Hitler's Foreign Executioners (87 page)

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Authors: Christopher Hale

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Deh, Jörg

de la Mazière, Christian

Demjanjuk, John (Ivan)

Dern, Friedrich

Deutsch-Arabische Lehrabteilung

DeVlag, Deutsch-Vlämische Arbeitsgemeinschaft

Dewinter, Filip

de Zayas, Alfred-Maurice

‘Diaspora’ Arab TV series

Dienstelle Ribbentrop

Dietrich, ‘Sepp’, SS general


Dirlewanger Brigade

Dizdarevic, Lutfija

Dneiper, River


DNSAP, Danish National Socialist Party

Doctors’ Trial

Dönitz, Karl Admiral

Doriot, Jacques

Dorohoi, site of pogrom

‘Drang nach Osten’, German expansion in the East

Drechsler, Otto-Heinrich


Dressler, Hans

Driberg, Tom

Drumont, Eduard

Dunsch, Walther


Dzanic, Ferid

Dzintars, Raivis, Latvian ultranationalist

Dzozo, Husejin, Imam

658th Eastern Police Battalion

Eichhorn, Herman von

Eichmann, Adolf

Eichorn, Erich von

Eicke, Theordor, SS general

Einbergs, Bernhards

Einsatzgruppen, SD special action squads

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Eismann, Hans-Georg

El Alamein, battle

Eliade, Mircea, Romanian philosopher and Iron Guard supporter

Esser, Herman, NSDAP propagandist



Ettel, Erwin

Ezergailis, Andrew, Latvian historian

Falconi, Carlo, Italian journalist

Falik, David

Falkenhausen, Baron Alexander von

Fall Gelb, Case Yellow, invasion of western Europe

Fall Weiß, Case White, invasion of Poland

Fedorenko, Feordor

Fegelein, Hermann

Felmy, Hellmuth

Fenet, Henri

Ferencz, Benjamin, American lawyer

‘Festung Europa’

Filbert, Alfred, EG commander

Finkelstein, Leizer, massacre witness

Fischer, Ludwig


‘Forest Brothers’ Estonian insurgents

Fostun, Swiatomyr aka Mychalio Fostun


Frank, Hans

Frank, Josip

Freedom Monument


Freitag, Fritz

Frikorps Danmark


Führer, Wilhelm

Gablenz, Eccard Freiherr von


‘Galizien’, SS division

Gargzdai (Garsden)

Geheime Feldpolizei, German ‘Field Police’

Gehlen, Reinhard Colonel

General ‘Bór’

General Government

‘General Rol’

German 6th Army



Gestapo, Geheime Statspolizei

Glaise von Horstenau, Edmund, German plenipotentiary

GL, Germanische Leitstelle

Globocnik, Otto

Godfrey de Bouillon

Goebbels, Josef

Goebbel’s Diary

Gogolu iela Synagogue, Riga

Goldhagen, Daniel, author of
Hitler’s Willing Executioners
23, 24, 112, 201, 214, 382, 396, 407

Göring, Hermann

Gottberg, Curt von



Groscurth, Helmut

Grossman, Vassily

Grothmann, Werner

Guderian, Heinz, German general

Günther, Hans F.K., German race theorist

Gurin-Loov, Eugenia, Estonian historian

Gutman, Tzwi, Romanian rabbi

Hadziefendic, Muhamed

Haj Amin el-Husseini, Haj Amin, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem

Halder, Franz, Wehrmacht general

‘Handschar’, Bosnian Muslim Waffen-SS division

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