How to Become a Witch (40 page)

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Authors: Amber K.

Tags: #amber k, #azrael arynn k, #witchcraft, #beginning witch, #witch, #paganism, #wicca, #spells, #rituals, #wiccan, #religion, #solitary witch, #craft

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Appendix D

Color and Metal Correspondences

The following correspondences will be familiar to many practitioners of magick, but you should feel free to choose the ones that seem meaningful and appropriate to you, even if they do not match those given here.

Color Correspondences
For Clothing, Candles, Altar Cloths, Etc.

Once you have selected your color or colors for a particular working, you can obtain candles, robes, cords, wall hangings, or an altar cloth of the appropriate color. (
: This list is an expanded version of appendix 3 from the fifteenth-anniversary edition of
True Magick
; as a rule, we try not to duplicate material from our other books, but this is one of those lists that is handy to have in more than one place.)

Abstinence, Sobriety, Temperance, or Moderation:
Purple, black

Turquoise, bright yellow

Children: The primary colors: bright yellow, red, blue, and green

Confidence: Royal blue

Courage: Bright red

Energy: Orange

Fertility: Green, especially a light spring green

Friendship: Royal blue, gold, golden brown, or tan

Healing or Health: Medium green, rose

Home (new): Bright orange, sunlight yellow

Home (blessing): Rose, gold, light blue

Home (purification): White, light blue

Hope: Sky blue

Inner Peace: Light blue, lavender, white

Joy: Rainbow

Love: Rose

Money, Prosperity, or Wealth: Gold, emerald green

Protection (physical): Blue, black, turquoise

Protection (psychic): Silver

Purification: White

Spiritual Growth: Violet, purple, or lavender

Study or Learning: Orange

Success: Gold, royal blue

Sun Gods: Gold

Travel: Light blue

Unity (of polarities): Rainbow

Water Magick: Blue, green, aqua

Correspondences for Metals
For Jewelry, Talismans, Ritual Tools, Etc.

(polarities): Copper, bronze

Mercury (

Communication: Mercury (

Courage: Gold

Divination: Silver

Dreamwork: Silver

Eloquence: Mercury (

Emotions: Silver

Energy (directing): Copper

Fire Magick: Gold, brass

Good Fortune: Tin (hard to find, use pewter)

Grounding: Lead (

Healing: Silver, copper, iron, brass

Intuition: Silver

Jupiter: Tin

Love: Copper

Luck: Copper

Mercury: Mercury (

Moon Goddesses: Silver

Moon Magick: Silver

Negativity (deflects): Lead (


Prosperity: Gold, tin, brass

Protection: Gold, silver, copper, iron, lead (
), brass

Psychic Energy (blocks): Iron

Psychic Work: Silver

Saturn: Lead (

Scrying: Silver

Self-Confidence: Gold

Solar Magick: Gold, brass

Strength: Iron, gold

Success: Gold

Sun: Gold, brass

Sun Gods: Gold, brass, bronze

Travel: Mercury (

Unity (of polarities): Electrum

Venus: Copper

Water Magick: Silver


  • Mercury is extremely poisonous! Do not touch, breathe, or ingest.
    Use sterling silver as a substitute.
  • Lead is poisonous when absorbed by the body; use hematite or pewter
    as a substitute.
  • Copper can turn your skin green when worn touching the skin for too long.

Appendix E

The Wiccan Rede

eing known as the counsel of the Wise Ones:

Bide the Wiccan Laws ye must
In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Live an’ let live
Fairly take an’ fairly give.

Cast the Circle thrice about
To keep all evil spirits out.

To bind the spell every time
Let the spell be spake in rhyme.

Soft of eye an’ light of touch
Speak little, listen much.

Deosil go by the waxing Moon
Sing and dance the Wiccan rune.

Widdershins go when the Moon doth wane,
An’ the Werewolf howls by the dread Wolfsbane.

When the Lady’s Moon is new,
Kiss thy hand to Her times two.

When the Moon rides at Her peak Then your heart’s desire seek.

Heed the Northwind’s mighty gale,
Lock the door and drop the sail.

When the wind comes from the South, Love will kiss thee on the mouth.

When the wind blows from the East, Expect the new and set the feast.

