His Secret Desire

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Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #romantic suspense, #hot romance, #romantic thriller, #steamy romance, #romantic adventure, #billionaire romance, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire adult romance

BOOK: His Secret Desire
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His Secret Desire

The Billionaire Secrets Series - Volume One


Copyright 2014 Drew Sinclair

Published by Drew Sinclair at Smashwords




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Table of Contents


Start Reading His Secret Desire

Her Sweet Satisfaction -
Billionaire Secrets Vol Two

His Secre
t Request - Billionaire Secrets Vol Three

Her Sweet Surrender -
Billionaire Secrets Vol Four

His Strict
ement - Billionaire Secrets Vol

Her Sweet Liberation -
Billionaire Secrets Vol Six

Other Books by Drew Sinclair

Sample Chapter: Scandalous - The Scandalous
Billionaires Collection

Sample Chapter: Teased -
Resisting the Billionaire

About Drew

Connect with Drew




I bow down before
those who have gone before me. I thank my discerning readership who
make all of this craziness possible.


Cover Art by the stupendous Cali MacKay

Buy and read all her amazing books at:



Warning: This free or very reasonably priced eBook contains sexual
content, bad language, scenes of a romantic nature, scenes of a
hot and steamy nature, some corny humor and
probably some very cheesy lines as well. The story arc won't be
perfect, hell, not even the grammar will be perfect but God damn
it, it's still exactly the kind of book I love to read. You have
been warned. If it's not your thing then please turn back now! No
hard feelings, we can still be friends


Love & Hugs, Drew.


If you're still with me, read on and



"What's so special about me?" She asked. The look he
gave her revealed a flash of near desperation that went through her
like a small hurricane. Instantly she felt how naked she already
was before this man - only her bathrobe shielded her full nudity
from his gaze; no underwear, no lingerie, no nothing.

Not even a suntan.


Her total satisfaction tonight had just
become his Holy Grail.


Chapter One

Stay low. Stay clean. Leave no trace.

Katy eyed the untouched grande latte sitting
next to her. It was probably cold already, but she hadn't come here
looking for good coffee - she had better blends at home - she was
here to get some work done and the Cool Bean café in the heart of
Lovett, Maine was her favorite spot in town to drop in, tune out
the world and get down to business.

Today of all days she wanted nothing more
than to lose herself in her work. It was the only way she could
really forget about who she was and about the problems that had
haunted her for years. After all, she hadn't had a blackout now in
over four years and every birthday that went by made it seem more
likely that she would never experience one again.

She hunched over and busily tapped commands
into her 'clean' laptop. She was working on an untraceable,
digitally unidentifiable high end machine. It allowed her to snoop
without being snooped herself and was one of the key tools of her

She tried to focus but the man conspicuously
not looking at her from three tables away required attention. He
didn’t look like the kind of dork who would wear hi-tech smart
glasses and the sleek eye wear he was sporting was no chunky, nerdy
Google Glass prototype. Nevertheless, she was sure he was wearing
something. It was her business to be sure. Her survival depended on
it. The guy had clearly looked directly at her, whispered a command
and then his eyes had moved erratically, angling slightly upwards
towards the ceiling, indicating a screen effect behind the slim
frames perched on his nose.

For the last three days she hadn't been able
to shake the feeling that someone was watching her, but every time
she thought she had identified someone they melted away. She still
couldn't shake it though, and now here was this guy, just sitting,
not reading, not talking to anyone, not even checking his

Was this it? After all these years? Had they
finally tracked her down?

It wouldn't be the first time they had come
close to getting her but they had never made visual contact, not
that she was aware of anyway, but if this was it then she wouldn't
go down without a fight.

The bedraggled old lady opposite her looked
at the male stranger, then back to Katy and smiled. She held up the
coffee that Katy had sent over to her table by way of thanks. Katy
nodded back. They were good that way in this place. They never
asked old Maria to leave, not unless it they desperately needed a
spot for a paying customer, and if that was the case then Katy was
always happy to oblige by making a purchase on the old lady's
behalf and inviting her to her own table.

There but for the grace of God go I.

Katy half glanced over at the man again,
trying not to make it obvious that she was so intensely aware of
his presence. The last thing she wanted was contact, even if he was
just an innocent stranger, and even if it was a stranger who looked
like he had just stepped out of the pages of a men's magazine.
Normally G-men weren't so hot and Mafia guys weren't so smooth, at
least not the ones she had been involved with.

