Hush (2 page)

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Authors: Amarinda Jones

BOOK: Hush
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Ever. And that he had got it so wrong was both horrifying and funny to him.
Or maybe I’m as horny as a goat? Yeah, that’d be it.

His eyes followed the woman in black as she approached reception. Now, this was indeed a woman. It was the way she walked and the swinging of a very plump ass that told him that.

He loved a well cushioned butt. His eyes moved up to her breasts.

Despite the buttoned-down shirt, he could see the natural fullness of them. Yeah, this was all woman and he wanted a taste.

“Nah. Not stuck-up. Just in need of some fun in her life, I reckon.”
And I’m the man for that.

His companions laughed. “I’ll give you two hundred dollars if you can sweet-talk her into bed.”

“You mean fuck her? Oh yeah, I’ll do that, but I don’t place wagers on the needs of others.” And this woman looked needy to him. It was in the controlled set of her face and the stiff way she carried herself.

“What do we get out of it?”

“Wait and see, my friends.” The lady in question turned to stare at him. The look she gave him was designed to freeze his balls. Some women were good at that. She appeared to be an expert at it.
Yeah, I want this one. I wonder what she needs.
Tobias smiled at her. She suddenly blushed.
Clearly, she wasn’t as icy as she made out.
What‘s her story?


Great. Blush at the hot guy. Real sophisticated
. Eliza’s gaze pulled away from the tall, dark-haired man to look at the blonde receptionist. Her shiny gold badge proclaimed her as Doris.

Eliza pondered why it was transgender men were always better made up than most women? Her make-up was immaculate. Was it that they had to make more of an effort to hide masculinity or was it a case that most women didn’t appreciate their femininity? Even as she spoke to the husky toned blonde, Eliza could feel the man’s eyes on her ass. It wasn’t her best asset, though to be honest she wasn’t sure what was. She turned to glare at him. He winked.

Once more heat flooded her face.
Dark, hot and mine. Mine?

Where did that come from?

“He’s gorgeous.”

“Um, yes.”
So gorgeous I’m contemplating requesting he
help me out of my dull, boring existence by rubbing his tight, hot
body against mine.
It seemed like a fantastic idea in her head.

How did one ask for that in real life without the other party looking horrified or laughing their ass off?

‘I wanted him last night but he doesn’t do trannies,” Doris sighed with disappointment.

“He’s mad. You’re beautiful.”

The receptionist glowed. “You think?”

“Oh, hell yeah.”

“He’s looking at you like he could eat you up. He’d be a delicious fuck.”

“Yes.” Damien couldn’t compete with him. Besides it was Monday and not a nominated day for her ex-boyfriend to have sex.

And Damien was her ex. Eliza had decided that the minute she got on the plane to travel overseas. If she really loved Damien she would have stayed content with what she had.

“Is he staying here?” How did one approach a man like that and initiate sex? She had two boxes of condoms. She just needed a dick. Or dicks. She looked at his friends. When she had seen him, they had at first faded into the background. But looking closely she could see they had the same lean and hungry look he did.
Could I do multiple dicks?
She wanted to break the boring mold she was in.
So why not?
Can I build up the guts to ask?

“You’re in room 1101.” Doris handed her the key. He’s in 1103.”

A shiver ran down her spine. “Thanks.” Eliza reached down and picked up her bag, at the same time dropping her key.

The dark man sped over and picked it up. “Room 1101?”

He handed her the key.

“Yes.” All of a sudden Eliza felt breathless, overwhelmed by his nearness and the sheer masculinity that emanated from him.

ow this was a man.
I need one of these.

“Just down the hall from me.”


“You know that?”

“Er, the lady mentioned it.” Eliza motioned to Doris.

The receptionist glowed at the word ‘lady’. “You I like, honey.”

“Let me take your bag.” Tobias had it out of her hand before she could object.

Doris called after her. “Enjoy your stay and be careful.”

“She’s a he,” Tobias informed Eliza.

Men. Only when they were faced by another dick did they add two and two together. “Of course.”

“You knew? I didn’t have a clue.”

Eliza smiled. That must have been hard for a confident man to admit. “Well, she’s beautiful but it’s obvious.”

