His to Claim (11 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

BOOK: His to Claim
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She smiled. “Okay.”

In the restaurant, they talked over drinks while they waited for their meals to arrive.

“So how’s the job going?” Travis asked.

She shrugged. “It’s okay. Better than working in an office.”

“But not all you’d hoped for?”

“I thought there’d be more time for other things. And my boss doesn’t really like

“Really? I find that hard to believe.”

Melanie sipped her drink. “I was hired just before she was promoted to manager, and
I think she’d recommended one of her friends for the job.”

“What about your art?” he asked.

“I’m working on it. I’ve joined an artist community online, and I’ve posted some things
to get more exposure, but I don’t really know how I’d turn any of that into income

“What kinds of things do you like to draw? Besides tattoos, that is.”

“Oh, all kinds of things, but I really like to draw manga-style art, especially fantasy

“Have you thought about becoming an illustrator?”

“Oh, sure, I’d love that, but I think it’s a tough business to break into. I’ve been
to anime conventions where artists do commissions and make money that way, but I’m
not sure it’s enough to live on. Whatever I do, I have to practice a lot to get better,
and it’s so hard to find the time.”

“I know what you mean. It was like that for me when the band was just starting out.
I had to find time to practice and play gigs while working a full-time job. We tried
to book a tour a while ago and a lot of the bigger musical venues turned us away.
Now those same managers are begging us to perform there. Just don’t give up, and keep
working on your art. That’s what we did and look how well it’s turned out.”

She smiled. “I’ve got to say, it would be exciting to travel around to different cities
like you’re doing. I’d love to do that. I’ve always pretty much stayed in one place.
Maybe if there were enough big conventions going on around the country, I could go
on a sort of tour and get enough commissions to make a living.” She smiled wistfully.
“But that’s just wishful thinking.”

He smiled. “Well, if you like the idea of traveling, you could always come with us.
The band is continuing on tour next week and we could use another roadie. You’d get
to travel around the country, and you’d have your expenses covered and get paid.”

“Oh. I … don’t think that would work out.”

“You haven’t even given the idea a chance.” He sipped his beer. “And think of all
the great experiences you’d have.”

Her fingers wrapped around her glass. “I’d have to leave my job.”

“Which I get the impression you’re not that attached to. And we probably pay more.”

She pursed her lips. “And this relationship with Storm is so new. I wouldn’t want
to put it in jeopardy.”

Travis rested his arms on the table and leaned forward. “If it’s meant to be, then
a little time away won’t hurt. And if Storm really cares about you, then he’d want
you to be happy. And if going on tour with us makes you happy…” He shrugged. “Then
he shouldn’t have a problem with it.”

It was a fantastic opportunity, and she had to admit, she was more than a little tempted.

“Storm would not be happy with me traveling with you.”

Travis chuckled. “Yeah, he does tend to get jealous.” His gaze locked with hers. “So
is it more important that you do what makes Storm happy, or what makes you happy?”

“That’s not a simple question. Being with Storm makes me happy.”

Travis shrugged. “There’s nothing stopping Storm from joining us on tour, too. We
never wanted him to leave the band.”

Her eyes narrowed. “You’re not asking me to put pressure on Storm to rejoin Savage
Kiss, are you?”

He took her hand and raised it to his mouth, then brushed it lightly with his lips.
“Don’t you think I’d be more interested in attracting you?”

She glanced around, almost expecting Storm to appear from nowhere just like the last
time she’d been with Travis.

“Even if I did go with you, I’d still be in a relationship with Storm.”

He released her hand, his smile never wavering. “I know.”

But the twinkle in his eye did not inspire confidence in her that he’d respect that

“Just think about it,” he said.

*   *   *

The next day, Storm picked her up from work on his motorcycle, and they sped back
to his place to spend the evening together.

As she clung to his waist, her head resting against his big back, her thoughts turned
to the conversation with Travis. Once the waitress had brought their food, they’d
changed the topic to the upcoming wedding, which was still several months away, and
then on to other small talk.

