i bc27f85be50b71b1 (27 page)

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Ventrkula. Ectopy (Stop Rx II > IO/min .. ",.

Calcium Channel 81oc:kfts


baomes .,......ptom.tic or 8P



Irw:reated RPE with �&Md


Unlfonl PVC'. become Mullifoo;al PVC.



0.-. of5lsn- 0'0-11' (Sft Table 1.17)



Unlfoat PVC. bKnme MuJtiIoal PVC.


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In H:R or Sy-IOl!o; 8100d


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0nJf!t tlfSigN ofCHF (5ft Table 1.17)

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Poor "",1M � « 10 mm Hgdllference



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Oiaphoralf" Pallor, Conlualon


NOTE.: St.oble � may Include



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lnaellSed n!$plnototy note, heart rale,


Diaphorftlt. Pallor. ConftWon


bloQd p"-�, and Rf'E. How�n.


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with tlw 5U1ble raponH. �





bcNrnlc SyrnptOlN


Nasal Flaring


Sf �I Changes


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Figure 1-10. Determination of stable liS. unstable responses to activity/exercise. rBP = blood pressure; CHF -= congestive heart failure; HR = heart rate; PVC = premature ventricular contraction; RPE = rating of perceived exertion; Rx = Ireatmetlt.)

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