Hollywood Kids (49 page)

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Authors: Jackie Collins

BOOK: Hollywood Kids
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The hell I wasn't,' he said angrily. 'She's had alimony out of me ever since she left.'

Well... Rita wasn't always the most honest person in the world.'

'Keep talking -'

'She walked out on me one day. Didn't tell me she was leaving - simply packed her stuff an' moved out.'

'Is that when she went to the Sunset View Apartments?'

'Right. Some guy started paying her rent. Then she met Heron Jones, and he set her up with Daly Forrest. Next thing she's working in the porno business. It would've been nice if she'd gotten me a job too, but Rita wasn't into helping her friends.'

'Where is this taking us?' he asked grimly.

'A couple of months after she moved I went to visit her, she owed me money and I wanted it. She wasn't exactly thrilled to see me, but there was nothing she could do. I knew she had the money 'cause she was working pretty steady by this time.'

'Did she pay you?'

'Yes. And while I was there I noticed the kid wasn't around, so I asked where she was. Rita told me Bella was with her father. I said, "I thought you hated his guts," 'cause she didn't exactly talk about you in a flattering way. "Michael's not her father," she said, "Sal's her father." "Who's Sal?" I asked. And she told me he's your brother.'

He felt a deep cold searing hurt inside. Jesus Christ! Could this be true?
No fucking way

And yet... he kept listening.

'So then she starts explaining to me about how she was pregnant when you two got married,' the woman continued. 'But it was Sal's baby all along, and since he wouldn't marry her, he set it up for you two to meet. Told her you'd do the right thing by her, an' you did. After a while she moved to LA, got together with Daly, and found Bella too much of a responsibility. She was in constant touch with Sal, and when she heard his wife couldn't get pregnant, she told him he could take Bella. I asked her if you knew about it, "He'll never find out," she said. "He don't give a shit about his kid." So I said, "Well, if he's in New York he will." And she said, "He don't give a shit about his family either."'

This was almost too much information for him to digest. This woman was telling him that Bella was not his child, that Sal had fathered her, and that all this time, while he'd been driving himself insane with worry, Bella was safely in New York with Sal.

He was filled with a rage so intense he thought he might explode. 'How do I know you're telling the truth?' he said at last.

'It would be a helluva story to make up, wouldn't it?' she said, blowing smoke rings. 'And if I
making it up, how would I know all these details?'

He felt like he'd been rammed in the stomach with a sledgehammer. It was all too much. 'Who murdered Rita?' he managed to ask. 'Do you know?'

'Daly Forrest had mob involvements. He owed people money and they threatened him - something to do with distribution of his porno movies. After Rita was murdered, I laid low, 'cause I didn't want anybody suspecting I knew anything.'

He pressed on, determined to hear it all. 'What about the tape? Bella's voice was on the tape.'

'That was my cousin's kid, they all sound alike at that age,' she said, picking up her cheap pocketbook and stubbing out her cigarette. 'I gotta go now.'

'No,' he said harshly, grabbing her arm again. 'First you're telling me who you are.'

'I don't have to tell you nothing. Go to New York, Bella's there. Only what does it matter now? She's not even your kid, is she?'

There was a thunderous roaring in his head. Instinctively he knew she was telling the truth. It all made sense. Rita and Sal. The perfect couple. How they must have laughed at him behind his back.

It occurred to him that his mother had to have known all along, and yet she'd let him suffer for months. As for Sal - that fat, stinking, piece of shit sonofabitch. He'd fucking kill him.

The woman got up from the table and began walking away. He didn't stop her, he didn't care.

He sat there for a long while, his head in his hands, trying to get it straight. Eventually he got up, went to his car and drove directly to the airport.

As soon as he arrived at LAX he stopped at a pay phone and called Quincy.

Amber picked up and informed him Quincy was out. 'Listen carefully, Amber,' he said, speaking slowly and concisely. 'There's been an important development regarding Bella. I have to fly to New York. Tell Quincy it's an emergency.'

'Have you found her?' Amber asked anxiously. 'Is she all right?'

His answer was guarded. 'I think so,' he said carefully.

'Michael, I'm so relieved. But I know Quincy will want to speak to you. Will you be with your family?'

