Hot Buttered Rum: Standalone Romance (Silk Stocking Inn Book 4) (15 page)

BOOK: Hot Buttered Rum: Standalone Romance (Silk Stocking Inn Book 4)
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“I want you just like this,” he muttered as he turned me around so my back was against the wall. He stood in front of me looking nothing short of breathtaking, completely naked and his cock erect and already sheathed in a condom. It was all I could do to keep from sinking to the floor in a puddle of desire.

My fingers tangled in his hair as he lowered his mouth over my breast. I held his face closer as his tongue drew tantalizing circles around my nipple. I closed my eyes to relish the feel of his kisses. I could still see the flickering light of the candles on the table. The torrid heat coming from his body was making me dizzy.

Grayson lifted his mouth from my breast. He smacked his palms on the wall behind me and pressed his forehead against mine. “I’ve never wanted anyone as badly as I want you, Jessi.”

His words nearly finished turning my already shaky knees to jelly. I allowed myself a moment to believe it was true, that he wanted me like no other, but in the throes of passion, it was easy to get lost in the moment.

With a sensual, almost primal groan, Grayson wrapped his hands around my ass and lifted me, pressing my back hard against the textured wallpaper. My arms circled his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist. Before I could take in a solid breath, he pushed his cock inside of me.

I gripped him tightly with my arms and legs as he ground into me. We were connected and holding each other as if we would never let go. And I didn’t ever want to let go. I could have stayed wrapped around him, with his strong arms holding me and his cock filling me forever.

His mouth covered mine. I was lost in a kind of oblivion where the only places that existed were the places where Grayson was touching me. Everything else fell away. We were standing in the middle of nowhere clenched together as if our lives depended on it.

“Grayson,” I whispered, “don’t let go. Don’t ever let go.”

“Never, Jessi. Never.”

He lifted me higher and held me against him as he rocked hard against me. The wall behind me vibrated, and the wall sconces shook.

“Yes, yes, Grayson,” I heard my voice but had no recollection of speaking. My full focus was on the wild pulse between my legs that started timidly, teasingly and then rippled through my entire body as my pussy tightened around him.

“Fuck yeah, darlin’, that’s right. Come hard for me.”

I was close to tears, overwhelmed with emotion and a sense of just what I’d been missing all this time. “Oh, Grayson,” the words bubbled from my mouth. I was pudding in his arms, nearly exhausted from the physical force of it all.

His fingers gripped me tighter. He thrust himself into me, deeper and harder with each movement of his hips. I held onto his neck for support as he moved so frantically now I was sure we’d put a crack in the plaster wall.

A low groan of release rolled up from his chest, and his head drew back as he pumped his cock into me one last time.

We held each other like that, as if nothing would ever pry us apart, until our breathing slowed and the room around us seemed to stop spinning. Then, with a gentleness contradictory to the way he’d just slammed into me, he kissed me. It was a soft but deeply tender kiss that reached inside of my chest and circled my heart. I wasn’t completely sure how he had done it, but in just twenty-four hours, Grayson had me completely mesmerized. 

In the end, it was a clap of window rattling thunder that popped us from the satiated trance we’d both fallen into. I startled in his arms, and he squeezed them tighter around me. “I take it you’re not a fan of thunder.”

I lowered my feet to the floor. “Not normally. But I’m a big girl now, so I can handle it.”

A gust of wind sprayed heavy raindrops against the window, causing me to move back into his arms. “That doesn’t sound like just any old thunderstorm out there.”

Lightning lit the room with blinding whiteness. Then we were dropped back into the dim candlelight. Thunder followed, vibrating the windows and doors. I took a steadying breath. Another eruption of wind whistled around the old house, making enough of a ghostly sound to give me gooseflesh. Rain pattered on the roof like millions of tiny horse hooves.

Grayson walked over to his clothes and got dressed. “I need to go check that the tarp I placed on the roof is holding. Otherwise, Coco’s attic will be flooded.”

I wrapped my arms around myself for warmth and to calm my nerves. I hurried to the table and reached under the chair for my panties. “I’ll clean up the dishes. Pie is ready when you return.”

“Sounds good.” He yanked out a chair and pulled on his shoes.

Another streak of lightning and round of thunder sent me scurrying to his side.

He smiled, reached up and pulled me into his lap. “I think I found the one thing that makes this very confident vice president vulnerable. Thunder. Who would have guessed it.”

“Really?” I lifted a brow. “You think you’ve found the
thing that leaves me defenseless?” I kissed his neck. “Then,
, you haven’t been paying attention.”

Chapter 15

Somehow watching the storm rage on through the pretty lacy curtains over the kitchen window made it a bit less terrifying. It seemed the wind, rain and lightning would never let up.

