I Spy a Wicked Sin (13 page)

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Authors: Jo Davis

Tags: #American Light Romantic Fiction, #Erotica - General, #Fiction - Adult, #Assassins, #American Mystery & Suspense Fiction, #Romantic suspense fiction, #General, #Romance, #Erotic fiction, #Suspense, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: I Spy a Wicked Sin
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Their tongues tangled, the other man’s stroking the roof of his mouth, behind his teeth. Jude drank him in, reveling in his taste. A hint of a sweet treat he’d been making for dessert, perhaps. His erection hardened, no longer uncooperative, but eager to penetrate. To own the body pressed to his.
Liam broke the kiss first, trailing his fingers down Jude’s cheek. “We need to get you cleaned up. You’re bleeding.”
“Your neck and right arm got a couple of scratches.” He moved down Jude’s torso to his legs, checking every inch. “Small ones on the bottoms of your feet, too.”
“Damn. Yeah, they’re starting to sting some.”
“Come on.” Grasping Jude’s hand, Liam pulled him up. “Take my arm. Considering the mess you made, it’ll be faster than finding your cane.”
“God, I’m sorry,” he muttered, ashamed. “No telling how long it will take the housekeeper to clean up, and I can’t even be of help.”
“Forget about that—just leave it to us. I’ll call a window and glass company after I get you patched, and they’ll have it fixed in no time.”
“You’re too good to me, buddy.”
“I know.”
Liam’s quiet laugh made him feel marginally better, even though Jude had no clue how long the demons would be held at bay. He had a feeling the break wouldn’t last, but he’d take what comfort he could find.
“Can’t go in through the smashed window because of your bare feet. We’ll have to enter through the kitchen so you don’t track blood on the carpet.”
Liam led him carefully around the side of the house to the kitchen’s entrance. Wonderful aromas scented the air and Jude began to ask about dinner, but was distracted by another thought.
“Where’s Lily? I can’t believe she didn’t hear the commotion.”
“She’s not here. She borrowed the Mercedes and drove into the city to run a couple of errands. It
okay that I let her take your car, isn’t it?” Worry colored his friend’s voice.
“Yes, of course.” He was beyond grateful she hadn’t been around to witness his meltdown.
“Good. I should’ve asked first, though, or let her borrow mine.”
“Why? The Mercedes is more yours now than it is mine. I’m not likely to jump in the damned thing and take off.”
“Jude . . .”
He grimaced. “I know. Sorry.”
Liam hated his bitter sarcasm. God knew Jude did his best to stay positive, but on days like this one, it wasn’t easy.
Holding on to Liam’s arm, he let the man lead him out of the kitchen and down the tiled hallway. Instead of taking the stairs, however, they continued past.
“My room is closer,” his friend explained. “And it’s not far across the carpet from the door to the bathroom, so there will be less to scrub.”
Finally, they made it into Liam’s bathroom without mishap. “How do you want me?”
Jude grinned. “A plan I can get behind.”
“Literally, I can tell,” Liam said in appreciation, squeezing Jude’s erection through his shorts. “First we have to take care of those scratches. Back up and park your butt on the counter.”
Releasing his crotch, Liam guided him backward. Jude braced his palms on the edge of the counter and hopped up, scooting into a comfortable position. Or as comfortable as he could be with his cock aching to be freed.
“Take off your T-shirt,” Liam ordered. A cabinet opened near Jude’s head and the other man rummaged through the contents.
Jude did as he was told, laying the shirt aside. He waited, listening to items being placed on the counter. The faucet came on and was quickly turned off, the water squeezed from a cloth, he imagined.
“These aren’t bad.” Liam dabbed at the side of his neck. “The skin here is barely broken. The one on your arm is worse.”
The other man turned his attention to that wound, gently wiping his forearm, then moving on to his feet. With a soft whistle, he picked up something metallic and began to probe the bottom of Jude’s left foot, admonishing him to be still.
“What is it?”
“Piece of glass in here, about the size of a nickel.”
“No wonder it hurts.” Jude hissed as his friend probed with the tweezers.
“Man, you ought to let me take you in to get this checked. It might need stitches.”
“Forget it,” he said tersely. “I’ve had far worse.”
Silence. It grew heavy as they both mulled over what he’d said without even thinking.
Liam’s voice was taut with concern. “When?”
