Ignite (Explosive) (34 page)

Read Ignite (Explosive) Online

Authors: Tessa Teevan

Tags: #E.M. Tippetts Book Designs

BOOK: Ignite (Explosive)
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Once we get back to the house, she puts everything away before joining me in the living room. She sits down on the opposite end of the couch, placing her feet in my lap. I absentmindedly begin to massage one foot as I stare at the TV.

“So, do you want to talk about it?” she surprises me by asking.

Although I’m pretty sure I know what she means, I ask her to clarify.

She pulls her feet out of my lap and sits up on the couch with her legs crossed underneath her as she fidgets with the throw pillow in her lap.

“Sierra’s question. Umm, about us dating,” she informs me, not looking at my face.

“What’s there to talk about? You gave her your answer,” I say, probably too briskly, but I can’t help but feel frustrated at the situation.

She sighs before replying. “I just wasn’t expecting the question. I know that this is so much more than us just becoming reacquainted. I think we got past that phase a while ago. We haven’t talked about it, so I didn’t know how to answer her.”

“We haven’t talked about it because you’re on your whole no-labels kick. Has that changed?”

She sucks in her bottom lip, still not looking at me, and immediately I know her answer. I get up and head to the kitchen to grab a beer, needing something to take the edge off. I turn around and she’s leaning against the doorframe, watching me.

“What if I’d told her yes, that we are dating?” she asks hesitantly.

I pause before taking a sip of my drink. “What do you mean, Alexa?”

Her eyes dance as a small smile comes to her face. “I mean, what if I wanted to say yes when she asked? Would that have been okay?”

I set my beer on the counter and cross the room to where she’s standing. I cup her face in my hands and search her eyes. “What exactly are you trying to ask me?”

Her tongue darts out of her mouth as she moistens her lips. My thumb brushes her cheek as I wait for her answer.

“I think…it’s probably safe to say that we’re dating.”

I know it’s what we’ve already been doing, but the air from my lungs rushes out as she finally admits it.

“We’re dating?” I ask, needing confirmation.


“Dating exclusively?”

“Yes, Jace.”

“And as for the future?” I throw in, knowing I’m pushing my luck.

She gives me a sly grin, and I can’t help but shoot her a sweet smile. “We’re dating now. Let’s just stick with that, okay?”

I lean in to kiss her, happy with what I can get. I know she just needs more time, so I can enjoy this small victory, more than ecstatic that I can truly call her my girl now. She wraps her arms around me, and I lead her back towards the bedroom, where I begin to show her just how good of a boyfriend I can be.

The next
few months pass in a quick blur. To be honest, it felt good to finally admit to myself that what Jace and I were doing was definitely dating. The disappointment in his eyes that day pinched at my heart, and I knew I was only fooling myself by thinking we were anything less. Since then, he’s been more than happy to play the dutiful boyfriend role. We’ve been able to fall into a routine of alternating visits twice a month, with hours of phone calls in between. It’s not perfect, but for now it’s all we have.

Knocking on my office door, Brady walks in and plops down in one of the chairs across from my desk. He places his hand over his heart and sighs dramatically.

“Is someone having a bad day?” I ask, wondering what’s wrong this time.

“That, my dear, is an understatement. I am having the worst day ever. So you know how I had Valentine’s Day all planned up?”

I nod, having seen the schedule Brady had meticulously created. Brady gets a little crazy when it comes to holidays, and Valentine’s Day is the ultimate for him. It also happens to be his and Stephen’s fifth anniversary, so he’s been driving me crazy these past few weeks, running around, trying to perfect everything.

“Well, Stephen just called and he has to work that night! He’s never had to work on Valentine’s Day. Now everything’s ruined,” he whines, burying his face in his hands.

“Brady, it’s not the end of the world. Just shift all your plans to the next day,” I suggest.

His shoulders slump as he sighs. “I know. It’s just that it’s been five years and I wanted to make it special.”

Crossing around the desk I, give him a hug. “It will still be special because it’ll be with you. That’s all that Stephen cares about,” I comment, causing him to laugh.

“That was so cheesy, but thanks. I guess I shouldn’t complain to you of all people. Jace isn’t coming into town, is he?”

“Nope. He can’t get away this weekend, but he’ll be down the next. It’s not really a big deal. I don’t buy into all that Valentine’s Day stuff anyways. It’s just another day.”

