I Spy a Wicked Sin (26 page)

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Authors: Jo Davis

Tags: #American Light Romantic Fiction, #Erotica - General, #Fiction - Adult, #Assassins, #American Mystery & Suspense Fiction, #Romantic suspense fiction, #General, #Romance, #Erotic fiction, #Suspense, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: I Spy a Wicked Sin
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Dietz would find them. And when he did, she and her friends would all pay.
The chirp of the phone cut his inner tirade short. He took a few cleansing breaths before picking up. “Dietz. Make it worthwhile.”
“Got them,” Tio said. “They went and took themselves a little Mexican holiday..”
Yes. “Where?”
“Los Cabos. At an adult resort that could make a celibate priest rescind his vows. You’d love it.”
He doubted that. Sex was highly overrated. Brief. Power was eternal. Power wrote history books. “You know what to do. Fail me and you’d better buy a ticket to somewhere remote, where even the devil will never find you.”
“I’ll take care of it,” he said, unruffled.
“Be discreet.”
“I will.”
“Follow the plan exactly.”
“I’m on it.”
“And don’t get caught by the Mexican authorities with your gear. I assure you no one’s going to pull strings to get you out.”
want to get your hands dirty? If so, I’ll leave you to it.”
The cocky bastard would, too. Just take off and leave Dietz to deal with finding a replacement. “Of course not. Contact me when it’s done.”
“Yep. Later.”
Dietz hung up and lowered himself into his chair behind his desk. The game wasn’t over yet.
He still had a move or two to execute.
“Liam has a fan club. Good Lord, look at all the girls following him around! Couple of guys, too.”
Jude laughed, digging his toes into the sand. “I’m not surprised. What are they doing?”
“Playing topless Frisbee.”
“Jeez, I think we’ve created a monster. He hasn’t dragged himself in before two in the morning in the past three nights.”
“I know. Has he given you any details?” she asked, curious.
“Nope. I hinted for some scoop and he played coy with me, the little turd. Wouldn’t give up a thing.”
“Same here. Know what I think?”
“I think our angel with the crooked halo is playing with us.”
“Really?” There was an intriguing idea.
“I’m almost positive. You can’t see the sly looks he shoots our way, but I can. I think he’s angling for something, and he’s waiting for us to give it to him.”
“Like a good paddling?” The thought had merit.
“Or a good sound fucking. And I think it’s working, because I, for one, am tired of watching him flirt with everyone in the resort and waiting for him to remember we’re alive!”
Jude thought for a moment. “Well, it’s getting late. If we don’t do something, he’ll be gone again.”
“What do you suggest?”
“Time to take our friend in hand. Get his attention, would you?”
A few moments later, Liam ran toward them while calling back to his new friends. “See you later! Hey guys, what’s up?” Something of their exasperation must’ve shown in their expressions. “Is there a problem?”
“You,” Jude told him, pushing to his feet. “You’re coming with us.”
“What? What did I do?” he asked, confused.
“Don’t ask questions,” Lily instructed. “Just do it.”
“What is this? Am I, like, being kidnapped or something?”
Jude smiled as they made their way toward their suite. “You’re being punished.”

