Hot Ice (29 page)

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Authors: Madge Swindells

BOOK: Hot Ice
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‘How did you get David’s DNA?’ Chris asks.

‘That was the easy part. I broke into his private bathroom and stole his hairbrush.’

‘We had no idea where you were. I set up watches at various cash dispensers, in the area where your card was first used, but we didn’t know who to look for. When the bank called the police about your cheque we guessed that you were in the Trans-Africa building, but we still couldn’t get our act together.

‘That was the moment when the Armenian woman, Marta, arrived at Mohsen Sheik’s office to claim her reward. That was sheer genius on your part. She told the Sheik where you were, and that the basement opens only to fingertip controls. I must say, when the British police decide to act, it’s pretty impressive. They were ready to break in that same night, complete with a computer expert to get them into the lifts and basement.’

‘So that’s how it was.’ She sighs. ‘I don’t understand how David realised I was on to him.’

‘In his statement at Scotland Yard, Marais said that as soon as you found Skoog and escaped he realised the game was up.’

‘What will happen to David?’

‘He’ll stand trial for kidnapping and attempted murder in London, after which he’ll be extradited to Namibia to stand trial for murder, the sentences will run consecutively, I’m told. He’s unlikely to get out of prison in the next twenty-five years. By the way, Freeman has been extradited to Liberia. He’ll stand trial, but having defrauded the government, I doubt he’ll ever leave prison. His sister has
disappeared, but I have the greatest faith in Petrus Joubert. He’ll get her.

‘Heard enough? Can we put it behind us and get on with our holiday?’

‘I guess so. The best thing about this investigation was meeting you, Jim.’

She leans over the table and kisses him on his mouth. ‘I love you.’

Jim looks sad and happy all at once. ‘I just have one question, Chris. I noticed that amongst all those flowers you received, the arrangement from Prince Husam was by far the costliest. A real extravaganza.’

‘I wasn’t aware that you’d seen it. I sent it home with Mum. She liked it so much and the ward was overcrowded.’

‘Well…I’ve been meaning to ask…did you…or didn’t you?’

‘That’s not the sort of question you should ask me, Jim. It’s classified. You have to take me on trust.’

He laughs at her. ‘Touché.’ Then he puts his arm around her. ‘OK, you win. We’re almost back. Let’s go in to supper. I have a yen for an early night.’

was born and educated in England. As a teenager, she emigrated with her parents to South Africa where she studied archaeology and anthropology at Cape Town University. The author of numerous novels, her work has been translated into nine languages and has reached bestseller lists across the world. She currently lives in Kent.

Available from Allison & Busby

Hot Ice

Ripples on a Pond

Twisted Things


Also by Madge Swindells

Winners and Losers


Snakes and Ladders

Harvesting the Past

The Sentinel


Corsican Woman

Shadows on the Snow

Song of the Wind

Summer Harvest

Allison & Busby Limited
13 Charlotte Mews
London W1T 4EJ

Hardback published in Great Britain in 2006.
Paperback edition published in 2007.
This ebook edition first published in 2011.

Copyright © 2006 by M

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

All characters and events in this publication other than those clearly in the public domain are fictitious and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent buyer.

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 978





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