Holy Blood, Holy Grail (74 page)

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Authors: Michael Baigent,Richard Leigh,Henry Lincoln

Tags: #Religion, #Christianity, #General

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Cathars, 33-4, 41-58; doctrine,

Blanchefort, family of, 107 46-9; origins, 51-2; treasure,

Blanchefort. Marie, Marquise 52, 54, 57-8; links with Tem d’Hautpoul de, 28, 30 plats, 69-70; see also Albigen

Blavatsky, H. P.” 77 sign Crusade

Bogomils, 52Catholic Modernist Movement,

Bois, Jules, 159 38, 196-7

Bonhomme, Pierre, 212 Catholic Rose-Croix, the Temple

Boniface VIII, Pope, 71 and the Grail, Order of the,

Bonne Soiree, 223 160-1; see also Rosicrucians

Boron, Robert de (Roman de Catholic Weekly of Geneva, 216

I’Estoire dou Saint Graal), 300-1Gercle d’Ulysse, Le, see Delaude, Botticelli (Sandra Filipepi), jean 133, 134, 144, 448-9 Cevennes, Prophets of, see

Boudet, Abbe Henri, 25, 42, Camisards 160, 204, 206, 429 Chalons, Hugues de, 486

Bouillon, Duke of, 151, 178 Chalons, jean de, 486

Bouillon, Godfroi de, 107, Champagne, Count of, see 112-13, 114, 117-18. 278-9, Hugues, Count of Champagne 295, 419-20, 508 Champagne, Countess of, see vergneBouillon, Henri de la Tour dAu-Marie, Countess

- 525 -

of Cham , Duke of, see Tour dAuvergne pagne Charlemagne, Emperor, 268-9 “Constantine, Donation of’, see

Charnay, Geoffroi de, 73 “Donation of Constantine’

Chartres, Bishop of, 85-6 Constantine, Emperor, 266-7,

Chartres, Fulk de, 62, 83 385-9, 408

Chateaubriand, Franqois-Rene, Constantius, Emperor, 408 156 Conte dal Gran], Le, see

Chaumeil, jean-Luc (Le Tres6r Chretien de Troyes du triangle d’or), 205, 225, 233”Copper Scroll’, see Dead Sea

Chemical Wedding of Christian Scrolls

Rosenkreuz, see Andrea, Corbu, Noel, 31

Johann V.Crescent, Order of the, 447

Cherisey, Philippe de, 224-5, Cyrene, Simon of, 401 Chevalerie d’Institutions et Dagobert II, King:

Regles Catholiques, d’Union treasure, 34, 262; bloodline,

Independante et Tradition106. 329; biography, 259-64; ali ste 210assassination, 263-4, 506;

Childeric I, King, 248 erased from history, 269-71,

Childeric III, King, 248, 266 507; account of his life, 432

Chretien de Troyes, 87; Le Conte Dagobert, Saint, Church of dal Graal, 299-300 (Stenay), 264

Christ, Knights of, see Knights of Dead Sea Scrolls, 393; Copper Christ Scroll. 87

Christian Unions, 147 Debussy’ Claude,133-4,

Christian, Paul, see Pitois. Jean158-61, 162, 464-5

B. Dee. John, 145. 452, 492

Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Defagot, Pierre; 212

Amended, see Newton. Sir De Gaulle, Charles, see Gaulle,

Isaac Ch. de

Circuit, 210, 239. 240, 241, 501-3Delaude’Jean (LeCercle

Citeaux, Abbot of, 50 d’Ulysse), 96-7, 428

Claverhouse, John, Viscount of Delaval, jean, 212

Dundee, 74 Delmas, Abbe, 481-2

Clement, Bishop of Alexandria, De Molay Society, 77

334 Denarnaud, Marie, 24, 30-1,

Clement V, Pope (Bertrand de 204, 429

Goth), 71, 76, 93 Denyau, Robert, 126, 507

Clement XII, Pope, 192 Desaguliers, jean, 150, 154. 456

Clovis I, King, 254-7. 422 Descadeillas, Rene, 96

Cocteau, jean, 133, 161-4, 465 Descendants merovingiens et

Colline inspiree, La, see Barres,1’enigme du Razes wisigoth.

