(second-person singular pronoun) addressed to married couple
Turing, Alan Mathison
Turing machines
turkey as “which”, not “who”
TV camera: bolted to TV; on long leash; meltdown of; on short leash; universally worn on nose
TV screen as meaningless pixel pattern
“Twe” (first-pairson pronoun in Twinwirld); tweaking of
twildren in Twinwirld
Twinwirld; beings in; plausibility of; souls in; twiddling parameters of
twisty formulas of
Principia Mathematica
two bodies but one self
two twos
types, rigid hierarchy of
typographical patterns mirrorable in number patterns
typographical rules of inference; mirrored by computational rules
“Über formal unentscheidbare Sätze der
Principia Mathematica
und verwandter Systeme (I)” (Gödel, 1931)
“umbrella girl” of Morton Salt
umlaut in “Gödel”
Unbridgeable You–Me Chasm
unfathomability of ourselves as good
uninteresting integers
universal beings; thirst for tastes of alien interiorities
universal: machines; music boxes
universality of computers; as missed by early computer engineers
universality of integers; as missed by early computer engineers; as missed by Whitehead and Russell
universality of
universality, representational, of humans; empathy as by-product of; threshold for
Universe Q
Universe Z
unlimited category system of humans
unpennable lines; pennability of
unprecedented situation as having many precedents
unpredictability: loci of, learning about; in video feedback
unscalability of Himalayan peak KJ
upside-down causality,
downward causality
upside-down perception: of
strings by Klüdgerot; of world by humans
upside-down reasoning, conclusions drawn from meanings alone
upwards reasoning: in mathematics; in mountaineering
“useful vitality”
use–mention distinction
“W” (second-pairson pronoun in Twinwirld)
value of human and animal lives
vanishing point
vegetarianism: in lions, unlikelihood of; of Little Tyke (lion); reflections on
velvet, experience of
verbal behavior: as evidence for consciousness; as insufficient for skeptics
verbal habits, as reinforcing naïve sense of “I”-ness
vicarious experiences: hunger for; smooth transition into “real” experiences; thanks to representational universality
victims of macroscopicness
video camera, purchase of
video feedback: as candidate for strange loop; epiphenomena in; fear of meltdown; fractalic gestalts of; lack of “I” in; lack of perception in; lack of symbols in; lack of thinking in; locking-in of patterns in; parameters of; reverberation in; two systems entwined in; vanilla loop in
video games, courtesy of integer arithmetic
videotapes: as important soul-shards; triggering of symbols by
Video Voyages I and II
violation of hierarchical order as essence of strange loop
violets and roses as flipped sensations
violin concertos, Prokofiev and Bartók
“Virtual Creatures” (Karl Sims)
virtual food as yielding nutrition
virtual people, influences of
virtual presence elsewhere
virtual vision via sonic communication
virtual worlds on computer screens
depth; Schweitzer on
visitation of one’s cranium by another being
volcano as explanatory entity
voting inside brain
Wadhead, Rosalyn
Wagner, Richard
“wall” hit by marathoners
Wallenberg, Raoul
Waller, Fats
desires, will
wars: as caused by religious beliefs
by particle collisions; as soul-shrinkers
Washington, George
water glass as site of frenetic activity
Watt, James
wax, melting in sun on planetoid
way-stations in explanation of brain
weak force in physics
wedding cantata by Bach
wedding ceremony as soul merger
Weekly World News, The
well-formed formulas of
Wells, David
Well- Tempered Clavier, The
“wet”, elusiveness of concept
wff numbers
What is it like to be X ?
“what makes the world go round”
what makes you you and me me
“Where am I?”: Dennett fantasy; as genuinely relevant question in real life; as posed in teleportation fantasies
Whitehead, Alfred N.
Whitman, Walt
“who”: as denoting thousands of “how” ’s; as identity question; as question about meat; as synonym for Cartesian Ego;
machines, Hattie Gutman, Chalmers, McCorduck
“Who shoves whom around?”
“Who was this meat once?”
whole numbers, banned by Klüdgerot
why: I am I and you are you; in mathematics
Wiles, Andrew
will: constrained by hard facts in the hedge maze of life; hypothetically overridden by itself; not free; as prime mover
Willfits, Bernek
Williams, Bernard
Williford, Ken
windmill blades turned by air
wine, putative quale of
article on robot vehicles
wiring patterns independent of color qualia
wispy aura floating into heaven
women lacking souls, dogma of
“word” and other language-referring words
words: as alien to Zen; hollow; in isolation, as lacking power; as unanticipated names for video-feedback epiphenomena
written records, as important soul-shards
“wrong stuff ” for consciousness
Wunder, Susan
Xerxes and Yolanda, in tender clinch
yolk, sacred
“you can’t get there from here”
You, city-limits version of
“you guys”
“you”-ness, sources of
“youthful vitality”
“Z”, as rhyming with “dead”
Zen, as seeking to deconstruct the “I”
Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory
zombie: humans; leaf piles; robots; twin of Dave Chalmers
zooming in and out on careenium
Copyright © 2007 by Douglas R. Hofstadter
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eISBN : 978-0-465-00837-7