His Secret Desire (10 page)

Read His Secret Desire Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #romantic suspense, #hot romance, #romantic thriller, #steamy romance, #romantic adventure, #billionaire romance, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire adult romance

BOOK: His Secret Desire
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Smart, delicious mouth.
The words
lingered in her mind and drew her eyes unconsciously to the
gorgeous man's mouth. An image of those lips plunging low between
her thighs flashed through her head.


She broke eye contact and lowered her head to
the cup, breaking the crust lightly with the tip of her nose -
textbook coffee-cupping procedure - and let the aroma flow upwards.
It was more than delicious; if the smell of good coffee was said to
be an aphrodisiac then this was clearly what they were talking

Clayton watched her with intense focus, the
sight of that delicate, pert nose dipping so elegantly into the
glass gave him a hard on he was having immense difficulty getting
to grips with. He waited, breathless, for those lips to part and to
see the first sip disappear into that slender throat.

You better come clean fast you little tease
or we'll have to skip the formalities.

He had lost control with this woman once
before and it had unsettled him, making him feel unsure of his
ability to hold himself back. Lack of control was his bugbear and
she was the first woman to make him do that. Ever.

She parted her lips at last, just slightly,
and allowed her tongue to slip out and into the glass. Clayton's
cock pressed hard against his pants. The slow, delicate sip she
made to cover her tongue almost made him lose it. She raised her
eyes to him without lifting her head and a spike of pleasure peaked
into the swollen tip of his manhood.

This was getting ridiculous.

Who the fuck exactly is in control
He thought feverishly.

He wasn't a man who raised the 'flag' for any
hot looking girl that passed through his bedroom and the women he
took to his bed needed to perfectly match his ideal fantasy or
there was no point in having them; there would be no physical
reaction - but therein lay precisely the problem - she
the perfect match, down to an absolute tee.

"Ms. Maldon," he began with a strangled sound
and then cleared his throat. "You better not be fucking with me

"Why not? Isn’t that what you wanted when you
tried to tear my pants off on the kitchen counter top today?"

Katy felt increasingly uncontrollable
sensations of warmth, pleasure and sexual responsiveness spreading
out from her center in all directions. The combination of the
coffee, the crazy day, the tantalizingly brief physical contacts
with this impossibly sexy man and now his overpowering presence
next to her; so close, staring at her, devouring her, wanting

"If you keep waving that pretty little nose
of yours over that coffee cup and pretending to be in ecstasies of
pleasure each time you dip the tip of your sharp little tongue over
the rim, I am going to have a serious problem sticking to the
program tonight."

She dipped the tip of her tongue onto the
surface of the liquid again and reveled as the flavor ran through
her. She threw back her head, closed her eyes and let out a long

"Oooohhhh, God, is that good." She said and
then opened her eyes with a slight grin on her perfectly parted
lips to see the effect the performance had had on her rapt audience
of one.

He was breathing heavily and sitting up
straight with his long legs firmly crossed.

"You'll pay for that." He said. "Now please,
for the love of God, hurry up and finish cupping that glass before
I send you back out into the woods with Angel."

The mention of Angel was a slap-in-the-face
reality check. Katy looked instantly serious again as she downed
the rest of the cup and felt the exquisite flavors cross her
palate, the warmth of the liquid enter her belly and the life fire
back into her tired brain.

It was, without any doubt, the best and most
thrilling cup of coffee she had ever tasted; better than a whole
night of so-called hot passion with some of her ex-boyfriends.

"The coffee's alright." She said, as
nonchalantly as she could. "Probably better made in a French press

"Screw you. You loved it. I've never seen
anyone enjoy coffee like that before. That was better than...",
better than a private booth and floor show,
"better than
drinking the damn stuff myself."

"I'm good at faking it." She said. "I'll give
you a demonstration some time if you like."

He took a deep breath in, a demonstration of
her faking ecstasy. It would be hot, incredibly hot, but not as hot
as breaking her and hearing her scream out in true ecstasy.

When you play with best, why settle for

He rubbed his knees and considered the woman
in front of him; no-one, but no-one had ever had this effect on him
before. Her pleasure tonight had just become his Holy Grail.

Katy eyed the coffee pot - another one of
those would be pretty damn good.

"This stuffs not bad, I'll give you that, you
about coffee. Is this what you drink all the

"Absolutely not. I never want to get used to
it so I drink it maybe once a month or less. If I have a special
guest then sometimes I invite them. Like you for instance."

The after effects of the strong, flavorful
coffee on her empty stomach was began to kick in to her exhausted
brain and all of a sudden she felt like a Christmas tree with all
the lights turned on.

"What's so special about me?" She asked. The
look he gave her revealed a flash of near desperation that went
through her like a small hurricane. Instantly she felt how naked
she already was before this man - only her bathrobe shielded her
full nudity from his gaze; no underwear, no lingerie, no

Not even a suntan.

Clayton steadied himself.

"Before we talk Ms. Maldon I need to get a
couple of things absolutely straight."

It was becoming an effort for him to speak at
this point. The impression of a man barely on the edge of
restraining himself made Katy feel incredibly turned on. She was
well aware of her ability to control information, to outwit the
media, electronic snoops and even the US government, but her direct
and immediate over this man's powerful body left her with a heady
feeling that her mastery of information technology lacked.

Give him what he needs.
She thought.
Maybe I should give him what I need…

"Shoot." She said and then raised her arms to
slide her wet hair back into place behind her head.

Come on Mr. Billionaire.
She dared
Stop playing games and tell me what you really

"Number one, I need you to be totally honest
with me about everything I will ask you tonight and about
everything that we will do together, do you understand?"