No way!”
Liam snickered, getting into the game. “What’s the charge, Officer?”
“Operating a runaway dick without a valid license.”
“Omigod!” The younger man hooted with laughter. “Jude’s got a sense of humor under there. Who knew?”
“I’m not laughing, kid.”
“Yeah, you are. On the inside. So what are you gonna do to me, huh? Cuff me and make me spread ’em? Do a full body search?”
Lily opened the door to their suite. “He’s enjoying this way too much.”
“Nah, he hasn’t even started yet,” Jude said. “Liam, turn on the bubbles in the hot tub, low. Then strip and get in.”
“Some punishment,” he drawled. “I’ll try not to shake.”
“Oh, you will, but it won’t be from fear.”
“You think so? Bring it, big guy.”
“Lily,” Jude said, grinning. “You know those items we bought in the gift shop today? Would you be a sweetheart and get those for me?”
“Oh! You bet.” To Liam, she said, “I hope you saved some strength for tonight, cutie. You’re so going to need it.”
Lily hurried and retrieved the plastic bag from the bedroom. She couldn’t wait to see Jude try this stuff on Liam. Their friend was in for a treat that would blow his mind.
When she returned to the living room area, the two men were climbing into the elegant sunken hot tub near the patio doors. Stripping off her suit, she laid the bag beside the rim and climbed in, giving a groan of bliss.
“Oh, that feels good.” She settled in, watching excitedly as Jude pulled Liam close, the younger man practically sitting in his lap.
“And we’re just getting stared, baby. We’re going to give our lover the attention he obviously needs.”
Jude cupped the back of Liam’s head and swooped in for a fierce kiss, almost violent in its intensity. Liam returned it wholeheartedly, giving a soft whimper.
Lily understood, or believed she did, why Liam had stayed away. It wasn’t just some game on his part. He wanted them, but hadn’t wanted to cling. The attack, plus his troubles with Dev and Geneva, had shaken his confidence and he’d distanced himself, waiting for Jude and Lily to come to him. To need him.
She was blown away by the raw honesty of the emotion between them. Two sexy guys together were hot enough, but when there were real, true feelings involved . . . the act became beautiful. Pure.
Jude broke away first. “Stand up and bend over at the waist, bracing your hands on the edge of the tub.”
Liam complied, and Lily was treated to a great view of his sleek body, tight ass, and lengthening cock.
“Lily, hand me the new lube, the leather strap, and the plug, please?”
“Plug?” Liam squeaked. “Not that! You
it drives me crazy.”
Jude gave a feral grin. “You don’t know the half of it.”
One by one, she fished the items from the bag and handed them over. Jude set each one on the rim next to him, then grabbed the vanilla-flavored lube. Flipping open the cap, he used his fingers to pry apart his friend’s ass cheeks and dribbled some of the oil into his crease, onto his hole.
“Oh, that’s cold!”
“We’ll warm it up. Push your ass toward me, buddy. That’s it. . . .”
Jude poured a generous amount on his fingers and began to work it into Liam’s entrance. Liam moaned and his cock rose to its full glory, red and glistening with droplets. But if he thought that was good so far, he was in for a surprise.
Removing his fingers, Jude picked up the plug and coated it generously with the lube. When he parted Liam’s ass again and nudged the entrance with the tip of the plug, the younger man almost blew right then.
“Oh! Shit! I can’t—”
“Sure, you can. The plug isn’t any bigger than the one I used before, and it’s not nearly as big as me. But you’ll be filled and it will drive you crazy.”
“B-but I want
What an adorable pout, which was clear in his voice. But Jude wasn’t diverted from his mission, and began to push the device slowly into his channel.
Lily stared, fascinated, as the small phallus split their lover’s flesh. As he writhed, completely giving himself over to what was done to him.
“That’s it,” Jude said, soothing him. “All the way, take it for me.”
“So full.”
“I know. There you go; it’s in.”
It was in, to the base. Liam continued to make helpless noises in his throat while Jude picked up the thin leather strap.
“Now turn around and face me for a second,” he said.
Liam did as he was told, careful not to slip. When Jude reached for his cock holding the leather, he blinked. “What are you doing?”
“Putting this cock ring on you. Hold still.”
“Damn, you’re a sadist.”
“Exactly.” Jude looked pleased with himself. “It’ll display your package and keep you nice and hard while I paddle your pretty ass.”
“Wh-what?” His eyes rounded. “Oh, no. Uh-uh. You’re not—”
“Turn around and grab the rim again,” Jude ordered sternly. “You wanted this attention—this punishment—and now you’re going to get it.”
Swallowing hard, the younger man did as he was told, presenting his bottom. Angling her head to see him from the side, Lily noted his erection was harder than ever. He did want this, even though he was nervous.
“Lily, hand me the paddle.” She complied, and he gave his palm a few experimental whacks as Liam flinched. “Lily, I’ll need you to let me know if I’m marking his skin too deeply.”
“All right.”
“Liam, you’ll need to tell me when you’ve reached your limit,” he said, smoothing the other man’s buttocks with his palm. “But you’ll need a safe word.”
“Why? I trust you.”
“That’s good, but when sexual pain is involved, sometimes a person can get caught up saying
when they mean
. Or they forget their own limits and can’t verbalize that they really are ready to stop. Does that make sense?”
“Yes,” he said.
“Good. Pick a safe word, one you wouldn’t normally say. If you say that word, I’ll stop, but otherwise not before I’m ready.”
“Okay, um . . . sailboat.”
“Fine. I’m going to start lightly. Ready?”
“I guess so.”
Lily couldn’t tear her gaze away as Jude swung. The paddle slapped Liam’s bare ass and he yelped, more in surprise than pain, she figured. Jude delivered another swat, then another, each increasing in force.
“Oh! God . . .” Liam pushed his rear toward the blows, cock bobbing on the water, high and hard.
As she watched, fascinated, he seemed to settle into a zoned-out head space. His cries increased in volume, but they were cries of pain mingled with ecstasy. His ass had turned a bright red and Lily wondered if she should intervene.
“Jude! Fuck! I—I . . . stop, please!”
“Do you really want me to stop?”
More blows, Liam yelling hoarsely.
“No. Yes! Stop!”
“Use your safe word.”
Another blow. One more.
“Sailboat! Ah, God.” Liam slumped forward, hanging on to the side, head on his arms.
Jude stopped and laid aside the paddle. “You did well, my friend. Are you still hard?”
“Jesus, yes,” he croaked. “I’m going to die.”
“Sit on the rim on the tub.”
“Why on the rim?” he asked, squirming.
“One, so you don’t get too hot in the water while you wait. Two, sitting on the lip will keep the plug shoved up inside you, keep you nice and open for me.”
“While I wait? What will you be doing?”
Jude smiled. “You’re going to sit there and be tortured more while I make sure Lily gets some attention of her own.”
Lily blinked. Oh, boy.
It was her turn to squirm. Because she knew what was left in the bag.

and me the bag and assume the same position Liam did, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, it’s only fair,” Liam grouched, cock and balls thrust forward in their confines.
“What are you going to do?” she asked, pulse fluttering as she handed it over.
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise.” Fishing inside, he removed the dildo. Thick, long, and veined, the thing was unbelievably realistic.
Well, except for being black as ebony.
Turning around, she spread herself as Liam had done, excited but not terribly concerned. She’d used her own dildo before, so this would be pleasurable. No big deal, but very nice.
What she did not expect was for Jude’s fingers to part her ass cheeks. To begin the same preparation on her hole.
“Oh, wait a minute—”

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