucked up enough, making them worse wouldn't help shit.

Approaching my door, I glanced over my shoulder and said, “Thank you, I'm all set now.”

Nodding, Stefan twisted and went back in the direction we came. I stood watching him leave, waiting till he was out of sight before going inside.

Slipping in, I closed my eyes and let my head fall against the door.

“Took you long enough.” The thick bass of his voice crashed into my skull.

Jumping, my stomach shot into my throat. Hegan was sitting in the old Victorian chair against the far wall. His arms were draped over the deep velvet green fabric, his body slouching so his back had support.

It was comical to see a man his size, trying to fit into a chair built for a child. Letting my lungs restart, I huffed out the air they were clenching tight. “What are you doing?”

“I was waiting for you.” Twirling a pen between his fingers, he leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees.

“I thought you had stuff to take care of?” Tossing the book onto the bed, I walked closer to him.
Why is he waiting in here? What the hell does he think I did?

Hegan's head fell toward the rug. “It's all set. What took you so long?” he asked, as his eyes returned to me.

“There's a lot of books in there. What's with the third degree?”

“Did he say anything to you?”

“He said enough for me to know he's not fond of you.” Folding my arms across my chest, my head canted towards my shoulder.

“Well I knew that already. Did he say anything else? Why he was here, or ask questions about you?” Bringing his hands together, I watched his knuckles turn white.

“He asked me a few things.”

“What did he want to know?” Shoving himself up from the chair, he stood inches from my face.

“Fuck, Hegan. I didn't tell him anything about why you brought me here.” Stepping backwards, irritation coated my voice. “I'm not a fucking idiot, Hegan. I don't need you to spell shit out for me.”

Dragging his fingers through his hair, he pulled it tight against his head. “I know, it's just that guy works for my dad. Not for me. He'll do anything to see me gone. Anything.”

“Why? Why does it matter? Didn't you say it was your father who was going to take everything from you?” Hegan gazed at me with large open eyes, shaking his head yes. “Then who cares about Stefan, he's a butler, not your father's personal adviser, right?”

“Yeah, but he's in with my dad. He can do some damage if he wanted to, I'm sure.” Pausing, he spoke under his breath. “It wouldn't be the first time.”

Resting my hand over his shoulder, I had the urge to comfort him, cradle him and let him know everything would be fine. It was the strangest feeling, to feel a sense of sympathy towards the man who was trying to impose getting me knocked up.

But he looked so worried, so unsure of what was going to happen. And I was getting pulled in, driven by my need to help others. It's my biggest flaw, one I have been well aware of.

Yet, it was so hard for me to grasp and hold onto my inner voice; the one screaming for me to run away, to get the fuck out before I'm in too deep.

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