I’ll Be There (26 page)

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Authors: Samantha Chase

BOOK: I’ll Be There
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“You already have something in mind, don't you?” she asked excitedly. “Does Zach know? Have you talked to him about how you'd feel better if the two of you weren't working together? How you'd feel more comfortable moving in with him if you weren't his assistant?”

“Okay, you're getting way ahead of yourself here. No, I haven't talked to him about it and I don't have another job in mind. Not really. Well…kind of.”

“Tell me,” Summer demanded, bouncing in her seat with excitement.

Gabriella gave her a brief summary of her executive assistant agency. “I'm really good with training people, and I know I'm good at my job. I've gotten dozens of offers over the years from other companies and from headhunters trying to lure me away from Montgomerys, but I never wanted to leave.”

“You would train the most kick-ass assistants ever! And you know if you got the word out—through Montgomerys—how you were doing this, you'd have a pretty impressive client list. They might even hire you to come in and train their existing staff.”

“Wow. I hadn't even thought about that,” Gabriella said as the wheels in her head began to turn. “But it would…” She stopped and shook her head. “It doesn't matter. I'm not prepared to take something like that on right now. I mean, if I were forced to…if things didn't work out with Zach, then maybe…”

“What if things
work out? What if things work out so great that you're actually happy? Why are you looking for trouble?”

“Trust me, I don't look for it, but it usually finds me.”

“Well, it's time to stop thinking like that. It's time to have a positive outlook. I've seen such a transformation in Zach, Gabs, and it's because of you! If you give him a chance, he could possibly do the same thing for you.”

Summer latched her big, sad blue eyes on Gabriella.

“Does that whole act work with Ethan?” Gabriella asked with a smirk.

“What? The sad eyes? Batting of the lashes?”

“Yeah, that.”

“Most of the time. Sometimes I do it while I'm in my underwear. It usually tips the scales in my favor.”

“Well, keep your pants—and your shirt—on. You've given me a lot to think about.”


“All right. I'll give it a try. I'll give my notice to my landlord tomorrow.”

Summer jumped up and came around the table to hug her. “Yeah! I knew you'd do it! And just think, soon we could be related!”

Gabriella nearly choked on her roll. “One thing at a time, blue eyes. One thing at a time.”

“Oh, you're no fun.”

“Sit your butt back down. Enough about me. I want to hear all about the wedding plans and how the house is coming along.”

Luckily, Summer didn't argue with the change of subject. Gabriella's mind was spinning with the thought of taking this leap with Zach. She knew he'd be thrilled, but she still struggled with the thought of losing herself. Zach was larger than life and he liked things a certain way. They had a great balance now in their work relationship, but they were just starting to find it in their personal one. Being lovers who worked together was bound to bring up issues.

And, like it or not, she was going to find out what they were—probably sooner rather than later.

* * *

“I can't believe I let you talk me into this. All that massaging and relaxing…gone. I'm going to need another massage tomorrow.”

“Hey, lighten up. This was all your idea,” Gabriella reminded Summer.

“What? No, no, no. I said you should move in with Zach, I didn't mean we should pack up your whole apartment and move it all over there

“And the award for biggest overexaggerator goes to…!”

“Okay, fine. We're not packing up your entire apartment, but there's enough luggage here to make it feel that way. I hope it all fits in my car.”

Gabriella stopped and took inventory. “You may have a point there. I didn't think about that. Okay, let's start with the big pieces and see how far we get.”

They worked together for another thirty minutes until there was barely enough room for the two of them in the car. “Just so you know,” Summer said when she closed her car door, “when Ethan and I move into our new house, you're in charge of loading the truck.”

“It wasn't so bad.”

“Oh, I don't mean it like that. I mean I cannot believe we fit fourteen suitcases in my car. You're like a packing wizard.”

“It wasn't that hard, and besides, some of them are really small. They're not all suitcases.”

“It was a thing of beauty. Seriously. You've got a gift.”

“Please, I'm blushing…” Gabriella teased, and they both broke into fits of laughter. “Come on. I know it's late and Ethan's probably going to be mad at me because you're not at home and Zach's already called three times and I let them all go to voice mail. He's probably having a fit.”

“It will be worth it when we get there. I'm just glad I get to see the look of surprise on his face. Can I take a picture?”

“Don't poke the bear,” Gabriella said with a chuckle. “He's not big on surprises, and I'm sure he's going to need a minute to digest all of this. After all, I haven't talked to him about it or brought it up in weeks.”

“I'm definitely taking a picture. I may make it my screensaver.”

“Do you think he's going to freak out? Like in a bad way?”

Summer laughed. “I think he's going to be very happy.
why I want the picture. It's been a rarity to catch Zach laughing and smiling. It'll practically be like a Bigfoot sighting.”

They made the short drive to Zach's house and pulled into the driveway. When Summer shut the car off, she turned toward Gabriella. “Are you ready for this?” she asked excitedly.

“I think I am.”

Summer shook her head. “No, no, no.
Are you ready for this?
” she asked, sounding more and more like a motivational speaker revving up a crowd.

“Okay, I am,” Gabriella said with a little more enthusiasm.

“I can't hear you!”

“Oh for the love of it,” Gabriella muttered before turning and facing Summer. “Ma'am, yes ma'am, I am ready for this!”

Summer broke out in a fit of giggles. “That's more like it. Now, go knock on the door—don't use your key!—and let me get into position.”

“You're not really going to take his picture, are you?”

“It's my right as the little sister. I'm just getting even for all of the times he teased me when we were kids. I haven't had too many opportunities to catch him like this. Humor me.”

“Yeah, well, the joke may be on you when he gets mad and tells us both to leave. Then you'll have to help me lug all this luggage back to my apartment!”

