Hitler's Foreign Executioners (82 page)

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Authors: Christopher Hale

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   De Bruyne/Rikmenspoel (2004), pp. 120ff.

   Conway (1993), p. 261.

   Degrelle (1985), pp. 198ff.

   Ibid., p. 201.

   Quoted in Conway, p. 249.

   As it turned out, the new submarines, delivered in June 1944, immediately developed serious teething problems. They would have been almost useless without a fleet of reconnaissance aircraft – and the production of the Ju290 was halted in the summer after Allied raids damaged production centres. See Evans (2008), p. 672.

   See Lumans (2006), pp. 353ff.

   Melnyk, p. 162.

   Lange report, quoted in Melnyk, op. cit., p. 174.

   BA, NS 19/323.

   I am grateful to Mr Hendy for allowing me to make use of his detailed research notes concerning the events in Slovakia. All quotations from ‘Hendy Documents’, op. cit.

   Evening situation reports of the German Commander in Slovakia (
Abendmeldungen des Deutschen Befehlshabers Slowakei
), Czech State Archives, Prague, Fond 110, pp. 117–212, quoted by Hendy.

   Hendy interview with Dr Jan Stanislav, Director of the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising, Banska Bystrica, 4 December 1998.

   Quoted in Heike, op. cit., p. 200.

Total War
, pp. 631ff.

   BA-KO, NS 19/544.

   Quoted in Evans (2009), p. 680.

   Interview, 2006.

   For the unit history of the SS ‘Charlemagne’ see Trigg (2006), Forbes (2006), Mabire (1975) and R. Soulat, unpublished manuscripts. I would like to thank M. Soulat for his assistance. Strictly speaking the 33rd SS Waffen-Grenadier Division ‘Charlemagne’ did not fight in Berlin in April 1945, but an SS Sturmbataillon comprising French volunteers who had survived Soviet attack in Pomerania and had chosen not to accept release from their oaths of allegiance.

   Quoted in Forbes (2006), p. 354.

   Ibid., p. 383.

   Also referred to as the ‘Overkommando Oberrhein’.

Panzer General
(1953), p. 412.

   Historical Division: United States Army, Europe, 30 June 1959: D–4O8 Personal Notes of Operations Officer Oberst Hans Georg Eismann; 280 pp; 1955. See also
Under Himmler’s Command: The Personal Recollections of Oberst Hans-Georg Eismann, Operations Officer, Army Group Vistula, Eastern Front 1945

   Erickson (1983), p. 559.

   Bernadotte’s negotiations remain controversial; he was later assassinated by the Zionist Stern Gang. For more details see: Sune Persson, ‘Folke Bernadotte and the White Buses’, in
Journal of Holocaust Education
, Vol. 9, Issue 2–3 (2000), pp. 237–68; David Cesarani & Paul A. Levine (eds),
Bystanders to the Holocaust: A Re-evaluation
(Routledge, 2002); A. Ilan,
Bernadotte in Palestine
(Macmillan, 1989), p. 37.

Final entries
, Hugh Trevor-Roper (ed.) (2007), p. 162.

   Bellamy (2007), pp. 652ff.

   de Bruyne/Rikmenspoel, pp. 170ff.

   Forbes (2006), p. 402.

   Kershaw (2000), pp. 808–9.

   See Maser (2002), pp. 360–1.

   Forbes, p. 450.

   Quoted in Forbes, p. 456.

   Author interview, op. cit.

15  The Failure of Retribution

   Degrelle (1985), pp. 326ff.

   Kersten, p. 292.

   National Archives,UK: ADM 1/30080. The circumstances surrounding el-Husseini’s return to the Middle East remain clouded. The Saudis may have pressurised the French to release their guest, and may have flown the el-Husseini part of the way. In any case, the Mufti was back.

   Report by OSS, Quoted by Herf (2010), pp. 243–4.

   Ibid., p. 234.

   National Archives, UK CO 537/1317.

   Arafat’s birth name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Hussein; his clan was only distantly related to the Grand Mufti’s.

   See Ronald Nettler,
Past Trials and Present Tribulations: A Muslim Fundamentalist’s View of the Jews
(Oxford, 1987), pp. 72–89, cited in Herf, p. 309.

   See I. Altman & J. Rubenstein (2009), pp. xixff.

   See R. Florian, ‘Resurging anti-semitism in Romania’, in
, Vol. 35, No 1 (November, 1997).

   Judt (2005), pp. 41ff.

   Earl (2009), pp. 25ff.

   Quoted by Bower (1981, 1995).

   Main sources: Margolian (2000), pp. 131ff.; and Cesarani (1992, 2001), pp. 74ff.

   Cesarani (1992), pp. 79–81.

   Tom Bower, interview for BBC
, 11 December 1989.

   NA UK, FO371/66605.

   Bower (1981, 1995), pp. 258ff.

   UK NA, FO 371/65754.

