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struCture and function of, 9 1 t

disorders of, 58 1-582

Laser techniqucs III coronary angioplasty.


5 1

amputation at level of, 891 r

L1tex allergy, 7S1

arthroplasty of, 1 96-20 t

Latissimus dorsi muscle in dynamic carcomplications in, 199, 1 99t

diomyoplasry, 57

IIldicatlons for, 196


Infecnon and resection Ill, 207, 209

gastric, 6 t 3

physical therapy in, 1 99-20 1

pulsed, in wound debridement, 487-

rricompanmental or fOtal, 1 97-


199, .l98f

Laxatives, 864c

uOicompartmenral, 196-1 97, 197f

Legionellosis. 624

arthroscopy of, 2 1 5-2 16, 2 1 7t-2 1 8t

Leptrudin, 844t

cartilage transplantation procedure,

Leucine amillopepudase levels, 5 1 91

2 1 9-220, l l l f

Leukemia, 332, 3331, 351-352

i n femoral fractures, distal, 179,

rrealmCIll and prognosis In, 3B

244r-245 r

types of, 352, 3521

immobilizer device for, 227t

Leukocytes, 366r

in hip arthroplasty, 195

count of

in knee :lrthroplasty, 200, 20 I, 209

in cardiac evaluanon, 28

III patellar fractures, 179-180, 245(-

differential, 379, 3801, 6 1 0


i n hemarologlc disorders, 379,

range of morion in, 1 66t

380l, 38lf

In arthroplasry, t 99, 200, 20 I , 209

III infections, 6 1 0

in arthroscopy, 2 J 7t, 2 1 8t

III polycythemia vera, 409

in tibial plateau fractures, 180, 246t-

trapping III venous insufficiency,



Kororko(f's sounds, 20, 2 I t

Leukoencephaloparhy, progressive mul

Kussmaul's respiration, lOOt

ufocal, in HIV infcCtlon and

Kyphoscoliosis, respiratOry disorders in,

AIDS, 635,


Leukoplakia. oral hairy, in I-IlV mfcction

and AIDS, 635r

Laceration, cerebral, 307t

Lifestyle factors affecting wound heal-

Lactase deficiency, 509t

lng, 474

Lactate dehydrogenase

Light response of pupils, 293-294

in cardiac evaluation, 30r, 3 1

Lighrning injuries, 443-444

in liver disorders, 5 1 J 5 1 8t


Limb posilion, observation of, 162

Lactogenic hormone, 661 r

Limbic system, 272

Lactose tolerance test, 509t

Lipase lc"cls, 5 1 9r




levels of, 890f

fecal, 5 1 8t

treatment suggestions in, 895t, 896t

serum levels of

types of, 891 r-892t

in atherosclerosis, 28-29, 387

braces, splints, and orthoses for, 226t-

in cardiac evaluation, 28-29


drug therapy lowering, 61, 865t

casts for, 222t


coordination tests of, 300t

high-density, 28-29, 387

fractures of, 174-182, 238t-25 1 t

low-density, 28, 29, 387

leg length discrepancy in, 209

serum levels of

musculoskeletal examination of, 163,

in :nherosclerosis, 28-29, 387


in cardiac evaluation, 28-29

range of 1110tion in, 166t

drug therapy lowering, 61, 865t

peripheral nerves of, 274, 278t

Lithiasis. See Calculi

tendon reflexes of, 296t


traction applied to, 231 r

cancer of, 350t, 350-35 I

ulcerations of

diagnostic tests in, 337t, 5 16t, 5191

in arterial insufficiency, 468

surgery in, 350r

in diabetes mellitus, 469f, 471-472

cirrhosIs of, 542-543

neuropathic or neurOtropic, 471-

encephalopathy and coma in diseases


of, 543-544

in venous insufficiency, 468-470

evaluation of, 511, 516t-522t

Lumbar drainage device, 798t

function rests in, 511, 5 16t-520t,

Lumbar puncture, 303


Lumbar spine fractures, 182, 184f

imagmg procedures in, 521 t-522t

Lumpectomy in breast cancer, 347t

postoperative, in transplantation,

Lund and Browder formula on burns,


446, 447t

failure of, 713, 714t


postoperative, 111 transpl:lI1tarion,

air trapping in, 130


auscultation of, 99-105

function of, 505r

landmarks for, 10 I , 101 f

labor:uory tests on, 511, 516t-520t

barotrauma in mechanical ventilation,

postoperative, In transplantation,



in burns and inhalation injuries, 451

hepatitis of, 540-542

cancer of, 344r. 344-345

referred pain from. 502t

diagnostic tests in, 337t

regeneration of, 542

risk factors in, 335t

transplalllarion of, 712-717

conrusion of, 140t, 144

domino procedure, 713

in rib fractures, 144, 149

donors in, 700, 713

embolism in, 140t, 143-144. See also

funenoll tests in, 715

Embolism, pulmonary

indica nons for, 712

function rests of, 121-124, 122f-125f

orthotopic, 713

capacity measurements in, 121,

posroperative care and complica122f, 126t-l27t

tions in, 7 J 5-716

description and significance of,

rejection in. 707, 716


split liver procedure, 713

flow-volume loops in, 121, 125f,

veno-occlusive disease of, in bone


marrow transplantation, 736

in obstructive disorders, 121, 123f,

Lomusrine, 855t


Lower extremir)'

postoperative, in lung transplantaamputation in, 887-888

tion, 729, 730

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