“You’re beautiful.”

She stared at him in surprise. It was almost like a dream coming true but Eliza knew just because you craved something it didn’t mean you automatically got it. They stepped into the elevator. “Are you trying to pick me up?”
Please God let it be so.


And once more Eliza blushed. “Um…” it was the only word she could come up with. Normally she was never lost for the right thing to say. At the moment she was out of her depth.
Do I
say yes please take me? My room or yours?

“You’re cute.”

Was he serious?
“I’ve been called many things but not cute.”

“What if I said that I liked the shape of your ass and I’d like to fuck it? What would you say?”

Eliza choked on the words that came to her lips. She was about to tell him how disgusting and rude he was to hit on her but those words got tangled up in the wild surge of heat that shot through her body.

“I—er— you’re um…” Ass and fuck. Two simple, crude words and she was tongue-tied. Eliza looked at his mouth. What would it be like to touch his tongue with hers?


“I don’t do stuff, um, you know, like that.”
Oh but I want

“What stuff, baby?”

“Um, sleep around.” Though sleeping was the last thing she had on her mind. What would it be like to have the hot, hard length of him on and in her?

“Do you want to?”

“Yes – I mean no – I mean I don’t know you.”
Yes please.

“You can get to know someone through sex.” The elevator stopped. Neither moved. He held out his hand to her. “Come on.”

Am I misinterpreting this? Does he want me or
am I just overly desperate and believing what I want to?

“You look like a woman who needs to get laid.”

Eliza didn’t doubt that for a second. “I beg your pardon?”

He smiled. “Oh, you’ll be begging, baby.” He took her hand and pulled her along.

“You’re taking a lot for granted. You don’t even know me.”

He stopped outside her room. “What do you want, baby?”

. “I’m on vacation.”

“From Australia.”

“Yes, and you don’t even know my name.”

“Are you looking for forever or fantasy?”

“Can’t I have both?”


Tobias smiled. Yeah, she could. He wanted both. Tobias had never met a woman who was of a like mind. Either they wanted marriage or dirty sex and neither the twain met.

“My name is Tobias.”


Yeah, that name suited her. It was prim yet sexy. “So, Eliza, why have you come to this backwater?”

“I saw a brochure.”

“And you were broke enough to believe all the tourist hype. Why not Australia? You have amazing beaches there.” It was one of Tobias’ many dreams to visit down under.

“I just needed to get away.”



Cagey was intriguing. It hid a multitude of reasons. He decided to take a punt. The woman was sexy yet repressed and searching for adventure away from home. That suggested to Tobias that she wanted something more exciting in life.

“Did you want to get all wild and crazy but not somewhere anyone knows you?”

“How did you know?” She stopped, aghast at what she had said.

Yeah, good girls had trouble letting go
. “I wasn’t sure until just now.”

Again she blushed and Tobias grew a little more interested.

“Key.” She handed it to him and he unlocked the door and pushed it open. “May I come inside your room — and you, baby?” He felt like being reckless and daring and Tobias liked the idea of leading the primly dressed lady astray. “I love how you blush.”

“I, um – you see…that is…I—”

“Hush.” Tobias placed his finger against her lips. “Here’s the thing, baby. You can be anyone you want to be with me. If you want to get wild and crazy then I’ll help you. If you want me to act out your fantasies then just ask.”

“You don’t even know me.”

And you’re wondering why you and how safe you’ll be with me?”


“Other than the shape of your fuckable butt, I like the look in your eye. It’s strong yet needy and I want to see you give in to that need. And, before you ask, no, I’m not married, nor a deranged killer. I love women in all shapes and sizes but rarely do I see one like you I want straight away. If you say go, I’ll go with no hard feelings. If you ask me to stay, I’ll give you whatever you need and you’ll be safe with me.”

This was madness. She had never been hit on like this before.
And I love it. Could I? Should I?
“Stay.” The word was out of her mouth before she could think further.

Tobias dropped the bag and locked the door. He took her hand and led her to the bathroom. “I bet you’re all hot and sticky from travelling.”

