I’ll Be There (17 page)

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Authors: Samantha Chase

BOOK: I’ll Be There
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As he walked through the house, he began turning off lights and thinking of things he'd like to change. Artwork. Wall colors. Stopping in the kitchen, he grabbed a bottle of water before turning off the light but not before coming to the decision he was going to get some new granite countertops. Why? He couldn't quite say. The kitchen was possibly his least favorite room to be in—he didn't cook—but for all of the high-end appliances and cabinets, the color of the countertops never sat well with him. He'd have to start thinking about it tomorrow.

He was halfway to his room when he heard a knock at the front door. A smile crept across his lips right before he pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. He counted to ten so he wouldn't seem too anxious and then walked over and pulled the door open.

“I came over,” Gabriella said, looking absolutely adorable in a pair of yoga pants, an oversize T-shirt, and her hair down loose.

“Yeah, you did,” he said softly and pulled her through the door and into his arms.

Chapter 9

For a brief moment, Gabriella seriously second-guessed her decision to get in the car and drive over to Zach's. But the look on his face when he opened the door pretty much confirmed she'd made the right choice. No sooner had she announced her presence than he had her in his arms, his lips on hers, kissing her senseless.

It was madness. It was almost frightening how much she wanted him, and if the way he just slammed the front door and backed her up against it was any indication, Zach felt the same exact way. How was it possible they'd both had this much—desire? passion?—for each other locked up for so long and neither had been aware of it? She knew how he liked his coffee, what he liked to eat, and even at what temperature he preferred his office to be set. She even knew ridiculous facts, like how many times he tapped his pen when he was thinking or how many times he'd pace back and forth in his office when he was dictating something to her, and yet she'd had no idea he had these feelings for her?

“You're thinking,” he murmured against her lips. “No thinking.” His lips traveled along her jaw—lightly nipping and kissing.

Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she pressed herself fully against him and sought his lips with her own.

She was done overthinking. She wanted to feel. And
, did the man know how to make her feel. Zach's hands roamed slowly up and down her back before settling on her waist and gently squeezing. Dressed the way she was, without her heels, he towered over her, and Gabriella found she enjoyed their difference in size. Normally they seemed to be on more even ground, but locked together like this, Zach made her feel petite and feminine.

It was a really good feeling.

Slowly Zach lifted his head and looked down at her, his eyes a little dazed. “I thought you didn't like driving at night?” His words were whisper-soft as he scanned her face.

“I guess I never really had someplace I wanted to be,” she replied honestly. Gabriella always made sure she did the right thing—chose the right options. Going out late at night seemed like something she should avoid.

Until now.

Zach Montgomery—well, this new Zach Montgomery—was quickly turning her carefully organized world upside down. Gabriella couldn't remember the last time a man—or anyone, for that matter—made her want to be reckless. But as his hands began to roam again and his lips seemed intent on driving her crazy, it was exactly what she wanted to be. She whispered his name and then made a slightly needy sound when he lifted his head again.

“I'll probably hate myself for asking this,” he said a little breathlessly, “but what changed your mind?”

Her lips twitched. “Aw, does someone need their ego stroked?” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she wanted to die. Gabriella considered herself one of the least sexy or flirtatious people who ever lived. She certainly never said things that could be misconstrued…sexually.

Zach groaned. “Baby, if you're offering, then yes.”

For a minute, she actually considered doing just that—stroking him, touching him—everywhere. But she needed a minute. Getting in the car and driving over here was a big step. But actually reaching out and running her hands all over Zach's body? Well, that was something else completely.

For the last month they had done this—kissing, some touching—but it was mostly Zach's hands doing all the work. For her part, she was content to hold on to his strong shoulders or biceps and just feel his strength. She was still shy when it came to them getting physical.

As if sensing her thoughts, Zach took a step back and then took one of Gabriella's hands in his and led her into the living room, where he turned on one small lamp before leading them over to the sofa. When they were both seated and he had his arm around her and her head on his shoulder, she let out a small sigh of contentment and relaxed.

“I'm glad you're here,” he finally said, placing a kiss on her forehead.

“Me too.”

“Are you sure? Because it seems to me like you're second-guessing yourself.”

