I Beleive Now (2 page)

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Authors: Hurri Cosmo

Tags: #gay contemporary suspense erotic romance

BOOK: I Beleive Now
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Today they were in Grant Park near the water and they had all become energized when a colorful, lazy sailboat suddenly appeared. As clichéd as it was, he had still taken tons of shots, using the beautiful water craft as his background and, because he was only be able to select one, he knew they'd be tough to choose from.

This kind of stuff called to the artistic core in him. He still liked the thrill of the chase after a good story, although hunting down "the bad guys" was something he hadn't done in a long time. He also loved the challenge of bringing out passion and splendor in a shot, much like the ones he believed he had been doing with this assignment.

Asher sighed. It felt good to be out. He had been cooped up for far too long, forced to endure long hours behind closed-in, albeit exquisitely decorated penthouse walls, hiding from fictional kidnappers. But here, in this atmosphere, he could almost believe his babysitters didn't even exist. Of course, they did. He had only to look a little harder and he could probably count four of them, which he felt somewhat concerned about since that was at least two more than he had yesterday, the number having obviously gone up this afternoon. There never seemed to be any rhyme or reason as to when the number of guards changed, and evidently Max never thought Asher needed to know why. Asher had argued the fact he was a grown man and could take care of himself, but it didn't seem to matter either.

"You attract trouble, Ash, and I never want to risk you getting hurt again"

Wow. But it was the closest the bastard ever got to saying he loved him.

Never want to risk you getting hurt again.

It was sweet, and it somewhat explained Max's desire that the guards shadow him. However, even though trouble did seem to follow him, it was an aspect of their relationship Asher truly disliked because he was constantly watched to the point of being restricted. He hated having to always answer to some massive guy with muscles about where he was going, what he was doing, how long he'd be doing it, having to wait for whether or not it was even going to be allowed. He despised the fact he seemed to need to ask permission to even get a fucking cup of coffee.

Once, the previous week, Kira, his main personal mountain, acted as if he thought the guy making Asher's latte was going to drag him off if the bodyguard didn't watch his every move. Sure, the guy had been flirting. Asher did sometimes have the impression he exuded some kind of helpless "take care of me" aura, because he was hit on all the time by both women and men. His small stature only added to the illusion. The barista, at first, simply reached out and covered Asher's hand on the counter, giving a little squeeze and a wink, but Asher immediately pulled back. There was no problem.

Okay, so the guy didn't exactly give up. He did continue to chat it up and Asher did kind of pay attention. He didn't want to be rude, plus he sure as hell didn't want the guy spitting in his cup or anything if he pissed him off. So what if the guy made a few suggestions that were slightly inappropriate? So what if his eyes wandered down to Asher's midsection and lower and stayed there way longer than they should have? It wasn't as if Asher was interested in the guy or anything.

But in all reality, Asher should have known better, because he had begun to hear the low growl from Kira, who stood directly behind him witnessing the whole thing. Asher should have shut the guy down at that point, spit or no spit. Unfortunately he didn't. When the guy came around the counter with the coffee, got up close and personal and asked if Asher wanted to come back and "take a private tour of the backroom", Kira lost it. He crowded Asher away from the guy, pulling him to safety. Then Kira proceeded to stand with his arms folded across his massive chest and told the guy in his loud, take charge voice, to keep his eyes on his job and his hands and attitude to himself where they belonged. Not only did the whole coffee house go so quiet Asher could hear the music coming from the ear phones of the girl three people back in line, but the manager came out too. A large woman, she seemed hell bent on protecting her employee until she found out who it was she was dealing with. Then she couldn't do enough. She even offered to fire the barista on the spot. The scene embarrassed Asher so badly he never wanted to walk into another public place again. Instead, he ended up making his own swill in the morning and carting the nasty stuff with him. It wasn't barista awesome, it was Max-penthouse awful, but it was caffeine and it was safe, for both himself

However, today none of it mattered and he felt able to actually stretch and breathe, despite all the drama. He was relaxed and in a very good mood. He even planned on jumping the old man when he finally arrived home. Max seemed to enjoy it whenever he took the initiative, even though the pervert rarely gave him the opportunity.