He looks like I’ve stepped on his favorite kitten and I struggle not to laugh at his reaction. “Woman! What is wrong with you?”

I shrug. “Ty and I never really did the whole holiday, anniversary thing. We were so broke when we first started off, so we’d do things for each other when we could, not because a date dictated that we needed to. Once we both got good jobs, it just kind of stuck.”

Brady waits a minute, as if letting the idea soak into his brain. “Okay, I guess I can see that. But forewarning, I’m going to show you the best Valentine’s Day ever.”

“If you say so. I’ll get the wine if you get the movies. And Brady, don’t you dare bring Steel Magnolias over to my house again. If I have to sit there and listen to you blubber in your wine glass one more time…” I warn him as he grins at me.

“I just can’t help it. Every damn time, Alexa. Every damn time. But fine, I’ll leave it at home. How about scary movies? I don’t want to watch sappy romances with you and be reminded that I should be out creating my own.”

“Sounds good to me,” I say as I check the clock and see that it’s just about time to head home for the day. I gather up my things and Brady follows me out to the parking garage. Walking towards my car, I realize that there’s something on my windshield. It’s an envelope with nothing but my name on it, and I grab it, throwing Brady a curious glance. When I look closer at the handwriting, a slow smile spreads across my face as I realize that it’s from Jace. I look up at Brady, who simply grins at me and shrugs his shoulders.

“He may have given that to me with specific instructions to wait until today to deliver it,” he informs me. “And he wouldn’t tell me what it said, and he sealed it so I couldn’t snoop. I expect a full report later on.”

We say our goodbyes as we both leave the parking garage, going our separate ways for the evening. I’m eager to get home so I can rip the envelope open and read what he’s written. This is the first time he’s written me anything by hand since he returned from Afghanistan, so I’m not sure why he chose today to change that.

Once I get home, I make sure that Toby’s fed before I heat a frozen dinner for myself. Pouring a glass of my favorite Chilean Malbec, I settle in at the table to read Jace’s letter.

February 9, 2013

Hey Beautiful,

I’m sure that mind of yours is running a thousand miles a minute since Brady delivered this to you, wondering why you’re getting a hand-written letter from me on this date. Knowing you, you’ve waited to get home until you read it. That way you don’t have to share it with him, so you’ve had the wheels turning in your head.

I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but one year ago today, our journey back to each other truly began. When I heard your voice over the phone, my heart damn near stopped. I never, not in a million years, expected to be a part of your life again, so as frustrating as she can be, I’m going to owe Sierra for the rest of my life. Now if only she’d taught you proper phone etiquette. It’s rather rude to hang up on a guy you haven’t spoken to in ten years. I can think of ways for you to make it up to me though. Just warning you.

I don’t want to go getting all sappy, so I’ll just say this. Alexa, thank you for allowing me back in. For finally taking a chance on us. I know it hasn’t been easy for you to open your heart, but I promise you, I will cherish it for as long as you allow me to. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know that when I think about it, all I see is you. I know that scares you, and honestly, I can admit that I have my own fears. But I’m more terrified of living a life without you, so I’ll wait for you as long as you need me to.



As I re-read his words three times so that they finally sink in, tears form in my eyes. I can’t believe he actually remembered the date he called me and I hung up on him. He’s right that everything started to change that day. I started thinking a lot more about him and the prospect of the possibility of ever moving on from Ty.

Sitting back in my chair, I think about this past year, not able to believe that it’s been that long—or that it’s been almost seven months since the reunion. When Sierra asked if I wanted to join them for the trip, I never would’ve guessed that things would have turned out this way. For once, having a sneaky, meddling sister worked out in my favor. I’m going to owe her, too.

A couple
of days later, I’m bailing on Brady and making the drive to Jace’s place in Ft. Campbell. After reading his letter, I knew I had to reciprocate, and I couldn’t stand the thought of waiting another week to do so. Brady gave me his blessing in “the name of love,” to which I rolled my eyes. He then forced me to let him read the letter that had me packing my bags in order to spend what I’d previously called a worthless holiday with Jace. Needless to say, he swooned when he read it and forced me to go on a shopping trip so I could knock Jace’s socks off. I didn’t think I needed any help doing that, but to be honest, I’m glad Brady helped me out. I’m going to be freezing, but the outfit underneath my knee-length coat is killer.

