Honor Student

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Authors: Teresa Mummert

Tags: #el james, #50 shades, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #fifty shades

BOOK: Honor Student
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Honor Student

If it be a sin to covet honor, I am the most
offending soul.

~William Shakespeare

Chapter One

My twenty-first birthday had started like any
other day. I awoke alone. The house was deserted. No doubt, my Aunt
who I lived with had passed out at the bar or gone home with some
random stranger. I ran a brush through my long, dark hair until it
lay smooth and perfectly straight down my back. I washed my face
and picked out something to wear for the day. I decided on a white
fitted t-shirt and blue jean shorts. It would be warm again, as was
usual in Florida, so I slipped on a pair of brown sandals.

The high school bus pulled up out front and I
sat in the garage waiting for it to leave and make its way down the
road. I hated being stuck behind it with all of the other kids
pointing and laughing at me out of the back window. Once I was sure
the coast was clear I backed out of the garage in my beat up white

I turned on the radio and plugged my iphone
into the tape deck adapter, and listened to Mozart the entire
drive. Classical music had a way of calming me down. I hated going
to college. I never felt like I fit in. People treated me like an
alien because I had transferred from Michigan just before high
school graduation. The truth was I would have given anything to be
back there.

I pulled into the gym parking lot just before
the eight. I was cutting it close but I did not honestly care. My
grades were perfect and I could have a 4.0 without ever attending.
Unfortunately, if I did not show up my scholarships could be taken
away. I always began my day with a workout. I slinked into the
locker room and changed into the oversized t-shirt and baggy black

Forty-five minutes later, we had finished
playing a game of basketball with some girls from a sorority, to
which I still do not know the rules. My team lost but I did not
care either way. I changed back into my normal clothes and headed
across the campus to my first class.

Everything before lunch became a giant blur.
The teachers were working on things I had long learned. I sat alone
at the end of a big long table in the cafeteria and nibbled at my
pizza. I hated this place with a passion. I was ready to graduate
and move on with my life. I knew that without my degree I would be
forced to stay in this town and work a low budget job for the rest
of my existence.

I grabbed my books and headed for my car to
grab my history book that I had forgotten. By the time I made it to
class, everyone was in their seats and waiting for the teacher to
speak. I slinked in and kept my head low as I headed to the back of
the classroom. I slipped into my desk and looked to the front of
the class.

“Now that we’re all here I’d like to
introduce myself. Ms. Gibbs will be out for a few months for
medical issues. My name is Mr. Honor.” His hair was dark and just
long enough to pull off the ‘just out of bed’ look. His eyes were a
piercing blue that matched his button up shirt that hugged his
muscular chest perfectly. The top button was undone and you could
see a white wife-beater below and dark wash jeans. He was a lot
younger than most of our teachers. He looked to be in his late
twenties but he had the confidence of someone much older. All of
the girls in the room hung on his every word. When he licked his
lips, a collective gasp was heard throughout the room.

When the bell rang many of the girls lingered
until Mr. Honor made it a point to move everyone along to their
next period.

“You, come here for a moment.” He said
pointing at me. My breath hitched in my throat as I gathered my
books and walked up between the desks to him. He was leaning back
casually on the top of his desk and twirling a ruler in his

“Yes?” I asked, the words coming out more
high pitched than I intended.

“What is your name?” he asked and for a
moment, I could not remember. My cheeks burned a deep crimson as I
struggled to have a coherent thought.

“Emma. Emma Townsend.” I blurted out when it
finally came to me. He smiled and my heart had completely given up.
I did not know how much longer I could stand in front of him before
my legs gave out from nerves.

“Emma,” my name rolled off his tongue and it
was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. “Please try to make
it to class on time. Lateness will not be tolerated. Next time
there will be consequences.” He said as he continued to spin the
ruler in his hand. I was mesmerized.

“Yes, Sir” I replied with a hint of sarcasm
in my voice. His lip twitched and he looked to be holding back a

“Get to class Ms. Townsend.” His eyes locked
onto mine. I was not sure what to say so I turned on my heel and
made my way to my next class. The rest of the day flew by in a
daze. All I could think about was Mr. Honor. I wondered what his
first name was and if he was seeing anyone. Not that it mattered. I
was a social pariah in this school. Part of that was my fault. I
never made an effort to get to know anyone. By the time I had
finished my classes, I did not even know what any of our teachers
had said.

When I got home, my Aunt Judy was inside
cooking something on the stove.

“That smells great.” I said, realizing I had
not eaten very much today.

“Food is in the fridge. Make yourself
something.” She replied coldly. I rolled my eyes and went back the
hall to my bedroom. I started working on my homework but I could
not concentrate on anything. My thoughts always went back to him.
When the house fell silent, I went to the kitchen to fix myself
something to eat. My Aunt had left food and dirty dishes strewn
about the countertops, so I set to cleaning before making myself
dinner. Once the dishwasher was loaded and the counters wiped off,
I made myself spaghetti and sat on the couch to read a romance
novel. I spent most of my free time reading. It was a great escape
from reality. Unfortunately, all I could picture was Mr. Honor when
it came to the hero’s big love scene so I put my book away and
opted for reality television instead.

Chapter Two

I woke just after six with my phone’s alarm
buzzing in my ear. I had passed out in front of the television in
the living room. Luckily my Aunt never came home last night or she
would have undoubtedly woke me to lecture me on how uncomfortable
it made her male companions to have someone sprawled out on the

I ran through the shower and slid on an old
pair of torn up jeans and a tank top. My hair was damp when I left
for school but it was so hot out that I did not mind. The air
conditioner in my car was no better than having the windows

My hair was practically dry by the time I
made it to school. I headed towards the gym, taking the long route
so I could walk past Mr. Honor’s class. His door was closed, but
through the little window I could see him sliding on his long
sleeve dark grey button up shirt. I deep black tribal tattoo
wrapped around his muscular shoulder and stopped just at the nape
of his neck. He turned around as he shrugged the shirt closed and I
ran from the window hoping he did not see me staring at him.