When the West wind blows o’er thee, Departed spirits restless be.

Nine woods in the Cauldron go,
Burn them quick an’ burn them slow.

Elder be ye Lady’s tree,
Burn it not or cursed ye’ll be.

When the Wheel begins to turn,

Let the Beltane fires burn.

When the Wheel has turned a Yule, Light the Log an’ let Pan rule.

Heed ye flower bush an’ tree,

By the Lady Blessèd Be.

Where the rippling waters go,

Cast a stone an’ truth ye’ll know.

When ye have need,

Hearken not to others’ greed.

With the fool no season spend

Or be counted as his friend.

Merry meet an’ merry part

Bright the cheeks an’ warm the heart.

Mind the Threefold Law ye should

Three times bad an’ three times good.

When misfortune is enow,

Wear the Blue Star on thy brow.

True in love ever be

Unless thy lover’s false to thee.

Eight words ye Wiccan Rede fulfill

An it harm none, do what ye will.

From the website of the New England Covens of Traditionalist Witches:

“This version of the Rede has appeared in many publications, on various sites and in many stores. These printed versions come from
The Green Egg,
where it was first published by Lady Gwynne Thompson, primary teacher of N.E.C.T.W. (1928–1986). In
Green Egg
#69, she attributed our Tradition’s version of the Rede to Adriana Porter, her paternal grandmother, ‘who was well into her 90’s when she crossed over into the Summerlands in 1946.’

“Lady Gwynne gave this Rede to the universe, and for this and everything else she gave us, we honor her and carry on her tradition.”


Appendix F

Rite of Self-Dedication
to the Craft of the Wise

We recommend that you write your own ritual so that it comes from the heart and your spirit is infused throughout it. However, if you are absolutely stuck as to what to do, this may give you a starting point. This self-dedication ritual is loosely based on the dedication rite from the Ladywood Tradition of Wicca. You can change it to fit your needs or the tradition that most interests you. As long as the basic steps are included, feel free to adapt and amend this as you will.


In this ritual, you will present yourself to the quarters (elements) and to the God and Goddess of nature. You will put on a white cord, the sign of a dedicant, and speak your new Craft name. After this, you may begin creating your own astral temple. You will then do a short divinatory reading that signifies your current path or work as a dedicant. There is a self-blessing, followed by cakes and wine and giving thanks. Try to do the ritual during the waxing or full moon, when you have plenty of time and will not be interrupted or disturbed.

In a quiet and private place, set up the altar. You will need the following items:

  • An altar: a table or other flat surface inside or a flat stone, section of log, or grassy spot outdoors
  • An altar cloth in colors that remind you of the Craft, new beginnings, or the season
  • Two candles
  • Statues or symbols of the Goddess and the God—either traditional forms such as the Moon Goddess and the Horn√©d God, or your favorite aspects
  • Symbols of the elements (such as a shell, red candle, stone, and feather)
  • Small bowls of water and of salt
  • Incense, holder, and matches
  • A cup or chalice of water with a few drops of wine in it
  • A small cake or piece of bread on a plate (or other nourishing food if you do not have cake or bread of any kind)
  • A white cord, nine feet long; use drapery cord from a fabric store
    or weave it yourself
  • A tarot deck, rune set, or other form of divination
  • Your Book of Shadows and a pen
  • The ritual, written in the book, in large-enough lettering to read in low light

Prepare yourself by fasting for a few hours before the ritual. Cleanse yourself thoroughly, perhaps in a candlelit bath, with music and fragrant oils. Then find a quiet place away from your altar, preferably a beautiful place outdoors in nature.

Take along your Book of Shadows and a pen.

Meditate on your impending dedication. Ask yourself questions, and answer honestly:

  • Why do I choose to do this?
  • How do I feel right now?
  • What aspects of this are exciting? What aspects are frightening?
  • How much time and energy am I willing to put into my spiritual path in the months ahead?
  • What do I hope this ritual will do for me?
  • Am I ready for change in myself and in my life?

Write your answers in your Book of Shadows.

If you have not done so already, choose the name by which you will be known to the Craft community and the spirit world.

The Ritual

Proceed to the place where you have set up the altar. If it is dark, you will want a candle or lantern.

