Hunting The Alpha Wolf (Dark Paranormal Romance (Erotic Horror, Erotika)) (6 page)

BOOK: Hunting The Alpha Wolf (Dark Paranormal Romance (Erotic Horror, Erotika))
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She did not, could not,
let him stop now.

"Fuck me
now," she gasped, where had that come from, dirty talk had never felt
comfortable for her, it always felt somehow forced not natural. When a man
spoke dirty to her, as a few had, it always felt slightly insulting.

"Are you sure
Sara? I promised that nothing would happen that you did not want?"
Constantine spoke with control and concern, but she could hear the need in his
voice, he didn't want to stop either.

"Yes," she
gasped leaning forwards and nuzzling his neck, licking the salty sweat from
where his neck met his shoulder. She wanted to run her hands up his body,
"Please don’t stop, make me feel something."

Constantine nodded, and
pulled her head to his mouth, kissing her hard and urgently. Their mouths
joined and fixed in place as his hands ran down her body. Her shirt was already
ripped and so he slipped his left hand through one of the rents and cupped her
left breast. Sara gasped, as he strummed her nipple through the thin lacy
material of her bra. She pushed herself forwards, pressing her breast into his

With his other hand he
undid the remaining buttons on her shirt and pulled it out of the waistband of
her trousers. Sara bent her back has he unhooked the front clasp of her bra,
pushing it aside, freeing her breasts to his insistent touch.

Sara's brown nipples
were stiff with excitement, and she felt dampness between her legs. She looked
down as Constantine worked his mouth down her neck and paused at first her left
then her right breast. He slowly circled the nipple, licking the areola, before
he took each nipple in turn in his mouth and warmly tongued it.

No man had applied such
attention to her body before, no man had made her feel like this. The heat that
spread from his mouth was more intense than anything she had ever experienced

So taken with need was
she that she didn't notice that he had undone her trousers and was shifting in
position so the he could slip them off. His mouth never left her breast as he
pulled her trousers down and flung them to one side.

"Don't stop,"
she cried as he moved his mouth down her body, circling her belly button,
probing her navel, before he reached her knickers.

Running his tongue
along the waistband he pulled the material to one side and kissed her as he had
on her mouth.

His tongue probed deep
inside her, alternating between strumming her clitoris and running up and down
her folds. Her knickers already damp with her excitement were now soaked with
his saliva and she felt her excitement mounting.

The first climax came
as a welcome surprise as Constantine pressed his tongue hard against her clit,
while he ran his fingers around her breasts. She bucked against him, pushing
and grinding herself against his face.

"My god," she
cried in wanton passion as he raised up before him, his body glistening with
sweat. He was gorgeous, his cock fully erect was simply huge.

She longed to touch it,
to feel its heat with her finger, but her hands were bound, she pulled against
the chains, feeling  rising deep sexual frustration. She  now understood why he
had thought the chains were sexy, the restraint made her frustrated but it also
made her want even greater.

Constantine leaned
forwards and she ran her mouth across his nipples, he moaned as she took one
between her teeth, nibbling it gentley. Then she moved her head, nodding
downwards to him and he raised himself up.

Sara ran her tongue
down his stomach, marvelling at his muscles, they were hard and firm,
magnificently so. She had never touched something so hard, yet so yielding and
needy before.

Pulling herself against
the chains, which didn't hurt at all now she nodded downwards again and
Constantine understanding what she wanted lifted himself up higher. Sara ran
her tongue across his thatch of short black hair and trailed to the root of his

Constantine held his
cock in one hand as she worked her way up it, kissing every wonderful inch. He
groaned as he had to pull back so that she could take the end of his manhood
fully in her mouth. Then she slowly and carefully slid it in between her lips.

He tasted of warm cum,
sweet and somehow salty at the same time. She took as much of his length in her
mouth as she could without gagging. He pulled backwards and then slowly pushed
back in, his flesh riding up along her tongue, and she felt him trembling with

The skin of his penis
was warm and silky, delicious to the taste and touch. Sara felt like a slave
pleasuring her master, she felt like a virgin sacrifice, the sensation of being
dominated was  strangely wonderful. The feeling of the first drops of cum
dripping on her tongue made her orgasm again.

She had never expected
to feel this way, the only boyfriend who had tried to tie her up before had
done so fairly crudely. She had never been even vaguely submissive in any
relationship, but strangely taking this man in her mouth, and sucking him until
he came seemed to be the most freeing thing could have done.

The very restraint, the
very weirdness of the experience, freed her to behave in a way she had always
wanted and never admitted to herself that she wanted to.

Sara felt his cock
tremble, and heard him groan deep in his throat. He was leaning against the
wall, fingers caressing hers, running along them where they manacles held her
in place.

She felt him pulling at
the chains with his hands, and knew what he was going to do next.

Sara leaned back, ran
her tongue down the outside of his long thick member and said, "No leave
them there, leave me chained up for now."

Then she looked up and
he saw raw, unconstrained need in her face so he left the chains and lowered
himself down and their mouths met once more.

Constantine tasted
himself on her mouth and she on his. The feeling of their mingling juice made
his manhood throb, he knew that he was going to climax all too soon.

sure," he said, looking deep in to her eyes.

She kneeled and he
moved his hands downwards, lifted her off the floor and moved between her legs
so she was sitting astride his kneeling body.

