Hollowed (33 page)

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Authors: Kelley York

Tags: #Children's Books, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy & Magic, #Spine-Chilling Horror, #Children's eBooks, #Science Fiction; Fantasy & Scary Stories, #Sword & Sorcery, #Scary Stories

BOOK: Hollowed
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You didn
t know?
Fred asks, and I shake my head.
Mav said Joel brought her home one night. Didn
t offer any kind of an explanation. He wasn
t supposed to be infecting anyone so Maverick played it off like Ruby was his in case any of the elders came asking. But Joel was really possessive over her.

So when she left, he probably wasn
t too happy,
Oliver says

through my stomach and up into my lungs until it threatens to suffocate me.
Why would Ruby lie to me? For a second, everything Noah has told me about her reverberates in my head and I have to force it aside. If what Fred is saying is true, t
hen Joel really is after Ruby, and he
s proven he
ll stop at nothing to get her back. On one hand, having him as an enemy is better than going up against Maverick, but Joel
s proven pretty damned good at being elusive.

Fred is watching me intently, looking like he wants to say something
but afraid to. Cole says his name, drawing his attention back to the others.
I would like to speak with Maverick on all of this,
he says.
Perhaps we can come to some arrangement. I would not like seeing him be punished for trying to protect his brood, so long as he isn
t going to let it come to his again.

Dark expression brightening, Fred lets out a sigh of relief.
d be great. He said to give you this.
He pulls a slip of paper from his pocket and hands it over. I catch a glimpse of a phone number on it.

Cole nods.
I will contact him to arrange a one-on-one meeting.

s spine stiffens.
You can
t just—

This is something for the adults to deal with, Oliver,
he says, tone sharper than
m used to hearing
In the meantime, the rest of you can focus on finding Ruby and Joel and restrain them for questioning.

I can help
Fred says, stepping away from the window like he might be ready to leave.

Throwing myself at him to make him stay so I can grill him on Ruby seems like a bad idea. I
m not even sure what I would ask when it
s obvious everything he knows is hearsay anyway. Maverick would be the one to ask.

Still, I have to try. He has to know

I give my biggest, saddest eyes to Daniel when I catch him looking my way. He smiles and spreads his arms wide.
Well, we all have much to accomplish in a short period of time,
Cole and Oliver glance at me, seeming to get the hint
and Daniel ushers them out of the room.

The tension in Fred
s shoulders is so visible that I can see it slide right out of him when we
re alone again. He exhales, pocketing his hands.
hanks. I
guess I
should get back.

You looked like you wanted to say something earlier,
I say before I can lose my nerve.
What was it?

Fred ducks his head with a sigh, studying his feet.
s not important.

Tell me anyway.

s just...
I mean, I shouldn
t say anything.
A crease forms where his brows draw together.
Everything that happened with Ruby was before I came along, so there
s no telling how accurate my info is...

I swallow hard. Even if it isn
t accurate, it
s still
and I feel like I
m back at square one in knowing
what happened to my sister
m taking everything I hear with a grain of salt right now until I get all this sorted out, but whatever you
ve heard would help.

Another sigh. Fred sinks down onto the bed beside me. Funny, I
m not even worried about keeping my hand near the gun anymore. The more I watch him, the look in his ey
es, the more I think Fred is...
a lot like me. A lonely kid trying to figure out their place in this
life we
ve fallen into. I wonder if he chose to be turned. If he regrets it now.

Maverick said Ruby really hated the rules,
he tells me.
She pushed limits a lot. But Joel? He never had a problem with her. In fact, they were
pretty close.

I frown.
Close, like

Like, an item. I think. That was the impression I got.
He shrugs.
Joel w
as pretty torn up when she left
. Explains why he was so mad. Not only did she ditch the group, but she ditched without him.

Joel and Ruby. I didn
t get the impression she was with the group for that long. Long enough to get over Noah and hook up with another guy? She didn
t mention anything about it. Neither did Noah, which tells me he probably doesn
t know. Anything to make Ruby look bad he
s more than happy to bring up.

I turn my attention to the window, exhaling. Every fact brought to light leaves me more and more in the dark.

Something bothering you?
he asks.

Plenty of things. Anything I
m going to tell him? Pfft.
t worry about it. I thought you had to get back.

Guess so.
Fred purses his lips, scratching at his jaw.
you know. This all seems like a lot. So if you wanna talk or

I twist around and stare at him. Really stare at him. Trying to figure out what he
s playing at. All I s
ee looking back at me is a sad
guy not much older than me. Somehow, I know without even asking that this isn
t a life he chose for himself. He looks as lost and out of place as I did.

The words spill out before I can try to filter them.
I killed someone.

Holy God, am I really going to talk to him about this? Then again, maybe he
s the most logical choice. Not because I feel like I know him, but maybe because he
s a complete stranger to me. I don
t give a damn what Fred thinks of me, so there
s no reason to be afraid.

And there
s no judgment in Fred
s eyes. Just
understanding as he nods slowly and waits for me to elaborate. After a second, I do.

When Joel tossed me off the roof. There was this guy and he tried to save me and I just
Waving my hands, gesturing, as though I could possibly gesture how I tore into his throat the way I did.

So it was an accident?

Yes. No. I don
t know
Saying it was an accident feels like I
m making excuses.
I rub at my eyes.
I was so out of it
. A
ll I could think of was needing to feed so I could heal. When I was finally thinking clear again, he was already dead.

He considers that.
Sounds like an accident to me.

But it

Briar. Saying it was an accident doesn
t cheapen how badly you feel about it. That point is that you
feel guilty.
His fingers touch to
chest, over
So long as you weren
t out to intentionally hurt the guy and you
re sorry for it, then forgive yourself and let it go.
A grin spreads over his face.
If it helps any, I
ll forgive you for it first. If I can do it, so can everyone else.

m utterly torn between thinking he
s a moron and being
relieved. Thinking maybe he
s right.
m not too bad off if I
m capable of feeling remorse for what I did.

Even if I wouldn
t have cared if Fred thought I was a monster for my mistake, I
m still glad he
s here, smiling at me that way. Knowing my secret but not hating me for it. I take a deep breath, forcing out some of the tension in my shoulders on exhale.
Thanks, Fred.

t mention it.
He nudges me with an elbow.
Now, I
ve been meaning to ask you about
one of the guys that was in here.


The tall one.
A lazy smirk plays
across his face.
Your ‘date.

Well, lost that one, huh? I fold my arms stiffly across my chest.
His name is Daniel.

Is he human?

None of his business, honestly.

And you weren
t really on a date.

Well, not—
I mean. You know. Technically?


I guess
My cheeks burn.
But that
s only because I don
t think Daniel
s really into girls.

Fred pauses.

Yeah. He said you were cute, though.
I take great joy in watching how uncomfortable
statement makes him. He stands, holding up his hands.

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