2—Centering: Chant quietly to yourself for a time (you may chant along with a recorded chant if you wish). Here is one you might use:

I am a circle within a circle

With no beginning and never ending

Cleanse and purify the area and yourself.

Hold your hand over the salt bowl, saying: “I conjure thee, O spirit of salt (charge with a glowing pentagram using your athame or finger), casting out all impurities that may lie within.”

And over the water bowl: “Likewise do I conjure thee, O spirit of water (again charge with a glowing pentagram using your athame or finger), casting out all impurities that may lie within.”

Mix three bits of salt into the water and stir. Now sprinkle the saltwater lightly around the altar and over yourself, saying: “By water and earth am I cleansed and purified.”

Now hold your hand over a candle, saying: “I conjure thee, O spirit of fire (charge with a glowing pentagram using your athame or finger), casting out all impurities that may lie within.”

And over the incense: “Likewise do I conjure thee, O spirit of air (again charge with a glowing pentagram using your athame or finger), casting out all impurities that may lie within.”

Light the incense and waft its smoke around the altar and over yourself, saying: “By fire and air am I cleansed and purified.”

4—Casting the Circle:
With your athame or hand pointing to the ground before you, walk deosil (clockwise) around the altar area and say: “I conjure thee, O circle of power, that thou be a boundary between the world of humanity and the realms of the mighty ones, a guardian and protection to preserve and contain the power I shall raise within; wherefore do I bless and consecrate thee.”

5—Calling the Quarters: Proceed in the following way:

Face the east, raise your hand or athame, and say: “Guardians of the watchtowers of the east, spirits of air, I call upon thee. Lend your presence and power to this circle as I dedicate myself to the study of the Craft of the Wise. Grant me a clear mind and a vivid imagination. Golden eagle of the eastern skies, I do summon, stir, and call thee up!” Visualize the element appearing just outside the circle as an animal spirit (or an elemental spirit or appropriate deity if you wish). Kiss your athame’s blade (or your hand), and salute the elemental presence.

Face the south, raise your hand or athame, and say: “Guardians of the watchtowers of the south, spirits of fire, I call upon thee. Lend your presence and power to this circle as I dedicate myself to the study of the Craft of the Wise. Grant me a strong will and high energy. Red dragon of the southern desert, I do summon, stir, and call thee up!” Visualize the element appearing just outside the circle as an animal spirit (or an elemental spirit or appropriate deity if you wish). Kiss your athame’s blade (or your hand), and salute the elemental presence.

Face the west, raise your hand or athame, and say: “Guardians of the watchtowers of the west, spirits of water, I call upon thee. Lend your presence and power to this circle as I dedicate myself to the study of the Craft of the Wise. Grant me a loving heart and deep feelings. Silver dolphin of the western seas, I do summon, stir, and call thee up!” Visualize the element appearing just outside the circle as an animal spirit (or an elemental spirit or appropriate deity if you wish). Kiss your athame’s blade (or your hand), and salute the elemental presence.

Face the north, raise your hand or athame, and say: “Guardians of the watchtowers of the north, spirits of earth, I call upon thee. Lend your presence and power to this circle as I dedicate myself to the study of the Craft of the Wise. Grant me a healthy body and a prosperous life. Black bull of the northern forest, I do summon, stir, and call thee up!” Visualize the element appearing just outside the circle as an animal spirit (or an elemental spirit or appropriate deity if you wish). Kiss your athame’s blade (or your hand), and salute the elemental presence.

6—Invoking Deity:
Do this in the form that feels most powerful or appropriate to you. Some options:

  • “I call upon the Horn√©d God of wild things, the Lord of Death and Rebirth, to be present and witness this rite.”

“I call upon the Triple Goddess of the Moon—Maiden, Mother, and Crone—to be present and witness this rite.”

  • “Come to me, Great God, thou who art Sun Lord, Harvest King, Horn√©d God of the wilderness, Divine Male Principle of many names and faces, Pan, Woden, Ra, Tammuz, Bel—join this rite.”

“Come to me, Great Goddess, thou who art Moon Lady, Earth Mother, Sovereign Queen, Divine Female Principle of many names and faces, Diana, Gaia, Freya, Brigit, Isis—join this rite.”