“I—I’m not sure. I don’t even know why I said that.”
As his friend continued working to remove the shard, Jude was assailed by confusion and doubt. The words had spilled forth from his subconscious, and the implication combined with his visions scared the hell out of him.
“There, it’s out. I’m going to clean these with alcohol, bandage that foot and your arm—then you’ll be ready to run laps.”
So, the younger man wasn’t going to make an issue of either the wound or his comment, thank Christ. Just as well, since Jude didn’t know what to say.
Liam was quick and efficient, taking care of him, fingers gentle, the heat of his body so near. After he’d finished and washed his hands, he came to stand between Jude’s spread knees, placing his palms on Jude’s chest.
Jude slid off the counter and cupped Liam’s ass, bringing their erections together, rubbing. The delicious friction had them both moaning, straining to get as close as possible. Liam claimed his mouth again, treating him to a long, passionate kiss, then broke away and dropped to his knees.
“I want to taste your cock,” he said hoarsely.
“Like I’m going to stop you?”
His shorts were undone and pulled down his legs, and he stepped out of them, widening his stance, making certain the younger man had complete access.
“You beautiful son of a bitch,” Liam whispered.
And swallowed Jude’s cock down his throat. His hot mouth bathed Jude’s length, electrifying him, sending sparks of delight to every limb. Jude fisted his hands in Liam’s hair, fucking the sweet cavern slowly, imagining how great it would be to watch those sensual lips gliding along his dick. Feasting on his shaft, making his blood boil in his veins.
The younger man manipulated Jude’s balls as he sucked, driving him too close to the edge, and he yanked on Liam’s hair. “Lube,” he rasped. “I want in you
“Fuck, yes.”
Liam rummaged a bit more. “Got it.”
“Make me ready.”
Liam’s excited breaths, the snap of the tube, were the only sounds as he squirted gel onto Jude’s cock. A fist encircled his shaft, slicking it. God, he was so ready he wanted to throw Liam against the wall and rut like an animal.
“Enough. Now prepare yourself for me,” Jude commanded, low and rough.
Liam let go of him and, from the noisy sucking sounds, did as he was told. Spread his own ass, stretched the tight channel, making ready for his lover.
Jude reached out, found the other man’s hip. “Brace your hands on the counter, legs spread wide.” Liam complied, taking hold of Jude’s wrist to guide him into place. “Good. Now just relax and give yourself to me.”
“I always have,” he said softly.
Yes, he had. Without fail, his loyal friend had been there for him, had helped him weather every storm.
Jude parted Liam’s firm ass and brought the head of his cock to the tight opening. Grasping Liam’s hips, he pushed into his lover’s body. All the way in, burying himself deep.
“Ahh, fuck, yes!” He leaned over, kissed the younger man’s shoulder. Ground his balls into that delectable ass. “God, you feel so good. You hug my cock so fine.”
“Move, please,” Liam begged, arching into him. “Take my ass.”
“It’s yours.”
“God, yes! Fuck me!”
Moments like this, Jude was goddamned glad that he didn’t have to worry about taking Liam bareback. For convenience, since Liam lived on the estate and sex between them was spontaneous, they got tested regularly and used protection with their other playmates, without exception.
He began to shaft his lover’s ass, savored each long thrust, not able to get enough of the scorching vise driving him insane. He pumped into that velvet glove, sure and hard, losing his mind a little. Hammered home, thrusting furiously.
Reaching around, he fisted Liam’s cock, stroking in tempo to their movements. He wanted the other man to get off, wanted to feel him lose control.
“Come with me,” Jude ordered. “Let me feel you.”
“Oh! I—please, please!” He began to shake. “Harder!”
Jude slammed deep several more times, and then his balls drew up tight, the hum gathering in the base of his spine.
“Gonna come inside you . . . so deep.”
“Ah, God!”
Jude exploded, jetting his release inside the hot channel as Liam cried out, ass fluttering, milking his cock. They shuddered together for endless moments, floating down gradually, the sound of their harsh breathing echoing in the bathroom. Neither of them cared to part.
Jude kissed his lover between the shoulder blades, liking the earthy, male essence of salt on his lips. The other man tilted his head back, nuzzled Jude’s neck.
“I needed that, thanks,” Liam said.
“Me, too.”
