Honor Student (9 page)

Read Honor Student Online

Authors: Teresa Mummert

Tags: #el james, #50 shades, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #fifty shades

BOOK: Honor Student
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“This is disgusting!” I coughed, wishing I
had something to wash it down with.

“More for me” Becka said as she took it from
my hand. I rolled my eyes and pulled my seatbelt over me. As we
pulled into the club, we had to circle the lot twice to find a
parking spot. I got out of the car as gracefully as possible in my
tiny outfit. Becka and Claire looped their arms in mine and dragged
me inside. We ordered a round and chatted about all of the hot guys
while we waited for Jeff and his friends to arrive.

My stomach twisted in knots as my phone
vibrated in my hand.

“Uhh…It’s my Aunt.” I said to the girls as I
answered. “Hello?” I asked, biting my lip.

“Bad girl” William replied.

“We just went out for a few drinks. How did

“Stop biting your lip before I bend you over
the bar and punish you right here.” He laughed but I knew he was
not joking. I spun around scanning all of the faces. Mr. Honor
stood at the far end of the bar, slamming back a shot. The girl
pretty, blonde girl next to him was eye fucking him but he never
looked her way. He stared directly at me. My cheeks burned red
under his gaze.

“How did you know?” I asked and I saw his
lips twist into a smile.

“I activated the GPS on your phone.” He
motioned for the bartender to fill his glass again.

“You what?”

“Don’t look now, but Mr. Honor is at the
bar!” Becka giggled in my ear and tossed her red hair to the side.
Mr. Honor looked away and I turned back to my drink.

“We are leaving
I could see his
jaw muscled flexing as he took another shot.

“I’ll be out for a few more hours.” I said
cheerfully, as I winked at Becka and hung up the phone. Becka
cheered and gave me a hug. I glanced over her shoulder at Mr. Honor
who was staring at me angrily. I knew I would probably regret this
later, but I was hurt and if he did not care than I was not going
to. “More drinks!” I yelled as I finished the last sip of my
cocktail. I forced a smile but I knew William was ready to explode.
I felt my phone vibrate and I glanced down at it as I waited for
the next round.

Last chance

I slipped it into my purse and shrugged my
shoulders. I took a long sip from my glass as I felt an arm wrap
around my waist. I nearly spilled it all over me as I spun around
to see who it was.

“Long time, no see” Jeff said beaming from
ear to ear.

“Hey!” I replied, giving him a half hug,
carefully not to get too close.

“I was hoping tonight we would get the chance
to dance.” He said shyly. I nodded but had no intention of dancing.
Sober, I had two left feet at best. My purse vibrated and I glanced
down at it, leaving it inside me bag.

I will fucking kill him if he puts his hand
on you again.

“You know what? I would love to dance!” I
said, grabbing Jeff’s hand and dragging him onto the floor. It was
so crowded I had no choice but to be against him as I moved my hips
to the music, trying desperately to look like I was enjoying
myself. After a while, I almost forgot that I was doing it out of
revenge and began to enjoy myself. Claire and Becka joined us with
a couple of guys from school and we all laughed and danced
together. I turned around, scanning the bar for William. He stood
facing me, the pretty little blonde pressed up against him as he
whispered in her ear. I felt my heart sink in to my stomach as I
stood there, staring back at him. His eyes narrowed.

“Come on!” Becka yelled grabbing my arm. I
turned my back to William giving it my best effort to look
un-phased, but I was dying inside.

“Mr. Honor left!” Claire said to Becka and I
struggled to listen in.

“Not like you had a chance with him anyway.”
Becka shot back, flipping her hair. I glanced to the bar. Mr. Honor
was nowhere in sight and the pretty blonde that was all over him
was missing.

“I’m going to use the bathroom.” I shouted in
Becka’s ear. I made my way through the crowd to the far side of the
building. For as busy as the place was, the bathroom was virtually
empty. I stood at the sink, staring at myself for a long moment. I
knew coming out here was a bad decision. I made my way back out to
the bar and ordered myself another drink. I sipped it as I watched
all of my new friends dance and have a great time. They were
oblivious to my absence.