I pull up to the townhouse he’s renting and park my car. Checking my makeup in the mirror, I’m satisfied with the smoky look I created that offsets the white silk lingerie that’s barely covering my skin. Taking a deep breath, I grab my purse and exit the car. Staring up at his door, I finally muster the courage to walk up and knock softly three times.

I’m about to call his cell phone when I hear the chain lock sliding and see the door open. A tall blond man opens the door slightly, his eyes widening as they roam over my body and the bare legs that are trembling in the freezing cold.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but I think you’ve got the wrong place. We didn’t order any…uh… entertainment tonight,” he says to me, even though I can see his eyes taking in every inch of me.

I feel my eyebrows furrow as I process every word this asshole just said to me. Did he seriously just call me a stripper? Deciding to mess with him, I give him a sultry look.

I cock an eyebrow up at him. “Oh really? I got a call telling me that there was a lonely little boy here in need of some female company. No judgment here. I’ll make sure you have a sexy Valentine’s Day so you can tell your boys you got laid. It’ll just cost you $100,” I say, winking at him while wanting to slap the little smirk off his face at the same time.

He looks me up and down before shaking his head. “Sorry, doll, but I’m not interested. I don’t pay for my women, and my boy in here is so fucking pussy-whipped that he’d probably just spend the hour telling you all about his girl. I’ve heard enough of that, so you can just take your pretty little ass to another customer.”

Fed up with this game, I push past him and enter the townhouse. He’s trailing after me, trying to get me to leave, but I get to the living room before he does. I spot him instantly. Jace looks up at me in surprise, and my panties dampen as I take in his naked chest, my eyes falling on his hard pecs, and I’m ready to kick the blond idiot out of here so I can be with my man.

He jumps up from the couch and crosses to me in three quick strides. Drawing me up in his arms, he questions me. “Baby, what are you doing here?”

I sink into his embrace. “I owe her, too, Jace. For the rest of my life, I’ll owe her,” I say softly.

He leans back from me, his eyes searching mine. “You got my letter? You never said anything.”

“Words wouldn’t have been enough,” I whisper.

Hearing a throat clear behind us, we turn around to see his friend standing there with his hands in his pockets. Jace pulls me towards him to make introductions.

“Alexa, this is Knox, the best soldier I’ve ever had the pleasure to serve with and also a pretty damn good friend.”

Knox and I gape at each other, unsure of how to react. I pull my coat tighter around me, and Knox shifts uncomfortably on his feet.

“This…this is Alexa?” he asks Jace with a confused look.

Jace gives him an odd look before confirming. “Yeah, this is her. I didn’t know she was coming tonight, but I’m glad I can finally introduce you two.”

I can’t help the throaty laugh that comes out of me, and Jace looks at me curiously.

“Sorry, so sorry. It’s just that your buddy here thought I was…umm…private entertainment when he answered the door.”

Jace’s eyes narrow as he looks at Knox, who holds his hands up.

“Dude, she’s all bare-legged in that sexy coat. What was I supposed to think?”

Jace relaxes a little at the thought. “True. Sorry, babe. I’m a shitty host. Let me take your coat.”

Biting my lip, I grip the lapels even tighter than I already was. He looks at me with a curious grin as he moves to untie my coat. I twist out of his arms just in time to keep my dignity. Knox is grinning in amusement, apparently aware of the lack of clothing under the coat.

Knox surges forward, giving Jace a weird handshake. “I’m gettin’ out of here. It was nice to meet you, Alexa,” he chokes out, offering me an awkward side hug.

Once Knox is securely locked out of the house, Jace draws me up in his arms. It’s as if he’s really noticing me for the first time tonight. His eyes darken as he takes in the bare legs that are accentuated by my heels.

Jace pulls me closer to him, and his hands instantly wander to the tie of my coat. He undoes it and uses his broad hands to push my jacket away from my shoulders. Inhaling sharply, he takes in the sight of me as the coat falls to the floor.

I’m standing in front of him in a white silk baby doll gown that ends at the top of my thighs. It has black spaghetti straps with a sexy black bow that draws attention to my chest. It cups my breasts perfectly and tightens on my bust, highlighting my curves. I wanted to go for an innocent yet sexy look, so I paired the lingerie with tall black heels I knew would drive Jace crazy.

He steps back to fully take in the sight of me. The look on his face causes me to shiver, both at the cool air that’s touching my skin and the heated gaze that Jace is sweeping over my body. He doesn’t say a word, and I’m beginning to feel a bit awkward, wondering if it’s too much.

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