I’ll Be There (21 page)

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Authors: Samantha Chase

BOOK: I’ll Be There
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It was pointless to fight it or pretend she wasn't interested. Her arms went around him, her hands raking into his hair. It was hard to say who was in control because they were both so out of control.

Zach pushed her back up against the kitchen counter, his entire body pressed intimately against hers. Gabriella slowly rubbed against him and smiled at the feel of his hardened length against her belly. Of course it didn't matter what part of him was pressed against her. Zach Montgomery was solid muscle from head to toe and she wanted every inch of him whether she was pissed at him or not.

Gabriella purred as Zach's hands began to wander and reached down to the hem of her skirt and began to lift it. He had it up around her thighs when he finally raised his head. They were both breathing hard as he looked down into her glazed eyes. “Damn, I'm ready to take you right here,” he growled. “Tell me you don't want me. Or this. And I'll stop. But if you do, say something now so we can take this further and I can finally do all of the things I've been fantasizing about for five damn years.”

Slowly, Gabriella licked her lips as she lowered her hands and smoothed her skirt back into place. Keeping her expression neutral, she almost felt bad when she saw the hint of vulnerability in Zach's eyes. Then she reached for his hand and led him from the room. With a knowing smile she said, “I guess it's a good thing we have all day then. I'd imagine we'll need it to cover those five years.”

Zach groaned with relief. “Sweetheart, one day won't be nearly enough.”

As soon as they were in Zach's room, he closed the door and leaned against it and simply stared at her. She felt the urge to squirm again. “Zach,” she sighed softly, hoping to encourage him.

He stalked toward her like a predator stalked its prey. When he was right in front of her, his hand cupped her cheek and then raked slowly into her hair. “I don't know if there'll ever be enough time,” he said thickly before kissing her again.

This time there was no urgency. He gently explored as Gabriella sighed against him. Her hands reached up to cup his cheeks and then stayed there, enjoying the rough feel of his stubbled jaw against her palms. As if it were the most natural thing in the world, Zach began to unbutton her blouse. Gabriella couldn't stop the trembling she felt as he parted the material and then stepped back to look at her.

She had never been more thankful for her Victoria's Secret obsession as she was right now. The hungry look on Zach's face made all of her overindulging completely worth it.

“You are so beautiful,” he murmured as he skimmed a hand along the swell of her breast before completely covering it. “So damn beautiful.”

There was no way to respond to that. Saying thank you seemed way too formal, and the way he was looking at her, touching her, pretty much robbed Gabriella of the ability to form words. Her head fell back as she sighed. That's when she felt Zach's warm breath on her throat right before the slight scratch of his tongue as it traveled back up to her lips.

Zach kissed her lightly and then pulled back. “Don't ever think I don't want you or that I'm settling for anything. You're all I've wanted for as long as I can remember and I am humbled to have you here with me.”

And then he was done talking.

Carefully, he peeled her blouse off and let it fall to the floor. With his eyes on hers the entire time, he reached down and unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. His hands trailed from Gabriella's waist to her breasts to her face where he stopped. “You're all I need,” he said solemnly as he led her to the bed.

Gabriella started to kick off her heels but Zach stopped her. “Leave them. Please.” Then he smiled sheepishly and she couldn't help but blush. “I mean…if you really want to you can, but…”



“They're staying on,” she said quietly with a sexy grin of her own.

Chuckling, he looked up and sighed. “Thank God.”

Chapter 11

It had been so long since Gabriella had allowed herself to fantasize about being intimate with Zach that it was hard to tell if the reality was better. No, that wasn't right, because there was nothing better than what was happening right now. The feel of Zach's hands, his mouth, his breath on her was setting her on fire. She was on sensory overload and wanted to touch him everywhere at once.

She both wanted to rush him and beg him to never stop what he was doing. They were still standing next to his bed and Gabriella wanted to pull him down onto it with her, but that would require moving and she wasn't ready for that yet either.

Over and over Zach kissed her while his hands seemed to keep moving, exploring. His skin was rough against hers—something she hadn't completely appreciated while she'd been fully clothed. Every inch of her was sensitive, every touch made her gasp and purr with pleasure. And while her own hands anchored themselves in his silky hair—a favorite place, she was finding—she couldn't help but smile when Zach momentarily lifted his lips from hers and whispered, “Touch me.”

It was all the encouragement she needed. Slowly, shyly, her hands began their own slow journey downward—over the stubbled skin of his strong jaw, to the broad shoulders that bunched under her touch. Carefully she made her way down his arms, loving the play of muscles under her hands.

Zach's mouth was back on hers, and suddenly Gabriella wasn't content with her slow exploration—she wanted to feel more of Zach. More skin. More heat. More…everything. Reaching up, she played with the top button on his shirt. Slowly she undid it and then the next. Her knuckles gently grazed his chest and she was rewarded with a deep growl from him.