Archives (with abbreviations used in Notes)

Bundesarchiv Berlin-Lichterfelde (BA)

NS 7

SS-und Polizeigerichtsbarkeit

NS 19

Persönlicher Stab ReichsFührer-SS

NS 31


NS 34



Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle

R 70 Belgien

Polizeidienstellen im Berich des Militäbefehlshabers Belgien und Nordfrankreich


Rasse-und Siedlungshauptamt

Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes, Berlin-Mitte (AA/PA)

Inland II – D

Angelegenheiten der Waffen-SS

Inland 11 g

Verbindung zum Reichsführer-SS

Handakten Ettel

Handakten des Staatssekretärs Keppler

Büro des Staatssekretärs im Auswärtigen Amt

Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv Freiburg im Breisgau (BA-MA)

RS 3 1 1. SS-Panzer-Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler

RS 3 11 11. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Division ‘Nordland’

RS 3 13 13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS Handschar

RS 3 14 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (galizische Nr. 1)

RS 3 15 15. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (lettische Nr. 1)

RS 3 19 19. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (lettische Nr. 2)

RS 3 2 2. SS-Panzer-Division Das Reich

RS 3 20 20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (estnische Nr. 1)

RS 3 21 21. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS Skanderberg

RS 3 23 23. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division Nederland

RS 3 25 25. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS Hunyadi (ungarische Nr. 1)

RS 3 3 3. SS-Panzer-Division Totenkopf

RS 3 5 5. SS-Panzer-Division ‘Wiking’

RS 3 6 6. SS-Gebirgs-Division Nord

RS 3 7 RS 3–7. SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division ‘Prinz Eugen’

RS 3 8 8. SS-Kavallerie-Division ‘Florian Geyer’

RS 6. Befehlshaber der Waffen-SS

RS 4 Brigaden, Legionen, Standarten sowie Kampfgruppen und Einheiten der Waffen-SS

RH 6 Reichminsiterium für die besetzten Ostgebiete

RS 4 Indische Legion, (Indisches) Infanterie-Regiment 950

Bundesarchiv-Koblenz (BAK)


Prozesse gegen Deutsche in euopäischen Ausland

Bundesarchiv Ludwigsburg: Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltung (ZStL)

Records of criminal prosecutions:

Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski and Warsaw Uprising

Viktors Arājs

SS Cavalry Brigades


Vojensky Historical Archive, Prague (VHA)

Btl.d.W-SS z.b.V

Bataillon der Waffen-SS zur besonderen Verfügung

Centre for Historical Research on War and Contemporary Society (CEGES-SOMA)

Archives et Documents de formations de collaboration militaire

Archives et documents du gouvernement militaire allemand, d’institutions allemande civile et concernant la Wehrmacht

National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland (NARA) Collection of Captured German Records

T–77 OKW

T–78 OKH

T–120 Auswärtiges Amt

T–454 Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories

T–175 Himmler materials

T 501 Reeder Tätigkeitsberichten, Légion Wallonie

National Archives of the United Kingdom (NAUK)

Riga Ghetto Case, FO 1060/598

German foreign Ministry archives, the Grand Mufti, GFM 33/437

Disposal of Ukranians, FO 371/57880

Imperial War Museum, Enemy Document Section, HFD

HFD. Papers of the Reichsführer-SS: H/10/1 – H/10/81 (Himmler File Document).

The Hoover Institution Archives (HI)

East European Collection

Germany Collection

Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression: Office of the United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality (NCA)

Green Series
in 4 volumes, including Einsatzgruppen trial.

Red Series
in 6 volumes available online at:

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM)

Military-Historical Institute (Prague) records, 1941–1944: manuscript RG–48.004M

RG–11.001M.85. Historical Commission of the Reichsführer-SS, Berlin (Fond 701)

RG–11.001M.85. Historical Commission of the Reichsführer-SS, Berlin (Fond 701)

RG–06.027. ‘Latvian State Archives KGB Records from Fond 1986 Relating to War Crime Investigations and Trials in Latvia, 1941–1995’

RG–11.001M.90. Alfred Rosenberg, Nazi ideologue (Fond 641)

RG–06. War Crimes Investigations and Prosecutions


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(Yad Vashem, 1987).

Arad, Y., Shmuel Krakowski, Schmuel Spector & Stella Schossberger,
The Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections from the Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squad’s Campaign against the Jews in the Occupied Territories of the Soviet Union, July 1941–January 1943
(York, 1989).

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(Göttingen, 1974–79).

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Unsere Ehre heißt Treue:Kriegstagebuch des Kommandostabes Reichsführer SS, Tätigkeitsberichte d. 1. u. 2. SS-Inf.-Brigade, d. 1. SS-Kav.-Brigade u. von Sonderkommandos d. SS Erschienen
, (Europa Verlag, Wien, Frankfurt, 1965).

Berger, G.,
Auf dem Wege zum Germanischen Reich: Drei Aufsätze
(Berlin, 1943).

———, ‘Zum Ausbau der Waffen-SS’,
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Brautigam, O.,
So Hat Es Sich Zugetragen
(Verlag Holzner, Wurzburg, 1968).

Ciano, G.,
Diary: 1939–1943
, trans. R.L. Miller (Phoenix Press, London, 1947).

Degrelle, L.,
La Guerre en Prison
(Les Editions Ignis, Brussels, 1941).

———, Hitler: Born at Versailles
(Institute for Historical Review, 1969).

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(Historical Review Press, 1979).

———, Campaign in Russia: the Waffen SS on the Eastern Front
(Crecy, Bristol, 1985).

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———, Meine Abenteuer in Mexiko
(Literarisches Institut P. Haas & Cie, Augsburg, 1937).

———, J’accuse M. Segers. J’accuse le minister Segres d’être un cumlard, un bankster, un pillard d’épargne et un lâche
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