'No, tell him not to call me there, OK? I'll keep in touch with you guys. Don't worry, it'll all work out.'

American Airlines had a flight leaving in half an hour. He booked himself on it.

Chapter Forty


Detective Carlyle glared at Kennedy across the room. The fact that she'd marched into the meeting with her newscaster friend and dumped a load of detailed information on the table had really pissed him off. She was making him look like a fool and he didn't appreciate it. What right did she have to interfere in his case pretending she knew what she was doing? As far as he was concerned the two of them were a couple of ballbreakers with some half-assed theory about who the LA Strangler was. They were too late anyway, because, unfortunately for Detective Carlyle, Boyd Keller, the thirty-something hotshot special investigator assigned to head the newly formed task force, had come up with the same information. In fact, he'd already taken it one step further and ordered DNA and fingerprint tests that could prove conclusively Zane Marion Ricca was their man. Right now they were waiting for results, but everyone seemed pretty certain that within the next twenty-four hours there'd be an APB out on Zane Marion Ricca.

What kind of a name was Zane Marion Ricca anyway?

Detective Carlyle burped, not so discreetly.

Kennedy shot him a look. Trust her to catch it. She definitely needed a man to keep her in line, and so did the other one. He wouldn't mind obliging as far as the Spanish one was concerned, she had the kind of body that really got him going, and he wouldn't say no to her smouldering eyes and full inviting lips. As for Kennedy - no way - cool as ice, she'd freeze a man's balls off.

He wished Kennedy Chase and her friend would get the hell out. There was nothing he liked less than being made to look a fool, and that's exactly what these two women had done, coming up with facts he should have been aware of, considering two of the murders had taken place in his division.

Too bad. His workload was a bitch - he could only do so much, he wasn't a fucking machine.

Kennedy stood up, so did the other one. Nice tits. Any other time he might have appreciated them more, but right now he was too pissed off.

The two women were on their way out. And not a moment too soon.

* * *

Once Kennedy and Rosa got outside they turned to each other and started laughing.

'Did you see the faces on those guys?' Rosa said. 'What a sorry bunch of schmucks.'

'I know,' Kennedy agreed.

'And as for your Detective Carlyle-'

'He's not
detective,' Kennedy interrupted indignantly. 'The first time I interviewed him I knew he was an idiot. He had to realize there were connections between the murders, but when I pointed it out he didn't want to know. What kind of detective doesn't investigate?'

'A dumb detective.'


They began walking towards Rosa's car.

'I can't help thinking that if only somebody had done something about it then, maybe lives could have been saved,' Kennedy said.

Rosa nodded. 'Well, at least the special investigator seems to know where it's at. He was on top of it before we gave him the facts.'

'Thank goodness.'

'He's pretty sexy, huh?'


'Boyd Keller.'

'C'wow, Rosa, you're practically engaged.'

'But not dead,' Rosa said with a wink. 'Did you notice his butt?'

'No, I didn't,' Kennedy said firmly.

They reached Rosa's car and got in.

'I must say,' Rosa said, 'your commentary after the press conference was excellent. You should give serious consideration to appearing on TV full time.'

'No, thanks. I already have a job I love. Right now I'm going home and writing the story Phil would want me to write.'

Which is?'

'Zane Marion Ricca. I mean, who is this guy? Nobody knows that much about him, except that he came out here from New York and got a part in
The Contract
. Even when he was on trial there was hardly any background information on him. He had high-powered, expensive lawyers. Who paid? And why? I think his story is definitely worth investigating.'

'You really get off when you're working on something that excites you,' Rosa commented, starting the engine. 'It heats you up more than a man, doesn't it?'

'Unlike you.'

'You're going to turn into a nun.'

'I've got a confession,' Kennedy said, a touch sheepishly.


'Remember how you were always trying to fix me up with Michael Scorsini?'

'Hmm... you really blew that one. He was

She smiled. 'We had a drink together the night before last, and... I have to say, it was kind of... intriguing.'

Rosa almost smashed into a Cadillac backing out of a parking spot. 'I don't believe what I'm hearing!' she exclaimed.

