How to Seduce a Scoundrel (28 page)

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Authors: Vicky Dreiling

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General, #FIC027050

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“Liar,” he said. “You haven’t forgotten.”

“Neither have you, apparently.”

He paused and when he spoke again, his voice was serious. “I shouldn’t have touched you.”

She didn’t want to spoil the fun of bantering with him, so she decided to keep the conversation light. “I apologize for seducing you.”

“I kissed you,” he said.

“I kissed you back.”

“True,” he said. “Liked it, did you?”

Her shoulders shook. “I’ve no basis for comparison. For all I know, you’re a bad kisser.”

“I am incomparable,” he said.

“You take all the credit, but you know I acquitted myself quite well, despite my lack of experience.”

“You benefitted from my expertise,” he said.

His conceit encouraged her to make a bold move. She leaned toward him, accidentally brushing her sensitive breasts against his arm. He inhaled sharply as she cupped his ear and whispered, “How do you know?”

He turned toward her. The subtle scent of his spicy cologne and something else indefinable curled through her senses. “You abandoned yourself completely to me,” he said in a rough voice.

Her breath caught, but she refused to let him win this sensual battle. “So did you.”

He angled his head until his lips were inches from her own. Her heart thumped hard as he closed the scant distance.

Applause broke out among the crowd. He inhaled and turned away.

Her head was spinning. Dear God, they’d almost kissed in full view of the ton.

She gulped in air, but the scent of him still enveloped her. He was much too close, making her all too aware of him. He was breathing through his mouth—as if he’d run a race.

Julianne unfurled her fan and applied it near her hot cheeks. Her tingling skin and rapid heartbeat frightened her. Not because of the desire, but because she feared that in a moment of weakness she would let him back inside her heart.

•   •   •

The curtain closed, signaling the end of the first act. When Hester returned with Mr. Peckham, Hawk walked over to the balcony and gripped the rail. The lingering ache in his groin reminded him how close he’d come to kissing her—in public, for God’s sake.

Was he mad? Of course he was mad—madly in lust with a woman he couldn’t touch. He wasn’t quite sure how matters had taken a decidedly seductive turn, though he’d felt the tension almost from the beginning. That was nothing new.

The sound of feminine voices interrupted his thoughts. Hawk looked over his shoulder to find Julianne greeting her friends, Amy and Georgette. Hester asked the footman to bring a round of champagne for everyone. Hawk left the balcony railing and joined them. A few minutes later, Hester held her glass aloft and proposed a toast. “To the incomparable Julianne,” she said.

Why the devil had his aunt proposed a toast? Then again, who knew where his aunt got her strange notions. He clinked glasses with everyone else and started to turn away, but Georgette’s voice stopped him.

“Well done,” she said.

Hawk regarded Julianne with lifted brows. “Have I missed something?”

The silence following his question increased his suspicion.

His aunt laughed. “Have you not heard that the ton has proclaimed Julianne the most incomparable belle of the season? Did you not see it in the papers?”

He ought to have known it was something ridiculous. “I do not read the scandal sheets.”

Julianne lowered her lashes. “Oh, you are all embarrassing me. Truly, I’ve done nothing to deserve such praise.”

He was monumentally relieved that none of her scrapes had reached the blasted papers.

After Hawk returned to the balcony, Julianne took her friends aside. “Georgette, you nearly gave me away,” she whispered.

Georgette winced. “I’m sorry. The words just popped out.”

“You’ve got to be more careful. I don’t want Hawk to suspect anything,” Julianne said under her breath. “If it is ever discovered I authored the pamphlet, I will be ruined.”

“I knew this was a bad idea,” Amy whispered.

Hester joined them. “Girls, you look concerned, but everything is fine. He took the bait.”

“I feel horrible.” Georgette hung her head.

“Chin up. A guilty look will cause suspicion,” Hester said. “Julianne is not the only one who will suffer if word ever got out.”

“Wh-what do you mean?” Georgette asked.

