I Am a Strange Loop (77 page)

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Authors: Douglas R. Hofstadter

Tags: #Science, #Philosophy

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Page 376
There is a method to my madness…
There is a method to my madness in this footnote. In particular, the footnote both describes and represents an ancient meter called “paeonic”. What this means is that three syllables go by without a stress, but on the fourth a stress is placed, without its seeming (so I hope) to have been forced. I now will offer one small sample for your pleasure, and respectfully suggest that you try reading it aloud: “There is a
od to my
ness in this
note…” In particular, I’ve got to use exactly forty feet because I’m mimicking two paragraphs of forty paeons each on page three hundred six-and-seventy of
I Am a Strange Loop.


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