"I hear you. But how will you know if I'm
being straight with you or not? Are we going to use a lie detector
as part of your little game?"

"Believe me Ms. Maldon, I don't need any
special equipment; I
know. So just keep it simple and
tell the truth. If the truth is too much, then just tell me that
you can't answer. Agreed?"

"I can do that."

"Number two, you need to undergo a full
physical inspection in order for me to feel reassured that you are
not carrying any devices, electronic, nano, or otherwise, that
could lead to this conversation being recorded or stored at another

"I'm naked under here." She said lifting the
lapels of the bathrobe slightly, just revealing a hint of
glistening cleavage. "What more do you want?"

"I'll need a whole lot more than that Ms.
Maldon, after all, I only have your word and besides, appearances
can be deceiving. What the average man considers to be naked might
not be naked enough for me. I'll need to do a complete examination,
electronic and physical or else you can leave right now. I've
instructed Angel to be available for the next twenty-four hours. He
can take you anywhere you need to go. I won’t ask him any questions
when he returns, it will be as if you never existed in my world.
That is the only conceivable way I could let you go. Any memories
or traces of you in my mind would be…", he paused to consider,

Katy had begun to shake. Not visibly, but the
tremor felt very real in her exposed condition. Was he threatening
her? Did that mean Angel would make her 'disappear' somewhere, like
into a hole in the ground in some deserted woodland?

"I don’t like Angel very much." She said,
looking intently into Clayton's dark eyes for a clue of some

"I didn't think you would. The kind of women
I like, rarely do."

"Has he made other women disappear from your

"Never one like you. But that's another
story. Now do I get to examine you or are we going to say goodbye
to each other right now, forever. And I mean forever."

Physical threat or not, the thought of
leaving quite suddenly seemed 'intolerable' to her as well. In all
her years alone no-one had ever come so close to her, expressed
such a need for her or pursued her with such intense interest. It
was intoxicating to feel so need by someone so quickly.

She had only met him a few hours ago and now
here she was in his home, semi-naked, deciding if she should submit
to a physical examination… it was crazy but also the sexiest crazy
thing that had ever happened to her and if she were to leave now
she would be plunged back into the terrible loneliness of her
former life.

Clayton was watching her intently. Her breast
was rising and falling rapidly, agitated by the confusion, the fear
and by her unbelievable attraction to the man in front of her.

"So how do we work this?" She whispered.

Clayton swallowed hard and exhaled a deep
sigh through rounded lips. Although this wasn't his first time,
every time it was different and for a reason he couldn't quite
identify, this one was surely the most powerful encounter with a
'fantasy girl' of all.

"Are you sure about this?" He said.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Of course you do." He said a little too
quickly, as though the idea that he was coercing her in any way was
problematic for him. "If I hadn't seen you in that café this
morning you would be in the middle of the woods right now and trust
me, the cops wouldn’t be far behind. Someone sent them to you
tonight and it wasn't me. The only difference is that I've given
you the option to be here, under my protection and personal
guarantee of safety for as long as you need or want. However, as a
guest in my home you need to obey certain basic house rules. At any
point you can call time and Angel will see to it that you are
re-inserted back into your old life at any point in your getaway
that you think you could have made it to while you were here, or
even further if you like. But while you
here you need to
stick to the rules. That's not coercion, that's giving you an
additional option that wasn't available to you before. I'm not
forcing you to do anything. So what's it to be? Allow me to
reassure myself that I'm safe from you via a simple pat down and
electronic sweep? Or is it to be a one way trip back to your old
life of fear, darkness and running from enemies you can’t even

Katy stood up from the bed and began to undo
the belt on her bathrobe. She still felt coerced, manipulated, but
his words also made sense on some level. She had taken extreme
actions to protect herself before; blowing the whistle on her boss,
going into the Witness Security Program,
Security Program - being patted down by a GQ model type she had the
hots for anyway couldn't compare to any of those, but before she
could expose herself Clayton put his hand out to stop her and again
his touch to her bare skin was electrifying. Their eyes met and his
look had even more charge than his touch. He was forcing her to
take full responsibility for her actions, but at the same time he
was freeing her of any guilt. That was the subtext he wanted to
convey and it suddenly seemed so clear. He wanted to let her off
the hook for whatever would happen between them.

"Sit down." He said. "It doesn’t work quite
like that." He stood up and towered over her, his broad chest level
with her upturned eyes. "I'll explain everything to you. Please sit
down." He put his hands to her shoulders and eased her back onto
the edge of the bed.

Her soft compliance in his hands made him
aware of his painful erection again.

"I need to look into your eyes first."

"My eyes?"

"That's right. Tilt your head back a little
so the light comes into them." He put a curled index finger under
her chin and gently extended her neck a degree or two backwards.
Katy couldn't remember when last a man had touched her so gently.
Certainly no man had ever given the impression of controlling her
so completely.

"Our corporate IT system suffered a highly
sophisticated attack in the last hour. A combination of session
hijacking and cross-site scripting. You wouldn't know anything
about that would you?"

Her head was still tilted back but her eyes
met his instantly and told him all he needed to know.

"I don’t know what you're talking about." She
said, but it was bullshit. The techniques were well known to her
and her friend Suzy often used them to gather information on
clients for her. If they had noticed her snooping then it meant
these guys were good, very good, better than the average blue chip
corporate security team.

It also meant that they might successfully
track Suzy down and get her best friend mixed up in all this too.
She had to shut him down.

"You must have hundreds of cyber attacks
every day. Do you think I'm behind all of them?"

Clayton watched her eyes, held her gaze until
she broke off.

"This one was different." He said. "But don't
worry. We'll track down whoever it was. We always do."

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