Igniting the Wild Sparks (6 page)

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Authors: Ren Alexander

BOOK: Igniting the Wild Sparks
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“You’ve always made it clear what you want, or don’t want. It’s me that needs to come to an understanding about it.”

Shaking his head, he looks down to the bench seat. “It’s not only about that. Our last argument…”

“We’ll talk about it.” I do
not want to get into that discussion in a Catholic church. “So, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at practice, coach?”

He raises his head and offers a ghost of a smile. “I’ll be there. Maybe we can go to dinner after my six spot? I have to be on location, but I should wrap up shortly after 6:30.”

“Sounds good.”

He moves his hand from my knee and strokes my cheek
as he slowly leans in to kiss the other, whispering against my skin, “I love you, Becks.” When he sits back, I gently clasp his face and kiss him on the lips, remembering that we are in a church and to keep it G-rated.

As I pull away, he sighs
. “I’ve missed that.”

“I did, too.”
Knowing I’m getting dangerously close to going home with him, yet also not wanting to fight with Greg Rodwell, I force myself to rise and offer Finn my hand.

As we walk down the aisle, I
diffidently say, “Shasta thinks you’re cute.”

Looking up to his face for his reaction, h
e rolls his eyes. “
. Here we go again.”

“I think she wants to ask you out.”
Please be grossed out. Please be grossed out.

He replies with a chuckle,
“Really?” Is that a

I press,
“Don’t you think she’s pretty?”

casually shrugs as we approach the doors. “She’s okay. Not my cup of tea, though.”

I can’t even help sounding like the prying-girlfriend type I despise.
“She isn’t? What

Finn’s smile is abrupt and perceptive.
“Oh, I like this woman I coach in softball. She’s
.” His teasing grin displays his gleaming teeth from the late-day sunlight pouring in through the windows, and from the overhead lighting.

I wince
at his claim. “I hope it’s not that one who doesn’t own a hairbrush or decent makeup.”

Still grinning, h
e eagerly nods. “That’s her. I’ve got a
crush on her. I’d even give her my class ring and jacket if I could.”

I giggle
as Finn pushes open one of the heavy, wooden doors, allowing me through, and outside to see Rod leaning against the metal railing along the steps with his arms crossed and his eyes dissecting me for any signs of harm, positively in guardian mode. Not deterred by Finn’s obvious scowling, he says, “There you are. I thought maybe you were
the church, you took so long. I was almost expecting you to be handing out pamphlets or dressed like a holy referee.”

I lightly laugh.
“We were talking.”

Rod’s eyebrows yank together as he pushes himself off the railing.
“About joining?” I roll my eyes and he says, “We need to go since we still have your errand to run.” Rod has the courtesy to walk a few steps in front of Finn and me, which surprises me since I was expecting
to toss me into a burlap sack and throw me into the back of his truck. I suppose both of our expectations were a tad skewed.

Finn asks
me as we walk, “You didn’t run your errand earlier?”

Though walking ahead, Rod still answers from over his shoulder,
“No, your woman takes the longest showers in history. I was going to check on her, but, well, you know…” He drifts off with a cackle. Finn’s hand tightens in mine and I squeeze back.

“I know. I’m sorry. I got lost.”

Rod snorts. “In a shower? Maybe you need one of those medical alert necklace things to wear with your key, or a mini GPS charm.”


We reach Rod’s truck and Finn opens my door. I thank him and he smiles. As Rod climbs into the driver’s seat, Finn holds onto the open doorframe and clears his throat. “I forgot to tell you what a great job you did at bat earlier. I’m impressed.”

“Same here. I liked watching you swing.”
Because your body lights me up faster than a spark to gasoline.

Finn bites the end of his tongue and eyes me darkly. He takes a deep breath before lowly replying,
“Ditto. That was my favorite part about watching you bat.” He leans in and gives me a kiss, leaving me with wanting more. He whispers over my lips, “Bye, Becks.”

I practically stutter,
“Bye, Sparks.” Finn shuts my door and Rod promptly shakes his head.

“It’s a good thing I was here or you definitely would’ve gone home with

I slouch in my seat. “I hate it when you’re right.”







Sitting on my bed as I wait for Rod to pick me up, I pull the black velvet box out of the plastic bag from the jewelry store for the 50
time since bringing it home. My fingers still shake each time I open the box, hearing that creaking sound. The black and silver ring flashes underneath my bedroom’s ceiling light. The ridged metal really does look like a tire. Tilting it, I read the encircling inscription. Everything about the ring is perfect. Now, I just have to pray that I’ll work up the nerve to propose to him. Maybe I should ask him when we’re on vacation. On the other hand, that might not be a good idea since we’ll be alone in the woods and I’ll have nowhere to go if he turns me down. That idea panics me. The beach would be better after Morgan’s wedding because in that scenario, I’d most likely have someone to give me a ride home. I don’t think I could face him if he said no.

What would I do then?