Maurice Comenius,see

Komensky, Adam Les, see Blancassal, Made

Committees of Public Safety, lei ne 232, 240 Doinel, Jules, 41, 159-60, 507

- 526 -

Compagnie du Saint-Sacrament, “Donation of Constantine’, 266-7 see Saint-Sacrament, Com-Dossiers secrets, see Lobineau, pagnie du Henri

- 527 -

Dron, Franqois, see Pinchon, Fludd, Robert, 133, 134, 137,

Abbe 145,452-3

Ducaud-Bourget, Francois’Fludd, Sir Thomas, 452

Abbe, 220-1, 223, 224, 229 Forces Frani~aises, Federation

Duillier, Nicolas Fatio de, see des, see Federation des Forces Fatio de Duillier, N. Franqaises

Du Moulin, Pierre, 453 Fouquet, Charles, Archbishop of

Dundee, John Claverhouse, Vis- Narbonne, 180, 185 count of, see Claverhouse, Fouquet, Louis’ Abbe,38

John 185-6

Dury, John, 454Fouquet, Nicolas, 39, 185-6

Frederick’ Elector Palatine of

Edward II, King of England, 74 the Rhine, 145-6

Eleazar, 397 Freemasons,76-7, 151, 153;

Elisachar, Abbot, 411 “Scottish Rite’,149,205;

Elizabeth, Grand Duchess of “Strict Observance’, 151, 201;

Russia, 198 excommunication, 192; ori

Encausse, Dr. Gerard, see gins, 276

Papas Fronde, 178, 427

Ermite, Antoine 1’, see Antoine Fulques, Count of Anjou, see 1”ErmiteAnjou, Fulques, Count of

Eschenbach, see Wolfram von

EschenbachGaulle, Gen. Charles de, 232

Essenes, 393-5, 398 Gellone, Guillem de, Count of

Este, Anne d’, Duchess of Gisors’Razes, 272-4, 296, 317, 413, 173 416

Estoire dou Saint Graal, Roman Gentleman’s Club of Spalding, de 1’, see Boron, Robert de 150. 154, 456

Eustache, Count of Boulogne, Girard, Abbot of Orleans, 127 419Gi sors 105, 121, 126, 156, 170,

Evreux, Blanche d’, 133, 445 187, 444

Gisors, Anne d’Este, Duchess of,

Fakhar ul Islam, 99 see Este, Anne d’

Fatio de Duillier, Nicolas, 150, Gisors, family of, 107, 442 455-6, 458Gi sors Guillaume de, 128-9,

Federation des Forces Fran133,135,443 qaises, 240Gi sors jean de, 123, 127, 133,

Ferri, Lord of Sion-Vaudemont, 135, 441 448 Gnosticism, 384, 399-404

Feugere, Pierre, 100, 102 “Gnostic Gospels’, see Nag

Fidelite, L’Ordre de la, 447 Hammadi Scrolls

Filipepi, Sandro, see Botticelli Gonzaga, Claire de, 449

Flamel, Nicolas, 133, 134, 155, Gonzaga, Ferrante de (Ferdi 313, 430, 445-6, 457 nand de Gonzague), 133, 144,

Flanders, Philippe d’Alsace,

Count of, see Alsace, Philippe 173, 450-1 de Gonzaga, Louis, see Nevers,

- 528 -

Flegetanis, 308 Louis de Gonzague, Ferdinand de, see Habsburg, Leopold Wilhelm von,

Gonzaga’Ferrante de 248

Gospels’Habsburg, Maximilian von, see disparity between New’resta-Lorraine, Maximilian dement Gospels, 332- 3; sup pres- Habsburg, Dr.

Otto von, 107, 434 sion of sections of, 334; historyHabsburg-Lorraine, house of, of 343-6; Mark’s Gospel, 344; 107, 434

Luke’s Gospel, 344; Matthew’s Hartlib, Samuel, 147, 454

Gospel, 344; John’s Gospel, Hautpoul de Blanchefort, Marie, 345, 358; Gospel of Peter, Marquise d’, see Blanchefort, 389-90; Gospel of the Infancy Marie, Marquise d’Hautpoul of Jesus Christ, 390; Gospel of Henry of Lorraine, Duke of

Thomas, 402; Gospel of Mary, Guise, see Lorraine, Henry of 403; Gospel of Philip, 404 Henry II, King of England, 121-2

Gospels, Gnostic, see Nag Ham- Henry III, King of England, 66-7 math Scrolls Hermit Peter the, see Peter the

Goth, Bertrand de, see Clement Hermit

V, PopeHieron du Val d’Or, 206-8

Goth, Seigneur de, 93 Hisler, Anne Lea, 231

Gothic, Marquis of, 274 History and Practice of Magic,

Grail, 295-330; connection with see Pitois, Jean B. Cathars, 34, 41, 56; Templars History of Secret Societies in the guardians of, 78; brought to Army under Napoleon, see

