Read Hope's Chance Online

Authors: Jennifer Foor

Tags: #General Fiction

Hope's Chance (19 page)

BOOK: Hope's Chance
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His words shocked me, and it
because I thought he was lying or that it
the appropriate time to tell me. I just couldn’t believe he had said it. “Did you just say what I think you said?”

He looked directly into my eyes and smiled. “Maybe.”

I smiled back at him. “Well maybe I feel the same then.”

He pulled me tight against him. “You better.”

“I wish we could stay here all day.” I said.

“Yeah well I can’t stay much longer. I told your dad I was going out to get
paintbrush at the hardware store.” Chance explained

I sat up and looked at him. “You better get going then.”

He laughed and reached for something in his back pocket. “I am surprised you didn’t feel it when you were on the bike behind me.”
A paintbrush in a wrapper sat in his hand.

I busted out laughing, unable to control my shock in reaction to his fast thinking. “Wow you thought of that fast.”

“It was nothing compared to your story about the ladder.” He added.

I leaned over and kissed him lightly, but when he began to kiss me back it turned into much more. I ran my hands over his face and held them as his mouth found mine once again. When he pulled away we were both breathless. “I don’t know how long I can last without touching you.” I confessed.

“You won’t have to wait long Hope.” Chance promised.

We held each other for a few more minutes before climbing back onto his bike and heading in the direction of our neighborhood. I promised him that I would be open minded about my father and Buffy’s upcoming nuptials.

I really did want them to be happy,
except I
just feared being
the one
to break
the news to my mother. She had been through so much lately. First my grandfather died and now my grandmother had to be put into a home. Plus she had lost her job and had to sell the house. This would crush her.

I couldn’t begin to figure out how I was going to break the news to her, but knowing Buffy like I did, I knew she was going to call every newspaper and have it listed. Hell, she probably had called to have engagement photos taken already.

I could just picture it now. She and my father in a fashioned embrace while Chance and I stood behind them with googly eyes for each other. That would go over fantastic.

I squeezed my arms around Chance even tighter. Our alone time was almost over and I wasn’t ready to let him go.

When he finally pulled over he gave me a quick kiss and pulled away. We could be caught like that, so I understood completely. As he drove into the distance I felt like a part of me was gone. My heart ached and I ran as fast as I could to get back to my house and be able to see him.

When I rounded the block that my house was on, I decided to slow down. I didn’t want to arrive just minutes after Chance, so I walked the rest of the way. I finally made it down the long driveway and was
met by my father having a word with Chance. When h
e walked away from him, he patted him on the shoulder. I had no idea what the discussion was about but I couldn’t help having a guilty conscience.

Chance had already begun painting the wooden shutters on the front of the house. Seeing him with a paintbrush reminded me of last Saturday. I wished we were alone again with a couple of paintbrushes and rollers.

Chance looked back
me and gave me a wave before turning back around and getting to work. My father came back out of the house with his briefcase this time. He walked over to where I was standing and pulled me in for a hug. “I am sorry if we caught you off guard this morning Sweetie. We didn’t mean to upset you.”

“It’s fine Dad. I had just woke up and I wasn’t prepared for hearing big news yet. I feel better after my run though.”

He smiled. “Well I am glad to hear it. Listen, I gotta run out and show some commercial property to an investor. I don’t know how long I will be so Buffy was hoping that you and Chance would want to watch movies later.
Please try and be nice to her.”

“Actually Dad, I would love to hang out with them. Good luck with the investors.” I said as I ran into the house.

I didn’t see Buffy when I got inside so I hurried up and headed into my room. After gathering some clean clothes I walked into the bathroom. As I reached in to turn the water
, I heard someone knocking. I walked to the door first but nobody was ther
e. I turned around and
saw Chance standing at the window.

I pulled it open. “What are you doing?”

He smiled, displaying his perfect teeth. “I am trying to work, but when I saw what you were doing I didn’t want you to freak out if you saw me staring.”

“That is illegal you know.” I joked.

“You can handcuff me right now Hope. I would
even put up a fight.” He admitted.

I leaned out and grazed his lips. “Don’t tempt me Chance.”

“So are you giving me permission to watch?” He asked.

“What do you think?” I said as I started pulling off my shirt. I backe
d away from the window and slid
my shorts off slowly. When I stood up he was smiling but walking away from the window.

“That is so mean...” He said while beginning to paint again.

I took my time in the shower, and not because I wanted to tease Chance. I was half tempted to pull him inside. I just wanted to let the water run down my face and relax. When I got out I didn’t see Chance anywhere around. He may have had to go get one of his famous cold showers he told me about.

I wrapped myself up in a towel and star
ted to slowly get dressed. When I was done
applying lotion to my legs
I headed into my bedroom. After about five minutes someone knocked on my door.
in.” I called.

Buffy walked in and sat down beside me on my bed. “Hey, can we talk?” She asked.


“I feel like an idiot for how I
with things this morning. I was so excited that I didn’t take into consideration that it would be hard for you. I am so sorry Hope. I really love you like a sister and I don’t want to lose that if I marry your dad. I know that sounded convoluted but it is the truth.”

