Hyde and Seek (6 page)

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Authors: Layla Frost

BOOK: Hyde and Seek
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“You were attractin’ attention.”

“What kind of attention, exactly?”

“The kind that involves every guy gettin’ a hard dick watchin’ you move. Thinkin’ about you movin’ like that with them. Naked. You’re a fuckin’ wet dream.”

It wasn’t the most flowery compliment I’d received, but it stole some of the wind from my bitch sails until I remembered what an ass he was.

“That’s on them, not me. Why should I let what people think bother me? I was just having a good time and dancing.”

“You wanna dance, have at it. Just do it back here, yeah?”

“No, I’m good,” I snapped, tired of him telling me what to do.

I’d worked hard to not let people’s opinions get me down like they used to. Normally, I would keep doing what I wanted. However, it was his friend’s bar and, technically, I wasn’t even supposed to be there. It wasn’t worth ruining my night by getting upset.

Yet, at least.

I spun around to get free, but Jake wrapped his other arm around my chest.

I was torn. Half of me wanted to follow through with the junk punch. I was pretty sure I could position myself correctly to get a good hit.

The other half of me, though, was thinking maybe a
to the junk with my heel would be more effective.

Unable to decide, I went with verbal insults.

“You’re kind of an ass.”

“No kinda about it, babe,” he said, close to my ear.

What good are insults if he just agrees with me?

Instead, I went back to ignoring him, which was hard to do with his arms around me. I focused on the music and people watching, my anger slowly fading.

He was looking out for me in his own bossy as fuck way. He wanted me to be safe. It was kinda sweet, minus him being a jerk.

I wasn’t booking us any BFF getaways, but at least he didn’t seem to hate me.

I shifted a little and his arm tightened around me again. Moving my head to the side, my cheek slid against his chest as I looked up at him.



“Don’t feel like you have to watch over me all night. I’m fine, really. Go have some fun.”

Jake looked down at me for a few seconds before looking back at the stage without saying anything. When his arms stayed around me, I sighed dramatically before turning back to the show.

Oh no. Woe is me. I have to watch an awesome show in the arms of a hot guy. How will I ever survive?

When the music ended, the lights came up and brought me back to reality. I pulled away from Jake, his fingers trailing my skin as he dropped his arms. I turned to say goodbye when he unexpectedly grabbed my hand and began walking. I focused on maneuvering through the crowd, but Jake didn’t seem to have that problem. He moved with confidence and everyone got the hell out of his way.

I saw the other guys, except Z, with some women at the bar. As we approached, the men were trying not to look at Jake’s hand holding mine.

They were also failing.

“Pipe, what’d you think?” Kase asked when we reached them.

I pulled my hand from Jake’s and threw up the horns. “That was definitely in my top five shows.”

I heard a deep chuckle next to me. “Hey, darlin’.”

“Rhys! Your place is the freakin’ best!”

“Good to hear,” he said, handing me my shrug.

As I took it, I got on my toes and leaned over the bar. I grabbed the front of Rhys’ shirt and pulled him closer. I saw a look of surprise in his eyes a second before I pressed my lips to his cheek. “Thank you for letting me come. It was one of the best nights of my life.” Releasing his shirt, I lowered myself back down.

Rhys looked down at me, his expression shooting from warmth to pure heat. “I had a few of those cookies, darlin’. I’m definitely looking forward to experiencing more sweet from you in the future.” He walked towards the other end of the bar and signaled Jake to follow him.

God, Rhys was sexy. His eyes were such an amazing color, and I was right about his smile coming easy and often. And those dimples? As a woman, I appreciated the view. I liked it even more knowing that his looks weren’t the only appealing thing about him.

I just needed to work on transferring some feelings, finding time and energy, and having the nerve to go for it.

That’s all? No biggie.

Turning to Kase, I stood back on my toes as he dipped down a bit. I moved his surprisingly soft dreads and kissed his cheek, too. “Thanks for inviting me and setting this whole night up, Kase. It was awesome.”

Kase looked down at me and grinned. “Music’s to be shared with good friends, hot chicks, and hot chicks who you know are gonna turn into good friends. You leaving?”

“Yeah, I gotta head out. Lots of cakes tomorrow. Let Jake know I said thanks.”

“I just experienced how you say thanks, Piper. I don’t know if my delivery will be as good as yours. My beard probably tickles.”

I laughed. “Good point.”

“I’ll walk you to your car,” he offered, throwing his arm around my shoulders.

“Cool, thanks. See ya guys!” I waved to the rest of the group before Kase and I headed towards the exit.

When we were almost to the door, I heard a deep voice rumble, “I got this.”

Looking over my shoulder, I saw Jake had caught up with us.

“Nah, boss, it’s cool,” Kase said.


“Fine, fine,” Kase interrupted, dipping to kiss my cheek. “See ya, Pipe.” He turned and began walking back to the bar.

“Bye,” I called to him.

He lifted his hand in a slight wave, bringing it down to rub the back of his neck as he sauntered off, chuckling and shaking his head.



What just happened?

“Let’s go,” Jake said, drawing my attention back to him.

“You don’t have to walk me. I was good with Kase.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you were,” he muttered with a slight sneer.

“What does that mean?” I walked as fast as my short legs would carry me.

Quick getaways would be
easier with long legs.

Kase in one night? Covering your bases?”

When we reached Bo, I opened the door but didn’t get in. I turned and looked at Jake. Gorgeous Jake who thought I dressed, and now acted, like a whore. I was hurt and embarrassed. I was also really freakin’ pissed.

