Read Hunting The Alpha Wolf (Dark Paranormal Romance (Erotic Horror, Erotika)) Online
Authors: Emily Dante
"I preferred
Narnia as a child, Wonderland scared me, and this place, the wolf, it certainly
seems to fit in with some of the darker fairy tales."
"Fairy tales
usually have a grain of truth in them, they are usually about things that
people fear, things that they don’t fully understand. So tell me Sara, what is
going on here, what is your opinion?"
"The castle, the
grounds is being used for some sort of illegal hunting; they are letting wild
animals loose and hunting them down, for fun."
"And what is my
part in it all?"
"I don’t
know," she said, "why are you naked?"
"They took my
clothes when they sold me to these people."
"Four months
"Yes," he
said, "4 months ago. I was in my home when armed men broke in, subdued me
and dragged me away. I woke up in a cell, I assume in London somewhere. From
there I was shipped here in the back of a van. When I arrived they took my
clothes and put me in here to wait."
"Wait for
"Wait until it was
my turn. You see they are not hunting wild animals as such, they are hunting
people like me."
"People like
you," Sara said, "naked, perfectly muscled, beautiful men?"
Sara smiled,
vampires, the odd goblin or fairy, whatever they can get hold of. It's a fairly
simple way to dispose of beings who are dangerous, the paranormal, the unusual,
the weird. It provides an income from certain government organisations and
entertainment for the idle rich."
"So," Sara
said, "you are a werewolf. You are not a vampire, no, where is your cape,
nor are you a goblin, after all we are not in middle earth now."
"No, we are in
Narnia are we not?" he said still smiling. "You don’t have to believe
in it all, no, but in order to escape you have to believe in me. You will have
to believe in some of what I am telling you. You have to accept what and who I
am, so I can help you to get free of the chains."
Sara looked long and
hard at him; he was basically saying that everything she had learned over her
life about how the world worked was not true. But then, she had never seen
anyone with so finely muscled a body, or who healed wounds so quickly,
"Ok, prove it, change, do something."
"I do not want to
change now," he said. "No, to become the beast in this enclosed space
would be dangerous for you. I do not like captivity, I am likely to lose
control and hurt you. But I can show you something."
Constantine held his
hand up in front of her, and as she watched it elongated, claws curled from the
end of his fingers, long and vicious looking. She gasped, Jesus it was true,
she watched as his hand changed his arm sprouted hairs, long black ones, and
his eyes started to glow.
hell," she said.
"Yes," his
voice was strained and throaty, then he lowered his hand and she watched it
change back to human. "I am a pureblood werewolf, born of werewolf
parents. I live in a world just outside the normal one that you inhabit, a
world of demons, vampires, and other as you call them mythical creatures. I am
three hundred and thirty six years old, just last week actually. Happy birthday
to me."
"So, earlier when
you said I was dinner.... you meant it."
Constantine looked
perfectly normal now, "Yes, you were to be a meal, a pre hunt snack. I think
that our captors thought that I would feed on you. It saves them from the guilt
of murdering a normal every day human."
"But they killed
"That was an
accident, the bullets passed through me first I am afraid, they never meant to
kill him. I suspect that if he had not died he would be chained to the wall
like you are."
"So that’s why
you're not chained."
"Yes, they want me
to kill you, to consume you. I cannot break out of the room, believe me I have
tried, but they thought the chains would make it easier for me to eat you.
Considerate of them really."
"And are you going
to?" Sara said her mouth dry.
Constantine laughed,
"No Sara, I am not. As I said they mistook the nature of my beast. They do
not really understand what they hunt, but then they are not the brightest
crowd. They like hunting me because as you have seen I can heal. Provided they
don't use silver bullets they can hunt me as often as they want. They like to
hunt me but they do not understand me."
"You see," he
continued, "paranormal creatures are not much different from you, from
normal people. There are good guys and bad guys. Not all werewolves howl at the
moon and terrorise villages, just like not all vampires wear capes and bite
virgins. Nor for that matter are all fairy’s fond of teasing lost people in the
woods by giving them the ears of an ass. We are what we are, we are different,
but we are not all evil."
"So you are a good
"By my definition
yes," he shifted against the wall, "by yours perhaps not. I'm in
control of when I change form, and I can control most of my actions when
changed. Sometimes it's difficult, but I manage. It has been a long time since
I killed anyone I did not actually want to."
"Did not want
to..?" she asked.
"Yes, I have been
alive a long time Sara, and I do, sometimes need to feed on human flesh. My
wolf demands it. So yes sometimes I have killed, but that is my nature. A wolf
needs to feed. But I am in control of myself, so I have only killed what I
would consider to be bad people, rapists, murders, child molesters. Or people
who tried to hurt me. For example would I be wrong to kill and eat my captors?
I think not."
"And that makes
you a good guy?" There was a logic to it, but Sara’s head was spinning
with the implications. There was an underworld around her, where werewolves
existed, Christ this was far more than she could have imagined.
"It makes me
better than most, I think," Constantine crossed his legs. "Sorry, but
I do need to be comfortable," he said, as Sara once again got an eyeful of
his manhood.
She sat in silence for
a minute. She'd always been logical and rational, and was prepared to accept
what she saw with her own eyes. That he was some sort of were creature, she
could believe, the rest, well she would believe in a vampire when she saw one.
"So, if you are
this powerful werewolf why don’t you escape?" she asked.
