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Authors: Layla Frost

Hyde and Seek (47 page)

BOOK: Hyde and Seek
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My hands shook as I quickly pulled my clothes off. Sliding the dress on, I was cautious not to snag it on anything. I sat on the edge of the seat and slipped my shoes on before opening the curtain.

“Ta-Da!” I choked out as I tried not to cry on my dress.

The moms and my girls, upon seeing me, all burst into fresh tears that they hurriedly wiped.

The seamstress had me stand in front of the wall of mirrors as she pinned for alterations.

Once Jake had broken down my walls and closed the distance I’d tried to keep, I’d fallen hard and fast. There was no holding back.

As I looked at the dress, though I thought it was impossible, I loved Jacoby Hyde even more.




We went back to the hotel where an entire salon staff was waiting for us in my mom’s suite. It may not have actually been the whole staff, but it felt like it.

After being split into different areas, everyone rushed to get ready.

Separated from everyone else, I was closed off in the master suite. My finger and toe nails were painted at the same time by two different people while someone fussed with my hair.

When the choice of hairstyles was given to me, I chose to leave it down. I also made sure they didn’t put anything in it that would make it difficult for Jake to run his fingers through.

Or pull…

Shh, quiet, girly bits!

After my hair was set in rollers, my makeup was applied so quickly I feared the results. I slowly pried my eyes open to look in the mirror, bracing for the worst.

Instead, I saw that each line, color, and coated eyelash was nothing short of perfection.

I grinned at the makeup artist. “I seriously need to raise my makeup game

Before I could figure out how she’d done it so fast, she left as two people came in to unwrap and style my hair.

It was chaotic, but it was the kind of chaos I liked. My favorite weddings were the rare ones when the vibe was electric with excitement, and that’s what I felt.

I had no doubts or second thoughts. I wasn’t screaming about some invisible flaw I wanted to focus on in order to avoid an actual problem. I wasn’t crying and getting drunk in the ladies room.

Don’t forget about the wedding where you walked in on the bride and the best man in the kitchen.

Though, from the bored look on her face, he was obviously far from the best.

I was nervous, of course. I was also out of my freakin’ mind ecstatic.

As the stylist put the finishing touches on my hair, I heard the dresses being delivered. Someone from the boutique knocked on the door before coming in to hang my stuff up.

When I was finally alone, I took longer than I had available to get dressed. Smoothing the skirt down, I loved it even more than I had earlier.

For fear of busting my ass, I walked slowly on trembling legs out of the master suite. My mom was facing away from me and I was unsurprised to see her hair pulled back in her typical chignon. When she turned around, my brows shot up and I started laughing.

The front of her hair was pinned in victory rolls.

“You like?” my mom asked, preening. “It was my idea.”


Someone from the hotel guided us from the room. Our charged energy bounced around us as we filed out and down the hall.

Taking the elevators up, we walked down another hall and stopped near a closed room. The moms stood close to the entrance while Ray and Harlow moved me out of sight.

When the doors opened, I heard a lot of voices.

“There’s more than just the few people I was expecting, isn’t there?” I asked, my voice shaking.

“Yup,” Harlow confirmed with a smile.

“Don’t cry. You’ve got so much mascara on, there’s no way you wouldn’t look like Alice Cooper,” Ray laughed.

“Helpful! Thanks, that’s
calming,” I said sarcastically. “Quick, someone say something or I’m gonna start blubbering.” I fanned my face.

“Rhys is escorting me down the aisle. Do you think he’d let me do a shot out of those dimples later?” Harlow raised her brows suggestively.

“I’d originally thought to eat cereal out of them, but I like your idea better,” I admitted. “Not for me, of course. I’m a soon-to-be married woman.”

Familiar sounding music started playing. Listening carefully, I realized it was a slowed down, instrumental version of one of my favorite X-ers songs. It had been playing when Jake and I danced at Jet’s.

The moms disappeared into the room first. Harlow followed shortly after, turning to blow me a kiss as she went.

Ray grabbed my hands and clutched them tight as tears shimmered in her eyes. “Sometimes the road to happily ever after isn’t smooth and easy. You have to fight through trials and obstacles to get there. There are dragons and big, bad wolves in disguise to defeat. Riding in a carriage with a prince wouldn’t get you over those bumps and twists. Sometimes the road to your happily ever after is on the back of a bike with a badass knight that would kick the prince’s ass if he came near you. I couldn’t be happier you found your knight, Piper. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I whispered past the lump in my throat. “Thanks for showing me that taking risks on a badass could pay off.”

I pulled her to me and held tight as we tried to control our tears.

A minute later, Kase stuck his head out the door. “Hate to break this up, you know how much I love girl-on-girl shit. But there’s a man waiting at the other side of this room who’s starting to look tense and a bit pissed. Not sayin’ Jake is the most patient man to begin with, but he looks about a minute, tops, from storming out here and making you walk down the aisle.”

When Ray and I released our hold on each other, she air kissed my cheek before disappearing through the door with Kase.

I’d never been one to make decisions on the fly. When faced with any choice, I overanalyzed every detail until I reached my answer. More often than not, I was still plagued with doubt.

With Jake, though, I knew the risks would pay off. I’d strapped in, held on tight, and enjoyed the hell out of the ride.

And as I stood in the hallway, about to leap off the figurative cliff into the unknown, I knew wherever I landed would be beauty.

Inhaling deeply, I closed my eyes and let my head fall back. Warmth seeped into my soul as a calm peace settled deep in my bones.

“Most dads hate this day.”