Since anger was the easiest emotion to deal with, I rolled with that.

“Are you implying I’m a slut?” I gestured up and down my body. “I mean, you think I dress like one. And, apparently, I dance like one. I guess in your mind it’s a quick jump to ‘covering my bases’ with as many men as I can add to my waiting list.”

God, I’m so stupid.

“Babe—” Jake started.

“You don’t like me. And that’s fine ‘cause, honestly, I don’t much like you, either. I’ll stay out of the shop and out of your shit.” I quickly slid into my car and slammed the door. I paused and took some calming deep breaths after fumbling with my keys and turning the ignition.

Jake wasn’t the first person to be mean to me. He also wasn’t the first person to misinterpret my easygoing demeanor and assume I was easy in other ways. I knew the issue wasn’t with what he thought. It was that it was
thinking it.

I put Bo into drive. Turning to check for oncoming traffic, I saw Jake still standing on the sidewalk. His head was tilted, looking away from me. I held my breath as he took a step towards my car. Changing course suddenly, he headed back to Rye, shaking his head.

I released my breath in a loud sigh as I pulled out and drove home.




Sleep wasn’t coming. No matter how many sheep I counted, or how exhausted my body was, I couldn’t relax. My brain had decided that the middle of the night was the perfect time to replay and analyze my argument with Jake. Only this time, I had all sorts of snappy and clever comebacks. The Jake in my head was shamed, but also impressed with my biting wit.

My eyes had just closed when I heard pounding on my front door. I jolted up, wondering if I’d imagined it.

It’s after two in the morning. Maybe the Sandman is finally here to put me out of my misery.

There was more knocking as I made my way through my small ranch style house. I looked through my peephole, sure I was delirious from sleep deprivation. I opened the door. “What’re you—”

Before I could finish my question, Jake’s mouth dropped to mine and his hands cupped my face.

He had a thing about interrupting. It irked me. Now? Yeah, not so much.

After the way we’d ended things at Rye I hadn’t planned on seeing Jake ever again. I definitely wasn’t planning on it being in the middle of the night for a sudden doorway kiss.

I also wasn’t questioning it.

Not yet, at least.

Instead, I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting myself enjoy his hot before his cold inevitably came back and pissed me off.

Jake’s tongue moved, teasing but persistent.

I opened wider for him, tasting beer, scotch, and something else. Something rich and masculine.

Something Jake.

He groaned, his hands moving behind my head and up into my hair. He fisted it, gently tugging my head back and kissing me harder. He controlled the kiss and me, using his hands in my hair to move me where he wanted. Jake dropped one hand down to cup my ass before easily lifting me.

I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling him hard against me.

He carried me into the hallway before stopping.

When I realized he didn’t know where my room was, I tilted my head to the right, not wanting to break the kiss.

He walked into my room and I unhooked my legs from his waist, waiting for him to release his hold on my ass to let me down. His grip only tightened as he turned around and fell onto the bed on his back with me on top.

If we kept going, I knew what would happen. What I wanted to happen. What I’d spent an embarrassing amount of time daydreaming about happening. I should’ve stopped kissing him, but I moved my knees to straddle him, not ready to be done.

I figured a minute or two more couldn’t hurt.

Maybe ten more minutes. Thirty, at most.

Jake kept one hand in my hair, his other sliding down my back to my ass and then up again. Moving my head to the side, he brought his mouth to the curve of my neck. His facial hair rubbed against the sensitive skin of my throat, rough and arousing, as he kissed.

I moaned again, rubbing against his hardness, seeking something, anything, to ease the tension I was feeling. My heart started pounding in my chest even harder.

Is it possible to have a heart attack from kissing? Death by make out?

“Oh God, Piper, you taste so good. Fuck,” Jake groaned, grabbing my hips and flipping us over so that he was on top. He brought his mouth to mine again, one forearm propping him up, while his other hand trailed along the side of my curves.

Never mind, I’m not dying but I might kill him if he doesn’t move his hand to touch me more.

As if reading my mind, his hand moved up my rib cage, inching closer to my breast. I could feel the heat from his hand, my nipples already straining against my top.

My silent pleas for him to touch me turned to silent curses when he abruptly stopped. I was on the verge of a full-fledged tantrum when he lifted his upper body from mine.

“Shit, I didn’t mean for this to happen. I came here to explain about earlier. I shouldn’t have. I damn sure shouldn’t have kissed you.”

And there’s the cold after the hot.

I’ve never been kissed like this, ever, and he feels like he shouldn’t have done it.

I just want this night to be over.

“It’s okay, no worries. About, uh, kissing me or the stuff earlier.” I shifted to move out from under him, but his hand tightened in my hair.

“Shit. I’m not good with this stuff to begin with and I’ve been drinkin’ and well… about earlier. I was a dick. I went back to the bar, determined to let you leave and let that be it.” He shook his head. “But you were so wrong, I just couldn’t stop thinking about how wrong you were. And I couldn’t let that slide. So I caught a ride with Eli.”

“Wrong?” I asked, trying to decide if I should find the energy to be offended.

Jake rolled to the side and stretched out next to me. He kicked his shoes off before pulling me to him so I was on my side with my head resting on his shoulder.

I moved my hand from being trapped between us, unsure of where to put it. I started towards his stomach, then went up, letting it hover over his chest. When everywhere seemed too intimate, I began to pull it back.

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