Hester sighed. “I believe Julianne mentioned this the first day we discussed the pamphlet. As her particular friends, you and Miss Hardwick will be implicated as well if Julianne’s identity is ever uncovered.”

Georgette covered her mouth. Amy winced.

Julianne now thought that possibility rather remote. If it happened, she would tell her friends to deny any knowledge of the pamphlet. She started to voice the words but held her tongue when Hester gave her a speaking look.

“There is no need to be fearful, however,” Hester said.
“Just keep in mind your reputations, and that will prevent you from making a slip of the tongue.”

After her friends departed, Julianne eyed Hester. “You exaggerated the danger to them in order to ensure Georgette’s silence.”

Hester nodded. “I thought you would catch on, for you’re a clever girl. I hope you’re not angry with me, but…”

“What is it?” Julianne murmured.

“Oh, it’s silly,” Hester said, waving her hand.

“You can tell me anything, Hester. I’ll never judge you.”

Hester looked a bit abashed. “I just feel this sudden motherly urge to protect you. I know it’s silly, for you are grown.”

Julianne squeezed her hand. “It’s not silly. You have given me wonderful advice.”

Hester swallowed. “I shall miss you when the season ends.”

She linked arms with Hester. “Spring is a beginning, and you will always be the aunt of my heart.”

The next day, Julianne sat in Hester’s drawing room with the five cubs and knew it was past time to make her intentions, or lack thereof, clear. “There is something I’ve been meaning to discuss with all of you,” she said.

“Is something wrong?” Beaufort asked.

“No, not at all,” she said. “I’ve been thinking about friendship and how much I’ve enjoyed getting to know all of you.”

“You’re the best girl in the ton,” Charles Osgood said.

“Thank you, Charles, but I am only one of many young ladies who are out in society.”

“Yes, but you are an incomparable,” Beaufort said.

Beaufort worried her more than the other four. “Your friendship means a great deal to me. We are all close in age and ought to enjoy ourselves,” she said.

“I’ll drink to that,” Caruthers said, lifting his teacup.

The other gentlemen laughed.

Julianne realized she was not making herself clear. “In a few short years, we will have greater responsibilities. For now, let us dance, have fun, and be light of heart. With no expectations other than friendship.”

“As we do now,” Portfrey said. He lifted his teacup. “To Julianne.”

“To Julianne,” the other four echoed.

She breathed a sigh of relief, because she truly liked the young men and didn’t want to mislead them.

Chapter Sixteen

A Lady’s Secrets of Seduction: Some secrets really should go to the grave.


ady Dunworthy shook the pamphlet in the air. “Whoever wrote this filthy advice ought to be burned at the stake.”

Julianne’s cup rattled on the saucer as she imagined flames licking at her slippers right in Lady Dunworthy’s elegant drawing room. Her nerves threatened to overwhelm her as numerous society dragons ranted about the scandalous pamphlet.

Hester, on the other hand, watched the proceedings with a bemused smile. “Lady Dunworthy, have you read the pamphlet?”

“Only parts of it,” she said. “It is appalling. The author exhorts young ladies to ignore their mother’s advice.”

Lady Boswood shuddered. “Well, I shall ensure my Georgette never reads a word of it.”

When Georgette snorted, Amy elbowed her.

Lady Wallingham sighed. “The worst part is that everyone is rushing out to purchase it because of the vulgar title. I heard most of the customers are men.” She sniffed. “They obviously are hoping to learn new seduction techniques. We must protect our innocent daughters.”

“I agree,” Mrs. Shepherd said. “I certainly do not want my dear Sally exposed to such horrid advice.”

Sally leaned closer to Julianne and whispered, “I bribed my brother to buy me a copy. I hid it under my bed.”

Julianne’s eyes widened “Have you read the pamphlet?”

Sally snickered. “Yes. I shall have to try the author’s suggestions to catch a husband.”

“Girls, this is no laughing matter,” Mrs. Shepherd said.

