Hyde and Seek (32 page)

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Authors: Layla Frost

BOOK: Hyde and Seek
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“I love it. Thank you.”

“I know you don’t wear jewelry often. So if you don’t—”

“You’re kidding, right? First of all, it’s gorgeous. Second, I’d wear anything from you.”

“Good to know. Next time I’ll make sure it’s somethin’ wild and sexy.”

When Jake went to get ready, I grabbed my bag and set up my laptop on the island in the kitchen. Opening and booting it up, I began sorting emails when I felt his lips behind my ear.

“What the fuck is that?” he snarled, standing up quickly.

“Prank emails. I just delete them.”

Because my email address was on my website and social media, it wasn’t unusual for me to get fake requests from assholes messing around. I’d even gotten the occasional dick picture or dirty message.

Lately, though, the frequency of junk messages had increased. They weren’t always outright vulgar or harassing. They were more…


Instead of generic messages, they’d become more complimentary of my appearance. Since there were a few pictures of me on my site, plus the ones that had been in the paper, it wasn’t surprising that someone would know what I looked like.

It was still creepy as hell, though.

I always blocked the addresses, but it was easy for the pranksters to get new ones.

“That’s far from a fuckin’ prank, Piper. That shit is sick. Why haven’t you said anythin’?”

“It happens all the time. It’s probably some kids pretending they’ve got giant balls behind a computer screen.”

“Piper, there are a lot of these.”

“I know,” I admitted, crinkling my nose. “I think maybe from all the publicity after the Tools for Teens event. Increased publicity has meant more orders coming in, but also more of this crap. It’s nothing.”

“It’s somethin’. That shit is fucked up. You should’ve told me.” With his clenched jaw and rigged body, Jake looked mad. But behind his anger was fear.

“Baby, my work email is public. I get offers for hot and horny local ladies, instant money transfers from Nigerian princes, and tips to make millions from the comfort of my own living room. I even get emails for penis enlargement, which would come in handy if I decided to look up those local ladies. These things happen and it’s harmless. But I’ll make sure I tell you now. And I’ll be extra cautious, okay?”

“I’m gonna talk to my dad, see what he thinks.”

“If it’ll make you feel better.”

“It’s a start. I’ve gotta go to Hyde for a few hours. Wanna stay here or go to your place?”

“Mine.” I wanted to finish up some work and then get ready for tonight with enough time that I wasn’t rushing around.

“I’ll drop you off on my way, yeah?”




After an intense goodbye kiss, I plopped down onto my couch with my laptop. Tucking my legs under me, I dealt with emails, stopping throughout to answer birthday calls and texts.

When my phone rang again, I picked it up without looking. “What’s up?”

“Piper, is that any way to answer the phone?”

Gah. Caller ID was invented for a reason, dingus. Use it!

“Sorry, Mom. I wasn’t expecting a call from you.”

“Well, why in heaven wouldn’t I call my daughter on her birthday?”

“I just meant I wasn’t expecting it right now. How are you?”

“As fine as one can be when they’re continually blown off by their only child.”

“Sorry. I’ve been busy with school and the business.”

“And your young man? Are you still seeing him?”

“Yes, Jake and I are still together. So, how’s Thomas?”

“Piper Skye, don’t try to change the subject. However, he is right here and wishes to speak to you.”

“Happy Birthday, Piper,” Thomas greeted me.

“Thank you, Thomas. How’re you? Mother driving you crazy yet?”

“Yet? You mean
, correct?”

I laughed at the rare joke. “Yes, exactly.”

“So, your mother told me you’re involved with Jake Hyde.”


“At your mother’s request, I looked into him. His company is extremely successful. So much so that he could have multiple shops. Word is he chooses to stick with just one so he can be as hands-on as possible.”

And he is very hands-on at work, indeed.

“Yes, he does great work,” I said, trying not to think pervy thoughts.

Trying, but failing.

“He’s known for his skill and work ethic. His mother is a well-respected attorney and his father is an ADA. Good choice, Piper.”

It’s a mother friggin’ birthday miracle

“Thanks, Thomas. Make sure you tell my mother that.”

“Already done. Here she is.”

“As you can imagine, I was very reassured to hear things checked out well. You’ll still have to stop making excuses and bring him over.”

“Yes, Mother.”

“Did he get you anything special for your birthday?”

“A beautiful watch.”

“A watch?” Obviously, the appeal of a watch was lost on my mother.

“From Tiffany.”

“Oh. That is special then.”

“Yeah. I have to go get ready. We’re having dinner in a few hours.”

“Enjoy your birthday. I love you.”

“I love you, too. Goodbye.”

As I hung up, I realized just how far behind I was. I cranked some music up and went to plug in my hot rollers.

While I waited for them to warm up, I crouched by the bed in my room and began pulling things out from underneath. Finding what I was looking for, I pushed everything else back and set up my surprise for Jake.

Well, mostly for me. After all, it’s my birthday.

When I got back into the bathroom, my phone was lit up with a new message.


Did you start gettin’ ready?

Just did.