It was like waving a red flag at a bull. It had to be now. She wanted—needed—to touch him now. Having never been the aggressor in a relationship, Gabriella wasn't sure if what she was doing was allowed but she couldn't help herself. In a flash, she yanked Zach's shirt open, scattering buttons all over the floor before spreading her hands across his chest.

“God, yes,” he growled, raising his head as he cupped her face in his hands. “Do you have any idea how many times I imagined you doing that to me?”

Gabriella couldn't speak—she could only manage to shake her head.

“I've lost count of the times I thought of you coming into my office, locking the door behind you, and walking over to me and taking what you wanted. It's a fantasy that nearly drove me insane.”

Her hands continued to roam over his chest, her nails gently raking down and over his nipples. “Was it everything you hoped for?” she whispered, uncertainty lacing her voice.

Zach swallowed hard. “It was more,” he said before kissing her again.

. It was all Gabriella could keep saying in her mind.
to his words,
to his touch…just
to the entire situation. The only problem she had was that her legs were getting weak. Zach was slowly making her crazy, and the need to feel him stretched out beside her, on top of her—everywhere—was getting hard to ignore.

Raking her nails down his chest one last time, she locked her hands for a moment on his belt buckle and tugged slightly before going to work on ridding him of the belt. When it hit the floor, she took care of unbuttoning and unzipping his trousers before breaking their kiss and taking a step back.

No words were needed. Her eyes said it all.

Gabriella took another step back and then another until the mattress was pressing against the back of her legs. Then, slowly, she sank down and stretched out until her head was on the pillows and her entire body was on display on top of his dark comforter.

“So damn beautiful,” he said, letting his trousers hit the floor. He braced one hand on the bed to get rid of the pants and socks before standing and simply looking his fill. “I know I keep saying it and it doesn't seem like enough. I've wanted to say it to you for so long and now that I can, I don't want to stop.”

“But you have to,” she said softly and smiled at the confused look on Zach's face.


“Because there are other things I'd rather have you doing right now,” she said saucily.

Zach lifted one knee onto the bed and slowly crawled up her body until he was stretched out on top of her. Gabriella noticed a slight pained look on his face and reached up to smooth a hand across his temple.

“Are you okay?” She spoke quietly and was afraid she was going to ruin the moment, but Zach turned his head and kissed her palm.

“I'm not as confident as I'd like to be,” he replied honestly. “It's been a long time. I don't want to disappoint you.”

And in that instant, Gabriella grew bold. Slowly, carefully, she reversed their positions until Zach was the one on his back and she was straddling his thighs. “You could never disappoint me,” she said, her hands quickly streaking across his chest before reaching up and releasing her hair from its punishing updo.

Zach's eyes blazed at the sight of her in white lace as her long black hair cascaded down over her shoulders. He reached up and cupped her breasts in his hands, and Gabriella's head fell back as she sighed. The moment was perfect.

“Gabriella,” he said softly, “I meant what I said. I'm not sure how—”

“Shh,” she said, placing one perfectly manicured figure over his lips. “Why don't you relax and stop thinking so hard.” She smiled sexily and made herself more comfortable against his growing arousal. “Better yet, why don't you lie back…and enjoy the ride.”

Zach's eyes grew wide right before he clasped his hands on her hips. “You've got yourself a deal.”

* * *

What seemed like a lifetime later, Zach opened his eyes and looked at the woman sprawled across his chest.

Mind. Blown.

To Zach, Gabriella was normally very reserved. She never showed a lot of emotion and seemed cool, calm, and completely in control at all times.

Until now.

A slow smile played across his face. He'd made his cool and calm assistant completely lose control and it was glorious. The image of her naked and glowing and crying out his name would forever be burned into his brain. Never had a woman made him feel more alive than Gabriella just had.

She was everything.

The thought should be scaring the crap out of him, but it wasn't. Actually, it was rather comforting to actually be able to say it—even if only in his own head—and to accept it and believe it. For so long he wanted to believe it, wanted to know it was true, but now there wasn't a doubt in his mind.

He was in love with Gabriella Martine.

And it wasn't about sex and it wasn't about his getting better. It was about her—the woman—and him. They fit. In every way possible, they were compatible.

Zach had learned from watching his family how a relationship should be. Even though he did his best to deny it, Zach always knew he was the kind of man who wanted to get married and have a family.

He just needed to have his adventures first.

But now that he had, he was ready for the next phase of life. After years of watching his parents and his Uncle William and Aunt Monica, Zach knew they were exactly the kind of role models he wanted to emulate. And there wasn't a doubt in his mind he and Gabriella would have the same lasting relationship as his relatives.

They even had the potential to be stronger.

His smile grew.

Reaching a hand up, he stroked it up and down Gabriella's spine and then up into her glorious mane of hair. It was like silk wrapping around his fingers. Gently he massaged her scalp—unsure if she was awake or asleep—but perfectly content for them to just stay like this. He felt like a new man.

And a complete one.

Something he hadn't been sure he'd ever feel again.