Grayson had pulled on a yellow rain slicker and hat and had trudged out into the chaos. Twice I’d made him promise me that he wouldn’t climb up on the roof.

I finished drying the last plate and carried the stack of dishes to the cupboards. The antique clock, a blue and white porcelain beauty, clicked loudly, reminding me that Grayson had been gone a long time.

I stared down at my dress and bare feet. Both completely impractical for venturing out on a night like this. And I wasn’t sure just how brave I was feeling. Then it occurred to me that something might have happened to Grayson. It was pretty wild outside.

I walked to the back door and stepped out on the stoop. Rain and wind pelted me as I squinted through the misty darkness hoping to spot the yellow rain slicker. “Grayson!” I yelled, but the storm was too loud.

Another icy gust of wind sent the tree tops bending low, and my heart raced as I thought about the pine tree crashing through our kitchen window. I was shivering with cold by the time I stepped back inside.

There was no sign of Grayson anywhere. I raced to the stairs and climbed back up to the bedroom. I pushed aside the curtains and kneeled on the window seat, hoping to get a better view of the yard. It was futile. Each time I was sure I spotted something in the yard, rain would spray the window and my view would be obliterated.

It had been far too long for checking that a tarp was still fastened securely, even if he’d had to do some retying. I hurried over to the hiking boots that Coco had left for me. I pulled them on. I had no coat or rain slicker, but with any luck, I’d find Grayson long before I froze to death. My heart was sputtering with the fear that he might be hurt.

I hurried back down the stairs and hoped to hell that I would find him just walking in the door. But the bottom floor was quiet. There was no sign of him. I scurried to the entryway closet to search for something that might provide some protection from the cold rain. There were several coats, but they all looked vintage as if they’d been hanging there since the house was built. Rain would surely ruin them. I was going to have to brave the weather in my cotton dress.

I opened the front door and stepped out onto the porch. It was facing at just the right angle to avoid the onslaught of the wind propelled rain. The lightning and thunder had slowed to a dull roar, but the wind and rain forged on in near hurricane fashion.

The dress whipped around my bare legs, instantly numbing them with cold. I looked frantically around, but there was no sign of Grayson. I lowered my face and headed out from under the protection of the porch. It took the relentless downpour no time at all to soak my dress. Instead of swirling around my legs, the calico fabric clung to me like plastic wrap. I could hardly open my eyes wide enough to see, but the gravel trail leading to the side of the house glowed gray white in the otherwise pitch black yard. I needed to get to the place where I’d last seen Grayson working on the roof.

My feet stayed on the path, but the wind managed to push a shrub hard enough at me that its pointy branch scratched my leg. I felt warm blood mix with the otherwise glacial water pelting my skin.

I lifted my arm to shield my face and trudged forward. Grayson’s ladder was lying next to the side of the house. I lifted my face and squinted up to the roof. The tarp fluttered in the wind but stayed tethered to the roof. There was no sign of Grayson.

I looked around the yard. I’d been standing in that spot just this morning, but on a night like this, the entire place, old house included, looked unfamiliar and uninviting. I was standing out in a deluge searching for a man who was technically a stranger, a stranger who I might never see again after tonight. Yet my heart ached to see him, to know that he was safe.

I really had left myself vulnerable. This whole weekend could be chalked up as a terrible mistake. I had no phone, no way to reach anyone. If Grayson had been hurt, what would I do? I had no idea where Coco was or when she’d be home. I had no idea where I was and my friends and family had no idea either.

My throat tightened and unhelpful tears clouded my vision even more. I decided to circle the entire house one time. If Grayson needed help, I couldn’t just leave him out there on his own. I moved too abruptly to the left and smacked my knee hard on a bench. I managed to keep myself from falling face first by catching the dress on the same damn bench. I stumbled forward and heard the distinctive rip of fabric as I tromped ahead, determined to make my way to the backside of the house. The gravel path had different plans. A steady river of water gushing from the down spout on the rain gutter had carved a deep ditch, a deep ditch that my boots had no trouble finding. I slammed down hard on my knees.

The tears flowed faster as I pushed to standing on aching legs. Blood trickled from my knees, reminding me of my roller skating days as a little girl. I was going to be showing up for my first day as vice president of the company with bandages plastered across both knees.

I sobbed several times and then swallowed hard to pull myself together. I continued on the path to the back of the house. “Grayson,” I yelled loudly, but there was no response.

I rounded the far corner of the house but came up against a line of shrubs that were impossible to pass.

I spun around and screamed as I smacked into a large figure standing behind me. My first instinct was to pound the man with my fists. He caught my hands up fast.

“Jessi, Jess, it’s me.”