There’s another present in the spare room closet.

When did you put a present in there?

Couple days ago. I figured even if you looked, you wouldn’t see it. That closet is worse than your wallet.

Hey! Actually, you know what? I’ve got no come back. You’re totally right.

I was hopin’ to be home already, but things are taking longer than planned.

That’s okay, I can wait.


Maybe. Possibly.

Unless I go in there for something else. Then I might trip and have to grab the knob to stop my fall. That might accidentally open the closet door.



Go look, yeah?


Woo hoo!

Walking into the room, I turned on the light and opened the closet door. “Oh, Jake,” I whispered to myself.

In front of me was a gorgeous green dress with a bag from Ella’s looped around the hanger.

I jumped when my phone started ringing. Checking the screen, I answered immediately. “Jake.”

“Like it?”

“I love it, but the watch was enough. Actually, I was happy just waking up in your bed.”

“I’d give you the fuckin’ moon, Piper. Honest to God, lay the whole fuckin’ world at your feet,” Jake said, his voice low and gravelly. Before I could respond, someone called his name. “I gotta go. Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

After hanging up, I grabbed the dress and bag from the closet and brought them to my room. I peeked into the bag to see a pair of black pumps, a glitter clutch, and the world’s tiniest thong.

Returning to my hot rollers, I put them in and started on my makeup. Because the dress was so bold, I used a neutral cream colored shimmer shadow, black liner, and dramatic mascara to do my eyes. I went light on the blush and skipped the lip gloss altogether.

When I got changed, I knew I’d made the right decision.

The soft, jersey dress was completely off my shoulders. Black lace detailing around the edges gave glimpses of more skin, but also made it a softer, more feminine look. The material was clingy, which explained the miniscule thong.

No matter how extensive my underwear collection was, I didn’t have any that wouldn’t leave visible panty lines.

I pulled a shoe out and set it on the bed carefully before picking up my phone to text Jake.


These shoes are Jimmy Choo.

The purse thing is, too. I still have no clue what that means. Alicia picked them out. I just agreed they looked hot.


Went into Ella’s and she was fuckin’ ecstatic to help me out. Mostly ‘cause that means I’m still with you. She likes you, sweets.

I like her, too. But you don’t have to do this stuff.

I know I don’t have to. I like it.

How do I argue with that?

You don’t. On my way in a few.


From the first time I saw his sexy, broad back in the shop, I’d been
into Jake. There’d been a pull to him that had nothing to do with his status or what he could give me.

Well, except for the orgasms I’d been sure he could supply. Thank the sex god himself I was right about that.

It wasn’t what he was buying me that made me so happy.

Okay, they were Jimmy Choo’s, so it wasn’t

It was him.

I set the phone aside and picked up the pumps again. After I put them on, I walked to my dresser and added my watch. As I latched it, I noticed the time and knew Jake would be here soon.

I quickly unraveled the cooled rollers from my hair and tossed them on my dresser. Bending over, I shook my head to loosen the curls.


“You scared me. How was the shop?” When I got no response, I straightened and looked over at Jake.

I smiled when I saw his hair was down. Wearing dark jeans, a black fitted button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and gray converse, my man looked good.

He also looked tense.

“What’s wrong?” I began walking towards him.


I did, my brows lowering in confusion. “What?”

“We have to go. Like

“I know, I’m ready.”

“If you get any closer before we’re out of this house, we’re not goin’ anywhere.”

“I wouldn’t mind that.” I smiled wickedly. “In fact, why don’t we order in and I’ll let you eat off of me?”

“Tease. You’re a cock tease. Out.”

“Fine, Mr. Bossy Pants.”

Turning and walking away, Jake didn’t stop until he was on my porch.

I locked up and followed him down to his car.

Jake shifted the Camaro into reverse and turned to back out of the driveway when his phone started ringing. “Yeah? Uh huh. No, it’s cool. See ya.” Jake hung up and turned to me. “We gotta stop back at Hyde for a minute.”

“Everything okay?”

Though his organization and filing was better, they were slammed with customers. With the amount of work they were doing, it was inevitable that things would fall between the cracks.

“Yeah, I’ve gotta log into the computer system to check something for Kase. How was your day?” Putting his hand on my leg, his thumb absently caressed my inner thigh, which made me mindless.


“Your day?”

“Oh. Good. I got a lot more done than I thought I would.”

“Anymore emails?”

“Nope. I told you it doesn’t happen much.”

“Once is more than enough,” Jake grumbled.

“If I thought it was something to be concerned about, I’d tell you.”

“I’m still gonna talk to my dad.”

“I figured as much, Mr. Bossy Pants.”

A short while later, Jake pulled into the front parking lot of Hyde and cut the engine. Coming around, he offered his hand and helped me out.

“Hold up.” Curving his hand around the side of my neck, his thumb stroked my jaw and tilted my face up. “You look fuckin’ gorgeous.”

I pushed myself closer to him. “Thanks for the outfit.”

“Love you, Piper.”

“Love you, too. By the way, we have to stay at my place tonight.”

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