Tucking the ring into my nightstand drawer underneath my socks, I sigh and grab my shoes. I’m actually on top of things today, getting up at a reasonable hour and spending time getting ready for softball practice, though I’ve changed my jeans and T-shirt three times, redid my make up twice and threw up once. I still can’t think about food. I
don’t want to be on TV.

The ride to the park with Rod was oddly quiet. He didn’t even comment about my improved appearance and I didn’t ask why he was so quiet, as to not encourage his remarks, good or bad. I’m already nervous enough about being on camera.

With Rod walking protectively beside me, we reach Val and take a seat next to her on the bench.

“Hey, babe. Nice hitting yesterday. I didn’t get to tell you that.”

I shrug and glance around for Finn. “Thanks.”

She leans against me and
conspiratorially says, “I talked to your man yesterday.”

I look at her and nod with a small laugh.
“I saw that. What did he have to say?”

She peeks around us for eavesdroppers, Rod excluded. We both know he’s listening anyway.
“He came over to say Brandon and I were doing a great job throwing. Then, Brandon got a phone call, so I asked Finn to show me his tattoo.”

My mouth gapes.
“Did he show you?” I didn’t see him lift his shirt once, and I was watching him more than Shasta and Cara combined.

“Yep. He was rather proud of it.”

I incredulously ask, “Nobody asked you what he was doing with his shirt up?”

Val shakes her head and touches my arm.
“He didn’t lift it up. He yanked it down from the top. Between you and me, I think Shasta would’ve been all over him if he pulled his shirt up.”

I scoff in agreement.
“I don’t doubt that. Did he say anything else?”

“I told him I’m a bi
g fan and watch him every week. I also mentioned to him I’m his girlfriend’s biggest fan, in which he debated that.”

I laugh.
“He did?”

“Oh, yeah. He said
was your number one fan. I thought that was so adorable. He’s such a sweetheart.”

I beam. “I know.”

A scuffle ensues next to me as Morgan shoves Rod and squeezes in between us, sitting down on the other side of me.

“Excuse you, Morticia! Next time use your back-up beeper or foghorn!”

She brashly grabs Rod’s ear and yanks him to her. “What did you just say to me?”

Swatting at Morgan, but unable to escape her grasp, Rod huffs, “You heard me, Goodyear.”

She jerks harder and he yelps, “Food here! I was asking if there is food here! Damn it!”

Morgan releases his ear accompanied with a shove to his head. Turning to me as Rod rubs his ear, and then checking his fingers for blood, she flippantly brushes her hair out of her eyes and says,
“Hey. So, how was church?”

Looking from a pained Rod to a calm Morgan, I laugh before responding,
“It was really nice. The place is gorgeous.”

Rod gets up from the bench and asks Shasta if his ear is red and we all laugh. Morgan resumes,
“Did Dick Rod drag you away from Finn in time?” Unfortunately.

“Yes.” I turn to include Val. “I picked up his ring last night.”

“Ooh!” Val coos. “I can’t wait to see it.”

“I’ll bring it in tomorrow.”

“When are you going to ask him?”

I think after Morgan’s reception. I haven’t decided where yet.”

Val gasps. “That is so sweet!”

“I hope he thinks so and says yes.”

Rod, forever my crow's nest,
returns, still holding his ear. “Wilder and his entourage are here.”

I worriedly ask, “How do I look?”

Val says, “Lovely, babe.”

Morgan nods. “I approve of the makeup. Lipstick, too.
Fucking nice.”

I shake my head and smile uneasily.
“I tried.”

Arriving at the diamond,
Finn drops the ball bag and turns to talk to Milo and the other guy intruding on us. I’ve already decided that I’m not getting on camera. If that’s absolutely not an option, I guess I’ll have to fake my death.

As Finn talks to his crew, I admire his
gray T-shirt with his station’s logo and faded blue jeans. His hair isn’t styled, which makes my stomach flutter, in a good way this time.

“Oh my God,” Shasta says from behind me. “Look at his goatee. Can he get any hotte
r? Shit.” That answer is a
hell yes
. She just hasn’t seen him in the positions I’ve been with him or the look on his face before he comes. Shasta whines, “Why are all the sexy guys taken?” I shrug and Val slyly elbows me and I try not to laugh.

Morgan turns to look at Shasta. “I hear his girlfriend is also gorgeous. Doesn’t that suck?”
a lie.

“Ugh. Don’t even tell me that. She’s probably a model. Gross.”
I turn my head closer to Val and have to fight harder not to laugh.

Val argues, “I don’t know. He doesn’t seem like the type to date someone like that. From what he told me yesterday, he’s wildly in love with her.” I giggle at her
reference. That Val.

Shasta muses, “I wonder if he’ll ever bring her to our games.”

Straightening, I honestly reply, “Definitely. He already mentioned it.”

She walks around the bench to face us with a frown.
“Why does he talk to you three, but hasn’t said a word to me?”

Unable to look directly
at her, I reply, “He’s quiet.”

Betsy dreamily ponders, “I wonder if he’s quiet in bed?”  He doesn’t have to be loud to be good.

Shasta says, “I want to find out.”
And I will knock your head off with a softball bat.