"The metal box you
saw," he said. "It's a device that's linked to some sort of security
system in this house. It sends out a Wi-Fi signal, and receives a response from
the box. If the signal falls below a certain level it delivers a massive
electric shock to my body. It won’t kill me, but it knocks me out."
"And the range is
roughly the grounds of this castle."
"Yes," he
rubbed his ankle where the box had been. "When it's time for a hunt,
they'll open the door and point shotguns filled with silver shot at me. I don’t
want to die, life becomes almost more precious after having it for so long.
They attach the box and I'm at their mercy. Obviously they can set off the
charge with a button on a remote controller, so I have to do what they
"Why do you run,
why give them the pleasure?" she asked. "Surely you could spoil their
fun by just sitting down and letting them shock you into unconsciousness."
"Then I suspect
that they would kill me," he said. "If I don’t provide them with
entertainment, what use am I to them? As I said I do not want to die, and there
was always hope that they would make a mistake."
"A mistake?'
"Yes, a mistake,
like they have done with you." Constantine stood and walked over to her,
he almost prowled, walking on the balls of his feet, elegant and somehow
extremely masculine. He knelt in front of her.
Sara had shifted
position so she was sitting on her bottom with her back to the wall; this meant
that he was sitting right at the end of her legs. She both felt strangely
vulnerable and excited.
"They expect me to
feed on you; instead we are going to help each other escape. I will not harm
you, but you must promise to trust me."
"Trust you?"
she said, and laughed slightly. "I’m chained to a wall with a naked man
who can make claws spring from his hands. I’m pretty sure if you wanted to rape
or kill me you could have done it by now. So, I'm pretty sure that you don’t
want to do that. I can’t see how I can get out of these chains, or have the
strength to help you. But yes, I am more than prepared to trust you, for now at
"Good," he
"So what is your
plan?" she asked.
"The first thing
we need to do is lend you some of my strength. To give you some of my power,
otherwise as you say, when I get you free of those chains, you won’t be able to
make it to the door."
Sarah gulped, she was
scared, but also felt a tingle up her back, something was about to happen.
Something wonderful and dangerous.
"How do you propose
to do that?'
Constantine smiled,
"There are several ways a were creature like me can lend its power to
another, some are more brutal than others. I am not prepared to give you my
blood, that would create a bond between us, and I am afraid turn you into a
werewolf. A change which I'm sure you would not appreciate. Nor do I have the
resources here to perform a sharing ceremony. So there is only one way I know
which will work and we can do here and now. You never know you may just enjoy
"Ok," Sara said,
"do your worst."
Constantine smiled and
gently reached over; he put one hand on each of Sara’s knees, and gently pushed
her legs apart. She worried briefly about what was about to happen, but
acquiesced, shuffling on her bottom so she remained as comfortable as she
With her legs spread
she felt none of the vulnerability she would have expected, an excitement was
shooting up and down her back. Constantine moved forwards on his knees, so he
was sitting between her legs.
"Trust me, I'll do
nothing with you that you are not willing to do," he said and leaned
forwards placing a delicate almost loving kiss on her lips.
Electricity slid across
her face as their lips met, each point of contact felt like it was on fire,
tingling and delicious. He tasted of heat, of self-confidence and somehow,
oddly of cut grass and ozone. The sensation was similar to the feeling you get
in your throat during or just before a thunderstorm. Despite the feather like
nature of the kiss it still felt momentous, important, and frankly the most
horny, wanton kiss she had ever experienced.
Sara almost came in her
knickers at that moment.
Constantine then worked
his mouth around hers, kissing her on every part of her lips, his tongue
flicking out caressing the corners of her mouth. Sara responded, her body
involuntarily pushing towards him, restrained only by the chains which held her
to the wall.
She opened her mouth to
him, and their breath mingled. As she breathed in her lungs were filled with
his power, his spirit, the essence of his wolf. The pain in her arms eased
instantly she felt like someone was washing her body with warm soapy water. The
sensation was like she was being lowered in to a luxuriously warm bath. A
deliciously erotic sensation spread down her body from their conjoined mouths.
Constantine then
pressed his mouth against hers again, his was invitingly open and his tongue
playfully teased hers. Their tips touched, entwined and the kissed deepened.
Sara moved her mouth in response to his ministrations and soon she was kissing
him back. Her tongue ran along his teeth, which were sharp and pointed, and she
gasped in response. A drop of blood raised on her tongue as it caught on his
canines, the taste was wonderful manly and hot.
Constantine groaned, he
wanted to take it further, he wanted to make love to this woman who was chained
and vulnerable before him. It had been so long since he'd had a woman that he
found himself responding strongly to their kiss, far more strongly than he
would ever have expected. He had intended to just kiss her, to mingle their
powers, to lend her enough strength to escape. But now, feeling her respond,
feeling her body pressing back against his, the gentle rubbing of her leg
against his, he wanted to take it all the way.
Sara felt his excitement,
she felt his penis hardening and pressing against her. Because of the height
difference it was rubbing against her belly, just above the waistband of her
trousers, it felt divine.
"Don’t stop,"
she gasped as he pulled away, she leaned forwards trying to capture his mouth
with hers. "Don’t stop, I need this."
Perhaps it was the
threat of death, the shock of the last few hours, but she wanted to feel human
again, to feel alive, and needed.
Right now all she
wanted was to be fucked.
To be fucked by this
beautiful man.
To be taken, to be
ravished, to do whatever it took.
She wanted to do things
to him, with him that she had never wanted to do before.