“I’m glad I can be here for you when you need . . . you know.” His tone sounded wistful. A bit sad.
Jude nipped his shoulder. “No, I don’t know.”
“Well, s-sometimes a guy just needs a warm body.”
“Is that all you believe you are to me? A good fuck?” he asked, frowning.
Liam didn’t answer. Reluctantly, Jude pulled out and turned his friend to face him, hoping he could see the sincerity there. “Listen to me. It’s easy to use a carnal word such as
in the heat of passion, but make no mistake—I don’t fuck you. I make love to you. Always have.”
His friend sniffed, sounded choked up. “If so, you’re the only one.”
“That’s crazy.” Jude brushed that plump mouth with a soft kiss, then pulled the other man close. “Suppose you tell me what this is all about?”
“Wh-what do you mean?”
“Come on, my friend. This is me, remember? I know when you aren’t yourself.”
Liam tried unsuccessfully to push away. “I’m all right.”
“No, you aren’t.”
He tensed, then relaxed with a heavy sigh. “I don’t guess you’d have any advice for a guy who’s in the throes of unrequited love?”
“Someone has hurt you?” He’d snap the neck of the unfortunate asshole who screwed with Liam’s head.
“Relax, man. They don’t know how I feel,” he replied softly.
“They? As in an established couple?”
“Damn.” He laid his hands on Liam’s shoulders. “Must you do everything the hard way, kid?”
“Like you can talk.”
“This isn’t about me. I—”
“Oh, it sort of is,” he said, bitterness coloring his voice. Just as quickly, his tone changed to apologetic. “I’m sorry. Forget I said that. The crappy state of my love life isn’t your fault.”
“I’m confused. How am I involved? Tell me what’s going on!”
“Forget it. Things will either work out or they won’t, okay?” His tone begged Jude to drop the subject.
“Just tell me one thing—am I involved because you’re in love with me?” he asked gently. “Because, Liam, I—”
“No,” he interrupted, placing his fingers over Jude’s lips.
“There are all types of love, and what we have is special, but it’s not romantic love. Not what I feel for . . .”
“I understand that part at least. When you’re ready to talk about the rest, I’m here to listen.” It was all he could do, and he felt rather helpless.
“Thanks.” Liam pushed away, and this time Jude let him. When Liam spoke again, his voice was quiet. Thoughtful. “Speaking of relationships, have you fu—made love to Lily?”
The distinction in terms didn’t escape him. “Yes. Does that upset you?”
“Of course not.”
Jude smiled. “Seems our Lily was being straight about sharing our kinks. She—oh, crap.”
“I sort of promised her that she could join us the next time you and I were together. Would you like that, all of us making love?”
“Yeah, man. That’ll be freaking hot!” Liam poked his chest, good cheer restored. “Except we didn’t wait for her.”
“A situation that can easily be remedied tonight. Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“I’m cool, trust me. I like Lily. There’s something special about her. She fits in here.”
Warmth spread through Jude’s middle. “She does.”
“Jude, I—I . . .”
He waited.
“I’d better get back to the kitchen before I ruin dinner.”
Jude squashed his disappointment that, in the end, his friend opted not to share what was bothering him. “Nothing fancy. You’ll need lots of energy for later.”
“Hey, you didn’t hire me to cook you boring food.”
“No, I hired you because you were the kindest, most beautiful young man I’d ever met,” he said, letting the emotion in his words carry his message. “You had the soul of an angel and you steadied me, made this empty house a home. Don’t ever doubt your place as my dearest friend.”
Liam grabbed Jude, gave him a brief, hard hug. “That’s all I need to hear,” he said, slapping him on the back.
“You’ve got me, my friend, and I’m not going anywhere.” Liam turned loose of him and stepped back. “You need help getting dressed?”
“No, but I do need my cane. It’s still in the studio.” Which he’d trashed. Not his brightest moment.
“Wait here and I’ll find it.”
Liam yanked on his clothes and left to fetch the cane, while Jude pulled on his shorts. More like fled. Too much honesty between two guys, he supposed.
Despite his concern for Liam being put through hell by his mysterious lovers, Jude felt better than he had in days. Maybe it was selfish, but having his best friend and an intriguing woman to fill his home with light was just what he needed. Perhaps it would be enough to pull him back from the precipice, keep him from falling into whatever pit of doom awaited in his dreams.

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