The biting cold and the sheer terror of being completely alone and helpless had gotten to me. I fell into Grayson’s arms and cried. He swept me up and carried me to the house. Every part of me was shaking uncontrollably. We reached the porch and he lowered my feet to the floor.

I’d finally gained some composure, something I’d taught myself to do quickly. Looking fragile was never helpful in the corporate world.

As wet as I was, Grayson looked as if he’d just dragged himself out of a muddy lake. Dirt and plant debris was plastered all over his skin and shirt.

The storm seemed to be losing energy, and the rain had fizzled to a heavy spitting mist. The wind still produced enough force to send an icy chill through me. I tried to control the tremble in my chin to speak. But it was no use.

Grayson reached for the door and I slipped inside. He stepped in behind me. We were both leaving a sizable puddle on the entryway rug.

“Why the heck did you go out in that terrible weather, Jessi? You could have gotten hurt.”

I looked down at my bloody legs. “Seems that way.”

He saw my knees for the first time. “Ah hell, Jessi, let’s get you cleaned up.”

“I’m fine. They’re just scrapes.”

“It was silly of you to go out there dressed like this.”

Light, warmth and his scolding tone revived me some. “I was out looking for you. Where the hell were you? Where’s the yellow rain slicker? No wonder I couldn’t find you out there. You were checking on a tarp, but you were gone long enough to rebuild the whole damn roof.”

“Coco’s garden was flooding. I decided to dig a trench around it to lead the water away from her plants.”

“You should have told me. I thought something had happened to you, and I was all alone—” My voice sounded shaky, and I hated that I couldn’t sound more in control.

“You were worried about me, Jessi?” he asked with a grin. He reached for my arm, but I pulled it from his reach. I was still too shaken by it all to play nice. I was done acting the helpless female.

“Don’t flatter yourself, Grayson.” With that, I spun around and left wet footprints behind as I climbed the stairs to my room.

Chapter 16

A warm bath had helped me settle and even though I was feeling a little silly about my stomp off, I was still not in the mood to apologize. Grayson had obviously seen how upset I was, but his cocky behavior in the midst of it all had angered me.

I ran my hands through the bubbles. Of course, the fact that he had first terrified me and then angered me only assured me that I’d developed feelings for him, feelings that went past the amazing sex. I never wasted emotional energy on someone unless they were important to me. I sat up and lifted myself out of the warm cloak of water. The bathroom was steamy with the soapy mist. My limbs had finally thawed, the storm had petered out and I was feeling better. The only thing that was weighing heavy on my mind and my heart was the reality that tomorrow was Sunday, and I would be leaving the Silk Stocking Inn. It seemed that Grayson and I would have to have some kind of conversation about us, about this thing we’d started. At the same time, I felt a cold dread in knowing full well that this had probably just been a weekend of sex for him. I was sure he’d probably just kiss me good-bye without a word of seeing me again. That terrible thought brought back some of the chill warmed by the bath.

I would have to see how our good-bye went and not jump to any conclusions yet. If it seemed he had no further interest in me, then I would accept it and leave here with my chin up. I never groveled, especially when it came to relationships. I would just pick myself up, drive away and try to catalog this weekend as a fun splurge. Right. Who was I kidding? I was obviously a naive novice at this kind of inhibition free weekend.

I patted myself dry and pulled on the nightie and satiny robe. I walked out to the bedroom, feeling gloomy and wanting to kick myself. It was that damn fog, and those delicious red velvet cupcakes and this beautiful inn and mysterious but wonderful hostess. And, of course, I couldn’t forget the incredibly irresistible man. Then, as if my thoughts had spoken to him through the door, he knocked.

“Yes?” I said trying to use a brusque tone, but with little luck.

The door cracked open. His hand came through with a plate on his palm. A slice of apple pie sat on top and instantly, filled my room with the scent of cinnamon. I couldn’t hold back a smile.

“In case the pie isn’t enough—” His second hand followed with a can of whipping cream. “I’m especially partial to the kind of whipped cream that comes shooting out of a can. It could be used on
kind of dessert.” He poked his head around the door. “Still too bold?” he asked.

I walked over and took the plate from his hand. “Maybe, but the pie was a very smart tactical move. I’m still on the fence about the whipped cream. But I might be open to negotiation if it’s used just right.”

Grayson stepped into the room. He’d pulled on dry jeans and a t-shirt. His wet hair was combed back off his face. Sometimes it was hard to believe how perfectly handsome he was.

I straightened my shoulders, lifted my chin and snatched the can of cream from his hand. I gave the pie an ample squirt. I stopped, leaned my head back and let a swirl of the sweet cream fall into my mouth. He watched with full attention as I dragged my tongue across my bottom lip to lick it off. I handed him back the can. Ten seconds in the man’s presence and I was already back to wild flirt mode.

