Holding Haley (The West Contemporary Romance Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Holding Haley (The West Contemporary Romance Series)
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Her eyebrows shot up in question.

Mrs. Wilkins is a card-carrying member of the NRA.” He laughed. “You wouldn’t think of it to look at her”—he nodded toward the frail old woman across the room—“but she packs a .44 Magnum in that big purse of hers. I’ve seen her shoot a can off the fence from thirty yards.” He laughed. “If Wes hadn’t held her down, I’m afraid she would have gone all Rambo on us.”

She smiled slightly, knowing the sheriff was trying to lighten her mood. A few minutes later, while she talked to Mrs. Wilkins, she realized it had worked. Seeing how many people cared about Wes and about her state of mind made her realize what a great town they lived in.

The next few days were a blur. She was in and out of the ICU every chance she could get. She split her time with the Tanners, who had always treated her like their daughter. When they moved him to a private room, she sat next to him as other people came and went. When they tried to kick her out for the night, she talked to the doctor and persuaded him to let her stay.

Wes was still going in and out of consciousness. He would gain his wits, but the pain was too much and the nurses would give him another pill, which would knock him out again. She begged them for medication that wouldn’t make him loopy, but until most of his pain was bearable, their choices were limited.

On the fifth day after the bank robbery, Wes sat up in bed and threw the small cup full of pills across the room. The paper cup floated to the floor; the pills, however, scattered across the floor. The husky nurse put her hands on her hips and glared at him.

No more. I’m done,” he said softly, cringing a little.

The nurse just looked at him, then turned and left the room without a word. His doctor appeared less than ten minutes later.

“I hear you won’t take any more pain pills,” he said as he checked over his medical charts.

That’s right.” Wes nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. “They make me loopy and besides, my pain is manageable now.”

The doctor nodded. “That’s good.” He looked up from his charts. “How would you feel about starting physical therapy?”

Wes smiled and nodded. “Sounds great. I’m ready.”

Good, let’s get you a cane.”

Haley heard Wes groan and saw him roll his eyes as the doctor laughed. “I know you don’t like canes, but trust me”—he reached over and patted his hand— “this time you’ll use it.”


It took him almost three weeks to feel comfortable walking all by himself. His left thigh had been covered with dark bruises. Even his toes hurt on that leg, but he bore the pain and stayed off the pain pills. With the help of Haley, he was walking with the use of a cane after the first week.

One positive thing came out of all this mess; he ended up getting his wish. Haley moved her stuff into his small house and stayed with him every night. She hardly left his side, usually only to take care of her animals and some chores.

His parents and half the town stopped by and visited. The sheriff had even stopped by and offered him a job, once he was back on his feet.

He’d been thinking about working in law since middle school. Now he knew he had the skills, and with just a little more school, he could even become a sheriff, himself. Of course, he’d have to start at a desk job first, until he was back to one hundred percent.

While he was in the hospital, he’d gotten word that his loan had been fully approved. Helping catch the robbers probably had something to do with pushing it through.

Haley had driven him down to the bank, and they’d put her name on the papers as well. The day they had closed on the land and house, he’d walked for the first time without his cane.

They headed over to Mama’s to celebrate. When they walked in the doors, Wes was surprised that the small place was packed and decorated.

“Surprise!” everyone screamed as they walked in.

What’s this all about?” he asked Haley, who was smiling over at him.

She shook her head and pointed to the banner that read, “Congratulations to the new homeowners and the bank robber thwarter.”

He laughed, then hugged his folks, then Jamella, then half the town. He sat amongst his friends, listening to Steve retell the story of the robbery, and he laughed harder than he ever had. Steve could tell a great story, even if for most of the robbery, he’d been standing behind the counter, scared to death.

You should have seen me shake,” Steve said, taking another drink of his Coke. “I heard Jamella felt it and thought it was an earthquake.” Everyone laughed. “You should have seen this one though.” He held up his Coke and saluted Wes. “He hit the floor with Mrs. Wilkins faster than you could blink. Then he pushed her under him as that man tried to kick her. You know how fragile she is; her bones would have snapped under the pressure of those steel-toe boots. Those men might be facing murder charges by now, if it wasn’t for Wes.”

Wes felt his cheeks flush and wished he had some fresh air. Haley squeezed his hand under the table and smiled at him. He knew he could do anything with her at his side.

Later that evening, she drove them back to their place in silence. When she pulled her car to a stop, she looked over at him, a smile no longer on her lips.

What?” He took up her hand. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head. “It’s nothing.”

He looked at her, tilting his head, knowing better.

She chuckled. “Okay, it’s just that after hearing the story from Steve, I realize how close it was.”

He pulled her across the seat and hugged her. “Nothing can take me away from you.” He pulled back, then kissed her gently. “Nothing. No power on Earth can stop me from being with you. Do you understand?”

