Hyde and Seek (39 page)

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Authors: Layla Frost

BOOK: Hyde and Seek
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“It already is.”

“Okay, sweets. I love you. See you soon.”

I disconnected and dialed again.

“Detective Oscar,” she answered after a few rings.

“Hello, this is Piper Skye.”

“Miss Skye, what can I do for you?”

“I got another email.” Though I tried to fake strength, the fear once again seeped into my voice.

“I’ll be right over. Your door locked?”


“I’m on my way. I’ll announce myself when I get there, okay?”

After ending the call, I began to pace the room but stayed away from the big window. The way it let so much sun in had been one of the main reasons I bought this house.

At that moment, though, I hated it.

Leaning against a wall, I took some deep breaths in an attempt to calm down.

I knew I failed when the knock sounded and I nearly jumped out of my skin.




After we got home that night from Voodoo, I took care of my bathroom stuff and got ready to go to sleep. I crawled up Jake in bed and snuggled my face into his neck.


“Hmm?” he rumbled, his hands rubbing my back.

“What did the emails say?”

“Shit about how hot you are and how beautiful your smile is. Since the flowers have been comin’ more and they haven’t been able to track down from where, Detective Oscar and my dad think it might be connected.”

“What about the email tracking on my computer?”

“The locations are pinging from all over. Either there’s more than one person or they’ve got some serious tech skills. Until we figure it out, you’ve gotta be careful, yeah?”

I nodded as a shiver ran through me. Not wanting to think about it, I moved on to another subject I was curious about. “So, about Rhys—”

“Not my place to say.”


“Sweets, I don’t think Rhys even wants you to know. Ray shouldn’t have said anythin’.”

“But she did. And now I want to know. I don’t want to ask him, that’d be awkward. But you know I will,” I threatened, even though I totally wouldn’t. Not unless I was drunk, at least. “Is he… you know?”

“He’s in charge. Of Rye, but also of all areas of his life. I might like to fuck bossy, but Rhys takes it to a whole other level.”

“I never would’ve guessed that.”

“Everybody has their own kink.”

“What’s yours?” I dragged the tip of my tongue along his stubbled jaw.

“Corruptin’ and teachin’ my woman all the ways
like control while makin’ her mine.”

“How coincidental. My kink is to be corrupted by my man while he teaches me things I’ve only read about.”

“How about we work more on those lessons? Turn around and face the other way on me, yeah?”

I learned a lot that night.




I’d been safe since Jake told me about the emails because he hadn’t given me much choice. He’d started coming with me when I had deliveries or errands to run. When he couldn’t break away, he’d rope one of the boys into taking me.

Key was my favorite since he was so quiet. Usually I forgot he was even there. Xavier and Eli both liked to chat, which was fun, but not very productive.

Unless I had no other options, Kase was banned from helping. Especially when it came to deliveries. Him flirting with brides wasn't good for business. Not that any of them were complaining, of course.

Of them all, Z was even worse than Jake. He was so alert while we shopped that it put me on edge. When he dropped me off at home, he’d made me wait in his car while he did a walkthrough, saying, “Better safe than sorry, Doll Face.”

When I brought up Z’s intense surveillance, Jake told me it’s because he’d been Special Forces. “Don’t know the details. Just know it fucked with his head, the same way it’d fuck anyone. He doesn’t talk about it. Ever. Yeah?”

I nodded. I might like to chat, but even I knew not to go there.




Though I was being cautious, it had only been for Jake’s peace of mind. I hadn’t believed there was a real threat.

Until that email.

“Miss Skye? It’s Detective Oscar,” I heard through the door.

I threw the locks and opened it to let her in.

Though she was only a couple inches taller than me, her authority made her appear much larger. Her brown eyes were warm but sharp as she looked me over. “How are you?”

“Uh, if I say brave and fierce, can we pretend I look it?”

Her lips quirked up. “Of course. Are Jake and Gregory coming?”

“Yeah, Jake should be here soon. He said he’d call his dad.”

“Okay. Why don’t you show me the email while we’re waiting?”

I brought her over to my laptop and moved my finger on the pad to wake it up. My stomach lurched again as I looked at the picture.

Detective Oscar opened a notepad and began writing in it. “How long ago did this take place?”

“A few days ago.”

“Where were you parked?”

“Honestly, I’m not sure. I’d been drinking at a club, Voodoo, and Jake came to pick me up. So somewhere between there and here.” My cheeks were hot with embarrassment, but I was also pale and clammy. It was an unpleasant sensation.

“Do you know what time it was?”

“Probably midnight or so?”

“Anyone at Voodoo acting weird, giving you too much attention, making you feel uncomfortable?”

I shook my head. “Edge, the owner, and Kase, a friend and employee of Jake’s, were there with me and my friends. I guess they played blocker during the night. But nothing seemed out of sorts. No one made a scene or anything.”

I heard Jake’s Harley roar up my driveway. Opening the door, he came straight to me and crouched near where I sat on the couch. “You okay, sweets?” His thumb stroked my jaw as his eyes searched my face.

I shrugged. “I’ve been better.”

Jake looked at my laptop and saw the picture of us doing something that should have been private.

Standing, his fists clenched so tight that his knuckles turned white. His body was rigid and a muscle in his jaw jumped.

Reaching out suddenly, he snatched the lamp off the table and side armed it across the room.

It hit the wall with so much force that it looked like it exploded, shattering into tiny shards of nothing.