France, 102; Rene d’Anjou Nodier, Charles and, 140, 430; romances, Hoffet, Emile, 26, 37, 38, 159, 297-317; “Sang Real’, 320 197, 464, 498

Grail family, 312-17 Holy Grail, see Grail

Grande Lodge Alpine, see Holy Roman Empire. 207

Alpina, Grande Lodge Hospitallers of Saint John, 74, 75

Grimoald, 259 Hugo, jean, 162

Grousset, Rene, 111 Hugo, Victor, 133, 134, 156, 195,

Gruter’Janus,452 200,462-4

Guafta, Marquis Stanislas de, Hugues. Count of Champagne, 159 85, 86, 89, 90, 116, 118

Guercino, Giovanni Francesco, Hand, Karl Gottlieb von, 151-3 188-9

Guise, Charles. Duke of, 177, 453Infancy of Jesus Christ, Gospel of Guise, Franqois, Duke of, 173 the, 390

Guise. Henry of Lorraine, Duke Innocent II. Pope, 64 of, see Lorraine, Henry of Innocent III, Pope, 50, 76

Guise, house of, 173-5, 427 Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons

Guise. Marie de, 145

Guzman, Dominic, 50 (Libros(2uinque Adversus

HaeresesJ, 384

Haak, Theodore, 147 Islam, Fakhar ul, see Fakhar ul

Habsburg, house of, 207, 428 Islam

Habsburg, Johann von, Arch- Isle Adam, Philippe Auguste duke, 29, 36.

- 529 -

429 Villiers’Comte de 1’, see Villiers, P. A.


Ivanhoe, see Scott, Sir Walter 177-8


James III, King of Scotland, 148 lunge Titurel, Der, see Wolfram Joanne d’Arc, see Arc, Joanne d’ von Eschenbach


Temple of Solomon, 34, 87, Killiecrankie Battle of, 74 424; Templars in, 62; fall of Knights of Christ, 75

Temple, 68; map, 84; “Stables Koker, Gaston de, 100, 102 of Solomon’, 87; treasure, 87, Komensky’Adam (Comenius), 90; Abbey of Notre Dame duMont de Sion, 112 Koran, 409

Jesus Christ:

Cathar view of, 47; blood-line, LabouSsse-Rochefort’Auguste 329; birth, 332; crucifixion, de, 156 333, 366-8, 371-6; marital ha Fontaine, jean de, 182 status, 346-55; dynasty of. Languedoc, 43-5, 69 362-6; Gospel of the Infancy of Lawrence, Louis, 40

Jesus Christ, 390 Lazarus, 336, 354-62

Jewish War, The, see Josephus, Lefebvre, Marcel, Archbishop, Flavius 220-13,501

Jews: Lenoncourt, Cardinal of, 143 in Languedoc, 50; members of Lenoncourt, Count of, 447

Prieure de Sion, 234; in Lenoncourt, Henri de, Count,

Arcadia, 285-9; diaspora, 99. 105; see also Lobineau, 400; under Merovingians, Henri 410-11; under Moors in Spain, Leo XIII, Pope, 197

413-14 Levi, Eliphas, 155, 463

Joan of Arc, see Arc, Joanne d’ Levrier Blanc, L’Ordre du, 447

Johannites, 80 Lhomoy, Roger, 170-1

John, Gospel of, 345-6, 358 Lichfield, Earls of, 191

John XXIII, Pope (Angela Ron- Life of Saint Remy, 255 calli), 164-5

Liney, Canon Alfred Leslie, 38,

Joinville family, 88 197

Joinville, jean de, 52, 485 Lobineau’Henri(Dossiers

Joly, Maurice, 200 secrets),98, 105,”1-12,

Joseph bon Matthias, see Jose131-2, 216; see also Lenon phus. Flavius court, Henri de

Joseph of Arimathea, see Ari- Locke, John, 454 ma thea Joseph of Lohengrin,see Wolfram von

Josephus, Flavius (Joseph bon Eschenbach

Matthias). 395-6, 398; The Longueville, Duke of, 146, 178

Jewish War, 396 Longueville family, 145

“Josephus, Slavonic’, 39!) Lorraine, 74; map, 172

- 530 -

Journal Officiel, 209 Lorraine, Charles de, 133, 136, 153-4, 458-9

Marie, Countess of Champagne,

Lorraine, Charles de, Cardinal, 299 173 Marie Antoinette, Queen of Lorraine, Crossof,174,431,447, France,428 494Marie Caroline, Queen of Naples