Get out of my brain
, she wanted to say, but kept it to herself. “Honestly, I don't know what I'm doing here.”

Zach was silent for so long she thought maybe he hadn't heard her. “I know what you mean,” he finally said. “We've been…friends…sometimes not even that, for so long that this feels weird and yet right all at the same time. Does that make sense?”

She nodded.

“We've seen one another almost every day for years, and now? I'm still seeing you but I'm seeing you differently, and I”—he paused and shifted so he could tuck a finger under her chin and coax her to look at him—“I really like what I'm seeing. I like this new…us.” He studied her face for a long time. “Tell me what you're thinking.”

“I feel the same way and yet…I'm a little scared, Zach.”

“Of what?”

“Of the way you make me feel. I'm normally very in control of my thoughts, my words, my actions, and in the last month you've made me…”

“Lose control?” he prompted and smiled when she nodded. She tucked her head down so he couldn't see her blush, but Zach simply held his finger under her chin until she looked up at him again. “Don't you think I feel the same way? I'm struggling with this just as much as you are.”


He nodded. “I knew how I felt about you when I hired you. For years I did everything humanly possible to keep those feelings under control, and now that they've started to come out, and I see you feel the same way too…” He sighed and rested his forehead against hers. “Sweetheart, it's making me kick myself for all the time I wasted.”

She let his admission wrap around her. Now it was her turn to scan his face. She reached up and traced the strong line of his jaw and then gently raked a hand through his hair. “Shouldn't this feel more…awkward?”

He chuckled. “I know. I thought so too at first. But this?” He captured her roaming hand and brought it to his lips and kissed her wrist. “It just feels right.”

Words escaped her, so all she could do was nod.

They settled back into their earlier position and were temporarily content to stay like that, but she knew it wouldn't be long before Zach grew restless. She knew he wouldn't push her into doing something she wasn't ready for, but she also knew he wasn't the type to just be content sitting still for too long.

She almost laughed when he shifted and started to speak. “So I've been walking around the house,” he began, “and I think I want to put some furniture in storage.” For the next twenty minutes, he shared his thoughts and plans with her, and Gabriella was happy to just listen to him speak. For so long his words to her had been dripping with sarcasm and anger, she couldn't help but revel in his joy and enthusiasm. It was good to finally have the old Zach coming back.

“So what do you think?” he asked after he finished laying out his vision.

“I think it's a little ambitious,” she said.

“A team of movers can get all of the heavy stuff done in a couple of hours. There are dozens of temperature-controlled storage places in the area so it won't be hard to find one of those. I'm just not sure what I really want to do in the master. All I know is I need it to change. Soon. Like now if it was possible.”

She laughed at his impatience. Yes, the old Zach was definitely coming back, and she loved it.

* * *

It was after midnight when Zach heard the soft snore coming from beside him. They were still on the sofa, his laptop in front of them. Together they had searched what seemed like hundreds of home decorating sites for inspiration. He enjoyed listening to her ideas and getting her input when he found something that appealed to him.

Doing his best not to disturb her, Zach closed the computer and put it on the end table. Next he maneuvered his arm out from around her so he could get up and allow her to fully lie down on the sofa. Once he was standing, he cursed himself. Gabriella should be home sleeping in her own bed, but instead he had called her, disrupted her evening, all for his own selfish intentions. Although, if he were honest, looking at decorating websites was not what he'd had in mind when he invited her over.

Or did she invite herself?

He chuckled for a minute while he studied her. Her makeup was long gone, her hair was loose and draped over her shoulder, her breathing even. She looked nothing like the ever-efficient assistant he knew, and yet she had never looked more beautiful to him. There was no way he could wake her up and make her drive home, but Zach wasn't foolish enough to think he was able to pick her up and carry her to one of the guest rooms. He was going to have to grab a pillow and some blankets and try to make her more comfortable. It wasn't ideal, but it would have to do.

Walking away, he shut off all the lights in the house except for one small table lamp by the sofa. Along the way he locked the front door, gathered a pillow and blanket from the linen closet, and returned to Gabriella's sleeping form.