“I beg your pardon, Mama,” Sally said.

Julianne was secretly delighted Sally had found the pamphlet helpful. Hopefully other young ladies would as well.

Lady Wallingham produced a sheet of paper. “I suggest we all sign a petition to have this wretched pamphlet banned.”

Julianne sucked in her breath. Oh, no. Her precious pamphlet was in danger of imminent extinction.

“That would be akin to shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted,” Lady Morley said. “I heard the publisher is rushing a third printing.

Julianne covered her mouth. Her pamphlet was succeeding beyond her wildest dreams!

“I see Lady Julianne is shocked,” Lady Boswood said. “I am sorry to expose you to this awful publication, but I feel it necessary to warn you. I will of course write to
your mother and assure her that you would never read such rubbish.”

Georgette hid all but her laughing eyes behind her fan. Julianne shot her a warning look.

Meanwhile, Lady Wallingham was perusing the pamphlet. “Oh, dear God. The author advises ladies to entice gentlemen with a seductive look.”

Georgette lowered her fan. “Oh, my. Does the author explain how to achieve such an expression?”

Lady Boswood made a choked sound and grew limp. “Oh, dear, where are my smelling salts?”

Mrs. Hardwick and Mrs. Shepherd produced vials to revive Lady Boswood.

Lady Dunworthy walked over to a desk and opened an inkwell. “Ladies, let us sign the petition, and I will see it delivered to the publisher.”

As the women and their daughters formed a queue, Julianne pulled Hester aside. “I cannot,” she whispered.

“Julianne, dearest,” Hester said in a loud voice. “You are very pale. I must rush you home to bed.”

Lady Boswood clasped her hands to her heart. “Poor Julianne. I fear this has been too much strain for your delicate nature.”

Julianne obligingly leaned on Hester’s arm. “I do feel a bit light-headed.”

A few minutes later, they reached the carriage. Once it rolled away, Hester erupted into guffaws.

Julianne regarded her from the other seat. “I knew it would be controversial, but I never guessed others would vilify it.”

Hester sighed. “Ah, but it is a roaring success.”

Julianne looked out the window and frowned. She
would consider it a success only if it helped young ladies attract husbands. At the moment, she suspected it was only attracting those who wanted to read something scandalous.

Three days had passed since that meeting in Lady Dunworthy’s drawing room. Julianne had finally gone for a drive with Beaufort two days ago. The entire time, she’d imagined someone would point a finger at her and declare her the wicked author of
The Secrets of Seduction
. It was a ridiculous fear, but she’d been a bundle of nerves ever since.

When Amy and Georgette called to celebrate the publication of the pamphlet, they hugged and congratulated her. Then the maid brought in a tea tray with scones and clotted cream, Julianne’s favorite. The dogs trotted over to the tray. With a smile, Julianne crumbled a bit of scone on a plate for them.

After the maid left, Hester walked over to the sideboard and returned with the pamphlet. “Perhaps Julianne will agree to read select passages.”

“Oh, yes, please do,” Amy said.

“Very well,” Julianne said. As she read, she recalled different events that had taken place while she was writing.

Georgette regarded her with amazement. “Julianne, you have a rare talent with words.”

“I agree,” Amy said. “You portray the concerns of single ladies very well.”

Julianne shook her head. “My phrasing is not eloquent, but plain speech is better suited for the purpose.” Then she regarded Hester and her friends. “I will always remember sharing this special day with all of you.”

After tea and scones, Julianne could not resist opening the pamphlet again. She turned the pages and found herself amazed all over again to see her words in print. “I fear you will think me vain for admiring my work.”

“You deserve to be proud,” Hester said.

Henderson arrived to announce Hawk had called. Julianne hid her pamphlet beneath the sofa cushion and put her finger to her lips to warn her friends. When Hawk sauntered inside, they all rose and curtsied. Seeing her friends’ frozen expressions, Julianne imagined Hawk would notice something was afoot immediately.

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