I drank another, alone as stared at my cell
phone. No new messages. I pulled up Becka’s number as I watched

My Aunt called. She wants to make

I hit send and waited for her to reply.

You better call me tomorrow!

Her message flashed across my screen and I
breathed a sigh of relief. She was too caught up in her fun to
argue with me. I finished my drink and set the glass down on the
bar before making my way outside. The night air was chilly and I
cursed Becka under my breath for dressing me up like a living
Barbie doll. I pulled up the internet on my phone and tried to
search for a cab service. I could not get a strong enough signal so
I held my phone in the air. After a moment, I gave up and walked
towards the sidewalk in front of the club. A sleek black car pulled
up beside me and my heart leapt in my throat as the window lowered.
I stopped, waiting for him to say something, refusing to look his

“Get the fuck in the car.” His voice was low
and did not waiver. I swallowed hard, fighting back the anger that
I had felt when I thought he had left with that other woman. “Don’t
make me repeat myself.” I bit my lip and opened the door, never
meeting his gaze. He pulled off fast into the traffic and I quickly
wrapped the seatbelt around my waist. I hated him, but I knew
everything that happened tonight was my fault. I crossed my arms
over my chest and stared out into the night as everything flew by
in a blur.

When we reached his place, he got out of the
car, slamming his door and headed up the steps. I stood by the
vehicle, wondering if I should leave. I knew things were going to
get a lot worse before they got better, if they did get any better
at all. I bit my lip and moved towards the stairs. As I made my way
to the top, he stood by the door, his eyes burning into me. I
looked at the floor as I slinked passed him.

Chapter Twenty

The floor was almost completely dark. The
only light came from a few street lamps that shined through the
oversized windows. He walked across the expansive floor and opened
the door to the elevator. I bit my lip as I followed. I was
terrified to find out what he was like on that floor when he was
angry. His eyes narrowed as he waited for me. I bit my lip and
walked in next to him, unable to run away. He never looked back at
me. I wanted to reach out and touch him, but even on a good day,
that was not the best idea.

As we made it to the next floor, I sobered up
in the blink of an eye. The devices that lined the floor looked
like a medieval torture chamber. He stepped inside the room,
glancing at each device. “Come here.” He said sternly, but his
voice was low. I stepped out of the elevator and walked slowly up
beside him. He was silent for a moment.

“What are you thinking?” I asked, my voice
barely a whisper. His lip curled into a smirk.

“I was thinking… I don’t know if I trust
myself with you right now.” He glanced at me out of the corner of
his eye. I understood immediately. He was worried he would hurt me,
really hurt me. His revelation scared me but the thought of His
hands touching my body sent an overpowering desire to be with him
through my body. I bit my lip and stared up at him, waiting for his
decision. He reached over and gently pulled my lip from my teeth,
running his thumb along them. He turned his body towards mine and
took a long slow breath.

“I trust you.” I whispered as his finger
brushed gently along my mouth. He looked disgusted at my

“You wouldn’t say that if you any idea what I
thought of doing to you tonight.” He warned. I stepped forward
slowly, gaging his reaction. His body tensed but he did not move

“Punish me.” I replied, trying to keep my
voice from shaking. His eyes locked on to mine and for a moment he
was not sure he had heard me correctly. “Punish me.” I repeated,
biting my lip again. I reached out and slowly ran my hand down his
chest. His muscles flexed under my fingers. He glanced down at my
hand and then back to me.

“You remember the safe word?” he asked. I
swallowed hard.

“Flower” I whispered. In an instant, my hands
were in his. He squeezed my wrists tightly but I fought to hold
back from whimpering. He dragged me across the dark floor, walking
through the barbaric contraptions. I held my breath as he slowed,
taking in each one.

Finally, we stopped in front of a large black
device. It had a large incline on one side and two smaller on the
other. I struggled to control my breathing, but my chest heaved
under my fear.

