Home Tweet Home

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Authors: Courtney Dicmas

BOOK: Home Tweet Home
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For travelers everywhere …

and for Tom—for being my home.

Copyright © 2015 by Courtney Dicmas

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by Doubleday,

an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House LLC,

a Penguin Random House Company, New York.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Dicmas, Courtney, author, illustrator.

Home tweet home / by Courtney Dicmas. — First edition.

pages cm.

Summary: Cave swallows Burt and Pippi, tired of being crowded by their eight siblings,

set out to find a bigger nest but discover that traveling is good, but coming home is better.

Trade paperback ISBN 978-0-385-38535-0 — Library binding ISBN 978-0-375-97351-2 — eBook ISBN 978-0-385-38536-7

[1. Home—Fiction. 2. Brothers and sisters—Fiction. 3. Swallows—Fiction.] I. Title.

PZ7.D5623Hom 2015 [E]—dc23 2014012940

The illustrations for this book were created with gouache, acrylic,

and colored pencil on watercolor paper, and then digitally collaged.

Random House Children’s Books supports the First Amendment and celebrates the right to read.


igh up on a cliff

above the shimmering sea,

there lived a family of cave swallows.

There were ten brothers and sisters:

Edgar, Maude, Rupert, Helena, Winnie, Cecil, Beatrix, Rosalie …

 … Pippi and Burt.

Each night, big brother Burt looked at the moon while big sister Pippi worried.

“This nest is too SMALL!” Pippi grumbled.

“A bigger nest would have room for Rupert’s stinky feet …

and Maude’s judo …

and Cecil’s band practice.”

“Well, the world is BIG and so are we,” chirped Burt.

“Let’s go find somewhere BIG to live!”

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