I couldn’t hold back when my laughter bubbled out. Jake and Detective Oscar both turned to look at me, most likely trying to assess if I going into hysterics. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just that that lamp was a housewarming gift from my mother. I hated it and wanted to break it just so I wouldn’t have to look at it anymore. You did me a favor.”

“I’ll still buy you a new one.”

I shrugged. “We’ll wait until we get our own home, then pick one out together.”

Some of the tension left Jake’s body. “Sounds good.”


A knock interrupted, making me jump and Jake tense again. He looked out the window before opening the door.

“Sweetheart, how’re you?” Gregory asked as he came straight to me. His green eyes searched my face in much the same way as Jake’s had.

“I’m better now, thank you. Sorry for interrupting your day.”

“Don’t even think about it.” His expression switched from concerned to all business. “What’s happened?”

Detective Oscar took control and filled Gregory in.

I was grateful to be saved from the embarrassment of telling my future father-in-law that his son and I had been photographed going at it at the side of the road. I’d have preferred he didn’t have to know at all, but since he did, I was relieved I didn’t have to be the one to say it. My face was on fire from just hearing it.

Jake sat on the arm of the couch and rubbed my neck. As Gregory and Detective Oscar talked about the dead ends they were hitting in the investigation, he got up and paced.

Bet he wishes I had another lamp to throw.

“So, what’s the next step?” Jake asked. His patience had clearly run out.

“Vigilance,” Detective Oscar said. “Be aware of who’s around you. If you get a feeling, Piper, don’t try to convince yourself it’s nothing. Leave. Call me. Call Jake. Call
and do it loudly. Don’t go out alone. I’d suggest changing your email address, but I know it’s your work one. Still, change it if you can swing that. I’d definitely recommend buying a new laptop. Before you even turn it on, though, bring it by the station and they’ll put the tracker on it. See about replacing your phone, too. These things are easy to dig into. Most bad hackers barely get in before virus protection or firewalls shut them down. But with some serious skill, they can get in so deep there’s no scan that can detect them.”

“We’ll go tonight,” Jake said instantly.

For once, I wasn’t going to put up a fight when Jake said he was paying. I kept looking at my laptop and bracing, like it was a viper about to strike.

“Good idea. However, and I’m sure you both realize this now, the threat is real. We’d hoped to track down some punk that saw your pictures in the news, but that’s not what’s happening here. Stay safe. Don’t do anything that would put you at undue risk.” She jerked her head towards the picture on the laptop.

Yeah, I don’t see any roadside booty happening again anytime soon.

Or ever.

“I’m going to head back to the station and start digging in with the tech guys. Piper, bring by the new computer.” With a nod goodbye, she left looking totally badass.

“I need to get home to your mother. She’s worried,” Gregory said as he headed towards the door. “Call her soon, yeah?”

Huh, that sounds familiar.

“Yeah. Thanks, Dad.”

“Anything for you. Call me day or night. Love you.” He stepped outside and closed the door after him. “Lock that.”

Yup, definitely familiar.




“Here’s your computer back, Miss Skye.”


“He with you?” Detective Oscar asked with a head jerk towards Rhys.

“Yeah. Jake’s recruiting from our pool of friends for ‘Piper Babysitting Duty’.”

“Don’t be stubborn about letting them help.” Her expression softened. “Speaking of Jake, it looks like he’s here to relieve the sitter.”

Turning around, I saw him stop and talk to Rhys. “Weird. He wasn’t expecting to be done at work until late tonight.” I looked at him again as he headed towards us. “Shit. Something’s wrong.”

Detective Oscar’s head tilted for a second before her body got tight. “You can say that again.” Her face returned to controlled and professional. “Mr. Hyde.”

Jake’s vibe was dark and tense, his tone short and clipped. “Detective Oscar, a word?”

“What’s wrong?” I asked, going up on my tiptoes to try and make him look at me.

Instead, he kissed my forehead distractedly. “I just need to talk to Detective Oscar about somethin’. Go see, Rhys, yeah?”

“Come on, darlin’. Let’s get some coffee.” Rhys put his arm around my shoulders and guided me towards a small kitchenette.

When Jake didn’t even react, I knew something wasn’t wrong.

Something was

After what felt like hours, but was probably only about five minutes, Detective Oscar opened a door and stuck her head out. “Miss Skye, can you come in here?”

My stomach twisted and turned as I made my way to the room she was in.

I hadn’t noticed Rhys following until Detective Oscar looked behind me. “Sir, I think it might be best if you waited out here.”

“And I think it might be best if I came,” Rhys’ low voice argued, his easy smile gone.

“Detective Oscar,” Jake rumbled from inside the room. “Like you said, the more Piper and those around her know, the better.”

“Fine. Miss Skye and…” she paused, waiting for Rhys to introduce himself. When he just looked down at her silently, she continued. “Sir, please take a seat.” Detective Oscar walked around her desk and sat down.

Stiffly, I lowered myself into one of the chairs in front of her. My body was taut and rigid as I sat, literally, on the edge of my seat and waited to hear what was going on.

Jake stood behind me and gave my shoulder a squeeze. His thumb ran along the nape of my neck.

I turned to look back at him, but his focus was on a bagged envelope on Detective Oscar’s desk.

Rhys leaned against the wall by the door. Catching his gaze, he smiled at me but his dimples were barely noticeable.

Uh oh. Something is really

“Jake got a package at work today.” After putting on gloves, Detective Oscar moved an evidence bag with a manila envelope in it to uncover two more bags. Grabbing one, she carefully opened it and removed a ball of fabric.

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