“Bend over” he said, his face shown of
disgust and he did not look me in the eye. I had no idea what this
device was so I stood there, looking back helplessly at him. He
pushed me forcefully over it, bending me at the waist. He quickly
pulled my legs to each incline of the device and locked them into
place with leather straps. He made his way to where my face was and
I glanced up at him, as panic began to set in. He pulled my arms
down and strapped them below my head. I was folded nearly in

“William, I’m sorry.” I said quietly. He
walked back behind me, out of sight.

“Not nearly as sorry as you’re going to be.”
He said angrily. Tears welled up in my eyes as I lay helpless.
William pushed my skirt up to my waist and I could hear him begin
to undress. The room fell silent for a moment and I thought that he
might have changed his mind. I quickly realized differently as pain
shot throughout my body. He pulled the belt back, slapping it hard
against my bottom. I screamed out in agony but my voice caught in
my throat, only a whimper escaping. I tensed my muscles as blow
after blow came.

“Stop” I yelled as I finally found my voice
but he did not relent. He struck me again and again as the tears
poured from my eyes. “Please” I begged.

“Do you have any idea what I wanted to do to
you at that club? Any idea what I wanted to do to that guy who had
his hands all over you?” he asked in between violent lashings. “I’m
sorry” I choked. I realized that in his own twisted way he did care
about me. He was hurt. I had hurt him. “Please” I whimpered as a
sob escaped my lips. I heard the belt fall to the floor and he
quickly undid my leg restraints. He made his way around to the
front of me and unbelted my wrists, tipping my chin up with his
fingers. He wiped my swollen cheeks with his hand and quickly
lifted me off the device. He carried me to the elevator and I
buried my face in his neck, crying quietly.

“Why didn’t you use the safe word?” he asked,
looking at me like a little boy who broke his favorite toy.

“I didn’t want to upset you.” I whispered
into his neck. The smell of him was intoxicating. I closed my eyes
and breathed in as much of him as possible. He took me to his stark
white bathroom. He stood me just inside the door as he ran warm
water into the tub. “What are you doing?” I asked as I pushed the
hair back from my face. Mr. Honor’s eyes danced over my disheveled

“I thought a bath might make you feel
better.” He said sadly and I recognized the look on his face. He
felt pity for me. I stumbled forward, placing my hand on his

“Please, don’t go” I tried to hold back the
tears but one escaped my eye. William rubbed my cheek with the pad
of his thumb. I pushed forward, locking my lips onto his. He
reciprocated and my mouth grew hungrier for him. I slipped my
tongue past his lips but he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back
from him.

“Get washed up. You will feel better.” With
that, he left the room. I began to cry to myself as I slowly pulled
my ridiculous outfit off and tossed it on the cold floor. I dipped
my toes in the water, which was perfectly warm. I slowly lowered
myself down, the water stinging my sore bottom.

I thought about how my life had drastically
changed after the last few days. I had been on a downward spiral,
but after meeting Mr. Honor I felt like I had a reason to get up in
the morning, a reason to show up to class. Here he was feeling as
if he had ruined my life, but I felt like he had saved it. He had
saved me. I was finally living.

I washed myself quickly and climbed out of
the tub. I grabbed the oversize white towel that hung on the hook
beside the sink and wrapped it loosely around my body. Wiping away
the fog from the mirror, I stared at my reflection. I was pale,
heavy dark circles under my eyes. I pulled open the drawer under
the vanity and found an unopened toothbrush and tube of toothpaste.
I brushed my teeth quickly and ran my fingers through my hair,
trying my best to detangle it. When I looked as good as humanly
possible, given the circumstances, I slipped the towel off, letting
it fall to the floor. With a deep breath, I opened the bathroom
door. I glanced around. Mr. Honor was nowhere in sight but I could
hear his muffled voice coming from the other side of the room. I
walked across the expansive space to his bedroom door. It was open
and he was inside, his back to me with his phone at his ear. He was
angry and I wondered if I should sneak back to the bathroom and
grab the towel. My arm brushed against the door and it opened
wider, creaking. Mr. Honor turned around and his eyes locked on to
mine. I bit my lip nervously as I stood in front of him, forcing
myself not to cover my body.

“Call me back if you hear anything. I have to
go.” He said into the phone as his eyes narrowed, dancing over my
body. He sat his phone on the dresser as he walked slowly towards

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