Hyde and Seek (4 page)

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Authors: Layla Frost

BOOK: Hyde and Seek
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I was bouncing with excitement by the time he ended the call.

“You’re in. Three things, though.” He held up a finger. “First, if you drink, don’t get stupid shitty.”

“Why would you be getting shitty?” Eli asked, startling me as he came into the garage.

I looked to see the rest of the men coming through the door

“She’s coming with us tonight,” Kase answered for me.

Eli and Xavier both looked happy. Key half smiled, which I counted as a grin from anyone else. Jake looked unreadable, and, at best, disinterested. I didn’t care. He was an ass that wasn’t interested in me. So what if my panties got wet every time his rough voice got bossy with me. It was probably a coincidence.

Seriously, the way you lie to yourself is deserving of an Oscar. It’s such a stellar performance.

“Okay as I was saying, don’t get stupid shitty drunk.” He held up another finger. “Second, Rhys says he wants some of your crack cookies tonight. That possible if I’m picking you up at eight?” At my nod, he lifted another finger. “Last, wear something sexy. Once again, direct quote from Rhys, though I ain’t arguing.”

“Fuckin’ A, Kase,” Jake cursed, tossing a stack of files onto a work bench. “I gotta tell you
Rhys to keep it in your pants?”

Kase lowered two of his fingers, leaving only the middle one up and pointed in Jake’s direction.

As much as I wanted to see Harington, I didn’t want to cause a bunch of drama. “I have a lot of work—”

I almost finished a full thought before Jake broke in. “You’re goin’. I’ll pick you up since Kase has got a full car already.”

Kase shook his head. “Eff that. Key can walk his scrawny ass.”

“Damn, why I gotta be the one to walk?” Key said in protest.

“Jesus,” Z said, cutting everyone off. He turned to me. “The car with the scratch, drive it tonight. Yeah?”

I nodded.

“Good. I’m all about the wires. Jake’s the best with dent skills. Let him see that shit, see what he can work.”

Again, I nodded, though this time more hesitantly.

“Good. See ya tonight, Doll Face.” With a wink to me, he grabbed the files from the workbench and walked out the door that lead to the hallway.

“Phone,” Jake ordered. Shocking.

I didn’t get what he was saying. Double shocking. “What?”

“Let me see your cell.”

Pulling it from my bag, I handed it over to Jake who had it for a minute before passing it to Kase. When I got it back, I had five new numbers, from five hot guys.

“Text one of us when you get there. Let us know where you park, and wait for us. You got a dent?”


“Alright, text me then. I’ll check it out. Yeah?”

I nodded, because, really, what other option did he give me?

“See you tonight, Piper Skye.”

Full name?


“Rest of you sorry assholes, get back to work,” he said as he walked out.

I said my goodbyes and left in my van with its new, loud ass speakers.

Rock on!

Chapter Two

Party Hardly



When I got to Rye, I was relieved that I wasn’t late. I was usually pretty efficient when I got ready, but for some reason it had taken me forever. Not to impress anyone, of course.

Noooo, not at all.

After leaving the shop earlier in the day, I’d decided to blow off the rest of my plans. It was definitely the right decision.

Since my hair reached the middle of my back, I was used to it taking for-freakin’-ever to blow dry and style. What I wasn’t used to was doing, wiping off, and then redoing my makeup multiple times because my nerves were making my hands shake. My usual straight eyeliner looked more like I’d tried to apply it with my left hand while driving on a road covered with potholes in the dark. I still wasn’t able to get it precise, so I went heavier on my eye shadow to blend it. Fortunately, rocker glam worked for the night out and made my violet eyes pop.

Now let’s hope I don’t look like a raccoon by the end of the night.

I’d taken more time than I had available to decide on an outfit. I changed my mind a handful of times before settling on black skinny jeans and a super soft black halter top with hot pink lace trim. Grabbing a matching shrug and black three-inch peep toe heels, I’d run barefoot out the door.

Despite running way behind, I was still able to find some sweet parking at the bar. I texted Jake to let him know where I was. My phone buzzed a second later.


: Be there in a few, babe. Don’t get out ‘til we get there.


Even on text, Jake was bossy. And, even on text, it turned me on more than I thought was normal.

After a quick double-check to make sure my deodorant was doing its job, my hottie sense started tingling. I looked up to see Jake heading towards me.

Long, purposeful strides while somehow still looking bored… Even his walk is intimidating and undeniably sexy.

During my makeup mini-crises, I’d tried to convince myself that Jake wasn’t really
good-looking. My memory, imagination, and libido just built him up as the hottest man I’d ever seen.

However, as I watched him walk towards my car, I knew I was
wrong. Because, in jeans and a dark colored Henley with the sleeves pushed up his tan and tatted arms, he was somehow even more gorgeous.

I dragged my eyes from Jake and saw that, short of Z, the other guys from Hyde were with him. This included one I didn’t recognize, but would be more than happy to meet. My brain, and other parts of my anatomy, were pretty set on Jake but that didn’t mean I was totally blind.

Seeing the six of them, I was glad I had a second to do a real headshake to lift the fog. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.

Sigh. It never does.

When they got close enough that it’d be rude to just sit and perv on them from inside my car, I got out. I barely stood all the way up when Kase grabbed me around the waist. He lifted me so we were face to face and my feet were about seven inches off the ground.

“Piper, I swear, don’t know whether to kiss you or that car. Whose is it?” He carefully set me back down.

I shrugged. “I dunno, hot-wired it.” At the guys’ looks of uncertainty, I started laughing. “It’s mine! Bo’s beautiful, right?” My baby was a gorgeous, teal 1969 Dodge Charger and my pride and joy.