Working out was an absolute disaster. Today
the girls decided to torture us with dodge ball, but since my mind
was elsewhere, I seemed to be hit more than others were. With a
fresh headache and a bruised ego, I made my way to my next class.
Math was boring as usual and I spent most of the period doodling in
my notebook as opposed to taking notes. It was a relief when the
bell rang and I could finally get out of the classrooms. I made my
way to the cafeteria. There did not seem to be anywhere for me to
sit alone so I squeezed my tray on to the end of a table and did my
best to avoid contact with anyone. It is not that the people here
were horribly mean; I just did not like to invest myself in a
relationship that would soon end. Maybe that was because we would
all be going off to start our own lives, or maybe because I have a
tendency to move around a lot, or maybe I was still learning to
cope with the death of my parents. The reason did not matter. I
preferred to be by myself. I would probably stay at home locked in
my house like a dungeon if it were not for school. Technically, I
could drop out at any time, but I only had a few more months left
and I knew I would regret not getting my diploma.

The lunch bell rang jarring me from my
thoughts. It was time for Mr. Honor’s class and I considered
ditching. I was sure he had seen me gawking through the window on
his classroom door and I did not want him looking at me as if I was
a weirdo. I remembered his threat about being late and reluctantly
I headed to class. I slipped in while other students were milling
around. He never took notice to my presence and I was grateful. The
girls fawned over him as if he was a rock star. He looked
embarrassed but something in his expression made me think he
enjoyed the attention.

“Take your seats. It’s time for a pop quiz.”
He announced and the room collectively groaned. I was excited not
to have to talk to anyone, so the quiz was a welcome distraction.
Halfway through the period I struggled to come up with answers for
half the questions on the quiz. This was unlike me, being that I
had already read through most of the book in my spare time. I bit
my lip and tucked my hair behind my ear. Someone dropped a textbook
near the front of the class with a heavy thud. I jumped in my seat
and looked up nervously. My eyes caught Mr. Honor’s as he stared
back at me. My heart leaped into my throat and I bit down harder on
my bottom lip. He licked his lips in that incredibly sexy way he
does before breaking eye contact with me and shuffling through
papers on his desk. I looked back down at my paper, but it may have
well been in Greek. I wrote down some half assed answers and walked
to the front of the class to turn it in just as the bell rang. I
sat my paper on his desk and left the room as quickly as

My heart was going a mile a minute so I
ducked into the restroom and splashed cold water on my face. I
heard a group of girls open the door so I slipped inside a stall to
be alone until I could calm myself down. The second bell buzzed and
everyone was supposed to be in his or her next class but the group
of girls still lingered. I reluctantly opened the door so I could

“Hey! You’re that smart girl in Mr. Nevins
class aren’t you?” A girl with long curly blonde hair asked.

“I suppose that’s me.” I answered shyly. “My
name is Emma.”

“I’m Claire, and this is Becka.” She replied
motioning to the girl with short unnaturally red hair beside her. I
smiled and nodded not knowing what to say next, so I turned for the
door. “Want to get high?” Claire called after me and I stopped for
a moment not sure how to answer.

“Sure.” I replied. I was already late for the
next class and coming in halfway through would be worse than not
showing up at all. A smile beamed across Claire’s face and she
pulled a small mint tin from her bag. She opened it up and pulled
out a joint. I had gotten high once before so I knew what to
expect. Claire lit the joint and passed it to Becka just as she
coughed and sputtered. “You okay?” I asked as her face turned beat
red. She nodded and Becka shoved the joint in my face. I took a
small hit and struggled to hold it in. My lungs burned from the
harsh intrusion and I began to hack and cough worse than Claire
had. “Here.” I said holding it out for Claire to take again. She
spontaneously broke into a giggle fit. I don’t know what was so
funny but her laughter was contagious and soon we were all gasping
for air and laughing louder and louder as we passed the joint a few
more times.

“Girls” I loud booming voice called from
outside the door.

“Shh...” Claire whispered entirely too

“Come out here right now.” The voice called
again and I could tell they were losing their patience.

“You go!” Claire said, shoving me towards the

“No!” I protested.

“I’m on probation!” Becka whispered and
whoever was on the other side of the door knocked, causing us all
to jump and stop talking.

“Fine, fuck it.” I muttered under my breath
and the girls scurried off into a stall. I took a deep breath and
pushed open the bathroom door. On the other side stood the most
beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on, Mr. Honor. His jaw clenched
and his eyes narrowed. He was pissed, but I could not help but

Chapter Three

“Emma? You think this is funny?” he scolded
me. I tried to stifle my giggles and shake my head no, but when I
held back a laugh, I also stopped breathing causing me to feel
woozy. He grabbed my upper arm and squeezed entirely too tightly,
pulling me down the hall towards his room. Luckily, the halls were
empty and no one saw how ridiculous I was behaving.

“You’re lucky I don’t have a class this
period.” He said as he glanced around the hall before shutting his
door, pulling down the little shade that covered the window. It
suddenly hit me that I could be suspended, and all the suffering I
had been putting up with would be for nothing. He ran his hands
through his chestnut brown hair and it fell perfectly back into
place. I realized I was staring and quickly looked away as he
fidgeted with his ruler. I should have been pleading with him to
not report me but my head swirled and I just could not summon the
energy to care. I bit my lip nervously and waited for him to yell
at me some more.

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