Opening my eyes, I saw my dad standing in front of me in a gray suit and black dress shirt. His expression was a mix of thrilled and heartbroken.

My eyes started to burn again.

“They dread it, the day their little girl becomes someone else’s woman. I can’t say that part is easy. But knowing you’ll be with someone who would do all this, do everything he’s done, to protect you and make you smile? Couldn’t have picked a better man if I tried. You’ve made me proud with everything you’ve done, Lil’ Rock. This is no exception.”

Don’t cry. Hold it back. Splotchy and streaked isn’t a good look on anyone. Don’t cry.

Oh, hell, I’m gonna cry.

Dad must have been able to tell. “Alright, alright, keep it together. You start crying, you’ll have to go fix your face and all that junk. And Kase was
exaggerating. That man up there is the epitome of restless.”

I slid my arm through the crook in Dad’s and we positioned ourselves near the doorway.

When the music changed, a strangled sob mixed with a laugh escaped from me.

The lovely, lilting instrumental was the first song Jake had held me during when we saw the band, Harington, at Rye. Though I’d wanted to kick him in the shin that night, I knew I’d never forget.

What I hadn’t known was neither would he.

Though the melody sounded beautifully romantic, the unsung lyrics were actually about being so turned on by someone that the only thoughts you had were about fucking them in all sorts of kinky ways.

It was

Entering the room, I saw nothing but Jake.

And, just like the first time I saw him at Hyde’s, my legs went to jello. As I was again wearing four-inch heels, I had to walk carefully so I didn’t face-plant at my own wedding.

Forget congratulating yourself for walking without falling this time. Congratulate yourself for who you’re marrying.

Standing at the end of the aisle, Jake looked scorchingly beautiful. His hair was down, making his cheek and jaw bones more prominent. The sleeves of his black dress shirt were rolled up to show his inked and tanned forearms. Slim fit, gray jeans tucked into his motorcycle boots, a matching gray tuxedo vest, and a hot pink tie made him look badass formal.

As soon as I was within arm’s reach, Jake’s hand curved around the back of my neck. Hauling me to him, my hands hit his chest as his mouth crashed down on mine.

Catcalls and whistles filled the room, though neither of us cared.

When Jake tore his mouth from mine, he pulled back slightly to look down at me, his eyes full of emotion. “Fuck, Piper. So fuckin’ gorgeous. Thirty-four years of color-blind, lookin’ at a lifetime of bright,” he murmured, his voice ragged.

I knew I was right about why everyone else was wearing subtle colors when we were anything but. Standing up there, my girls and boys were dressed in gray and black.

Instead of the typical white gown, I wore hot pink with a dove gray lace overlay. The halter was attached to a thick, black band and came up as two separate pieces with a deep vee in the middle. The pink ended just above my breasts, leaving just gray lace to cover my upper chest and go around my neck.

The skirt under the banded bodice fell to the ground. Though my pink and gray pumps had a four-inch heel, the dress still dragged when I walked, creating a slight train and moving the slit on my left leg to near indecent levels.

Mom admitted that she and Sarah had convinced Jake to have a traditional white gown ready to go. Though he did, he’d been adamant that it wouldn’t be needed.

He’d been right.

“No more tastin’ bitter. You gave me sweet and bright, Piper. I’m gonna spend the rest of my life givin’ you the moon.”

When Jake jerked his chin, I dragged my eyes from him. Looking up, I saw the entire ceiling of the room was made of glass.

Thousands of stars twinkled brightly in the nighttime sky. The radiant full moon looked like it had been physically placed in the perfect position.

He might be a sex god, but even I know that’s outside of his capabilities.


Love you, Jacoby.”

“‘Til the day I die, sweets.”

“If we can begin,” Kase started, shifting to stand in front of Jake and me.

Glancing to the side, I saw that his and Rhys’ outfits were similar to Jake’s, though their ties were gray.

“Totally on board with this, but will it be legit?” I whispered.

“I got ordained, Pipe,” Kase whispered back. “My gift to you. Well, that and a crazy, scary looking coffee maker. Look surprised when you open it.”

I smiled. “Awesome.”

Kase looked up at everyone and began the ceremony. “Love is anarchy. It’s mayhem. You fight for it.
for it. You hold tight and push through the ugly times, ‘cause without them, you wouldn’t fully appreciate the beauty. And that’s what Jake and Piper have. A love that they’ll work to grow over the lifetime I’m doubtless they’ll spend together.” Kase stopped to smile at Jake. “Jake’s been like a brother to me for years, so I’m gonna do him a solid and make this fast. He’s waited long enough for this day.” Kase handed him something.

“With this ring, I give you me.” Jake’s voice was barely above a whisper as he slid a beautiful platinum and diamond band on my finger.

I turned and took the ring Ray held out to me before looking back at Jake. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” I ran my fingertips quickly along his jaw. “With this ring, I give you me.” I slid the thick, platinum band on his finger.

Jake’s newly ringed hand went to my neck. “It’s only you.”

“Jake, do you?” Kase asked.

“I do.”

“Piper, do you?”

My heart pounded in my throat as my mouth rushed to get out the words. “I do.”

“I ho’okahi kahi ke aloha,” Kase said in Hawaiian, smiling wide. “Be one in love, Mr. and Mrs. Jacoby and Piper Hyde. Not that you’ve ever needed prompting, but you may now kiss your bride.”

“Mine,” Jake growled as his head came down.

“Forever,” I whispered against his lips.





I’d thought it so many times. But nothin’, fuck,
was more perfect than hearin’ Piper become my wife.

BOOK: Hyde and Seek
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