I immediately turned my attention to Jake.

It’s like my brain goes on vacation as soon as he says that word. I’m a total Babe Zombie, mindlessly following the hot guy. Goodbye braaains.

Jake chuckled. “You named your car?”

“Yeah, doesn’t everyone?”

“Bo?” he asked. “As in Duke?”

“Yeah. I mean, she doesn’t look like a Daisy. And I always liked Bo better than Luke.” When I got Bo I knew she needed a Dukes of Hazzard name, but she was definitely not a General Lee.

“Right, of course. What was I thinking?” His voice was teasing but amused. “Anyway, this is Rhys.” He gestured to Mystery Hot Dude. “He owns Rye.”

I extended my hand. “Hey, thanks for letting me come.”

Rhys took my outstretched hand and lifted it to his mouth, lightly kissing my knuckles before lowering it but not letting go. Normally a move like that would’ve had me rolling my eyes and trying not to laugh. Instead, I could feel the heat in my cheeks.

“My pleasure. Once Kase told me about the hot chick who smelled like cake, acted sweeter, and looked even sweeter still, how could I say no?”

I could feel my blush deepen. Nervously, I blurted out, “I have something for you.” Rhys released my hand as I turned away and bent back into my open car door, reaching across to the passenger side.

“Gotta fuckin’ be kidding me,” I heard growled, followed by laughter from multiple people.

I grabbed the container and stood back up, unsure of what I’d missed. I tried not to feel self-conscious as I handed the cookies to Rhys. “Chocolate chip, as a thank you.”

“Well, darlin’, you’ve given me more than a few sweet things tonight. So, thank
,” he said with a chuckle, deep dimples appearing on his cheeks.

His dimples, while incredibly hot, weren’t the only thing he had going for him. Over six feet tall with a muscular build, he looked exactly like the kind of guy that’d own a rocker bar, right down to the kickass beard. His eyes were dark blue with hints of green and little crinkles near them said that he smiled a lot.

His rich brown hair was overgrown and unruly like he spent the day in bed. With someone. And that someone had their hands in his hair, a lot. Based on his boots, I was guessing he owned a hog, which only added further to his appeal.

“Babe,” Jake said, his voice impatient. “Where’s the dent?”

“It’s over here.” I pointed out the damage on the passenger door. Even in the dark it was deep and obvious.

“Cryin’ shame on this car, for sure, but it looks like an easy fix. We’ll get it in soon, yeah?”

“Thanks, Jake.”

“Ready to rock, Piper?” Kase asked, throwing the horns.

“Hell yeah.”




Rye was the shit.

It was a nice joint that looked like a dive. There was a raw grittiness to it that appealed to a lot of popular bands that wanted to get back to their roots. The smaller venue held more intimate and laid back shows, but that didn’t diminish the adrenaline flowing through the air. The place was already alive and buzzing, anticipation running high.

I knew between school and cakes I’d been working a lot. What I hadn’t fully realized was that even my rare downtime was consumed with
of school and cake. A night out was definitely what I needed.

Jake took off as soon we got in while the rest of us went to the bar. Rhys, who noticed my not very subtle gawking, offered me a tour of the place after I’d gotten my drink.

The walls were covered with framed pictures of all of the bands that had played shows there. Rhys pointed out where they’d signed a hanging picture, the wall, or various signs. Basically anything they could write on.

“This place is
I looked closer at some of the framed pictures.

I wonder if I could sneak some of these out. How obvious would it look if my back was perfectly rectangular and I rattled?

“Thanks, darlin’.”

“I can’t believe how many bands you’ve had here.” I pointed to a picture of an older group. “I saw them when I was eleven. First show I ever saw.”

“Eleven and hittin’ up the scene?”

“What can I say? Some girls play dress up in their tutus and tiaras while dreaming of being ballerinas and princesses. I had scarves hanging from my princess microphone and for three months straight I wore my Axl Rose bandanas on my head. Then there was the time I used my markers to color my face like Ace Frehley.”

Rhys’ deep laughter filled the air. “No shit. Really?”

“Yup. The night before picture day in first grade. My mother was not pleased. My dad, however, had the picture blown up to poster size.”

“I’m gonna need to see that.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” I promised before switching topics. “So, did you open Rye?”

“Yeah, about fifteen years ago.”

“Wow, you were young.”

I didn’t know his exact age, but guessed Rhys was somewhere in his mid-to-late thirties. He was definitely one of those lucky people that you just knew got better and better looking as they aged.

“Don’t forget wild, stupid, and reckless. I sank every last penny I had into getting this place up and running. I was sick of paying crazy money to drink shitty beer ‘cause the joint was wannabe hip. I just wanted to sit in a shitty place and drink shitty beer.”

“Sorry.” I looked around. “It’s obviously not a shitty place.”

He leaned against the wall and smiled down at me. “Yeah, fucked that up, too, huh?”

I shrugged. “Little bit.”

“So Kase said you run your own business.”

“Yeah, it’s still in the fledgling stage.”

“You like it?”

I nodded, but did it grinning. “It was a hobby that snowballed. It’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it to do what I love.”

“Yeah, I get you. It’s the best fuckin’ thing in the world. Some days, swear to Christ, I don’t even wanna know what fresh hell awaits me. Always some bullshit happening, some fuckin’ paperwork to do. But doing what you love? Having the control to do whatever the fuck you want? Wouldn’t trade it.”

I’d heard all of the horror stories about starting a business so it was nice to hear something positive. “What’s your favorite thing about it?”

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