She nodded and kissed him again. When the kiss turned hot, he pulled back, knowing he was in no shape to have sex in the small car.

“Come on, let’s get inside. It looks like rain again,” he said, playfully pushing her off his lap.

They raced through the light rain until they reached the porch, where he pulled her closer to him and kissed her until he felt that the rain was steaming off his skin.

Just the feel of her skin against his lit fires all over his skin. He moved until she was up against the door as he ran his hands underneath her shirt. Her skin felt smooth and soft under his fingertips. She moaned when he pulled open her shirt and dipped his head to taste the exposed skin.

She fumbled for the door handle and pushed him inside, kicking the door shut with a quick motion. He had her pinned up against the door, quickly. Her hands were trapped above her wet hair, and her breathing was labored as she watched him with her sea-green eyes.

“You bewitch me,” he said just before he took her mouth again. “Your skin is soft as flower petals.” He ran his lips over her neck and shoulder, then pulled the shirt off until she was exposed. “You taste better than honey.” He ran his tongue over the dip between her breasts. She moaned as he pushed her long skirt up her silky legs and up over her hips. When his fingers dipped under the silk that covered her, he groaned. “You feel better than heaven.” He slid a finger into her heat and watched her eyes go dark.

More,” he groaned when her fingernails dug into his skin. “I want it all.” He pushed her skirt higher, completely over her hips, and turned her around. Her hands came up, holding her away from the door as she flung her hips towards him.

He took hold of her hips after yanking his jeans down over his own hips. “Faster,” she cried. “Now!”

He pushed her legs wider with his knees, then plunged into her in one quick motion. She cried out with pleasure as he pinned her to the door.

Faster,” she cried, throwing her head back.

His hips moved faster as he reached up with his hands and took hold of her breasts lightly.

“Please,” she moaned. “More.”

He turned her quickly, picking her up until she was pinned between him and the door. Her bare legs wrapped around his hips as he plunged into her deeper. Their mouths fused together. Their heartbeats and labored breaths matched.

“I want it all,” he growled, not knowing what he was asking for.

Her fingers dug into his scalp as he thrust deeper and harder until finally he felt her tighten around him. He felt her go completely lax against his body; only then did he find his own release.

That night, as Haley slept through the evening thunderstorm, he lay awake thinking of how close it had really been. He’d asked the doctors not to tell her how close he’d come. Hell, he hadn’t known until a nurse had mentioned something about it.

When Haley started moaning and crying in her sleep, he pulled her near and ran his hands over her hair, cooing to her. She finally settled down as the storm passed and he fell asleep holding her.


Haley was in a foul mood. Roger had gotten out of the corral and was nowhere to be found. She’d searched since morning light for the calf and the rooster she knew was bound to be right on his tail.

She had thought that Blackjack was smarter than this. After all, he was in his midlife. It wasn’t as if he was a young gun, like Roger was.

Roger’s mother was still in the corral, looking bored. Lauren and Chase had gone into Tyler for the weekend with the big truck. They were picking up a few new mares. Alex had agreed to watch Ricky down at the diner until her shift ended at two. Haley was supposed to take over watching him for the night; that is, if she could find Roger and Blackjack in time.

She was about to give up when she heard the rooster crow behind one of the old hay barns in the south field.

When she rode around the corner, she jumped from her horse and rushed to aid Roger, who was stuck in an old watering hole. His legs and chest were covered in mud as his eyes looked wildly around. When he saw her, he started bawling and thrashing around. Blackjack jumped up on Roger’s rear end and stood there looking at her impatiently.

“Well, don’t look at me.” She stood over the pair, looking down at both of them covered in mud. “I’m not the one who allowed him to walk into that mess.”

Shaking her head, she pulled the rope off her saddle and wrapped it around the calf’s body. Now she was as muddy as they were and had water in her boots. Tying off the rope to the saddle, she jumped on and started walking Dash back until the little calf was freed.

Roger lay there on the dry ground, breathing hard. When she walked over, he closed his eyes with relief.

Looks like you two have been at it a while.” Squatting down, she patted the calf’s neck. “Think you can make it back to the barn?” she asked, knowing she wouldn’t get an answer.

It took a few minutes for the calf to catch his breath. When he gained his feet, Blackjack was right there next to him. “Well, come on then.” She jumped back on Dash’s back, keeping the rope lose around Roger’s neck to make sure he didn’t wander off again.

“Think you two learned your lesson this time? This is the fourth time this month I’ve had to search you guys down. If this continues—” She heard thunder in the distance and looked at the sky. From the looks of things, she’d make it back to the house just as the rain started.

Damn, think you two can pick it up a bit?” she asked. The calf looked up at her, and she could see that he was almost too tired to walk at this pace. She sighed. “Looks like we’ll get a little wet then.” She frowned and started dreaming about a hot shower and a warm bed next to Wes.

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