She really couldn’t tell if she was a pawn in a scheme for Travis to attract Storm
back to the group, or whether Travis had designs on her. There was definitely a strong
attraction between them. Or maybe he really was just being a nice guy and wanted to
help her on her quest.

Of course, there was no reason he couldn’t be both a nice guy, and hopeful that once
away from Storm, she would fall into his arms.

They arrived at Storm’s building and he pulled into the underground parking area.
Inside the lot, he pulled into the corner, then used a remote to open a garage door
to a private storage location where he pulled in with the bike. He dismounted and
took off his helmet. She handed him hers, hopped off the bike, and followed him from
the small space, then he closed the door.

“So what are you thinking about so hard?” Storm asked.

She gazed up at him as they walked toward the door leading to the elevators.

Some people passed by, so she waited until they entered the elevator and the doors

“I was just thinking about you and the band. Don’t you want to go with them when they
continue their tour?”

His eyebrows arched. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“No, of course not. It’s just that you come to life when you play with them, and you’re
so talented. It seems like a waste.”

His gaze flicked to hers and she saw the turmoil in his eyes.

“I’ve already spent a year away. Now I need to show Dane that he can depend on me.
That I’m willing to build the company right alongside him.”

“Is it more important to do what makes you happy, or what makes your brother happy?”
It was sage advice when Travis had said it to her, and it applied to Storm, too.

His gaze sharpened. “It’s not that simple. As I said, I already spent a year away
indulging in my own pursuits, while Dane worked to keep the company thriving.”

“But he likes doing that. But you … that’s not where your heart is.”

The elevator arrived at his floor and they stepped off into his stunning penthouse
apartment. Everything about this place—the expensive furnishings, the spectacular
view through the huge windows, the high ceilings, and the sheer size—reminded her
that she and Storm came from two very different worlds.

“I thought you’d understand this,” he said. “It’s about family. About building a relationship
with my brother. My family life was never great, but now I have a chance at a real
relationship with my brother, without the destructive influence of our father interfering.
When we were younger, he used to praise everything Dane did and beat the hell out
of me for every little infraction. It made me pull away from Dane, too, and I’m only
now realizing my brother was just as much a prisoner as I was.”

She nodded. “I know. I get it.” It was true. Storm needed to be here. At least for
a while. Dane had worked hard to incorporate Rafe’s ideas into the company, making
it greener and more employee friendly. That had made Rafe very happy, and he wanted
to continue to build Ranier Industries into a company he could be proud of, not just
because it was his family’s legacy, but because it made the world a better place.

“What prompted this discussion?” he asked.

She stared at her fingers. “I talked to Travis yesterday.”

Fire blazed in his eyes. “What did he want?”

She pushed back her shoulders. “Actually, we went out shopping together.” When his
jaw clenched, she continued quickly. “When he took me to lunch that first time,” she
gazed at Storm, “when you confronted him … he had only asked me to join him because
he wanted to talk to me about Jessica. He asked me to help him pick out a gift for

“That’s not the
reason he asked you to lunch.”

Ignoring his comment, she continued. “That’s why we went shopping together yesterday.
And … we got talking.”

Storm’s eyes narrowed and she knew it was not a good time to mention Travis’ offer.
If ever.

“It’s just … he said they’d love to have you back in the band, and going on tour with

“So they’re trying to get to me through you?”

She planted her hands on her hips. “Make up your mind. Would you rather Travis be
pursuing you or me?”

Surprisingly, Storm chuckled. “Actually, he’s not my type.” He stepped toward her
and slid his arms around her waist, then drew her close. “I’d rather be pursued by
you.” His lips brushed hers. “And caught.”

She laughed. “Actually, I think it might be pretty hot if Travis caught you. Man-on-man
action. Yummy!”

His eyes widened and he stroked her shoulders. “Well, aren’t you the little pervert?”