Finn walks over to us and nods to the two men beside him. “Okay, guys. This is Reed and Milo. You’ll get to know them since they’ll be with us a lot. First off, Val, did you bring the team name suggestions?”

“Oooh! I did!” She stands excitedly and pivots to her audience. “We have quite a few names in this box. I had to discard some,
, but I kept the best ones.”

His mouth petulantly drops
and he crosses his arms. “What? I still love
Bat Shit Crazies!

Ignoring him, she digs into the small box for a slip of paper. “Let’s see.” Val cringes. “
Harvey Dirt Bangers?
How did
get in here?” We all laugh. Cara whispers something to Finn and he laughs again. I find myself unwillingly gritting my teeth until my jaw hurts.

Rod shouts, “That is the coolest name ever! Whoever put that in there, I commend you.”

Val reads from more slips.
“Screw Balls? Those Dirty Scores?
Baby Got Bats?
Rough Sliders?
Mounds of Joy?
Gregory Rodwell!”

“What? They are all baseball-related names!
Come on, Val!”

She dives into the box to pull out more slips. “No amount of begging will work, Gregory.”

“Sounds like what every woman I’ve dated has said.”

We decide on
Legal Eagles
. It’s fitting and non-offensive. Rod pouts.

Val announces to us
, “I will get the uniforms ordered. They will be here in time for our first game if I order them tonight.”

“Can I
help you order them, Val?” Rod asks innocently as he sidles up to her.

Not looking at him as Val sets the box on the bench, she replies,
“When Hell freezes over, Gregory. I know how you

With an exaggerated grimace, Rod puts his right hand on his chest. “Val, you’re breaking my heart. That cuts deep.”

She glances up at him. “If you keep it up, I
cut you deep, Gregory.”

Her attached smile is downright creepy and he takes a few steps back, but says to Grant and Amos with a pure
smile, “She loves me.”

Finn takes over again as Val sits down
next to me. “Now, I’d like to pull each one of you up here to answer a few interview questions. The rest of you can go practice with Ricky while I conduct them. Who wants to go first?” He looks for volunteers and Brandon is actually the first to take the bullet. That’s the way to show initiative, I guess. I’m definitely
a team player when cameras are involved.

pretends to play on her phone near the interviewing area, while lifting her gaze every few seconds, watching Cara. What a true friend.

I try to stay as far away from the camera as I possibly can
. I even lead Rod to the outfield, yet not far enough to draw more attention to us. Maybe Finn will decide not to interview me or forget about me altogether. Yeah right.

When it’s Shasta’s turn, I can’t help it. Rod and I
temporarily gravitate to the infield so we can hear the conversation and since they’re wearing mics along with the large one hanging over them, it’s easy to hear what they’re saying. In full-blown reporter mode, Finn charmingly grins after he makes his introductions into the camera, triggering Shasta to barely contain herself. He starts with, “So, tell me. What do you think of softball so far? I know it’s only our second practice and we haven’t played a game yet, but do you think you’ll like it?”

Shasta zealously bounces on her toes with a disgracefully rabid grin.
“I already love it! We have the best coach who makes it so much fun! I can’t wait for more! Bring it on, Coach Wilder!”
Oh, shut the hell up, skank.

Finn laughs and asks, “Well, thank you. I’ll try to make it as fun as I possibly can. What do you look to get out of playing on a team?”

“What do you mean?”

“What do you look to achieve by being here?”

“Well, I couldn’t really say no or I’d get in trouble.” Rod laughs and I reach over and pinch his bicep, obliging him to whimper. I glance at Morgan, who is still keeping an eye on Cara, who happens to be keeping one on my boyfriend.

steps closer to Shasta’s side, as if he’s going to conspire with her. Shasta’s mega-watt grin returns and she shifts closer to Finn in turn. Rod automatically grabs my arm to restrain me, already knowing what I’m thinking. I jerk, but Rod’s grip is unrelenting.

Finn flirtatiously asks her,
“So, do you have a boyfriend who will watch you play?”

Shasta eagerly shakes her head.
“Nope. No boyfriend. What about you?”

He coyly
smirks. “Me? No boyfriend.”

She rolls her eyes and
obnoxiously laughs. “No, I mean, your
. I hear you have one.”

He shakes his head, pretending to look
somewhat confused. “Really? Where’d you hear an outrageous thing like me having a
? That’s absolutely
!” Finn turns and madly grins at the camera, making me clamp my hand over my mouth, swallowing my laugh and my impending puke, since it’s getting closer for my turn.

Finn asks,
“Haven’t you seen all my dares?”

Now actually looking sheepish, Shasta’s smile fades.
“I missed a couple recently. I taped them, but haven’t watched them yet.”

He sadly shakes his head. “Oh. You really missed a doozy on Good Friday.”

He asks her a few more innocuous questions. When it looks like the interview is wrapping up, I take off again to the middle of the field in a strange attempt to hide.
Blend in
is what I hear to do when you’re trying to avoid someone.

“Rodwell!” Ricky yells. “You’re up!”

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