I’m hot for cock
. Eliza was agog at the speed of her fantasy coming to life. “Um, yes, I am.” She watched as he started to remove his shirt.
Oh. My. God.
His left nipple was pierced with a fine gold ring and he had an intricate tribal tattoo on his left shoulder that curled down to his chest. It looked wild and uncontrolled — like him.

“Wow.” Her eyes travelled over his flesh, the need to lick his tattoo overwhelming.

“You like my tatt?”

“I love it.”


“My clothes?”
Well duh. Grow up Eliza

Tobias laughed. “Well yeah. Actually, let me do it.”

She held out her hands to stop him. Eliza was never comfortable being naked. “I’m kinda fat and —”

Tobias caught her hands and held them to his chest.

“You’re a beautiful woman who I plan to fuck hard and long until you scream my name as you come.”

“Oh boy.” His hands left hers and went to her blouse.

Buttons dissolved under his touch.

“A red bra?”

“Is that bad?” Sexy lingerie was her one indulgence.

“Oh no. I just expected to see a plain white good girl bra.

But this? I like a lot.” Tobias leaned forward and licked her cleavage.

Eliza caught at his shoulders to avoid falling. His hands went down to the fastening of her pants as he kissed and licked her flesh. Eliza stumbled in her haste to kick the pants off from around her ankles.

“Eager?” His hands cupped her ass.

That felt so good. “Yes-s-s.” Damien avoided touching her ass. Eliza knew the fleshy roundness of it tuned him off.

“Good. Now pull your panties down.”

Eliza could have come on those words alone. They were soft yet commanding and with only one thought in mind. She did as she was told.

“Unzip me.”

Her hands trembled as she pulled the zipper down on his jeans. Eager cock jumped out to meet her. She tried to imagine Damien going commando but failed. He was too sensible for that.

Her thumb ran over the head of Tobias’ cock. Her eyes lifted to his. The flare of excitement in those dark depths made her feel bold. Eliza ran her hand down the shaft to watch his reaction.

“You like that, baby?” His words were a throaty growl of satisfaction.

“It’s beautiful.” And it was. Some cocks were delicious to look at and play with.

He laughed. “It’s yours to do as you wish.”

“I have condoms.” Wild and crazy was the aim but safe was right up there with those needs.

“Of course.”

“Shall I get them?”
Am I really going to have sex with this
hot man?
Eliza needed him to confirm it.

“Yes—and a razor.”

“A razor?” Was there something new when it came to sex she was unaware of?

Tobias’ fingers stroked the bush of hair on her pussy. “I want you bare.”

“But I’ve never —”

“This is a day when all the ‘nevers’ are going to become reality.”

Eliza went over to her beauty case and took out her razor and some rubbers. How many? One? Two? Would that make her look hopeful and eager or desperate? She pulled out a strip of three.
Problem solved. It’s the manufacturers’ fault

Eliza knew he was watching her ass. His words about fucking it came back to her. She’d always wanted to try that but Damien was a missionary kind of man. She came back and looked at Tobias. He was completely naked. Eliza licked her lips when she saw the tattoo on his upper left thigh. It was a stylized Japanese dragon breathing fire.

Tobias took the razor and condoms from her and led Eliza into the tiled shower. He turned the water on so it was warm and soothing on her skin. Eliza was transfixed watching him; the thrust of his dick and the careful movement of his large hands as he lathered up a bar of soap. He placed the condoms in the soap dish and dropped to his knees, razor in hand. Eliza swallowed hard.

Her pussy was in line with his eyes. She had never felt so exposed.

When Tobias’ touched her she jumped.

“It’s okay. Just stand still and enjoy.”

Was he kidding? It was almost impossible to do that as large, male hands soaped her pussy. When his finger slid inside her cunt, she closed her eyes and sighed. It felt so good to have something — anything—thrust up inside her. A second finger joined the first.

“Enjoying that?” Tobias grinned.

“Oh yes,” Eliza murmured as she pushed down against his hand. His fingers slid out. She whimpered.

“Stand still. I don’t want to cut you.” Tobias shaved the soapy wet hair off in long careful strokes. She reached down and held onto his shoulders, eyes closed as she gave into the sensuality of the moment. Never could she have imagined Damien doing this. The water trickled down her thighs as he gently bared her skin. “You have a beautiful cunt, baby.”

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