“Really? And you’d say no to watching me with another woman? Why do you think women
don’t have the same fantasy about watching two hot guys together?” She grinned. “Or

She slid her hands up her torso and cupped her breasts. “In fact, just the thought
of you and Travis, naked and touching each other’s hot hard bodies…” She giggled.
“I’m getting hot just thinking about it.”

In fact, she was quivering with need. She stroked her nipples until they were so hard
they practically burst through her shirt, Storm’s gaze locked on them.

“And I’m getting fucking hot just watching you.”

She grinned as she pulled off her top.

She’d started to regret bringing up her conversation with Travis, and had been worried
about how to turn things around so they could enjoy their evening together, but she
shouldn’t have.

Men were just so easy.

*   *   *

On Monday morning, Melanie decided to pay Rafe a visit at his office. He came to visit
her frequently, and she wanted to turn the tables. In fact, she had a surprise for

It was odd entering the big lobby of the office building again. She hadn’t been here
in almost three months. Her high heels clacked against the marble floor as she walked
to the elevator. When she got off the elevator on the executive floor, she glanced
around at the reception area and she realized she missed it. Not enough to want to
return to work here, but there were a lot of good memories in this office.

Mostly ones with Rafe, but also with Jessica once she’d begun to work here. Melanie
walked to her old desk, which was empty at the moment.

“Hey, stranger, what are you doing here?”

Melanie glanced up at Jessica’s voice. Jessica stood in her teal business suit and
white blouse, holding an armful of folders.

“I thought I’d say hi to Rafe.”

“Oh, sure. Go ahead in. You don’t have too long, though. He has a meeting with the
marketing department in fifteen minutes.”

“Okay, thanks.” That didn’t give her much time.

As Melanie walked toward his office, she saw the door was open. Rafe glanced up from
his computer screen as she walked in, then smiled.

“Melanie. This is a nice surprise. Come in and sit down. I’ll just finish this e-mail.”
He glanced back at his computer and tapped at the keyboard.

She closed the door behind her and locked it discreetly.

He finished typing and glanced up, pushing his chair back. She walked toward him,
and his gaze flickered to her upswept hair, then down her smart, tailored blazer to
her short skirt.

“Are you going to a job interview?” he asked.

She shook her head, continuing toward him. “I’m here,” she said in a deep, seductive
tone, “to beg for my job back.”

*   *   *

Rafe watched her as she continued around his desk toward his chair. Startled, his
gaze flicked to hers, but the glitter in her eyes told him this was a role.

“Well, I don’t know. Why would I consider hiring you back?” he asked, turning stone-faced.

She took his hand and pulled something from her pocket, then placed a scrap of lace
in his palm. He glanced down and realized they were panties.


God, she was naked under that short skirt. His cock twitched.

“Because I will do anything you want,” she murmured, her voice dripping with sexual

She leaned back against his desk, her thigh pressing against his knee and she tugged
the panties from his hand and tucked them into his breast pocket. Then she drew his
hand to the hem of her skirt and guided it underneath. At the feel of her warm, naked
thigh—God, no pantyhose—his cock twitched again. Then she pressed his fingers against
her folds and—fuck, she was soaking wet.

She released his hand and he stroked her slick flesh. She shifted around, then pushed
on the armrest of his chair to turn him toward her. His fingers slipped from her slickness
as she knelt in front of him, then stroked over the hard bulge in his pants.

“I think I know what you’d like right now.” She smiled, and slowly drew down the zipper,
then unfastened the button.

Her delicate fingers stroked over the light cotton that covered his hot, aching flesh.
Then she reached inside. He sucked in a breath as her fingers wrapped around him.
She drew him out, then gazed at his long, hard cock with wide eyes.

“Why, Mr. Ranier, you are so big.”

As she stroked him, his heart thundered in his chest. Fuck, he hoped she’d locked
the door.

She leaned forward and her sweet lips brushed against the tip of him. He stifled a

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