“Buffy I feel the same way. I am sorry too. I should have been more understanding. You love my dad and he loves you. You guys should be able to do whatever you want.”

She leaned her head on my shoulder. “So are we cool?”

“Absolutely.” I said.

She threw her arms around me and
like she was describing a high school crush.

Well I was thinking that you might want to watch movies with me and Chance. Your dad is going to be getting home late. You know how those investor meetings go. They almost always end up at some golf course and country club.”

I smiled. “That would be great.”
What would be better is if it was just Chance and I.


Chapter 23




Mark had pulled me aside and asked if anyone had come over the house while he and Buffy were gone. I assured him that nobody did. That wasn’t a lie.

We were burying ourselves into an endless mess, but there was no other place I wanted to be.  Hope was fully aware of my feelings now, and she would never let me stop things even if I wanted to.

My sister had this brilliant idea to have a movie night, and I would have declined if it weren’t for the fact that Hope was going to be there. My sister had this problem of getting the worst girly movies ever made. I usually fell asleep after the first twenty minutes, and so would my sister. We would end up taking days to finish, well she would at least.

I got finished painting the shutters on the front and back of the house and headed toward the pool house to shower. I imagined that my sister would order pizza and we would just veg out all night. Hope had no idea what she was in for.

When I was all cleaned up
I walked over to the main house. I called out for my sister, but she wasn’t anywhere to be found. I walked up to Hopes room thinking they might be in there, and she was sitting at her computer with headphones in. I walked behind her and kissed the back of her neck.

She jumped before turning around and pulling me into a hug.

“Where is Buff?”

“She just left to go grocery shopping and grab the movies.” Hope explained.

“So we’re alone?” I asked curiously.

Hope placed her soft lips against mine. “I was just getting ready to come visit you. I had to wait until she at least pulled out of the driveway.”

“What were you going to do when you found me?” I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

“What do you want to do Chance?” She asked and then bit down on her lip.

“I can think of a million things I would like to do with you, but for starters I think we need to do this.” I said as I leaned down and pressed my lips ag
ainst hers. She grabbed the colla
r of my shirt and pulled me closer to her face. Her lips rubbed down my neck and she bit me and then ran her tongue over the bite mark.

“You smell so good Chance. “ She confessed.

We started taking off our clothes as fast as we
could. “What if someone comes home?” Chance asked in between kisses.

“We should just hurry.” Hope said as she pushed me down on her bed.

She ran her hands up my thighs and kissed me on my belly button,
and then
with her tongue she worked her way up to one of my nipples. She grabbed it with her teeth and slowly pulled it. “Oh God!”

She ran her tongue across it back and forth while she watched me watch her.  Hope climbed on top of me and straddled my legs. Her tongue found mine and she played with it, teasing me with her own. We didn’t have time for slow
we needed to hurry so that we didn’t get caught.

Hope reached down and grabbed my hard shaft with her hand,
and then
she guided it to the right place.  She lifte
d her body and then let me slide
right inside of her. At first she was rocking slow but soon picked up the pace. She used my chest with her hands to balance her weight and she shifted her hips back and forth. That combined with the fact that her naked breasts were
bouncing in front of me made me
able to climax quicker than the other times.  I grabbed her ass with my hands and forced her to stay still as I felt my body jolting in ecstasy.

Hope leaned her face toward me and kissed me slowly. I could
help but wrap my arms around her and hold her close to me.  After a few minutes we both agreed that we needed to get dressed before Buffy returned home. The grocery store was just ten minutes away and the movie rental was out of this
g box right outside the grocery store door. Depending on what Buffy need
, she may already be on her way back.

Hope and I grabbed our clothes and began dressing. I noticed her birth control pill package laying on her dresser and I couldn’t help but grab it. “Please make sure to take one of these every day. We already have a lot of explaining to do.”

“I never forget
you don’t have to worry about that.” She said as she kissed me one more time.

After doing a quick check out the window, Hope and I held hands as we walked down to the living room. She turned on the television while I went into the kitchen and made us both some tea, then headed b
ack and sat on the couch cuddling
next to her. When we heard Buffy pull up we scooted apart and acted like we were surprised to see her back so soon.

“Oh Goodie, you are both already here. I am so excited.” Buffy said as she came into the room. “I got us two movies to watch and extra butter popcorn.”

I grabbed the movies and rolled my eyes as I looked at them. Who wrote these cheesy things anyway? Hope looked over at me and I rolled my eyes holding up what would be a nightmare for me to sit through.

came running back into the room. “I forgot to give you a movie.” She said. She handed a movie and I immediately smiled. She had gotten me a horror flick even though she hated them.

She rolled her eyes. “I know I hate them, but I figured that we could all sit on the same couch and you could protect Hope and I. You do have two shoulders we can hide behind ya know.” My sister said all matter of fact.

I got the biggest smile on my face as I walked over and put the movie in. I sat down next to Hope and leaned into her. “Do you like scary movies?”

“Actually I do.” She whispered.

“Damn I was hoping you could hide your eyes in my shoulder.”

She smiled back at me. “Oh that can be arranged.”

BOOK: Hope's Chance
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