This was new territory for him. He wasn't a nurturer. He was tough and independent and always felt that others should be the same. But with Gabriella, it was different. He wanted to take care of her, protect her.

Carefully, he slid the pillow under her head and she hummed softly in her sleep. Looking down, he saw she must have kicked her shoes off earlier. He draped the soft blanket over her and smiled when she snuggled into it.

Then he stood back and simply enjoyed watching her.

Zach knew he should move, go to his room, go to sleep. But he couldn't. What was it about her that made it impossible to be away from her? He eased himself down in front of her so they were eye level. His hand reached out and softly caressed her cheek and she whispered his name on a sigh.

He wasn't going to his room.

Doing his best not to disturb her, Zach eased back onto the couch, under the blanket, and gathered Gabriella into his arms. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but she seemed to sigh happily in her sleep. The sofa wasn't overly large, but tucked together the way they were, it was perfect. A bed would have been better, but he was more than happy with the current situation.

Reaching over his head, Zach fumbled blindly for the lamp to turn it off. Then, in the darkness, he felt himself relax. Really relax. If possible, it was the first time since he'd left for Denali that he felt at peace with the darkness.

Within minutes, he was asleep.

Sometime later, he had no idea when, Gabriella shifted beside him, moved closer. They were pressed together so intimately that he felt every curve, every dip of her body. A strangled moan rumbled in his throat, and Zach felt her stiffen in his arms.

“Zach?” she whispered.

His throat was completely dry, his tongue felt like it was the size of a fist as panic swamped him. Swallowing hard, he said, “Yeah?”

“What happened?”

All the blood in my body went south and I'm really, really sorry
. Dammit. That wasn't going to go over well. “We fell asleep looking at room designs.”

“Oh,” she said sleepily and wiggled next to him a little more. “I don't remember us getting the blanket.”

“Um…I grabbed one.”
Well, duh
, he silently cursed himself.

“Mmm…good. It feels nice.”

Baseball stats. Rebuilding a transmission. Four-wheeling in the mud. Zach forced all kinds of nonsexual thoughts and images into his mind, but Gabriella continued to move against him. Finally, unable to help himself, he tightened his arms around her. “Um…Gabs?”


“You need to stop doing that.”

She craned her neck slightly so she was looking up at him. “Doing what?”

The wiggling and moving had stopped for a minute. With only moonlight bathing the room, Zach couldn't think of anything but her. Then she moved her leg so it was almost draped over his. “The moving,” he said, though it came out sounding raw and gravelly. “I need…” He cleared his throat. “I need you to not…you know…move around so much.”

Now she went completely still. A minute later she placed a hand on his chest and gently pushed as she sat up. “What time is it?”

Zach cursed himself. Now he'd done it—he'd woken her up and now she was going to want to leave. They'd argue because he'd ask her to stay and it was going to ruin everything. “Late.”

Gabriella looked around the room. “Why…why didn't you just go to bed? I appreciate the blanket,” she looked down, “and the pillow, but you should have just gone to bed. I would have been fine out here.”

Sitting up, Zach caressed her cheek. “If things were different, I would have carried you to bed with me.” He didn't bother to explain; he knew she'd understand.


“If I couldn't bring you in there with me, then I wanted to stay out here with you.”


Then she became silent again, and Zach had to wonder what was going on in her mind. Was she angry with him for staying with her? Would she feel like he'd taken advantage of the situation? It was too dark to fully read her expression, and the silence was starting to kill him. He was just about to question her, when she spoke.

“I'm too sleepy to drive all the way home.”

“No one's telling you to leave.” Even in the dimness of the room, he could see her shy smile. His hand continued to cup the soft skin of her face. “I want you to stay.”

Gabriella stared at him for what seemed like an eternity. “This couch isn't very big.”

And there went all the blood again. “There are four beds here for you to choose from.” Zach stood carefully and held out a hand to her. She looked up at him with those big blue eyes and he was lost. It was everything he wanted and everything he was afraid of.

If there was one thing he prided himself on, it was his honesty. Well, at least recently. He'd been honest with Gabriella in a way he'd never been with anyone else before. He stepped in close, so they were touching. “There's nothing I want more than to take you to my bed and make love to you.”

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