Lorraine, Francoisde, Holyand Sicily, 461

Roman Emperor, 154, 456 Mark, Gospel of, 335-8, 343-4

Lorraine, Henry of, Duke of Martel, Charles, 266, 414

Guise, 420 Mary, Gospel of, 403

Lorraine, house of, 168, 173-5 Mary Magdalene, see Magdalene Mary Lorraine, jean de, 494 Mary of Bethany, see Bethany,

Lorraine, Maximilian. de, 133, Mary of 459-60 Masada, 378, 396-8

Louis VII, King of France. 66, Mathers, MacGregor, 159 119 Matthew, Gospel of, 344

Louis XI, King of France, 429 Mazarin, Jules, Cardinal, 178, Louis XIV, King of France, 39, 179 183 Medici, Cosimo de’, 141

Louis Philippe. “Citizen King’, Memphis, Oriental Rite of, see 464

Oriental Rite of Memphis

Luke. Gospel of, 344 Merovee, King, 246-7, 251-2,

Luxembourg, house of, 443 329

Lyons, Irenaeus. Bishop of, see Merovingians, 106, 215, 216, Irenaeus 245-81, 322; origins, 248-50; in Gaul, 251; Merovee, 251; Mabinogion, 82, 297 polygamy, 253-4; Clovis I,

Maeterlinck, Maurice, 27, 159 254-7; pact with Roman Cath

Magdala, Tour(Rennes-le-olic Church, 256;

Dagobert II,

Chateau), 28, 30, 204 257-65; end of dynasty, 266-7

Magdalene, Mary: Michelet. Jules (Le Proces des “Notre Dame’, 101-2; brings Templiers), 195

Grail to France, 299, 423; pos- Midi libre, 212-13 sible wife of Jesus Christ, 329”Mi ron ‘le Levite’, Count of 349-52; place of death, 362;

Besalou, 411

Gospel of Mary. 403-4; cult of, Mithras, cult of, 387 Malachi, 166Malay, Jacques de, 72, 73, 76;

Mallarme, Stephane, 27, 159, see also De Malay Society 465Moliere (Jean Baptiste Poquelin),

Malory Sir Thomas (Le Morte 183 d’Arthur), 298Mont hard Andi e de, 87, 89, 91,

Mani, 407 116, 118, 130, 491

Manichaeanism, 45, 406. 407 Montdidier, Nivard de, 116 482 Montfort, Simon de, 50

Map, Walter, 81Montpensier, Charles de, Con Marcion, Bishop, 401 ne table de Bourbon, 133, 173,

- 531 -

Marcionites, 45 450 Montpezat family, 434 Order of Saint Lazarus, see

Montpezat, Henri de, 281 Saint Lazarus

Montsalvat, 57 Ordre de la Fidelite,see

Montsegur, 51, 53-5, 312, 482 Fidelite, Ordre de la

Moors, 413 Ordre de la Rose-Croix Veritas,

Moray, Robert, 147 see Rose-Croix Veritas

Moulin, Pierre du, see Du Ordre du Levrier Blanc, see

Moulin, P. Levrier Blanc

Oriental Rite of Memphis,192,

Nag Hammadi Scrolls (Gnostic 497

Gospels), 401-2Orleans. 119-20, 127,171;

Names, Georges de, Abbe, 500 Abbot Adam of. 127; Abbot

Napoleon, Emperor, 248-9 Girard of, 126

Napoleons. The, see Nodier, Orleans, Gaston d’, 177-8

Charles “Ormus’, 123, 192, 200

Narbonne, 415, 418 Ornolac, 57

Navarre, Blanche de, see Orval, 114, 117-8, 127, 176

Evreux, Blanche d’

Nazorites, 341, 411 Palestine:

Nevers, Louis de (Louis de map. 64; in time of Jesus,

Gonzaga), 133, 144, 174, 338-43 451-2Paoli, Mathieu (Les Dessous New Templars, Order of the, 77 dyne ambition politique),

Newton, Sir Isaac, 133, 134, 150,287_44, 269, 504 454, 455-8, 516; The Chronol- pa pus (Dr. Gerard Encausse), ogy of Ancient Kingdoms Amended, 456 159, 198, 200, 498

Nibelungenlied, 321-2 Parzival, see Wolfram von

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