Lifting her off the
floor, with exquisite control he lowered her onto his now throbbing, pulsating

Her breasts rubbed
against his chest as he lifted her up and down, slowly then more urgently he
slid her physically along the length of his cock.

With a groan she felt
him twitch and she pressed herself harder against him. Their sweat mingled,
becoming one person as he shot warm, beautiful sperm inside her body.

The feeling of the
liquid gushing from the end of his penis deep inside her femininity made her
orgasm again, more intensely than before, and she thrashed against him clawing
his back, his neck. Pressing herself hard down on him, writhing with sheer
wanton need.

Finally after what
seemed like hours it was over, Sara’s whole body still tingled with excitement.
Constantine reached up above her head and with one easy movement pulled the
chains from the wall.

Still deep inside her
he dug his fingers underneath the manacles and snapped them from her wrists
freeing her.

Sara held her hands in
front of her face, leaning back against the wall, loving the feel of his penis
hard and hot inside her as their ardour cooled.

Her wrists were
unblemished, whatever marks the manacle had made were gone. She flexed them,
testing their numbness and found that they moved easily. In fact her whole body
felt energised, she felt alive in a way she had not felt in her entire life.

Who would have thought
that being fucked up against a wall could be so invigorating?

"So," she
said, "this is how you feel all of the time is it?"

"Almost, you have
some of my energy now, but it will fade over the next twenty four hours. You
have I am afraid a mere shadow of the power I have. Just a hint of the way I
feel, the way it feels to be a werewolf, but it is enough for now."

"And you needed to
fuck me to make that happen?"

Constantine answered, stroking her breast idly, he shifted slightly on his
knees. "The kiss would have been enough."

Sara laughed, "Not
enough for me, or for you I think."

Constantine stood in
one fluid motion, taking her upwards with him. His massive strength was
supporting her entire weight as he moved from a kneeing position to a standing
one in one easy motion.

"How strong are
you?' she asked.

"I'm old," he
said, "our strength, unlike human’s increases with age. Right now I am at
my weakest to be honest, don’t forget you have some of my strength."

Sara kissed him on the
lips, and wrapped her arms around him shifting her pelvis she let him slide out
of her. She felt his seed cooling on her thigh, releasing him left her feeling
empty and somehow lessened. The sun was going down and she knew that they
needed to plan their escape.

She stood, pulled on
her knickers and jeans, pulled her bra back on and buttoned up the remains of
her shirt. Running her hands through her hair she looked at him standing
unembarrassed in his nakedness, his spent cock still having a faint shine of
their mingled pleasure.

"So," she
said "now that we have got that over with, how are we going to







David Smith had worked
for the owners of Hanbury castle all of his life. His father had worked for
them before him and he was largely happy with his lot. The pay was good, and if
he was asked to do the odd thing that stretched the boundaries of
acceptability, then it was usually fine with him.

The parties they'd had,
the orgies that had taken place in the castle, the hookers he had arranged, in
some ways it defied description.

The number of times he
had driven drunken young women back to the nearest town, he really couldn't

But this, this was

He was prepared to
accept the creatures they hunted were unnatural; he had after all seen the
evidence with his own eyes. He had seen them change from human form to their
more demonic nature on many occasions.

He was prepared to
accept that they were dangerous and needed to be controlled. That the method
that was used also provided entertainment, well it was no different from a grouse
shoot or a foxhunt.

So he was more than
prepared to accept that his masters wanted to hunt these creatures, and that
people were prepared to pay to take part.

He was prepared for
almost everything really, and had over the last 6 months seen and done things
that would curdle the stomach of someone less resilient than he was.

But, he had to admit
that feeding a young woman to one of the creatures was not something he was
prepared to accept.

That she had seen
things she shouldn’t, ok. But who would believe her? That she’d trespassed on
private property o.k., then hand her over to the authorities. But to murder
her, to kill her in cold blood, that was just not acceptable.

No, David could not sit
still while they let that monster kill her and eat her.

The trouble was he was
not sure what to do about it.

The key to their cell
was in one of the outbuildings and his bosses had given him as list of jobs as
long as his arm to prepare for the nights hunt. As always he was not going to
be alone until they had all been done, so there was no opportunity to do
anything about her quickly.

It was not until the
sun had started to set that he had been able to get away from his colleagues
and get hold of the key to the cell.

The orange glow  had
long turned to red, and the sky was almost dark by the time he had snuck down
to the cell, and had put the key in the door and turned it.

David hoped that he was
not too late.

It wasn't until he'd
opened the door that he remembered that he was unarmed, and the creature within
was free and no doubt filled with rage.

As Constantine had
expected, Sara’s arrival had prompted several mistakes on the part of his

He had not however
expected this one.

Had he expected to find
one of his captors walking into the cell, unarmed, and unaccompanied then his
plan would have been different and certainly less pleasurable for both him and

David stood in the
doorway feeling panic rise, the sweat of fear running down his back. The
werewolf, he did not know his name, in fact he had never considered that it had
a name. It was merely a creature, an animal, and should be treated as such. The
werewolf was curled up in the corner, the wall and floor around it covered in

It's head was tucked
down under its arms and it was shaking with some pent up emotion.

The woman, again David
had not asked her name, was lying on her back in the middle of the room. Her
shirt had been torn open and there was blood covering her from her neck to her
waist. David saw her breasts moving up and down, dripping in red fluid. Despite
his good intentions he found the sight of her naked chest strangely arousing.

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