However, tonight was going to be different.

Tonight Asher had a plan.

Tonight he'd have a late dinner catered in, including all of Max's favorites. He planned a bubble bath and music, a little red wine, and candlelight. He even toyed with the idea of plying Max with a
of red wine. A slightly drunk Max might suddenly find himself with
hands tied to the headboard for once, giving Max a taste of his own medicine. But that particular little daydream had to play itself out as the night progressed, since opportunity and timing would be everything. Although it was fun to fantasize. Restraining Max anytime at all was probably just that, a fantasy.

The ride back to the penthouse passed uneventfully. The only reason of course? Max was not in the limo. Asher rode the elevator up to the penthouse floor, nodded at the guards in attendance in the hall, unlocked the door, and slipped inside the apartment. Suddenly extreme fatigue grabbed hold of him. Asher looked at his watch and noted the time—almost seven pm. He definitely had time for a nap. Although Max could be unpredictable, he'd not likely be home much before midnight, if even then. Asher made sure the dinner wouldn't show up before one am. Maybe he'd just lie down for a while.

Since he was going to change into something a little more comfortable later on, he began stripping his clothes off, not bothering to even pick them up where he dropped them on his way to the bedroom. There'd be time to do all that stuff later, before Max arrived home. He smiled when he noticed the housekeeper had been in because the penthouse looked immaculate. Once in the bedroom, he didn't even remember his head hitting the pillow before sleep overtook him. Damn. He'd really meant to set the alarm.


* * * *


Max walked into a dark penthouse. He had been told when Asher arrived—at around seven—and decided to cut his night short and enjoy some rare time with the busy photographer. The time was now a little after ten and even though he had no reason to be alarmed—there were two guards on the door with no other way into the penthouse—he felt a little off balance with the place being so dark. Obviously Asher hadn't turned on any lights. He smirked, knowing he still never knew what to expect with the kid. He quickly kicked his shoes off while his hand reached for the light switch. He grinned the moment the light hit the floor. He saw a trail of Asher's clothes all the way to the bedroom. Asher's crumpled boxers lay in the open door. Was this an invitation? He shrugged out of his suit coat, pitching it to land on the edge of the couch as he walked quickly into the bedroom. He smiled when the light spilling in from the living room showed him his lover sprawled out on the bed, stark naked and sound asleep. This was
an invitation.

He let his eyes roam over the flawless body of his boy as he shed the rest of his own clothes. They had been lucky, all of them. That dark day when he could have lost Asher in that ridiculous assassination attempt was a memory he'd take to his grave. Then, to give over Asher's protection to his most trusted staff only to have that slippery devil escape them, to end up in the completely bat shit crazy Brogan's grasp? Max admitted to nearly losing it.

He quietly knelt on the bed next to Asher, thankful every time the young man was there that he was able to do this. Not only because Asher had finally accepted living with him, not only because now Max was able to protect him properly and completely, but also because sinking into this man was the most marvelous feeling he'd ever had—holding him, kissing him,
him. Whenever Max had to endure all the hours in between the times he could kiss those lips either good morning or good night, this was his single most prized moment: Homecoming.

He marveled at Ash's perfection, and that he felt possessive of every inch of this amazing young man lying in his bed, sleeping so peacefully. He let his hand run up the side of his lover's pale, warm skin to stop at a pink nipple, tweaking it and rolling the tip in his fingers. He was rewarded with a moan and a slight arching of Asher's back into Max's hand. Max chuckled and leaned over, taking the nub into his hot mouth, flicking lightly with his tongue, sucking gently. His hand wandered down to Asher's flaccid member, He knew exactly what to do with his fingers to wake up the beautiful flesh. He heard another moan, louder this time, as he quickened his fingers. Moving his mouth up to Asher's throat then finally his lips, Max took him in a deep kiss. He worked his tongue into Asher's mouth, exploring a little more forcefully and sensing Asher himself finally becoming alert, definitely after his fully erect member. He broke the kiss and raised his head slightly to watch his boy come to life while he continued to fondle him.