She so didn't need this right now. A cat and
mouse game or another uprooting of her life to stay one step ahead
of her pursuers. She needed time to focus if she was going to keep
her one woman consultancy from going down the tubes. Even fugitives
need to make money and one of her clients, a minor national
celebrity, was in trouble. It was all the guy's own fault but the
blame was being leveled squarely at her. It didn’t matter that the
idiot had involved himself in a sex-tape escapade with hookers and
crack cocaine, he expected her to take care of all of his 'privacy'
issues and the threats of exposure he was receiving would ruin her
too if the story came out.

She looked down to her laptop and began
shutting down connections. She had been snooping the backgrounds of
the individuals with copies of her client's tape, coming up with
dirt on them and examining all of their potential digital
weaknesses, but maybe it was time to leave and see if this guy made
a move to follow her.

"Excuse me."

Katy's heart jumped when she saw the tall
stranger with the glasses standing next to her. She had been so
focused on making a clean digital exit from her investigation that
she had never seen him move.

She wondered if she should jump and run, but
that had never been her style. She had smarter ways of evading
identification and capture.

She stared up at the man and although he had
looked good from across the café, the full on impression of him
standing over her was something else entirely; it hit her like a
wall sized breaker on Waikiki beach. Dark hair, Mediterranean
looks, lips that cried out to kissed and a sharp suit made complete
with cufflinks, tie pin and waistcoat. This guys good looks and
dress sense were to die for. Most folks in Lovett, Maine dressed
down because they were all so rich they didn’t need to work
anymore. This guy wasn't one of them and he had gotten the drop on

"Excuse me?" He repeated as though she might
not speak English.

"What is it?" She said, watching him

"I don’t know your name." His voice was calm,
deep and supremely self-assured.

Katy extended her hand. It was possible after
all, that he was a business prospect. New clients occasionally
approached her in this way, wishing to avoid any obvious connection
even to the person who they would expect to take care of all of
their digital privacy issues. If he was Mafia she would be dead by
now and if he were government he wouldn't be wearing the designer
suit with all of the expensive accessories. This had to be

"Katy Maldon." She said. "Privacy

He took her hand and all of a sudden she felt
so tiny by comparison. He was warm, strong, all encompassing and a
thrill ran through her taking her completely by surprise. Men were
not high up on her to do list, especially not with her business
about to go down the tubes and her obsessive attention to keeping a
low profile.

"Privacy Specialist." He considered the words
as though he had never heard the term before. Katy began to relax;
her intuition for people and for business were giving her the right
signals. This man clearly liked to be enigmatic and to keep his
motivations to himself. His thoughts would have been unreadable to
anyone else but Katy was pretty sure she knew what he was thinking
about; he wanted privacy and he would be willing to pay whatever it
took to find the highest quality service available.

Hands down, that was her.

"That's right." She said. "I'm the best there
is. If you need to keep a low profile in a world of high
surveillance, then I can help you. Provided your business is
legitimate. I don’t take on clients involved in any criminal

"I'm sure you don't." He said. "May I sit

"Please do."

He pulled up a chair, sat back and rested one
cuff-linked wrist onto the table.

"If you're the best there is then could you
explain to me why it is that I've never heard of you?"

"First, you need to lose the technology."
Katy nodded to his eyewear.

"Excuse me?" He was genuinely surprised.

"You heard me and you know exactly what and

He smiled at her assertiveness and for a
second the cool, distant business man was gone and someone else
entirely shone through. It was too short though, too brief to tell
much about who this man really was.

He put the slim glasses down on the table and
fixed his gaze onto Katy. The effect was startling. His eyes were a
piercing blue despite his otherwise dark looks and they watched her
with such focus that she almost wished he had kept the glasses on.
Her heart began to beat a little faster. This guy was taking her
totally off guard. Maybe she was wrong, maybe this wasn't about
business all.

"Happy now?" He said.

"I'll be happier when I know your name."

He waited a moment, as though giving his name
away were more than he wanted to do.

"I'm new in town." He said. "I just bought
the Beechwood Cove place down on the seafront."

Rich. Rich as hell. If this was true then he
wasn't just any ordinary business man, this guy was either a huge
crime boss of some kind, a child of vast inherited wealth or an
immensely successful individual. By her Katy's best guess he could
hardly be more than thirty years of age so that meant it was more
likely one of the first two options.

"Are you going to tell me your name?" She

"Frankly Ms. Maldon, I'm not sure I should.
To be honest, you've made me feel somewhat nervous today."

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