I strolled over to the dresser, making sure to swing my hips just enough, and leaned against it to eat my pie.

“Jessi, I’m sorry I didn’t let you know that I was out digging the trench. It was rude of me to leave you alone so long.”

I swallowed a bite of pie. It was, as expected, delicious. “That’s all right. I may have overreacted. Thunderstorms don’t exactly bring out the best in me.”

He walked closer. “Must be some way I can make it up to you.”

I dropped my fork on the plate as he took hold of my wrist. He lifted the can and sprayed a small dollop of cream on the back of my hand and then took his time licking it off. Naturally, my entire body responded in predictable fashion. My nipples pressed against the smooth fabric of the nightie, a physical reaction that didn’t escape his notice.

He took the plate from my hand and placed it on the dresser behind me. He stood right in front of me, ripples of heat flowing between us as he pushed the robe off my shoulders. It slipped to the floor in a satiny heap.

Grasyon nodded his dark head at the can in his hand. “I think I’m ready for that dessert.” He pulled the top of my nightie down to expose my breast. He pressed the plastic nozzle on the whipped cream can. A squirt of air came with it, and instead of a nice curly dollop, sticky white specks of whipped cream covered my face, chest and hair.

“Oh shit.” Grayson started wiping the spots up with his fingers. “I always pictured that working better.”

I peered up at him. “So, you are telling me you’re a whipped cream virgin?”

We laughed as he took hold of my hand and led me to the bathroom. “Come, sweet darlin’. I’d lick it all off of you”—he looked back at me—“which was my original plan, but I’m pretty sure the whole thing would be a helluva a lot less sexy than I imagined.”

We walked into the bathroom. The mirror was still coated with the condensation caused by my warm bath. The tub hadn’t drained completely. “Damn, there goes my idea of both of us climbing in the bath together.” He turned me so that my back faced the vanity.

His strong hands circled my waist, and he lifted me up to sit on the counter. Then he grabbed the washcloth I’d hung over the towel rack. He wet it with warm water and took his time dotting the specks of sticky cream off my skin. His tender ministrations made me smile, and again, I felt that uncertain tug at my heart, a sure sign that my feelings for him were growing. I had no idea what tomorrow would bring, but for tonight I was going to enjoy my time with Grayson.

His lids seemed to grow heavier as he focused on cleaning my shoulders and neck. “I guess I could lick a little. After all, I’ve got one hell of a sweet tooth, and there just isn’t anything sweeter than you, Jessi.”

The feel of his tongue running along the top of my shoulder made me giggle. “You just sprayed me, freshly washed, I might add, with whipped cream or whatever it is they fill that aerosol can with. You’re going to have to do a lot better than corny, cliché lines about me being sweet, mister.”

He straightened and lifted his dark brow at me. “Cliché? I’ll have you know that is the first time I’ve ever used that line on any woman.”

“Thank god.”

He tossed the washcloth in the sink. “Are you making fun of me, darlin’? I don’t know if I like your attitude.” He reached around and pulled my ass so that I moved closer to the edge of the vanity. “Maybe you just need a different, less corny approach.”

His hands trailed up my inner thighs, and he quickly discovered I wasn’t wearing panties. His deep voice dropped to a lower, gritty tone. “Damn, you’re naked down here.” He took no time dragging his thick fingers through the hot moisture pooling in my pussy. He lifted his hungry gaze to my face. “See, baby, you are sweet, sweet as fucking whipped cream.”

I leaned back and braced my hands against the marble tile of the vanity. He jammed the nightie up to the top of my legs and spread my thighs wide. He pulled my ass right to the edge. With mild frustration, he fished a condom from his back pocket. He looked at it with a scowl. “One of these days soon, darlin’ I’m going to fuck you without this damn shield.” In a furious few seconds, he had his pants down around his legs and the condom rolled on.

Grasyon took gently hold of my face and kissed me long and hard. His hands slid down my body. He wrapped his hands around my bottom and held me securely as he drove himself into me.

I leaned my head back. My arms wobbled beneath me as I braced myself to meet his thrusts. I curled my legs around him to hold him close against me as he dug his cock into me deeper with each movement of his hips.

My eyes were closed. I startled for a fleeting second as he pushed his hand between our bodies and found the tight nub of my clit. My involuntary mewls echoed off the tile walls as he brought me easily to climax.

“Hell, Jessi, when you come it makes me want to stay planted deep inside of you forever.”

I could barely keep my hands beneath my body as he rocked hard against me. Then his grasp on me tightened and a deep growl followed as his body hardened between my legs and he came. 

I sat forward and threw my arms around his neck. “You are forgiven for scaring the heck out of me and for being cocky about it and for spraying me with whipped cream.” I kissed him. “Stay the night with me, Grayson.”

“Thought you’d never ask.”

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