Hunter Mourned (Wild Hunt Book 3) (39 page)

BOOK: Hunter Mourned (Wild Hunt Book 3)
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He worked his jaw and fought his irrational anger. It wasn’t her fault he’d reacted like a jerk, but he’d always hated the fact that she had more money. Everyone, including her mother, had thought he was after her fortune. He’d only ever wanted her.

He took the cash and crumpled it in his hands. “Why did you?”

Her expression closed off. “The robbery scared me. I needed some time to regroup, so I got in my car and drove.” She shrugged. “I ended up here.”

He considered grilling her about it but decided against it. The stubborn look she wore warned him it’d be useless. He smoothed out the bill and motioned toward the mouth of the alley. “Wait by the front door, and I’ll bring your change out. Okay?”

She stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his cheek. “My hero. Thank you, Kyle.”

One kiss. Hell, it didn’t even qualify as a kiss, but it ripped down a decade of animosity he’d held for Ronnie. He glanced at her hand. No ring. Didn’t mean anything, but it gave him the opening he needed.

He settled his hands on her hips. “Are you still single, doll?”

“Yes.” She stepped back. His hands fell from her sides. “But I’m not staying long. A few hours at the most, and then I’m going home.”

He wanted to argue that she was home but held his tongue. “Why did you drive all the way to Pennsylvania if you’re not even spending a day here?”

“I’ll tell you after you pay for my drink. I don’t want them to think I just left.”

He nodded and led her to the front of the bar, a hand at her lower back exactly how he used to walk with her. Memories rushed up and added to the lust seeing her again brought.

He caged her against the wall, one hand on her hip, the other flattened on the brick by her face. “You’ll be here when I come back, right?”

“I stopped for a reason.” Her voice lowered. Wrapped around him. He could almost imagine they were behind his dad’s barn, hiding from his brothers so they could make out.

“And that was?”

“Engine trouble. The Shelby’s not cut out for long trips. She needs some tender loving care.”

He brushed his lips over the bruise on her face. “I’d say your car’s not the only one.”

“I’m fine. My doctor gave me a clean bill of health.”

His breathing quickened along with hers. “But did he kiss your boo-boos?”


“Did anyone?”

“Are you fishing for information?” She laid her fingertips against his throat. His pulse raced. “Looking to see who’s been in my bed?”

He told himself he didn’t care. A few lousy minutes in her presence and he was that kid again, ready to take on anyone to keep her.

“I suppose I am.” Why play games? He’d done that once already with her. It had only pushed her away.

“Who’s been in yours?”

Was that a tinge of jealousy in her voice? Lips pressed to the spot right below her ear, he grinned and enjoyed her shiver in response. She’d always been so damn sensitive. It was nice to know he could still hit her trigger points. “Didn’t think you cared. You did leave me all alone.”

“I don’t. Just curious. I know how the local girls are, willing to jump their competition and rough them up. When one of them slaps on the label of ‘mine,’ they don’t give up their man too easily.”

“You didn’t have a problem with it.” Dammit. He’d told himself he wouldn’t bring it up. The resentment was rooted deep, however.

She skimmed her hand up his spine. He arched into her on a groan, pushing his cock into her belly. She sucked in a breath but didn’t ease away. Nope, the little siren sifted her fingers into his hair and stepped closer.

“I’m not a local, never was.”

Guess she was still a fan of games. Shame too. He’d hoped she would’ve grown up.

“And all those years you lived here meant nothing, huh?”

“Summers.” She caught one of his short curls and toyed with it, rubbing the strands between her thumb and forefinger. He barely stifled a groan. “I spent my summers here, a whole two and a half months out of the year. That doesn’t qualify me as a local girl.”

Summer vacation had meant a hell of a lot more than no school for him. He could still remember the waiting, the freaking yearning for her. The rest of the year had been pure torture.

“And how is your mama?”

She tensed, fingers stilled and breath caught.

Concern rushed up. “Ronnie?”


His gut took a punch from the quivering in her voice. He eased back and peered into her face. Sorrow didn’t show in her eyes. Fear did. “What happened?”

“She was murdered.”

He hadn’t been expecting that. Of course, nobody ever planned for violence to strike
family. Bad stuff happened to other people’s loved ones. “They catch the guy?”


Her careful response stirred his instincts. “What are you hiding?”

“Nothing. It’s an active criminal investigation, and I was told not to discuss the details with strangers. I shouldn’t have even mentioned it.”

“Strangers?” Damn that hurt. It shouldn’t, but it did. “Is that what I am to you?”

Her gaze mapped his face before settling on his mouth. “Yes. You’re not the boy I once loved, nor am I the same girl.”

“Bullshit, Ronnie. I might’ve changed, but not when it comes to your safety. You know I’d take on the damn world to protect you. Doesn’t matter if we’re lovers, friends, or strangers.”

On a sigh, she closed her eyes.