“I highly doubt it. Now go!”

Climbing from the car, Gabriella had a bit of pep in her step as she walked toward the front door. This was a good thing. She really did want to be with Zach, and if she could just stay out of her head for a while, everything would be fine.

Taking a steadying breath, she stood up straight and rang the doorbell. And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Zach pulled the door open looking a bit frazzled. “Gabriella?” he asked, sounding concerned. “Are you all right? Did something happen? I've been calling you for hours!”

“Actually…everything's…great. Better than great.”

Now his expression was pure confusion. “What's going on?” He looked over her shoulder and saw Summer's car. “Did you borrow Summer's car to get here? Is she all right?”

“Zach Montgomery,” Gabriella began seriously, “I was wondering if you were still looking for a roommate.”

A slow smile played across his lips. “A roommate? No.”


He shook his head. “What I had in mind was a lot more…intimate.”

“Ooo…I like the sound of that,” she purred as she stepped closer. “I like the sound of that a lot. If you're still looking for someone to fill that…
, I'd really like to be considered.”

“You would, huh? It would mean moving all of your things here.”

“Well then, it's your lucky night because I happen to have a ton of my stuff over there in the car, just waiting to be moved in here.”

Zach's eyes went wide. “Are you serious? You really have your stuff in Summer's car?”

“I do. And if we don't get everything out soon, her car may just explode.”

Gabriella didn't have a chance to say more because Zach lifted her up into his arms and swung her around.

“I take it this means you're happy?” she asked.

“You have no idea,” he said. “So happy that I want to take you inside right now and have my way—”

“Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! La la la la la!” Summer sang out as she stepped from the bushes. “I don't want to hear any more of that. Sheesh!”

Zach looked at his sister and chuckled. “What, may I ask, were you doing in the bushes?”

“I was going to snap a picture of you to prove to the world you really do smile. But then you went and got gross with your sexy talk and now I may have to stab pointy things in my ears.
.” She shuddered and walked over to her car. “C'mon. Give us a hand with all this luggage so I can go home and make Ethan give me a massage.”

“Oh, so you can talk about you and Ethan but I'm not allowed to mention sexy stuff with me and—”

“You're doing it again!”

“I haven't said anything yet!”

“But you were going to!” Summer said, pointing a finger at him. “Just…no talking. Just get the luggage and go in the house and don't tell me about what happens after that!”

Zach did as she asked, for the most part. He took several pieces of luggage but muttered under his breath the entire time about this being
house and
should be able to talk no matter what his little sister thought. Both Gabriella and Summer stood there laughing for a solid minute before they each grabbed some of the luggage and hauled it into the house.

When they were done, Summer said her good-byes and drove away. Once the door was closed, Zach walked over and wrapped Gabriella in his arms. “Hey, roomie.”

She giggled. “Hey, that's
roomie to you.”

He reached up and stroked her cheek. “No, that won't do. I'd like to call you so much more.”

She sighed and rested her forehead against his chest. “One thing at a time, Zach. This was a very big step for me. I…I need us to settle in a little bit before we talk about anything more.” She looked up at him. “Is that all right?”

He nodded. “You know how I am, Gabs. I'm a man of action and I normally go after what I want full force. I'm not known for my patience but I'm trying to be—for your sake. We'll figure this out and what's right for us together. You'll just have to be patient with me, too.”

“Deal.” They stood there wrapped up in each other until Gabriella really got a look around. “I don't even know where we're going to fit all of this stuff. We may need to build an extension.”

He chuckled. “It's not that bad.”

She leaned back and looked up at his handsome face. “Baby, this isn't even half of it.”

Zach paled slightly. “Okay then. What I think we need to realize is it's not all going to find a place tonight. There are two walk-in closets in the master bedroom and one of them is just my sporting equipment. I can move all that to the gym room tomorrow and have it ready for you. Then if that's not enough, there are closets in the guest rooms you can branch out into.”

“Sounds like a plan. But like you said, it's too much for tonight. I have enough things here to get ready for work for the rest of the week. So let's just move these so they're not in the way and we'll make this our weekend project. What do you think?”

“That you're an amazing woman and I love you,” he said, his tone deep and serious.


“It's how I feel, Gabs, and I'm going to say it. Get used to it.” He kissed the tip of her nose and went about tucking the suitcases out of the way. When that was all done, they walked arm in arm to the living room and sat down on the sofa. She rested her head on his shoulder. “Welcome home, Gabriella,” he said softly.

“Mmm…I like the sound of that.” And it was the truth. Ever since she'd moved out on her own, she'd been so focused on working and separating herself from her family that her condos and apartments were simply a place to sleep. But this? This house? This was going to be a home. A place where she was going to have a life—a life with Zach.

“Good. I want you to like it. Everything here is ours. There isn't going to be any ‘that's mine and this is yours' crap. I won't live like that. This is
home, all right?”

She nodded her head but didn't look up at him. It was like the day at Summer's house when she'd held baby Jamie in her arms. Her emotions were too close to the surface. She wasn't ready to cry in front of Zach or to show her weaknesses. Maybe it was crazy or maybe it was pointless—he would see them eventually—but for now, she wanted it to be like this.

“I think we need to celebrate,” he said softly.

“Do we have any champagne?”

“That wasn't what I had in mind.”

“Oh really?” she said silkily, her hand coming up and stroking his chest. “What did you have in mind?”

“I think we need to do something to christen the place as ours.”

She chuckled. “We've already made love all over this house. I believe it has been well and truly christened.”

Zach tucked a finger under her chin and gently forced her to look up at him. “That was before. We're starting fresh right here, right now.”

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