'It's true,' Kennedy assured her, still smiling. 'You were right for once, he seems like an interesting man.'

'Hey, this is good,' Rosa said enthusiastically. 'When's the next rendezvous?'

'We're having dinner tonight.'

'I feel like a matchmaker!'

'I'm not marrying the guy,' Kennedy pointed out calmly. 'We're merely having dinner. I'll let you know what happens.'

'You know what
happen?' Rosa said with a wicked smile.


'A crazed night of wild unadulterated sex!'

'Is that all you think about?'

'Only when I'm horny.'

* * *

Bobby was getting ready to leave his office and head for the location. Even though he wasn't working, he liked to be on top of the action, hovering over Mac, probably driving him nuts, but who cared?

Tyrone caught him on his way out. 'It's done,' he announced. 'I cut a deal with Jerry and his agent.
I managed to change the schedule. With any luck we'll be able to reshoot several of Cedric's scenes tomorrow. Jerry's up for it. Wardrobe's on their way over to his house now.'

Bobby nodded. Great. Now he was stuck with Jerry. Deep down he'd hoped Jerry would be too difficult to handle and the deal wouldn't fly.

'That's fast work. I'm impressed,' he said.

Tyrone shrugged ruefully. 'I figured I had to make amends for last night.'

'You certainly did. What's Jerry demanding? An arm and a leg? Or just a kidney?'

'He was pretty reasonable considering. We pay him mucho bucks, he gets special boxed billing, and he's all set.'

'So tomorrow's the big day?'

'Gary and I went over everything. If Jerry knows his lines and doesn't screw around, we may be able to get back on schedule. I've also figured out a way we can cut a day by combining two locations.'

'You're pretty good at what you do.'

'I try to be.'

'So next see if you can take care of Jordanna's deal. We're definitely casting her as Sienna.'

'Yeah, the rumour's buzzing. Who's her agent?'

'She doesn't have one. I want her to go with Freddie Leon.'

'Freddie Leon.' Tyrone let out a long low whistle. 'He doesn't handle newcomers.'

'I've got a feeling he'll handle Jordanna,' Bobby said. 'Freddie gets off on challenges.'

He stopped by Jordanna's cubby-hole office on his way out. 'Good morning,' he said. 'Feeling better?'

'Like I got hit in the head with a sledge-hammer - apart from that, wonderful. What's up?'

He pushed the door shut behind him and leaned over her desk. 'I've talked to Mac and the studio guys, and you'll be glad to hear that everyone approves.'

'Of what?' she asked earnestly, nibbling on a pencil.

He took a long meaningful beat before giving her the good news. 'You're doing the movie.'

She stared at him for a moment, barely able to speak. Then her face lit up and she gasped. 'Oh, Bobby, I... I don't know what to say. This is fantastic!'

'Don't say anything.'

'Not even thank you?'

'We've got to work out a deal for you first. I'm putting you together with Freddie Leon.'

'Freddie won't want me,' she said quickly. I've never done anything.'

'Freddie's a good friend. I'm arranging a meeting this afternoon.'


'You bet.'

She got up from behind her desk rilled with trepidation and delight. 'I was just going for lunch. Should I cancel?'

'No. Go enjoy yourself, and don't tell anybody about the movie yet. We'll make an announcement when the time is right. This afternoon you'll visit the costume designer and start picking out clothes. Later we'll read through the script together.'

'This is really happening, isn't it?' she said dreamily.


'I can't believe it.'

'You will.'

She grinned. 'I guess I will.'

'There's a cleaning crew at my house today, but they should be finished by early evening. How about coming over for dinner?'

She tilted her head to one side. 'You and me?'

'No, you, me and the cleaning lady!' he joked.

'Bobby -'

'Yes, you and me, Jordanna. Unless you don't want to.'

'Oh, I want to.'


She smiled softly. 'Good.'

'Come over to the location when you're through with lunch. I'll be there all afternoon.'

She left the office in a daze and drove straight to The Ivy. Now that the dream was actually coming true she was elated and yet scared at the same time. Bobby had all this faith in her. Could she really cut it? Would she be good enough? Oh, God, could she live up to the famous Levitt name? It was a scary thought.

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