Hell no, he wasn’t about to let her dismiss him. He cupped her face in his hands. “Look at me.”

She cracked her eyelids and peered at him from under her long lashes. Her hazel eyes hypnotized him. For a moment all he could do was stare into them. A lifetime of broken promises hung between them. He shook off the sensation and focused on the woman he held, not the girl he’d planned to marry.

“What’s really going on? Your mom’s killed, and you show up bruised on some secret mission that brings you to Sander’s Valley in the middle of the night.”

“Enough.” She pushed against his chest. He stepped back, not because he wanted to but because he didn’t have the right to touch her anymore. “I didn’t come back to argue with you.”

“Why did you?”

“At the moment, I’m not so sure.” She motioned in the direction of the door. “Are you going to pay for my drink or not?”

“Yeah. Wait for me, okay?”

Her phone rang. She nodded as she pulled it out and answered.

He turned his back on her and slipped inside. Wyn stood next to the door, arms crossed and anger tightening his features. Kyle followed the direction of his stare to where the Carson twins sat, a girl between them.

Wyn jerked his chin in their direction. “What’s wrong with them? Girls flock to the fuckers.”

The Carson family had money, something the rest of the town lacked. Kyle didn’t bother stating the truth Wyn knew and settled on one less likely to irritate his brother. “They’re out for fun. Look, can you call Levi or Jack for a ride home? My plans might’ve changed.”

A smile replaced the tight press of Wyn’s lips. “You took my advice and talked to her?”

“Your advice, right.” Kyle shook his head. Kid always liked to think he was right. “So, can you?”

Wyn shrugged. “Sure.”

“Great.” Kyle made his way to the bar and paid for Ronnie’s drink. With his change in hand, he turned and smacked into Wyn.

Wyn held out a foil packet. A shit-eating grin spread on his face. “Figure you might need this. The one in your wallet’s so old it’ll probably crumble sliding over your dick.”

“It hasn’t been that long.”


“A year isn’t a big deal. Besides, I have no intention of tangling with Ronnie again. I just want to talk to her, find out what her deal is.”

Wyn chuckled. “Talk, huh? I remember how you and Ronnie liked to talk. I stumbled upon the two of you
enough damn times, you know.” He waved the condom in Kyle’s face. “Take it. Better prepared than not.”

Kyle snatched the packet and slid it into his back pocket, only because he didn’t bother carrying one anymore. That and he could see Jimmy, the bar’s owner and his dad’s best friend, on his tiptoes in the rear corner of the room, squinting at them. Kyle didn’t need his dad to get a report of his son’s activities.

“Now out of my way before she thinks I ditched her.”

Wyn stepped to the side. “Sex, Kyle. Don’t make it out to be anything more.”

Kyle let the slamming door answer his brother. He didn’t need the reminder that Ronnie was only passing through.

The sounds of the bar cut off. An empty sidewalk greeted him. No Ronnie. He scanned the road. Cars lined it. He didn’t see her classic ’65 Shelby, the one her daddy had given her on her sixteenth birthday, among the pickups and dented sedans. Jimmy’s Place didn’t have a parking lot. It was a double-block row home converted into a tavern.

Not ready to admit the obvious, he jogged down the alley and followed the loop it made back to the main road. He walked the block, scanned the next two, and then returned to the bar’s entrance.

“She left me.” Too damn annoyed at himself for falling for her ploy, he leaned against the brick and went over their brief encounter. He cursed. “And she never answered my questions.”

He propped a foot against the wall and crossed his arms. At least he didn’t have to worry about getting attached to her again. Only, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever let her go, not where it counted. No matter—she’d taken the choice out of his hands. Just like last time.


Continue Reading Rewind & Go




Treasured Find

Beautiful Mistake

Favorite Obsession

Chance on Love

Bridged by Love

Shared for Love

Last Chance
~ Coming Soon



Hunter Sacrificed

Hunter Deceived

Hunter Forsaken

Hunter Mourned

Hunter Burned ~ Coming Soon



Mist Revealed

Cloaked in Mist
– Coming Soon



Rewind & Go

Love in Repair


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Hunter Mourned





A true romantic at heart, Nancy Corrigan is convinced there’s a knight in shining armor for every woman (or man), but you won’t find damsels in distress in her stories. She adores pairing alpha heroes with women strong enough to match them and bring them to their knees. She also enjoys flipping the traditional roles in romances because her motto is—love and people should never be forced to conform to anyone’s norm.

She holds a degree in chemistry and has worked in research but now focuses on ensuring quality. She considers it the perfect outlet for her as she’s the first to admit she has some OCD tendencies. It carries over into her writing life too. While engrossed in a novel, she has a habit of forgetting to eat and sleep. Fortunately, she’s married to her own knight in shining armor who understands her oddities and loves her anyway. They reside in Pennsylvania with their three children, dog, snake and guinea pigs. Her other interests include tattoos, animals, classic cars and all things spooky and sexy.


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