  • (Goddess only) “Lady of a Thousand Names, Maiden Huntress, Earth Mother, Lady of Forest and Field, Shining Moon, Sovereign of the Seas, Queen of the Dark Underworld, Starry Goddess of the Night, Mistress of Magick, come to me now and witness this, my rite of dedication.”

Make your pledges to the gods and the elemental powers:

“I have come to this circle to dedicate myself to the study of the Craft of the Wise.”

“From this moment forward, among the Craft community and the world of spirit, I shall be known as __________. I have chosen this name because __________.”

“I know that the hand of the Goddess will be upon me, and that she changes everything she touches. And I am ready to begin the transformation.”

“As I begin this journey, I do promise and swear to live my life by the Wiccan Rede, ‘An ye harm none, do as ye will,’ and to use the Craft only when it harms none.”

“Further do I promise and swear to keep the secrets of the circle. Never shall I reveal or speak of any personal information about Craft sisters and brothers outside the circle without their express permission. And never shall I reveal or teach the secrets of the Craft except to those who have made these same promises.”

“And more, I do commit myself to work diligently at the study of the Craft for as long as I choose to be a dedicant.”

8—Presentation to the Elemental Powers:
Present yourself to each quarter, saying at each:

“Spirits of air, guardians of the watchtowers of the east,

I, (name), have come to this circle to learn the Craft of the Wise.

I have promised to live by the Wiccan Rede and to keep the secrets.

May you recognize me within this circle and guard me well,

and may your intellect and imagination be mine.”

“Spirits of fire, guardians of the watchtowers of the south,

I, (name), have come to this circle to learn the Craft of the Wise.

I have promised to live by the Wiccan Rede and to keep the secrets.

May you recognize me within this circle and guard me well,

and may your will and energy be mine.”

“Spirits of water, guardians of the watchtowers of the west,

I, (name), have come to this circle to learn the Craft of the Wise.

I have promised to live by the Wiccan Rede and to keep the secrets.

May you recognize me within this circle and guard me well,

and may your depth of feeling and love be mine.”

“Spirits of earth, guardians of the watchtowers of the north,

I, (name), have come to this circle to learn the Craft of the Wise.

I have promised to live by the Wiccan Rede and to keep the secrets.

May you recognize me within this circle and guard me well,

and may your strength and endurance be mine.”

9—Presentation to the God:
Stand before the altar and present yourself to the God in the person of his statue or symbol (unless the ritual is focused only on the Goddess), saying:

“My Lord, I, (name), have been presented to the spirits of the four directions. Now I present myself before you, all ye gods of nature! I have come to this circle to learn the Craft of the Wise. May you recognize me within this circle and guide me to share your wisdom, love, and power.”

10—Presentation to the Goddess:
Stand before the altar and present yourself to the Goddess in the person of her statue or symbol, saying:

“My Lady, I, (name), have been presented to the spirits of the four directions and all the gods of nature. Now I present myself before you, all ye goddesses of nature! I have come to this circle to learn the Craft of the Wise. May you recognize me within this circle and touch my life to change me according to your wisdom.”

11—Accepting the Cord:
Next you may take up the white cord. Place it around your waist and tie it, saying: “A white cord is the sign of a dedicant within many traditions. Whenever I wear this cord, I shall remember this night and the promises I have made.”

12—The First Lessons: “I have dedicated myself to the study of the Craft. Let my study begin this evening with three pieces of wisdom:

The first is the Rede:

Bide the Wiccan Law ye must,

In perfect love, in perfect trust,

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:

An ye harm none, do as ye will.

And ever mind the Rule of Three:

What you send out returns to thee.

Follow this with mind and heart,

And merry ye meet, and merry ye part.

The second enjoins me to silence and discretion. Knowledge and magick and power may I learn within this circle, and all the skills of the Craft of the Wise. In like manner, when I have mastered the arts, shall I pass them on, and so our circle grows. But I must remember well that I may only teach those who have sworn to keep the secrets and to follow the Wiccan Rede.

The third explains the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Within this circle, love is the law and love is the bond. To fulfill love, I must be reborn in the same time and place, and remember and find those I have loved before. To be reborn, I must first die. To die, I must first be born. To be born, there must be love. And that is all the magick.”

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