If anyone asked him right now, Zach would tell them he was strong enough to climb any mountain or compete in any marathon. And then it hit him—neither of those things held any real appeal to him. In the past, just the thought of an athletic challenge was enough to get his heart racing and his mind swirling with possibilities. But right now, all he felt was contentment in the knowledge that he
do those things again.

Gabriella began to stir and move off him, but Zach placed his hand firmly at the base of her spine and held her to him. She raised her head and sleepily looked at him. Her beauty was simply staggering.

“I should probably move,” she said softly. “I don't want to hurt you.”

And that was Gabriella right there—always concerned about everyone else, particularly him, first. “Sweetheart, after everything we just did, you don't have to worry. I'm feeling no pain.”

She rose slightly, clearly misunderstanding what he said. Zach read her mind and immediately reached up to stroke her cheek and calm her.

“I meant that in a good way, Gabs,” he said. “Having you here like this feels really good. Incredible, actually.”

“Oh. Okay.” She combed her hair behind her ear, and Zach could see the wheels in her head already beginning to turn. She looked shy, vulnerable…unsure of what exactly to do right now. That made him feel even better—knowing she was maybe just as blown away by what they'd shared as he was.

“Hey,” he said softly and waited until her eyes met his. “Are you okay?”

Gabriella blushed slightly and ducked her head to avoid his gaze.

Zach tucked her in against his side and was pleased when she seemed to relax. Her hand rested over his heart, her head on his shoulder. There were at least a dozen things he wanted to say, that he wanted to share, but he was afraid to break the spell and scare her off. So he held her. Kissed the top of her head. And simply enjoyed the moment.

While Zach was comfortable with everything he was feeling—emotionally—he wasn't sure where exactly Gabriella was. He'd hidden his feelings for her for so long, he didn't want to keep it to himself any longer. This wasn't exactly a new relationship to him—it was just one that had taken a really long time to kick into gear.

But how did Gabriella view it?

“I can hear you thinking from here,” she teased, using the familiar phrase.

Zach chuckled. “Sorry.” He pulled her closer. “I'm just wondering why we didn't do this sooner.”

Now it was her turn to chuckle. “Probably because you spent too much time barking orders at me.”

She had him there. He felt a pang of guilt. “I'm so sorry, Gabriella. You have no idea how much. I can't believe the time I cost us.”

Raising herself up, she looked at him, her expression soft. “We're not going there. No more looking back. No good can come of it. I think there are too many bad memories—for both of us—to waste time harping on them. There's so much to look forward to. Why ruin it?”

Hmm…it was a good opening, he thought, and couldn't help but touch her. His fingers skimmed the side of her face, and he loved how her eyes drifted shut with the movement. “You're right. We do have a lot to look forward to.”

“Mmm…” she purred.

“I want you to know,” he began cautiously, “this isn't a one-time, temporary thing.”

Gabriella opened her eyes and pulled back slightly but remained silent.

“I've wanted you for a long time. More than I've ever wanted any other woman. And now that we've finally talked and we're on the same page, I want more. I want to move forward—with you. With us.” He waited for her to say something but Gabriella remained quiet. “Please tell me you want the same thing.” It cost him everything—his pride—to voice the request. Zach wasn't used to being the vulnerable one in a relationship—any relationship. And now that he had put it all out there for her, he had a moment of panic she wasn't looking for something more.

“Please say something,” he finally said, hating the plea.

“This is all happening so fast,” she said.

“No. It's not,” he assured her. “It's been five years in the making. I don't want to waste any more time, Gabriella. I want to see where this can go.”

She shook her head slowly and pulled back. “I…I don't know if I can do that, Zach.”

“Why? Why not?”

“There's a lot at stake.”

“Like what?”

“Well…there's your family,” she said as she fully sat up and adjusted the sheet to cover herself.

“My family loves you,” he said firmly. “Next.”

She made a face at him. “Okay, then there's the office. I don't want to be the subject of office gossip. I don't like it. I'm a private person, Zach, and I…I don't like the thought of people saying crude things about me behind my back. And you remember how you…”

“I'll fire anyone who does.” Zach stacked his pillows behind him so he was sitting up beside her.

“You can't go firing everyone. That's ridiculous.”

“Everyone's not going to be talking about us behind our backs.”

“Zach, you can't know that. All those years ago, you caught some of the guys talking and there wasn't even anything going on between us then.”

“Yeah, they were a bunch of gossipy jerks who were letting their imaginations run wild. We're not going to be hiding anything from anyone and we're not going to be sneaking around. So really, there won't be anything to talk about. There'll be no reason for any speculation because it will all be out there for the world to see.”

She glared at him for a moment before slouching down on her pillows. “It's…inappropriate,” she finally said quietly.

Leaning over, Zach ran a reassuring hand up and down her arm. “Sweetheart, there is nothing inappropriate about this. We've known each other for years and we've had feelings for one another for years. I think, if anything, the masses are going to be relieved we've stopped dancing around one another and snipping at one another and finally gotten ourselves together.” He smiled. “Seriously, they may throw a parade in your honor because I'll be a much happier man around the office.”

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