Asher tried opening his eyes but lost the first effort as he moaned something Max didn't quite catch. Finally coherent enough to figure out what was going on, his eyes flew open. "Hey!" Max could see relief flood those green eyes as Asher took in the man looming above him.

"Yes?" Max said lazily as he lowered his head and started to kiss Asher's neck again, marking a trail down his chest and stomach and finally arriving at Asher's hard shaft, small drips forming on the tip. He took the hot flesh into his mouth. Asher cried out. To this day the boy was still incredibly sensitive. Asher buried his fingers into Max's hair as he moved his hips with Max's motions over and around his pulsing cock.

"Ahhhh…Max…this wasn't…I was supposed to…"

Max let go of Asher's member and repositioned himself, kneeling between Asher's legs, spreading them out to accommodate his larger body. He moved back up Asher's torso, kissing and sucking, licking and biting lightly. He reached over for the always-ready bottle of lube in the bedside table and flipped it open one-handed. Squirting a generous amount into his other hand, he reached down, searching out and finding Asher's tight opening. Closing the bottle and tossing it off to the side—although still within reach—he slowly inserted one slick finger while Asher writhed underneath him. Pulling his finger back, he then pushed slowly in again, wanting to moan himself at just this one act, feeling Asher's muscles almost hugging him. He repeated the lazy movement, relishing in the action, watching Asher's face contort in pleasure then gradually change to frustration.

"Max! No! Damn it! I was going to do…"

"You were going to do what?" Max whispered as he took hold of Asher's lips again, never intending for him to answer the question. Asher moaned as Max added another finger, reaching deeper, pushing harder. Asher arched his back, giving Max more freedom of movement and Max was never one to overlook an opportunity. He added yet another finger and pumped a slow rhythm as he then took Asher's member in hand, rubbing the stiff shaft, gently gripping and pulling. He continued to kiss Asher, using his tongue, in the way he knew Asher liked, to elicit more moans and whimpers from him, marveling at how quickly not only Asher reached such heights but how he also felt almost ready to burst, just ministering to his boy.

"Max…Max!" Asher cried out.

"Max…what?" Max whispered against those incredible lips.


"Max please…what?"

"Ahhhh!" Asher screamed out, obviously angry about something and not being able to put it into words. Max just kept driving him right to the edge. "Fuck!" was all he must have been able to come up with.

Sounded just fine to Max.

"I see," Max whispered, as he removed his fingers and reached to the bedside table for a condom. "You want me to fuck you?" He lifted up off of the young man as he donned protection and picked up the lube bottle again. "As you wish." Squirting more lube onto his fingers, he worked some into Asher's pulsing entrance, even as he added lube to his sheathed cock.

"No…I mean, hell yes! It's just that I…ohhhh!"

All words stopped as Max positioned his stiff cock at Asher's entrance and started to push in gradually. Asher moaned instead. Max continued to leisurely push and push until he was totally consumed by Asher right to the hilt, the hair of his balls touching and tickling the underside of Asher's ass. He heard and felt a shiver from Asher as Max once again took control of his cock and pumped the hard shaft in the same deliberate rhythm as he started to move in and out of Asher. He lifted Asher's hips off of the bed as he slowly took him, almost all the way out then all the way in, amazed at the unbelievable feeling of pleasure, mesmerized by the lewdness of watching his firm, slick staff disappearing between those two perfectly round ass cheeks. He had the sense of just wanting to lose control and go wild, just like his Asher, moving his head side to side, going between moans and sharp cries, as Max continued to rub over the one spot inside of Asher that would eventually send him into orgasm. He watched his lover thrash under him and started to feel his own urgency in reaching the ultimate high, a place he had only ever reached with Asher. He started to move faster, hitting Asher's prostate harder.

Max suddenly felt a deep, almost primal urge to…what? The thought was there for a second but then fluttered away like a dream upon waking. Unexpectedly, he arched his own back, going as deep into his boy as he physically could, hitting an orgasm so intense it took his breath away.

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